The Magic Pendant

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Did the piece of jewelry really have erotic powers?
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The break-up happened that summer, and it had not been pretty: he had been cheating for three months, Brandi caught him, confronted him, defensiveness on his part, shouting, door-slamming — classic just-what-you-see-in-the-movies stuff.

Jaylon had been an asshole.

How had she even been with him!

Oh. Yeah. The thing.

The thing he liked that she liked, too.


Who had brought that up? Brandi actually couldn't remember.

But, oh my god! Those few times they did it when things were good between them.

Seeing his face when she hit the spot.

Hearing his moans!

Which was the most arousing? It was absolutely impossible to say, Brandi remembered thinking when she was still with him. One night when they were still together, she was masturbating while thinking about the time she pegged Jaylon the night before he went out of town on a football weekend with a group of buddies.

"Oh, shit! Oh, shit!" he had moaned, grasping the sheets and squirming beneath her while she bent over him, his ankles over her shoulders, as she slid her strapon cock slowly in and out of his asshole.

When he started panting, Brandi knew he was close, and she pushed all the way inside and sealed her crotch up against his taint, gently lifting his balls up and out of the way in the process.

Then she began fisting his cock as she gyrated slowly with her hips, knowing what the other end of her double-ender was doing inside his ass and up against his prostate.

And what it was doing to her! The bulb end of the dildo nudging against her G-spot as she fucked him — oh, damn, but that felt good! The way she was able to squirm into him rubbed the harness over her clit deliciously. Mmmmmm.

The absolute best time, though it only happened once, was when they both came at the same time.

It had been absolutely mind-blowing, and the idea that what she was doing to him as the way to make him come at the same time she was giving herself such huge pleasure . . . well, the memory of that — even given the fact she now had to divorce Jaylon from her thinking when she thought about the act — guaranteed a pussy-tingling reaction every time that frequently led to masturbatory sessions. Though the climax wasn't as satisfying as having a guy to do it with for real, it could still be pretty intense.

So, yeah. Jaylon was good riddance now, but Brandi really missed having a special man in her life, someone to cuddle with, to kiss, to hug and get hugged back . . . and to play together with the strapon that now sat unused in her dresser drawer.

So here it was, months later. The first of those months after the break-up had been completely man-free as she dealt with the anger of what Jaylon had done. Then, by mid-September, at least she dipped her toe back into the water with a date here, a date there, nothing special or serious but enough to get that needed reminder that, yes, she was still desirable and could be attractive to men who probably weren't assholes like Jaylon.

Making sure she was attractive was for herself, though, not for the guys who might notice. After Jaylon, it was important that Brandi work on herself, build up her sense of her rightness, emphasize that she deserved to bring out the best in herself. While always attractive as a pretty redhead with a nice figure, Brandi decided to get to the gym on a regular basis, both for the endorphins that would kick in during a focused workout and for the results the workouts produced.

Now, though, the second week of October had crept up on her, and a certain guy at the gym where she worked out had caught her eye, had smiled at her a time or two as they crossed paths between the track and the weights, and who, by all the clues she could ascertain as she secretly eyed his bottom as hidden by his workout shorts, had an absolutely divine, toned and firm butt.

It was a Wednesday night, and she bumped into divine-butt guy at the counter inside the gym's entrance. He was leaving, she was coming in for a workout.

He smiled at her. A good sign.

Tilting his head toward a poster that had been tacked up on the bulletin board hanging underneath the counter, he said, "Might be fun. You going?" he asked.

Oh, what beautiful lashes, Mr. Divine-Butt, thought Brandi.

"Going?" she asked, smiling.

"The Halloween party. The gym is putting one on as a thank-you to the membership," he replied.

Brandi glanced at the poster. "Oh, I haven't seen that before." She turned her gaze back to the guy — And those gorgeous brown eyes! she thought — "maybe I will."

"It's a costume party," he said a little clumsily, looking down at his gym bag. "I'll bet you'd look good in a costume."

Brandi thought it was a sweet comment, and he actually did seem a little nervous about telling her this.

It was endearing.

"I mean, uh, well, umm, well, don't think I'm being creepy or anything when I say you'd look good in a costume," he stammered. "Whatever costume you'd wear would look great, I'm sure."

