The Magnificent Seven Dwarfs


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A. Kidnap Snow White and have her chained to an ocean rock as prey for the Kraken. Couple of snags with that idea; they were miles from the sea and the Kraken often slept for years at a time. It was said to turn very touchy if woken up before it had had at least a good decade's shut-eye and in such circumstances had been known to drag whole ships and crews to the sea-bottom, leaving the sacrifice untouched.

B. Right, an alternative course of action: tie her to a tree as prey for a dragon. Trouble with that idea was that there weren't all that many dragons around any more, in fact they had been declared an endangered species and were protected by law. This was further complicated by the likelihood of some nosy knight turning up at the wrong moment (they always did!) and slaying the dragon, endangered or not. Knights weren't protected by law but they did have a pretty strong union these days and would go on strike at the drop of a visor.

C. Okay, another alternative: send the court assassin to terminate Snow White with extreme prejudice. A problem there too. He was hanging by his balls in the dungeon for failing to complete his last mission. He had successfully slain the butcher and the baker but the candle-stick maker had evaded him and was still on the run.


...later, far beneath the deepest dungeon, reached only by a complicated labyrinth of stairways and tunnels, is a secret laboratory where Queen Malicia can mix potions and lotions and generally get up to no good...

" if you want a job doing properly, do it yourself..." muttered Malicia as she rummaged around on her desk. "Ah, got it!"

She opened the copy of Which Witch (Halloween Issue) and flicked through the pages looking for a suitable disguise. Nothing really appealed, most being variations of the hideous crone stereotype. There were those with popping eyes or an abundance of facial warts or hair-stuffed ears, all of them with hunched backs and claw-like filthy fingernails and a selection of cackling laughter ranging from eccentric to sinister and frightening. Clothing mainly comprised threadbare black dresses and cloaks with large hoods or pointed hats and heavy hob-nail boots for the feet. And the obligatory broomstick would be a dead giveaway. She doubted Snow White would be gullible enough to accept any of these as being benevolent old auntie figures. As for the ingredients required for the changing-spells... well, even a wicked Queen such as Malicia found them a little off-putting. Fangs of a venomous tarantula caught by hand at midnight; middle toe of an imp trapped in an iron cage; codpiece of a soldier decapitated in battle; eye of a drunken Cyclops taken at full moon; and so on. The Queen was sure she had all of these things in her stock cupboard but most were well past their use-by date. Let's try again...

The Queen shuffled through her collection of magazines until one caught her eye, an old edition of Vague (Special Masquerade Edition). That was better. Disguises illustrated in Vague were all of beautiful young women and the materials for concocting the spells so much more pleasant, things like rose petals and fresh pine cones and pubic hair from a virgin priestess. With a little laugh, which somehow came out as a mad cackle, Malicia set a small cauldron on a brazier to heat up while she assembled her ingredients...

* * * * *

"...yes, very acceptable," Malicia smiled, greatly pleased with the transformation she could see in a mirror. She had morphed into a lovely redhead with page-boy length hair, a freckled upturned nose, small tip-tilted breasts and pubic hair trimmed into a neat heart shape which amused her. She had decided on the shorter red hair as her long blonde locks might identify her. Yes, the redhead would allay any doubts Snow White might have. Now all she needed to do was prepare the special brew of mead. Before long, and once reverted to her original form, she would again be the gayest in the land, not to mention supreme ruler...

What to wear? Royal robes were certainly out—even the three blind mice would be suspicious of them. The Queen went to her secret closet and rummaged among the selection of clothing hanging there. Yes, perfect. An embroidered bodice which would give an attractive glimpse of cleavage without being too blatant and an ankle-length peasant skirt with a petticoat underneath.

Here I come, Snow White babe, ready or not...

...the magnificent seven dwarfs ride (or rather walk very fast)...

"I hate to leave you like this, Snow White," said Chrissie. Viv, standing behind her, nodded in agreement.

"Bit risky," she said.

"Those villagers need your help," answered Snow White, "The bandits are goblins and you know how vicious they are. Look at that poor man's bruises and bloody nose. Go on, go and rid the place of the gang. I'll be safe here."

