The Maid

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Ulterior motives.
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This story depicts lesbian sex, if this is not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise, I hope you enjoy it.


Sian looked up at the house from the start of the driveway. The brunette young mum worked as a maid for people in 'posh' houses, or at least posher than she was used to herself. Today's house however made all the others pale into insignificance; when she was given the address, she had to look it up as it was in an area of town that she was unfamiliar with and now she was stood on the drive she wondered just how much she'd be able to get done in just one day.

It was an unusual request; the previous maid had left very short notice and the homeowner had offered double pay for anyone who could step in last minute. The stipulation was a little strange though in Sian's opinion that the person had to be under 25 and no larger than a size 12. It was fine for Sian, although close to 25 she took between a size 10 and 12 depending on the cut, she was still puzzled why these particulars mattered but hey, she was available and this level of pay was a little too good to be true.

The young mum strode up the driveway and rang the doorbell waiting for some other hired help to answer it but then it was answered by the husband. "Oh good, you're early. That means I can get away promptly for my meeting, please come in." Sian stepped over the threshold as the husband closed the door shouting behind him "Honey, the new maid is here." He turned his attention back to Sian and in a hushed voice he said "Now you need to watch out for my wife. She doesn't get out much and might want to distract you from your duties, please make sure she doesn't pressure you too much to sit and talk to her. Converse by all means but you have a lot to cover and I will pay you by the day. I have no idea why the last maid left so unexpectedly but I sincerely hope you remain with us a lot longer."

It was at this point that a tall slender women strode elegantly into the hallway offering a long but delicate hand to shake "Why hello, I'm Juliet. I can see you've already met my Romeo. And you are?" she held her hand out to Sian while looking the maid up and down, offering a smile and nod of her head as some form of approval.

The young mum appraised the blonde wife, she was a good four or five inches taller than Sian, slender with a mid-calf skirt that showed off her athletic legs and neatly turned ankles. Sian took the offered hand to shake and replied "Hi, my name is Sian. I was told you needed a maid short notice and so here I am."

Turning to her husband Juliet said "Okay dear, off you go to your important meeting. I'll take Sian a tour of the house before getting her started." The husband didn't need to be told twice and made a very quick exit. For the next hour Juliet took Sian around the house pointing out each purpose and the particular cleaning regime for each, including the bits that Sian's various predecessors seemed to miss. Sian did ask "Can I ask why your previous maid quit?"

Juliet waved a nonchalant hand replying, "We just had a difference of opinion and she felt it best to seek alternative employment."

'Lots of words without actually saying anything' Sian contemplated, instead asking "How much do you expect me to get done per day?"

"Oh, I expect you'll be needed here full time five days a week; there are lot of rooms after all. Let's re-evaluate that after a month once you have broken the backlog and we know the size of the task ahead" Juliet said in her airy style.

'Maybe that's why she and the previous maid had words' Sian debated in her head.

Just before Sian gathered all the cleaning material Juliet walked up to her armed with a fabric tape measure announcing, "We must measure you up for your uniform, we can't have you spoiling your own clothes." Sian considered it strange that the measuring didn't cover the area's she had expected but went with it. She set about the most visited room and worked her way one room at a time.

During her first agreed break Juliet walked in the room with what Sian initially considered a fancy dress costume. It was like some comic version of a French maid's uniform, mainly black with white lace frills around the bust line, cuffs and skirt; well skirt is stretching the description, Sian had wider belts. Juliet stepped out of the room for a moment and Sian's initial impression wasn't far off the mark. Stood up straight and looking in a full length mirror only served to show that the bottom of the skirt hardly covered Sian's lush round buttocks. 'How come Juliet had this already?' Sian questioned in her head but then surmised 'Perhaps it goes some way to explain the size requirements of the advertisement.

Juliet returned to the room with black fishnet hold up stockings stopping mid stride to soak up the view before her, "Oh that looks perfect, exactly the look I was aiming for. You might be wondering why the uniform; well, I have a reputation to uphold with my visitors and that includes employee stereotypes. My visitors have some expectations that I might not necessarily agree with but I play along for the sake of a deal."