He was stumbling all over himself. How cute!

"No, no — I know you meant it as a compliment," Brandi said. "And, thanks."

"So maybe I'll see you there," he said, a sigh of relief something he couldn't quite conceal. "Have a good workout."

Mr. Divine-Butt hurried out, and Brandi laughed at the interchange. He was interested, yet he was shy, and he was going to be at the party.



The internet has all kinds of interesting uses, and the one Brandi put it to when she got home after her workout was to search for "sexy female Halloween costumes" in her favorite search engine.

Ahhh, the possibilities!

But Brandi was looking for something specific. She wanted a costume that would work well with a certain piece of jewelry she'd recently purchased after learning about it from a blog run by a lady who provides down-to-earth advice and guidance about pegging. Brandi began following the site after stumbling across it one night as she took the plunge into the world of internet sites arrayed on the screen when you type "pegging" into a search engine.

The necklace was classy, and it stood out due to its design. Hanging from a beautiful chain was a narrow cylinder of a few inches in length and capped by a disc to which the chain attached.

As pretty and unique as it looked in terms of jewelry, this fascinating accouterment had another use — it was a clever and well-made mini-vibrator that was surprisingly powerful after a quick USB charge.

Brandi found it most satisfactory, both as a pretty necklace and as a toy that did the job quite nicely when she fancied a clit-buzzing fantasy while pictures of some guy's gorgeous ass, arched up to meet each of her thrusts, played across the mental screen of her personal fantasy theater.

Yes, the jewelry-vibrator worked beautifully with all her fantasies: a guy so turned on by her that he grabbed her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom for a passionate, frenzied fuck; a cute guy going down on her who was very, very talented at cunnilingus; picking out a guy from among several at the beach simply because he had the absolute hottest body, taking him home, and falling into bed for multiple, intense orgasms; a tryst with a favorite, dreamy movie star.

But the clever dual-purpose accessory-toy somehow seemed absolutely perfect for fantasies of man-fucking. Brandi especially loved the fantasy of a handsome stud naked, lying on his stomach on her bed, herself behind him on her knees between his spread legs as she leaned forward to plant both hands on the cheeks of his gorgeous butt.

"Mmmmm, very nice, ______!" (Here, the current fantasy name would be imagined.) She'd knead his firm glutes, teasing with her words: "I like your naked ass, and I'm gonna love fucking it."

His response would be a moan, a shift of position opening his legs up a little wider, arching his back to raise his butt a little higher, making it more accessible.

"Nice," she would respond. "Let's get you comfortable for what I'm gonna do to you."

Shuffling on the bed. Pillows thrust beneath naked fantasy-man to position his ass for her pleasure. Lube found and opened. Soothing, soft massage of lube onto fantasy-man's asshole, then insertion of lubed finger. Lots of time finger-fucking him as his moans become more frequent.

Then, a second finger.

"Oh!" — a gasp of surprise as he is filled more completely. Brandi gets even wetter around the end of the fake cock that's inside her pussy. (Thank god for the harness to keep it securely in place!)

"That's it, ______. Open up for me."

He does it. She feels him loosen slightly around her fingers, and she slides in a little deeper, searching with fingertips for that nub of pleasure that is his prostate.

His groan tells her she has found it, and she strokes gently, toying with the inside of him.

He is shameless at this point, raising his butt to encourage her, to release his stiff cock trapped up against his belly and point it back between his legs so she can grab it.

"Ahhh," he exhales as her fist closes around his stiff and throbbing shaft.

She continues to toy with him, knowing he cannot take much of this exquisite stimulation for long.

"Oooh, this is so sexy for me, ______. Seeing you like this, ready for what I'm dying to do to you."

She slides her fingers out slowly. So slo-o-o-w-ly. His sexy, crinkled opening closes reluctantly upon her exit. It's shiny with lube and so inviting.

Brandi's fingers always quicken in her masturbation at this point in the fantasy: the guy before her, positioned perfectly, lubed and ready, eager to be fucked and desperate for her to be the one to do it.

She talks to him as she smears the slippery lubricant up and down the shaft of her strapon.