Chrissie nodded reluctantly. "Right. But listen carefully, Snow White. If a bent old crone with popping eyes and a hairy wart on the end of her nose comes and claims to be your friend, ignore her—send her packing. And if she has a basket of apples, rosy-red on one side, green on the other, throw a bucket of water over her. That should cool her down and possibly melt her too. But whatever you do, don't accept one of those apples. The same applies to any old hag with hair in her ears and her nose and chin meeting in the middle. Understand? Good! Now, have you seen Chick anywhere? We can't wait much longer."

"You sent Chick to the well for water, remember? And that's a fair walk away."

"Hmmm! So I did. When she returns, princess, tell her what's happening and to follow us. She's young, she'll catch us up easily enough." Chrissie squeezed Snow White's hands. "Now, you pay heed to what I've told you. Don't trust any crones or similar." Moments later the six, with the bedraggled peasant, were trotting away into the woods until they were lost to sight among the trees.

It was a good half-hour or more before Chick came staggering back weighed down by two large, heavy buckets brim-full of water. Snow White ran to meet her, helping to relieve her of the burden and briefly explaining about the distant village under siege. She pointed out the route taken by the others and Chick set off in their wake.

Left to her own devices, Snow White heated a little of the water and decanted it into a shallow tin bath. Stripping off her dress, she stood in the bath and started to wash herself all over. While she was doing so, there was a sharp rap at the cabin's door and it swung open. Snow White gave a little squeak of alarm and tried to cover herself with her hands. Her unexpected visitor stepped into the room and Snow White sighed with relief. Standing there was a very attractive red-headed woman carrying a wine bottle. The red-head smiled, held up the bottle and said: "A little gift. Just thought I'd walk over and welcome my new neighbour... my name's Decepta..."

* * * * *

...Queen Malicia had lurked in a nearby thicket but far enough away that she couldn't hear anything that was said. She had to cover her mouth to hold back screams of frustration when she saw that only six axe-slingers accompanied the 'beaten peasant'. The seventh might well be hiding, waiting to ambush her and thwart her plans. And if her plans were thwarted, a lot of men in the palace were going to be suspended by the balls, just for the hell of it.** She imagined she heard a collective sigh of relief from the hypothetical men when the seventh dwarf, the pretty youngest one appeared with buckets of water. She and Snow White disappeared into the cabin and a few minutes later the youngster appeared strapping on her axe-belt with Snow White pointing the direction to take. Now Malicia could afford to be a little more patient.

[**You might think this is an unduly harsh punishment for being innocent of any wrongdoing. In fact, the wicked Queen didn't need any justification—she simply enjoyed having men hung up by their balls and any old excuse would do.]

She gave it about fifteen minutes and then emerged from the thicket. A few minutes were spent brushing off leaves and twigs and various multi-legged life forms after which she drew near to the hut and peeped carefully through a window. A charming sight met her eyes, a naked Snow White standing in a small tin bath washing herself with a sponge. No, this couldn't be the skinny little wretch Malicia had last seen years ago. My word, but she's grown up well, the Queen thought. The lovely princess had medium-sized breasts with sizeable, puffy areolas and large thick nipples, long shapely legs and flowing dark locks tumbling down her back. She reminded Malicia of a tapestry she had seen once, depicting Venus standing in a sea-shell (though why Venus should want to stand in a sea-shell the Great God Pan only knew—perhaps she didn't have a tin bath).

Malicia's eyes sparkled at the sight. Those nipples were begging to be licked and sucked and the Queen just loved that tiny triangle of dark hair immediately above the plump and inviting pussy lips. She had intended to tempt Snow White into drinking the poisoned mead immediately but the sight of that beautiful young body stirred her lust. The Queen made an executive decision. She would seduce Snow White first then feed her the doctored liquor afterwards.

Malicia rapped on the door and entered. A startled Snow White gave a little cry, hands flashing to cover boobs and pussy, then relaxed when she saw that the intruder was a nice-looking older woman carry a bottle of something, wine perhaps. Not a crone, with or without a basket of apples. Her visitor held up the bottle and said: "A little gift. Just thought I'd walk over and welcome my new neighbour... my name's Decepta."

"And I'm Snow White..."

* * * * *

"...I didn't know there were others living in the deep forest," said Snow White.

The redhead moved further into the cabin and placed her bottle on the table. "Here and there... here and there..." was the airy reply, "You know, my dear, you have the most beautiful body. Simply looking at you makes me feel all tingly. As if I'd like to seduce you."