Sian may not have agreed with it either, even fidgeting often, especially the ridiculous stockings but Sian had to confess that once she found her equilibrium, she could admire the quality of the uniforms -- it turns out Juliet was providing one per day, having the previous days dry cleaned especially. Juliet was after all paying Sian very generously for her time and so the younger woman decided to go along with it. Sian even considered if the insane uniform was what made her predecessor quit, 'Oh well, their loss my gain' as she considered her generous reimbursement. At various intervals Juliet would appear to assess Sian's thoroughness and nodded approvingly each time. Sian didn't exactly dawdle at her task but at the same time she made sure she was thorough; they were after all paying her by the day but ultimately, she wanted to create a good impression. At similar intervals the homeowner brought drinks for Sian at her pre-agreed break times but contrary to her expectations, Juliet didn't hang around to hold a conversation as her husband had warned might be the case.

Sian arrived early the following day and the husband seemed delighted that Sian had returned a second day which seemed odd as both Juliet and Sian had both been professional. With the next day being a Saturday, Juliet had asked Sian to return Monday given there was a backlog to address, underlining that they intended to pay her double rate for the first month until a new norm was established at which point a proper contract would be drawn up. Monday saw Sian start to work immediately and Juliet brought the usual refreshment although this time she had brought one for herself "I hope you don't mind me disturbing your break but I feel we need to get to know each other better as we'll be orbiting the same environment."

This was when Juliet got to tell her tale, the money for the house actually came from her family and although her husband had a successful well paid job, what the couple had was largely down to Juliet. Sian got to give her new boss a potted history of her life to date including her terrible taste in men, her disastrous love life and the fact that as a single mum, there was a rare possibility that she may need to shoot off at short notice as she had few childcare options open to her. Juliet waved her hand nonchalantly as she tended to do often "Don't worry about it, it's important to look after children and so you must give him preference. We're thinking long term here and so one day is neither here nor there although I can assure you that if something happens at the little fella's school then you can always bring him along with you rather than have the worry of who would look after him."

Sian gushed "Oh you have no idea how pleased I am to hear that. I'd prefer not to have to resort to that but it's good to know all the same." Mindful of the husbands warning on the first day, standing up Sian finished the drink and announced, "Break time over, I must get on and finish this room at least." It was one of the large guest bedrooms and had a beautifully ornate wardrobe which Sian went about, stretching to dust the top before working her way down. Towards the end she did hear Juliet leave the room but being faced away Sian missed the close scrutiny the boss lady paid to Sian's work as she stretched for the top to being bent over for the bottom of the furniture, or was she scrutinising something else?

The next few days followed a similar pattern, all be it, Juliet was scrutinising Sian's work more and more. Sian sensed a slight change but as she was being paid a premium, she assumed Juliet was the astute type that would like value for her money, Sian would have done the same if the roles were reversed. During their break chats, Juliet seemed to be doing most of the talking, not that Sian minded as the rich lady was paying her double money to sit and listen although Sian was always mindful of not abusing her employer's good nature. Sian got the distinct impression that Juliet's husband was proving tedious and always seemed in a rush to get out of the door in a morning, seemingly returning late of an evening.

Today Juliet was especially keen to share Sian's break time with the maid. Sian might have found it a bit intrusive if it wasn't for the two having developed a strange kind of friendship plus Sian felt sorry for the tall willowy homeowner if her husband's neglect was to be believed. Juliet sighed heavily saying "I don't know how you manage without a man's attention, unless you have someone that you're keeping secret. I'm married but suspect a nun leads a more interesting life."

Sian replied honestly "My son is my primary focus; I certainly will be playing it careful before exposing him to someone that potentially won't work out. I have to attend to my needs myself or not at all." 'Whoops, I confessed a touch too much there' she debated in her head.

"I hear you there sister" Juliet proclaimed adding "I could never cheat on my husband with another man but he's never around if you get my meaning."

