The Maidens of Palmares Pt. 01


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The Brazilian started slow moving with a smooth motion in and out of the splayed open asshole. Carey was whimpering and moaning with each thrust into her rectum. She couldn't believe that she was taking his whole rock hard penis up her ass. She knew he was balls deep because she could feel the pubic hairs rest against her buttocks after each lunge. The pain had been intense but incredibly Carey could feel her body relaxing. Amaro seemed to sense Carey's willingness to take a harder pounding from him so he obliged her. The well built white woman couldn't see the black man's undulating body behind her, the stock prevented that, but she could feel the hard cock pumping her harder and harder and she could now hear his torso slapping against her buttocks. The fucking got increasingly more intense until Amaro was humping like a dog in heat against Carey both their bodies now soaked in sweat.

"Oh God Amaro! Oh God!" Was all she could get out as the Brazilian pounded her ass.

"You're taking this well. This must feel so good my luv. Your tight white ass is like a vice around my big Brazilian dick and it feels wonderful. You're becoming a very talented slut my pet." Amaro preached through heavy breathing from behind her.

"Please just keep . . . fucking . . . me! Oh fuck! Don't stop!" Carey uttered just as she let go again a gush of her excitement letting it spew out of her vagina and splashing it against Amaro's swinging balls.

The black man was a blur behind Carey. His hips were rocking back and forth at an incredible pace. In an abrupt maneuver he grabbed the base of his erection and pulled himself out of the gaping asshole. He quickly moved around the stock and stood in front of Carey. Suddenly the black man let out a howl and a long white rope of cum shot out of his penis and splashed against the pretty white woman's face. Carey opened her mouth and let out a groan just to have another milky stream burst from Amao's cock hole and landed on her tongue. She quickly closed her mouth and took the rest of Amaro's ejaculation on her face and in her hair. It came at her in buckets. Carey hadn't seen this much sperm in five of Dennis' orgasms combined and it thrilled her that she had gotten this stud to hose her down with so much of the salty fluid.

Amaro released Carey from the stock and helped her clean her face off with a towel. Then he took her upstairs. It was a huge space. While it wasn't a mini auditorium like the downstairs it had just as much square footage and the fixtures were custom in the kitchen, living room and the opulent den. There were three bedrooms with the master a tribute to a man who used the room quite often to entertain and then pleasure and as Carey had just learned ultimately dominate many women.

Carey and Amaro began kissing, they talked for a bit and then Amaro took his latest conquest to his large Jacuzzi. Carey admitted to Amaro that the bondage sex was incredible and that while he could be a handful on the arrogance front he was also the most exciting and skilled lover she'd ever had. Then naked in the Jacuzzi she wrapped her legs around the muscular Brazilian and they went at each other again. Carey reveled in the black man's arms while he slid his manhood up her vagina with the usual bit of difficulty. Carey was far from adjusted to such an enormous phallus after only two encounters with the well endowed stud. Nonetheless she gladly coaxed her body into surrendering to his and he was inside her again. She marveled at his stamina and abilities. Carey knew the peril of finding this man again and she had been right. Now that she knew where Amaro Da Silva lived the chances of her not being with him again and again were none. She belonged to the black Brazilian plain and simple and she rewarded him by sleeping in his bed that night.

The sun had just peaked through the bedroom windows. Carey's body was jackknifed on the bed, her hands firmly holding her calves up to her chest with Amaro on top of her. She still hadn't adjusted to his size but she sure was getting a lot of practice. Carey had never been fucked four times in a night. Amaro was putting in an extraordinary effort to get that fourth load deposited deep inside her womb. The powerfully built stud was pounding Carey from a push up position above her. They were both grunting like animals when the Brazialian's body suddenly seized up above Carey. She felt his hard cock pulsate inside her and then his sperm leaking into her.

"Jesus Amaro!" One in my face and three in my pussy! I've never been with a man like you!" Carey gushed as the black man rolled off her and she was able to lower her long limber legs and stretch.

"I must say that you were magnificent from last night till this morning. You have excellent endurance my luv." Amaro said into Carey's ear lying next to her on his large bed.