Snow White blushed a little. She felt a little tingly too. In fact, she felt a lot tingly and the proposed seduction wouldn't take too much effort on 'Decepta's' part. She doubted this woman was the princess for whom she waited but maybe this was her chance to lose her virginity and it would make a nice change from her own fingers. 'Decepta' came near and touched a soft fingertip to one of Snow White's nipples. The nipple hardened and a shiver ran down to Snow White's heels. She stepped from the tin bath to hand 'Decepta' a towel, tacitly inviting her visitor to pat her dry.

As 'Decepta' dried Snow White's back, she planted a series of little kisses along the princess's neck and shoulders. "Tell me, Snow White, have you ever made love to a lady before?"

"No, but I've long wanted to. Ever since I was fifteen or sixteen I've had these funny feelings whenever I see a beautiful lady."

"And do you like these funny feelings?" asked 'Decepta' as she moved her hands round to caress Snow White's lovely breasts.

"Oh yes!"

"And where do you get these funny feelings?"

"Between my legs and... oooh! Yes, there too!" 'Decepta' had pinched her nipples very lightly.

"Do you do anything about these feelings, Snow White?"

The girl blushed. "Yes, I put my fingers in my... my pussy until I... until I have a come. Then I lick my fingers clean."

The older woman reached down between Snow White's legs, running a finger along the soft cleft. "How lovely that feels, and your pussy is so wet. Does that mean you would like to make love to me?" Snow White turned and threw her arms around 'Decepta's' neck, pressing her tender lips to 'Decepta's'. It was her fist kiss and she made the most of it, leaving herself and the Queen breathless.

"I'll take that as a 'yes' then," murmured 'Decepta'. Taking Snow White's hand, she led the younger woman to one of the double bunks.

"I'm sorry, the beds are a bit simple," said Snow White.

"That doesn't matter, sweet one, your lovely soft body makes up for any shortcomings in the beds. Now sit there for a moment while I make myself comfortable." The Queen swiftly removed her clothes and Snow White gave a little gasp of pleasure at the sight of the lovely figure. She reached out with a finger and traced the heart-shape of 'Decepta's' pubic patch.

"May I?" Snow White touched the other woman's pussy then licked her glistening fingers. "I'm not the only one with a wet pussy," she smiled, "and you taste so good. Can I lick you now?"

"All in good time, little one," smirked the Queen, "After all, this is for you. You are a virgin, aren't you?" She laid Snow White down on the mattress and kissed her, tracing the outline of the girl's lips with her tongue. "A girl's first time with another woman is one of the great occasions of her life and this will be your first wonderful time." And your last, 'Decepta' thought, so enjoy this, Snow White baby, 'cos you'll soon be through with usurping my throne!

She kissed around Snow White's throat before caressing the princess's breasts and sucking in turn on the thick nipples. The Queen toyed with the enchanting patch of hair on the girl's mound before the outer lips and sliding her finger up and down the slippery cleft. 'Decepta' quickly tasted the finger... "Mmmm, delicious" ...before returning it to Snow White's pussy and sliding into her. "How beautifully tight you are, my dear, I do so love a nice tight quim." She began to move the finger in and out, revelling in the feel of Snow White's pussy clenching on her. Snow White made little happy noises and her hips started jerking in time with the Queen's finger.

'Decepta' parted Snow White's outer labia and murmured her appreciation at the virginal pink inside and then exclaimed with delight at the little clit protruding from its hood. She flicked it with her tongue and Snow White whimpered out loud. "That's lovely," she cried, "Please do it some more."

"A pleasure, my dear." Finger still working in the girl's pussy, 'Decepta' applied her tongue to all the little nooks and crannies and especially to the clit. Snow White swiftly approached a climax, hips writhing, pussy tightening on the Queen's finger, until she came with a loud cry and lay there, panting heavily.

"You are now permitted to lick the roy—" 'Decepta' stopped herself in time. Oops! nearly blew it that time! Fortunately, Snow White, still in the throes of her orgasm, didn't seem to notice the Queen's slip-up. When the younger woman had calmed, 'Decepta' said: "Would you like to do that to me, sweet child?"