"Sounds like you're between a rock and a hard place" Sian initially replied. As her earlier confession didn't seem to have gone too far with her employer she decided to add "I've confessed the same to a friend who advised that I might as well swear off men altogether, it seems she dabbled with lesbian sex in her student days, but I wouldn't even know where to start on that front." As the younger woman had momentarily looked elsewhere, she missed the look on Juliet's face, it was a mixture of hunger and triumph. Little did Sian know but the younger woman had just stepped into a trap but had done so willingly.

"I hadn't considered that. I too dabbled albeit a long time ago. Are you seriously telling me you've never, you know, with another woman?" Juliet asked pointedly. Sian shook her head and was about to reply but then she saw Juliet's hand move, seemingly in slow motion, to the nearest of Sian's knees. "I'd forgotten how soft women can be" she added as her fingers felt around the soft skin peeking through the fishnet stockings. Sian looked down at the hand, then up to Juliet's smiling face and finally back at the hand. This was the point that Juliet went in for the kill saying "You're lovely and soft, I'd like to explore further if you don't mind. I will pay you treble money if you let me explore a bit further."

Sian's face went a deep shade of red as she absorbed this new dynamic "But... but... what about the cleaning?... Wha... What about your husband?"

Juliet now leant forward fixing the younger woman in her gaze "The cleaning will still be there tomorrow and as for him, well, just because I wouldn't go with another man, that doesn't extend to women. We're both here and he isn't I'd like to see if it's as nice as I remember. I'll do all the work, you just lie back and enjoy it, can you do that for me?" This last question delivered in a low, almost angelic tone.

The brunette maid just sat there, completely shocked into lethargy 'What should I do?' she asked herself repeatedly as she just stared at the delicate hand on her knee. She sensed the fingertips move ever so slightly, then a little more and more again until they were softly stroking the inside edge of her knee. This was the point that seemed to shift things as this was when she registered the pulsing tingly around the point of contact, radiating to her pussy.

Juliet didn't push things too quickly; she had pushed it too much with the previous maid and that was what triggered her to up and leave but this one was going to be handled differently. No, this one was going to be worth her patience. "Does that feel nice?" Juliet asked as her fingertips continued to feather over the younger woman's knee. Again, Sian remained quiet but then thirty seconds later the brunette slowly nodded her head without looking away from Juliet's hand. "Good" the homeowner added as the fingers swirled and danced slightly higher along Sian's inner thigh; not too far but enough to register a progression.

Sian did find her voice, albeit croaky "But I don't know what to do."

Juliet's smile broadened as she leant closer to Sian and whispered "Don't worry I have an idea and I'm sure between the pair of us we'll be able to work out what to do. Don't they say that no one knows a woman's body better than another woman?" Juliet's face was just inches away from Sian's; the brunette's gaze final brought to the pretty face before her, Juliet's deep green eyes seemed to sparkle in the light. Juliet decided to take the next step and closed the gap between her lips and Sian's. The kiss was delicate and light and Sian remained still, albeit she had closed her eyes and inched her nose slightly to the side to make the kissing easier.

More importantly for Juliet, Sian not only didn't run away but the brunette was leaning forward slightly returning the kiss. While retaining the mantra in her head about not pushing things Juliet intensified the contact which was responded to immediately by the maid. Juliet's pussy had started to moisten at the prospect of having the young woman before her; she couldn't count any chickens just yet but the mere prospect of getting her hands on the curvacious body was enough of a temptation. Little did many know that Juliet's experience of lesbian sex was actually more intense than she let on to anyone. Any female servant of hers was considered fair game, hotel maids, restaurant waitresses and air stewardesses -- basically any attractive woman in a uniform was considered a prospect. It was Sian's boobs that had first caught Juliet's attention, being somewhat flat chested meant that Juliet often focused on other women's tits but then once she had Sian in her uniform on that first day, she had decided that Sian would be her next lover. Seeing her in the fishnets, seeing her stretch to reach places, seeing her bent over presenting that peach of a butt really all went to underline that she had chosen her next conquest well.