"I'll be gentle, I promise, but I'm still gonna fuck your gorgeous ass just the way I like to do it," she whispers, emphasizing her control of the situation as she caps the bottle of lube and lays it aside. "And I'm gonna ride you good, fuck you deep, and not stop until I come."

His reaction: a moan of encouragement, an eager thrust upward of his hips to present his ass to her as much as possible, and the indescribably sexy words of, "Yes, Brandi. Yes-s-s-s-s. Please."

She maneuvers into place behind his upraised ass, positions the tip of her strapon cock at the entrance to the sexual pleasure she is about to give both of them, and begins to slide inside.


But with no doubt that she will drive the entire length of her fake cock deep inside him.

Soon, she is on top with the shaft of her strapon buried in his butt, her hands gripping his shoulders for leverage with her mouth close to his ear, and really stroking into him powerfully, knowing she is massaging his prostate continuously as she fucks him.

"You like it, don't you?" she whispers in his ear. "You like opening up to me, surrendering yourself to the fucking I'm giving you, don't you?" His moans confirm it. The way he grips the sheets on either side of the pillow verifies it even more. "I love it, too," she pants, the exertion of fucking the guy in the ass starting to exact its price.

(Oh, god, how delicious was the exhaustion brought on by exercising her man-fucking muscles! They just didn't get a workout any other way.)

Another moan from the guy, and occasionally that sexy, incongruous man-squeal of surprise that a guy can't prevent when her fucking motion triggers some unexpected sensation, some feeling deep inside that makes a primal, surprising connection between what she's doing to him and the pleasure — no, the ecstasy — of a sexual coupling.

(Jesus, I love that sound! thought Brandi.)

Finally, she would tell the guy in her fantasy, "Then say it. Say how much you love it when I fuck you in the ass!"

This was always the part in the fantasy when Brandi was getting close. She imagined the feel of her hardened nipples pressing tightly against his back, the firm grip she had on his shoulders and how it sent a message of control that she found absolutely empowering. And the feel of the taut roundness of his asscheeks pressing into her abdomen as he bucked backward to drive the shaft of her strapon cock more deeply into his asshole . . . Shit! That was insanely sexy and exciting!

Then she heard him say it, his voice ragged with expectation and with shameless desire.

"God, yes, Brandi! Dammit! I love it when you fuck me in the ass!"

That did it every time. Her orgasm was triggered at hearing fantasy-Ben or fantasy-Ryan or fantasy-Nick surrender all pretensions about being the only one in the relationship (or the one-night stand, depending on the fantasy) who penetrates the other during sex. Hearing his desperation for her to fuck him — well, it was just so intense, so phenomenally sexy and taboo and erotically charged that it pushed her over the edge every time.

Why the little vibrator — so classy and understated as a piece of jewelry — was so good on her clit for this particular fantasy was something Brandi never figured out.

No matter how much she masturbated with it to this delicious fantasy.

The little toy was just so perfect somehow for fantasies that allowed her to experience the naughty, exciting idea of fucking a guy — really fucking a guy in a way that allowed her to be the one plunging inside — and reveling in the erotic nature of both the pure, raw sexual lust the act generated as well as the powerful elixir of role reversal and everything it brought with it about being the one in control, being the one in charge of the sexual act.

So now, in preparation for the Halloween party that Mr. Gorgeous Eyes had asked about — well, in his own endearingly cute way had actually asked her to without really asking — Brandi knew she needed the perfect outfit to frame her favorite necklace as the cleverly designed vibrator hung fetchingly above the cleavage the costume would tastefully expose.

The unique necklace might produce a comment, an observation, a compliment from Mr. Gorgeous Eyes-Divine Butt that could be the perfect opportunity for a veiled response to pique his curiosity about her . . . about how she uses the jewelry.

Good grief! thought Brandi. Here I am thinking about talking to this guy, saying I like to masturbate to naughty, sexy thoughts of man-fucking, and I don't even know his name!

Not that a meet-up at the Halloween party would even be likely to spark that kind of conversation anyway, Brandi knew. She just didn't ask a guy — any guy — she hadn't spent a lot of time with whether he liked to feel a strapon cock sliding inside him because she loved doing it.