"My endurance? Honey you're the one that had to produce four batches of baby making batter. I don't think that there are many college kids able to pull that off. That's superhuman. You must take in a lot of vitamin E in your diet." Carey commented her blue eyes glowing up at him.

"I guess I eat a healthy meal more often than not. I must admit that I'm a sucker for a good steak." Amaro admitted.

"I'd say that the iron in your steaks is pretty special." Carey concluded just as the Brazilian kissed her.

"How would you like to see me this weekend? Or I could take you to that marine art exhibit showing at the Hayden Museum in two weeks and then take you to the beach up here. We could go dancing." Amaro asked his finger twirling a tight circle around on of Carey's nipples.

"Amaro you know that I'm going to see you as often as I can. Last night was bliss and I'm not naive enough to think that I can stop this obsession that I have for you but you have to let me see my husband on the weekends." Carey pleaded.

"He won't have a problem with you and I going out together." Amaro explained calmly.

"Are you crazy? He would let me date you?" Carey was reminded of the Brazilian's arrogant personality.

"I told you when we met in fact only moments before you put my hardening penis into your wonderfully warm moist mouth that your husband was weak." Amaro reminded the gorgeous white woman his finger keeping her nipple erect.

"What do you mean weak? Denny's not weak. You're bigger than he is but you might be surprised . . ." Carey stuck up for her husband.

"I understand. You love your husband. He is a treasured friend. These types of men may also be good providers and terrific fathers but the weakness I'm discussing shows itself between a man and a woman and although it's a factor this isn't just about penis size." Amaro smiled as he talked.

"Then what is it about? I've got to be blunt Amaro. That war club of yours is a good reason I've been spreading my legs wide for you." Carey admitted to the dark skinned Latino.

"Yes but there are other things, do you know that some men willingly give their women to the stronger more virile man so that they can watch them together and if not watch them imagine what the other man is doing to his woman? And then from that point on she is no longer his woman sexually. He must share her." Amaro explained.

"So that's the way you're going to do me?" Carey asked knowing that she was no longer in control.

"When you tell him that you want to go to the marine art exhibit what will he say? He will rationalize that it's something that you really want to do and he doesn't so if I volunteer he will be quite happy to let me escort you for the evening. When I come to pick you up I'll handle your husband and step by step he will acquiesce and as things should be you will be free to fuck whomever you wish." Amaro planned.

"My marriage isn't an experiment. I love Denny. It's just that he can't do . . . you know . . . this to me, certainly not like you can." Carey admitted.

"The way you are sticking up for him, Denny is a good man. You would be crazy not to want to be his wife but you would be just as crazy not to follow your desires sexually. You can have both. A man like me has done this more than a few times. This is not an experiment my pet it is a fact of life. You are an extremely sexy woman, like a ripe piece of fruit, so full of juice. Your body doesn't just desire more than one partner, it needs it." Amaro explained.

"So all these affairs that woman have are necessary?" Carey replied with some playful sarcasm still trying to make her point and stick up for her husband.

"Not necessarily, not all affairs fall under what I am talking about obviously. Many are just desperation on the part of the cheating partner. Yet some are like what you have experienced. When you first met me you didn't like me. Maybe I was a little arrogant, obnoxious? Even now, you didn't track me down because of my charm, although I must say some women are quite fond of my personality." Amaro said with a smile his hands now fully exploring the brown haired woman's body.

"You are most definitely an acquired taste Mr. Da Silva." Carey replied unable to contain a playful poke at the black man.

"And yet despite this aversion you followed me into that bedroom. You knew that I was going to screw you and still you couldn't resist and this was because this is what you needed sexually as a woman, a truly dominant male." Amaro concluded.

"So this is about dominance and submission? My husband and I are submissive and you are the dominant partner?" Carey asked enjoying the black man's touch.

