The M Chronicles Ch. 02


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"Congrats," I said.

"The thing is she seems to have a figure much like yours. Please understand, I don't gawk at you, but it's hard not to notice you are full-figured."

I laughed and said, "Yeah, I have big tits. Not surprised you noticed."

He laughed in response. "That doesn't offend you?"

"That you think I have a nice body? No, I'll take it as a compliment."

"Great. The thing is I like to buy Sarah, that's her name, nice things. I enjoy giving her presents, especially clothes. She says she likes them, but never wears anything I buy her."

"Did you ask her why?"

"She said they just don't fit well, I told her to return them and get something that does fit. She said she didn't want to insult me, but I told her it was no problem. But, I want to give her something really nice, and have it so she can wear it."

"Ok, but where do I come in?"

"God, this is embarrassing. Since you seem like you might be the same shape, maybe you could help me pick out some things."

"Can't you just get her sizes?"

"I did, but she says you can't trust going by labels. Things are cut differently, even if they are the same size." I nodded, knowing this was so true.

"What kind of things are you looking for?"

"All kinds. A dress, some casual clothes, and, um, some more intimate stuff."

My mind zeroed in on the word, "intimate". Geoff must have seen the shock on my face.

"This is a dumb idea. Forget it, Alexis. I apologize."

"Wait," I said. "Why don't you let me think about it for a minute? Can I ask a few questions?"

Geoff told to take my time, and ask any question I wanted.

"Would you want me to go with you on a shopping trip?"

"I think so—I mean yes. I would want you to come along."

"Ok, I could do that."

"You would!"

"Sure. But I still think it may not work. We might appear to have similar body types, but there could be differences. Our breasts may appear the same size, but what about our hips? Does your girlfriend have long legs like mine? Is she short-waisted? It's just there could be a lot of variables. Do you have any pictures of her?"

Geoff pulled his phone out and scrolled through the photos. He passed me the phone so I could see a picture of a young woman who looked a bit like me. She was wearing a jacket and the picture was from about mid-thigh up.

"She's very pretty," I said.

"Thanks, I think she's beautiful. That's why I want to get her something that will look good on her."

"Why not just take her shopping?"

"I want it to be a surprise. I also want her to think I know how to buy something that will fit."

"Geoff, if I do all the sizing, you still won't be the one figuring out what will fit her."

"Yeah, but maybe I'll learn."

I looked at his phone again. "You wouldn't happen to have any pictures that show more of her body?"

"More of her body?" he asked with a concerned look.

"You know, like in a swim suit or something."

I could see he was thinking about something. "Uh, no, I don't have any swim suit pictures."

"I sense a 'but' coming," I said.

"I do have a couple that show her, well, naked."

Geoff and I stared at each other. "I don't think she'd want you showing those to me."

"Maybe. She likes them. I know she's shown them to some of our friends, even a couple guys. She's not the shy type."

"Still..." Geoff cut me off.

"I'm not trying to embarrass you or shame her. She really likes being naked. We go to nude beaches, and even spent a week at a nude resort. If this works out, I'll tell her what I did."

"If you think she won't be pissed, then show me."

Geoff took his phone back. After doing something that looked like he was digging down a couple levels of security, he handed the phone back to me. I let my eyes fall on the screen.

A full-length nude woman looked back at me. She was standing on a sandy beach with the ocean behind her. She had a body that was quite close to mine. We both have a narrow waist, moderate hips, long legs and, big boobs. Her nipples were different, but the size and shape looked like twins of mine.

"Wow, she's amazing," I said.

"I agree," Geoff replied. "What do you think? Can you help me?"

"I think I can. When do you want to do it?"

"How about this Saturday? She's going to visit her sister out of town. I'll pick you up, we can shop, and I'll treat you to a very expensive lunch."

"Sounds like a good deal," I said. "There's one thing though. Didn't you say you both went to a nude beach? How is it that I only see her?"

Geoff blushed. "Uh, well, you don't need to see me to help with clothes for my girlfriend."

"You're right. But, it could be fun to see you." I winked. We finalized the arrangements for the weekend, and I went back to my desk.

Geoff arrived on time on Saturday. We headed to an upscale mall. At first our conversation was stilted. Finally, I said, "Are you nervous?"