Juliet slipped her lips away from Sian's so that she could gently kiss along the brunette's strong jawline. Sian tilted her head back and closed her eyes at this change. Even after her friend had mentioned it Sian hadn't spared any thought to lesbian love but right now she was enjoying the delicate way Juliet was kissing her soft skin. She felt a hand cup her left breast but she didn't flinch. The touch was similarly gentle, certainly a far cry from the pawing and groping she had had to endure with some of her male lovers; this was a very different prospect -- one that made her think 'Maybe, just maybe, there might be something about it that's worth exploring.'

The kissing progressed until Juliet was nuzzling her lips just below Sian's nearest ear. That's when the maid registered that her nipples had pinged out to such an extent that not only were they rubbing against the silk material of her uniform but they ached more than she could ever remember happening previously; she certainly did nothing to deter her boss. Juliet captured Sian's ear lobe between her lips and gently sucked on it while teasing it with the end of her tongue. As she pulled back Juliet asked, "Did you like that and would you like me to do the same elsewhere?" Sian nodded, although this time there was no hesitation. Juliet could sense that victory was close, she leant in for another intense kiss while her fingertips grazed up Sian's inner thigh, past the top of her hold up stockings and then determinedly teased the front of the younger woman's panties.

The groan from Sian's lips was music to Juliet's ears but still she didn't want to push too far too soon as all the signs pointed in the direction she wanted. The homeowner noticed she could progress things while her mouth whispered in Sian's ear and so she whispered "It feels very warm down there. Do you mind if I do this?" Her words were followed by her fingers worming inside the leg of Sian's panties. The only response she got was a slight shudder from Sian and a gasp of surprise as Juliet's index finger brushed over what felt like a substantial fleshy clitoris. The blond homeowner now decided a firm hand was needed, "I need to pleasure you, lie down and let me show you what delights await you."

Once again Juliet was delighted when Sian complied by slowly lying back on the bed, the blond inched up the short skirt of Sian's maid's outfit and eased her long shapely legs wider so that she could knell between them. She leant her upper torso forward and placed a trail of little kisses along the younger woman's inner thighs leading up to her lace panties. Not wanting to relinquish the momentum Juliet nuzzled her nose into the lace fabric followed seconds later by hitching the panties to one side. The sight before her almost took Juliet's breath away. Sian's sparsely haired pussy was laid out in front of her, as she had expected the clitoris was large, fleshy and a deep shade of pink but what sealed it for the homeowner was just how damp everywhere seemed down there.

Juliet knew she had struck gold the moment she swirled her tongue inside Sian, her juices were the sweetest the blond had encountered. It ensured she regularly dipped her tongue as deep as she could to draw the nectar to her lips. That's not to say her devotion was at the expense of Sian's clit; the brunette involuntarily lunged her hips up to mash Juliet's face into her crotch as she grasped the back of her boss's head. Juliet's own groans were competing with Sian's who writhed around as a direct response to the sensations Juliet was generating in her.

Sian had had plenty of lovers go down on her but none of them could hold a candle to what she was being subjected to at this moment. Juliet kept casting her gaze up to check Sian was alright but each time she realised that the maid wasn't about to stop her anytime soon. Juliet was just pleased that she was being given the opportunity to demonstrate her skills, the fact that Sian was well and truly getting off on the experience just made it all the more satisfying. Sian came like she had never come before, crying out at the top of her voice. She wasn't allowed any recovery time as Juliet simply pressed on continuing to work every crease and fold until Sian cried out once more and ended up pushing Juliet's head away gasping "No more... please, I beg you... I can't take any more."

Juliet wore a particularly satisfied grin as she sat back on the back of her heels to survey the sight before her. Sian had had to collapse on her side as her legs continued to shake and quiver while she desperately tried to suck in as much oxygen as she could manage. Her boss leant forward and gently stroked the brunette's hair until she finally recovered and rolled on to her back once more "My god... that was... amazing... awesome... earth shattering even. My friend never said that was part of the deal or I might have tried in earlier."