As eager as she was, as much as she missed the insane sexiness of fucking a guy in the ass and getting her own mind-blowing orgasm in the process, she knew it was necessary to be way beyond first-date status for that conversation.

And everything before that stage was delicious in itself: dating, cuddling, laughing together, the first coupling, then follow-up couplings as they both learned each other's skills as lovers . . . Brandi was ready for all of it after her manless stretch following Jaylon.

Yet, given how horny the months since having sex with a guy (except in her masturbatory fantasies) had made her, Brandi was at a place that prompted sexy thoughts of meeting a guy, feeling an instant chemistry, taking him back to her apartment and announcing she was into man-fucking and was going to do it to him right then.

And since it was a fantasy, the guy would be curious and willing (but maybe just a little reluctant, at least initially). Ultimately and inevitably, though, he quickly became a true convert due to Brandi's skillful initiation as the woman taking his virginity in a way that surprised him as much as it drove him crazy with lust when he experienced the intensity of his own orgasm as she experienced hers.

Such a thing would never happen, of course, but it was a clit-tingling erotic fantasy. Brandi played it out in endless variations as she held the shaft of the pretty necklace against her clit, thrilling to the vibrations and to the mental movies playing across the theater of her mind.

Knowing her favorite fantasy wasn't really what she was planning for, the right Halloween outfit was still an absolute necessity. It had to perfectly frame her clever jewelry as well as highlighting the assets that had been improving precisely because she had been diligent and focused during her trips to the gym where Mr. Gorgeous Eyes-Divine Butt was also working out.

Item #439-C in the online Halloween costume catalog was just the ticket: a sexy Little Red Riding Hood outfit with a blouse obviously meant to encourage a nice display of cleavage. The short skirt would emphasize her long, toned legs, and the fake patent leather Mary Janes would add just the touch of innocent vulnerability that Brandi suspected would attract lots of male attention. Overnight shipping would ensure plenty of time to tailor it, if necessary, to best effect.

And the connection between her own mane of pretty red hair and the "Red" of Little Red Riding Hood was certainly obvious.

Some alterations on the outfit were necessary, but Brandi enjoyed having them done as part of the anticipation of being at the party with hunky Mr. Gorgeous Eyes-Divine Butt.. The final result was worth it: a Halloween costume emphasizing all her assets now that months of hard work in the gym were paying off nicely.

Before the night of the party finally arrived, Brandi had made it a point in the days leading to the event to "accidentally" cross paths in the gym with Mr. Gorgeous Eyes-Divine Butt. His name was Tyler Camden. He was working part-time and going to college to get an advanced degree that was going to help a lot in credentialing him for a full-time job working for an energy company headquartered in the city.

They had gone for coffee three days before the party — it had been possible within Tyler's schedule only after a big test he had to find a lot of time to study for between his mix of work, classes, and trips to the gym.

"So, Tyler, with all you have going on in your life, how are you able to keep up your commitment to working out in the gym?" Brandi asked as they lounged in one area of the coffee shop where they had agreed to meet to chat and get to know each other better.

"Just want to stay healthy for the long haul," he answered, toying with his mug on the table. "I want to look halfway decent, too," he said, looking down into the swirl he was producing in his coffee with a swizzle stick. "Some people would say that's vanity, huh?"

He looked up at her.

Oh, those lovely eyes, thought Brandi. They are the focal point of your handsome face beneath your wavy brown hair.

"What's vain — being healthy, or looking good?" she teased.

He laughed. She liked the sound.

"Either, I guess."

"Well, as far as I'm concerned," Brandi said, "I don't think it's vain to want to be healthy or to look good."

He smiled. "So what about you? This has been a one-sided quiz so far."

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make this feel like an interrogation," Brandi said, obviously faking her alarm.

"Now you're teasing me," he said just before taking another sip.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop," Brandi said, setting down her mug and smiling back at him. "I work out to look good and to feel good. They go hand in hand for me."

"Well, I can't speak for how it makes you feel," Tyler said as he leaned forward a little bit, "but I can say that it definitely has you looking good."

He glanced down after the compliment.

You are just too cute, Brandi thought, smiling. She caught his gaze the instant he looked back up. "Thanks, Tyler. I guess that means you've been looking, right?"