Snow White didn't bother to reply, just threw herself between 'Decepta's' legs and licked the 'royal quim' with considerable enthusiasm. Two fingers found their way into the older woman, accurately seeking out the s-r-s spot. At the same time Snow White found the Queen's engorged clit and sucked hard. 'Decepta' writhed with pleasure until she couldn't contain herself any more. "Oh fuck yes! Don't fucking stop! I'm fucking coming! Oh yes-yes-yes-yes--yes!- Oh sweet fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck!"

The Queen lay there gasping. What was that? That wasn't very ladylike. I've never come like that before! It must be something in the transformation spell. I'll have to use that more often...

* * * * *

The six dwarfs were taking a quick breather in a forest clearing when a panting Chick caught up with them. Chrissie led her to a fallen tree, sat her down and gave her a drink of water. When her breathing slowed, Chick looked around at her six companions and then at the 'peasant'. "Who's that?" she asked, pointing to the fellow.

"He's the one who came seeking our help to save his village," Chrissie explained.

"Then why's he got all that paint on his face?"

"What paint?"

"That paint that looks like bruises and blood," Chick said. They all turned to look at the 'peasant' who leapt to his feet and made a run for it.

Britt's hands were a blur. Thunk! Thunk! The man found himself pinned to a tree by the two throwing knives piercing his shirt-sleeves.

Chrissie took a water-bottle and scrubbed roughly at the fellow's face. His 'bruises' and 'blood' disappeared. "All right, who put you up to this?" she asked. He clamped his lips together and shook his head before mumbling, "Don't know nothing, ain't saying nothing."

"Er... Chrissie..." Britt was juggling with four knives, tossing them in the air so quickly that their blades were whirling splinters of light. "Er... Chrissie... do you think I could get all these knives between his thighs without accidently circumcising him?"

Chrissie stood back and considered. "Maybe, maybe not... why don't you give it a try?"

The first knife thudded into the tree about an inch below the man's crotch. "Wait, wait..." he gabbled, "Perhaps I can help after all. I work in the palace kitchen. I was ordered to pretend I'd escaped from goblins invading my village. There's no village and no goblins. The whole thing was a plot to get you lot out of the way. They were going to give me a penny."

"Not much for risking your dick. Why should they want us out of the way?"

"Dunno. I wasn't told that, only if I screwed up I'd be hanging by my balls in the public square.."

"Snow White!" cried Viv, "The Queen wants to get at Snow White. That's got to be it!"

Pausing only for Britt to retrieve her knives, the seven dwarfs turned and galloped back the way they'd come.

* * * * *

"Mmmm! that was so lovely," purred Snow White, "I thought it was fun with my fingers but they can't match that. I feel all weak at the knees now."

Malicia was feeling a little weak at the knees herself. The girl's a natural, she thought, better than any of my hand-maidens. Such a pity I have to do away with her but when it comes to a choice between her and the throne... She picked up her several items of clothing and started to dress.

"Oh, must you dress so soon?" asked a disappointed Snow White, "I thought we could have some more fun and games."

'Decepta' stroked Snow White's cheek. "Another time, perhaps, sweetling, but I must go soon. But before I do..." she pointed to the bottle of mead "...we'll have a toast to new-found friendship."

Snow White dressed quickly then produced a pair of wooden beakers. The Queen poured a generous measure of the liqueur into each they lifted the beakers in toast to one another...

* * * * *

As they came within sight of the cabin with its open window, the dwarfs saw Snow White and another woman apparently toasting each other with wooden beakers. "Who's that with Snow White?" someone shouted.

"Some redhead—don't know her!" cried another.

Snow White's beaker was just touching her lips. "That's no redhead!" screamed Chick, "That's Queen Malicia in disguise! Stop Snow White drinking!"

Leah and Rosie O'Reilly threw up their crossbows as Snow White tilted the beaker. Two bolts smashed the beaker from her hand but some of the liquid had already been swallowed. With a shriek of fury, Queen Malicia dashed from the cabin door and made a run for it into the forest. "Chick! Look after Snow White!" ordered Chrissie, "The rest of you with me!"

The six chased after the Queen. It wasn't difficult. She was hampered some by her voluminous dress and petticoat and evidently unused to escaping in thick woodland for she left a very clear trail where she blundered through trees and thickets and shrubs. She burst out of the edge of the deep forest, panicking as she heard the dwarfs close behind. She glanced back over her shoulder to see how close they were, put on a spurt of speed, and in doing so failed to see the cliff edge a mere few yards in front of her.