He nodded, while keeping his eyes on the road. "Last night I hardly slept. I'm thinking this is not such a good idea. I mean when I first thought about it, I thought it could work. Now, I think I may be putting you in an awkward situation. Plus, I don't want you or anyone to think that this is some sort of harassment, you know since we work together."

"I'm fine with this," I said. "Relax and let's have a fun day. I'm looking forward to that expensive lunch, plus I get to pick out expensive clothes. The only down side is that even though the clothes will fit me, I won't end up with any."

"How about if I buy you something as a thank you gift?"

"Really? That sounds great."

"You let me know during the day if anything you're helping me pick appeals to you. It'll be my pleasure to get it for you."

We arrived, parked and went into the mall. The first stop was a women's casual store where Geoff wanted to get his girlfriend an outfit. He said she liked slacks and sweaters. Having seen her picture, I knew what colors would work for her—the same that'd work for me. I chose several pants, blouses and sweaters.

"I guess I should try these on," I said. We headed to the changing area. I changed into the clothes and modeled them for Geoff. He liked one set of tan slacks, a deep purple sweater worn over a cream-colored blouse. After changing I gave him the items so he could pay. There was nothing here that interested me enough to ask for him to buy it.

The next stop was another store that had more formal clothing. They were going away for an insurance conference he was attending. "There's a dinner and people tend to dress up a bit. Nothing like gowns, but the women wear cocktail dresses."

"Geoff, do you think your girlfriend would probably rather pick out her own dress?"

"I want to surprise her. If she doesn't like it, we'll exchange it." He paused and said, "I'm trying to impress her a little bit. I mean would you like it if a guy bought you a dress that fit and looked good on you?"

I agreed it would. Again using what looked good with my build and coloring, I picked out several dresses. Once more, I modeled them. Geoff took a long time looking at me in each.

"Alexis, you look spectacular in these dresses. I'm confident Sarah will look great in one of them."

"What's your favorite?"

"Could you try on the black one again?"

I smiled. The black was form fitting and made from a soft material. It had a high collar, but was cut quite low in the back. Since the back was open, I couldn't wear my bra. Sarah would have to get a special bra, if she wanted to wear one. The dress also made my ass pop."

In the changing room, I stripped down to my panties. I pulled the black dress on, examining myself in the mirror. As I turned, I could see panty lines. I reached under and pulled off my underwear. The cool air moving over my pussy gave me a rush. When I checked the mirror again, I could see my nipples clearly pushing against the soft fabric. I thought Geoff was probably going to enjoy this modeling session.

I walked back out to find him standing across from me. I turned, walked down the small hallway, then returned. I know my breasts were bouncing.

"You like?" I asked.

Geoff stared. "Geoff, do you like this one?"

"All I can say is 'Wow'," he said. His eyes kept moving over me, but always returning to my boobs.

I cupped my boobs, saying, "Yeah, I didn't have the right bra, so the girls were let out." I juggled them a little. "Plus I had terrible panty lines, so I had to ditch them, too. Sarah will have to get a really tiny thong, or go commando like I am."

Geoff's face was red. I noticed a big bulge in his pants. He dropped his hands to cover it.

I couldn't resist teasing him. "By the looks of that," I said nodding toward his crotch, "I take it you think this looks good."

"Shit. I'm sorry, Alexis. I didn't mean know. It's just you look so damn sexy."

"Sarah will look equally sexy. You may never make it to the dinner." I spun, wiggled my butt, and went in to change. Geoff paid for the dress. We headed for an expensive lingerie shop.

"I want to get her some night clothes," he said.

"You mean some naughty night clothes?"

He grinned. "Listen, you don't have to model these. If you help me pick them out, that will be perfect."

"We'll see," I said. "I might like to model them." I had noticed that his erection did not completely disappear.

This store was set up for couples to have privacy. In addition to a bank of changing rooms, they provided two areas that were like a suite. There was an ante-room, separated from the main area of the store, along with a changing room.

Geoff was totally lost, so I took the lead. I picked out a few baby doll sets, some thongs and V-strings, and a couple backless bras. When we were in the changing suite, I asked for the dress. I went in, stripped, and pulled on a V-string along with a backless bra. As I emerged Geoff pulled his hand away from the front of his pants. Again, the lump was back.

I modeled the dress. "See, with this string panty and the backless bra, Sarah can still wear some underwear and not have lines showing. Of course, she could do like I did, and wear nothing underneath." Geoff just grinned and nodded.