"Everything is about dominance and submission but that is beside the point. You know that you married down when you married Denny and I will tell you with one hundred percent certainty that he would admit to the right person that he married way out of his league. I have told you that he constantly worries about another man taking you away from him because of his sexual inadequacies. So that if you became involved with a man who fulfilled you sexually and wanted nothing else I know that Denny would actually be relieved that this part of your life was taken care of so that he wouldn't lose the rest of you to a man who might want more out of you." Amaro told his bedmate.

"I hate this but you make a point Amaro. I have to admit that being with you has been a revelation sexually. Denny could never make me feel this way. He just couldn't. He isn't gifted with your genitals, stamina, abilities, well everything as a lover. From the moment I left that room at the Ruhame's I couldn't stop thinking about you and I'll say that those thoughts were perverted." At least Carey felt relieved to get the admission off her chest.

"Exactly my luv. You have tasted a sexually superior mate and now that you have that taste inside you there is no denying it. From now on you will always need a strong, gifted lover." Amaro couldn't resist licking and then sucking on one of Carey's erect nipples after making his statement.

"So now what happens?" Carey seemed content with the Brazilian's theory.

"So now we go to our jobs. We live our lives. There's no reason that you can't continue to love your husband. Yet you and I will dance together again. Your husband must share you now, that much is fact." Amaro told her.

"You make it sound so easy to have an affair." Carey replied as she got out of the bed.

"It's not an affair if your husband knows about it and further gives you permission to be with a more sexually skilled and agile man." Amaro stated as he lay on his bed.

"It's also not an affair if I don't let it happen again." Carey had climbed out of bed and was busy sliding her stockings up her shapely legs.

"You have already sampled what sex is like with a superior man. I'm afraid stopping will now be impossible my pet. If you were never with me again how long would it be before you were in a hotel room with another well endowed black man?" Amaro stretched his naked muscular body out on his bed.

"You understand that I have to try." Carey informed him.

"Of course but you must know that it's useless. By the way I'd like you to wear those same clothes to work. Your fellow workers will see the clothes and smell the scent of a woman who has spent the evening in a stranger's bed." Amaro requested.

Carey gave the dark skinned Brazilian a look with a raised eyebrow as she slipped a high heel pump on her silk encased foot. As she walked down the street to the boardwalk Carey thought about Amaro's final command. The tight fitting navy pinstripe skirt and white blouse were common enough maybe no one would notice. She didn't care. It would be a turn on if some of her co-workers wondered if she had been spreading her legs for a stranger and a black one at that. The there was the real reason that she wasn't going home to take a shower, she wanted his scent on her. The smell of the well endowed stud made her horny and she didn't want it to go away.

Carey was surprised at how easy it had been to keep her burgeoning affair from her husband. Dennis had spent some time out of town lately which may have made having an affair easier but it was something else. There was no guilt at all. If anything Carey was in a better mood and she was happy to spend time with Dennis. They were even having more sex. To Carey it was a pathetic attempt by her husband to pleasure her now that she knew how a real man could play her but she loved Dennis and let him have at it and acted like she was enjoying it. She was beginning to understand what Amaro was talking about when he said she was a woman that needed more than one man.

Despite the danger of opening up Carey needed to talk to someone about her predicament. What if the sexy Brazilian was full of shit? Just feeding a naïve woman a line just so that he could get her pussy? She knew that there was only one person that she could sit down with and have a talk. The thought of this affair getting out turned Carey's stomach. An affair with a smooth talking Brazilian, one with skin as dark as a native African, an interracial relationship was just the spice the neighborhood needed to bring out the gossiping assholes and while being with a black man no longer would the affair itself would humiliate Carey. She got into her car after work and drove over to Lis Ruhame's office.