Back in the room, I stripped. The baby doll outfits were both similar. The top had a lace bodice, and the rest was extremely sheer. The hem fell along the bottom of the crotch in my thong. The lace top was such that my nipples shown through. I debated going out like this, but I was getting a rush knowing how much I was turning on Geoff.

I exited the room. Geoff looked me over from head to toe. I heard him say softly, "Fuck."

I turned, showing him my practically bare butt. As I spun back, he was rubbing his crotch.

"Geoff, if Sarah wears this, I suspect it will only be for a minute."

"If that long," he said. I let my fingers glide over my nipples that were now peeking out of the lace. "See, a girl gets excited, too."

He kept his hand on his crotch.

"Do you need relief?" I asked.


"Geoff, you've had a hard on for over an hour. You should do something about it."

"I can't."

"I'm sure you can. I'm also sure you have done so many times in the past. It's ok. We're in a private area. Go ahead."

"You're not serious," he said with a raspy voice.

"I'll show you how serious I am." I slipped my hands under the sheer bottom of the baby doll, and eased down my thong. Geoff kept his eyes fixed on my pussy. I was happy I had shaved this morning.

"Take it out, Geoff. I want to watch."

Shaking his head as if to make sure he wasn't dreaming, Geoff slid down his zipper. He undid his belt, unbuckled his slacks, and pulled out his erection. It was a nice size. He didn't hesitate any longer. He spit into his hand, coated his shaft, and began long, fast strokes.

I raised the hem of my baby doll, ran my finger along my damp slit, and licked my damp finger. Geoff increased his tempo. I noticed a box of tissues on a table. I grabbed a handful. Standing close to him, I stood with my legs apart, spreading my pussy with my fingers. "Close?" I asked.

He nodded, but kept stroking. Smiling, I slid a finger inside me. Geoff groaned, and started to spasm. I covered the tip of his dick with the tissues. I could feel the spurts as they filled the soft paper. He came a lot. When he seemed finished, I pulled the tissues away. His dick had softened, and lay against his thigh.

"Now this is what I call a fun shopping trip," I said.

We bought the baby doll and several sets of panties and bras. I picked out a wicked baby doll for myself. About a month later I met Sarah. She never mentioned that I had helped her boyfriend pick out clothes for her. I, of course, never told her of my involvement. I also never disclosed how much fun I had watching her boyfriend jerk off.

The end.

All of us sat in silence, probably replaying the last scene in our minds.

"But you didn't masturbate," said Bart.

"The rules didn't say it had to be the teller who masturbated; it just had to be a masturbation story," responded Alexis.

"I liked it," said Will.

Alexis shot him a smile. We all took a break, refilled our drinks, had some snacks, and then reassembled. Alexis announced that the last story—mine—was up. I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans, pulled my papers from my bag, and, in a somewhat trembling voice, began.

It was as Will described. Once I got going, I became less nervous, and more into the story. I knew I was exposing a fantasy, but it was a powerful one. Even as I was reading it, I felt my underwear getting damp. When I finished, I took a deep breath. For the first time since I started, I looked around at my friends. I was shocked.

Bart had undone his pants so he could rub his erection through his boxers. Will had his hand inside his pants, Emily was in the same condition, while Liam and Alexis appeared to be trying to be discreet in their touching.

"Fuck, Hannah, that was hot," said Liam. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Bart started to zip up, but Alexis said. "Don't bother, Bart, I think you're going to be doing more in a minute." He left his zipper open.

Alexis passed out a slip of paper to everyone. "Write the name of the person who had the worst story. If there is a tie, we'll have a run-off with those who are tied. Remember you vote for the worst for both a guy and a girl." In a few seconds she collected them. She read them out. It was clear that Bart was the unanimous loser. What surprised me was that Alexis was voted the worst of the women.

"Ain't that justice," Alexis said. "I lost at my own damn game." She looked at Bart. "Shall we?"

"You mean right here?" he said.

"What's the point of going into another room to strip?" With that she pulled off her top, then quickly undid her bra, dropping it to the floor. To say there was a hush in the room as her magnificent boobs came out would be a vast understatement. After a few seconds, Liam started to applaud, soon we all joined in. Alexis took a bow, shook her boobs, and stripped off her jeans and thong. She looked like the poster child for a wild woman.