Carey took the elevator to the top floor of the Southland building which held the offices of The Evalyn Law Firm. The firm handled a lot of business for the casinos in the area and businesses in the nearby cities. For a law firm located in a beach community it was a decent sized firm, controlled by a woman, Corinna Evalyn. She had started the firm fifteen years ago and built it into a twenty five lawyer success. At nearly six feet tall Corinna was still a finely honed athlete. She was a former track and field star who kept active playing tennis and golf and had actually done some fitness modeling in her day. Like Carey and Lis she spent her share of time in the gym. She was gorgeous with deep brown eyes set into a high cheek boned face and a body that was sculpted by fitness. Carey had gotten to know the managing partner from visiting Lis at work and at social functions like the Ruhame's brunch and they got along well mostly as a result of Carey's own competitive nature, something Corinna had a deep admiration for in women. Corinna actually intimidated a lot of people, mostly men, with her beauty and aggressive personality. Both Dennis and Jon, Lis' husband, didn't like her and kept their distance at social events. While she wasn't rude she spared no man who disagreed with her on a subject. If you did you better have a good argument and then she granted that man some respect. If not then she was not below handing out a little public humiliation to the poor soul that had dared stand up to her. It was never offensive but rather a polite almost gentle castration delivered with a smile. Corinna's own husband was quite a curiosity. Stephen was a lanky Ichabod Crane looking guy who was slightly shorter than his wife and dwarfed by her when she wore heels which was quite often.

The office was made in her image. Taut calves and thighs and well defined arms were de rigueur fashion statements at The Evalyn Law Firm along with conservative dress that nonetheless showed off these assets. Another more subtle trait of the firms was Ms. Evalyn's stance towards employment which was adamantly pro female. The women at the law firm were strong and aggressive. You didn't have to be beautiful to work at the firm but you had to be in shape and gung ho. As for the men few were in places of major responsibilities and those that were simply had the brains that Corinna needed to run her firm successfully but rumor had it that even they knew their place and acted accordingly. Carey was at a loss to figure out why Ms. Evalyn had hired someone with Amaro's personality. It was like putting a bull in a china shop, a shop with some very well built figurines.

The office was located behind a nicely decorated reception area. It was an open space with the offices located around a bullpen of five foot high cubicles. Each office was glass walled from top to bottom. There was very little privacy and Corinna Evalyn liked it that way. It wasn't that she was paranoid. She just felt that if others could see a lawyer at work there was a better chance that she would perform.

Carey made her way to the offices and found all the lights off except for one in an office. It was Lis'. Carey was about to yell out a 'Hey girl!' which was allowed when everyone else was gone from the office. That was when she saw him. It was Amaro and he was naked leaning against Lis' desk. She was on her knees his cock in her mouth. He had his eyes closed and his hand in her hair enjoying the sensation from Lis' bobbing head. Carey could see her through the open doorway. Lis was only wearing what seemed to be Amaro's favorite uniform, a pair of expensive silk stockings and a garter belt.

Carey's knees weakened and she fell back onto a chair. Her heart was pounding and she had a pain in her chest. It wasn't a familiar feeling for the brown haired beauty, the thunderbolt of having her heart torn into and it was being done by her best friend. Carey tried to control the hyperventilation that was overtaking her chest and threatening to make enough noise to allow the two to discover her. She almost got up to leave. She didn't want to be found by the two lovers. Still she couldn't turn away. The scene was mesmerizing.

Lis was kissing and licking the knob of the huge erection while Amaro played with her fine blonde hair. She began using her hand to jerk the thick shaft which was causing the muscular black man to moan and hum. Suddenly Amaro stood up and Lis momentarily stopped sucking his dick. He turned around and leaned over and placed his hands on the desk. What Lis did next both shocked and momentarily repulsed Carey. The athletic blonde ran her hands up and down the onyx colored legs and buttocks with a lusty smile etched on her face. She pushed her lips up to the muscular black ass and kissed it. Then she stuck out her tongue and stuck it into the crack of the man's ass. Carey sat with her mouth hanging open watching her best friend rim the Brazilian's asshole. She let out moans as she worked him over and the sounds of her tongue licking could be heard throughout the office.

Carey couldn't stand it. She slid her hand up her skirt and began to touch herself. Lis was now licking and kissing the backside of Amaro's scrotum. Then she sucked the balls into her mouth causing Amaro to let out a high pitched sigh. She had her nose buried right up against the black man's asshole. As she rimmed the black man it would have been easy for one to think that the gorgeous blonde was a depraved pervert. Instead Carey could only think that if she had pleasured Amaro this way he may not be with another woman, her best friend right now.