We looked at Bart. He stripped quickly. His erection stood up, bobbing with every movement. It was not large, but it looked ready to go. "What do we do?" he asked.

"If I have to tell you how to jerk off, you'll need more help than I can give," Alexis said as we all laughed.

"I mean where do we sit?" Alexis asked us to toss some her some pillows. She arranged them on the floor between the couch and the side chairs. Will and Liam moved the coffee table out of the way. Alexis sat on a couple of the pillows while Bart took his place opposite her.

"Do we just start?" he asked.

"Do you want a written invitation?" Alexis shot back.

Alexis started making small circles around her clit. Bart stared for a few seconds before he ran his hand up and down his erection. He then stopped.

"What now?" asked Alexis.

"Uh, I need some lube or moisture. I can't do it if it's too dry."

"Oh, for fuck's sake," said Alexis. She told him to stand. She crawled over, took hold of his erection, and guided inside her mouth.

"Oh boy," said Bart. Alexis moved her head back and forth to make sure he was receiving the required moisture. Suddenly he stopped moving, his body going stiff.

Alexis pulled her face away as Bart kept spurting all over her.

"Bart. Goddamn it, you came in my mouth."

Bart plopped down on a pillow. "Sorry. I couldn't help it." Alexis grabbed some napkins to wipe the cum off her face and boobs. "Talk about a hair trigger," she said. "Is there any in my hair? I hate when that happens."

I told her I didn't see any. Alexis turned back to Bart. His limp dick hung between his legs, looking small and wasted.

"I don't suppose you'll be getting that up and working again right away?" she said.

"Probably not," he answered.

"Well, boys and girls, it looks like it's gonna' be a solo act."

"Alexis, you don't have to..." Will started to say.

"Shut up, you idiot," Liam said. "A deal's a deal. I want to see her do it."

Alexis leaned back on the pillows, once again spreading her legs. Her opening was already wet. Her finger played along her slit, then slowly disappeared between the folds, while her hand massaged a breast. The room became totally silent.

Alexis pumped a finger, wiggled it back and forth, then pulled it out to spread moisture on her clit, just emerging from its hood. I had never seen her naked from this angle. Her clit looked large as her fingertip moved around it. She plunged two fingers back inside and moved her hand from her breast to her clit. I could hear the squishing sounds indicating a lubricated pussy being given the attention it deserved. Alexis was now moving her hips in coordination with her fingers moving quickly in and out. She made small grunting noises every time her fingers plunged in to their full extension.

I looked around the room. Everyone's gaze was riveted on the naked woman, while all were touching themselves. My own pussy ached. I gave in, and slipped a hand inside my pants and underwear. I let out a sigh as my finger provided some relief.

Alexis was becoming vocal as her finger increased its tempo on her clit, and her other hand was a blur fingering herself. Her hips began to lift from the cushions. She found a rhythm of thrusting and plunging that increased with every thrust. Her grunts were now louder and more frequent.

Her breasts were flushed with excitement; her nipples pointing upwards. Her fingers started pushing hard down on her clit. With one last big push inside, she held her breath as her body tenses. She let out a long moan, followed by a full body spasm. As she pulled her fingers from her pussy, I saw a couple small spurts.

"Holy fuck," Liam said. "She squirted."

"That looks so fucking sexy," said Emily. Alexis remained motionless on the pillows, her juices running onto her thighs.

"We should get her a towel or something," said Will.

Liam pointed to Bart. "The least you can do is clean her up, since you came all over her."

Bart looked shocked. "Huh?"

"For fuck's sake," said Liam. He moved between Alexis' legs to use his tongue to remove the copious moisture. After he cleaned her thighs, he licked slowly from bottom to top, ending with a swirl of his tongue on Alexis' still hard and exposed clit. She cried out as another orgasm took her.

"Taste good?" asked Emily. Liam moved to her, pressing his lips to hers. Emily snaked her tongue out to clean his chin and upper lips. Emily grasped his erection through his pants as their tongues twirled together.

I looked at Will. His pants were undone, and his boxers tented with his erection. There was a damp spot where the tip of his cock pushed against the fabric. As his eyes locked onto mine, an unspoken message flashed between us. I knew it wouldn't be long before he and I were doing what I thought was impossible. We would be naked and masturbating.