The Making of a TLB Pt. 01


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I looked at her with dreamy eyes and said. "I've never experienced this intensity, even as a man."

Sherri replied. "Promise me, my love. From this point forth as a female you will leave your conservative views about love, and sex behind. Open your mind to exploring what your femininity brings out to you. Allow it to lead you in developing the natural femininity within you."

Sherri cuddled him whispering encouragement with words of love in his ears until he fell asleep. Her hand never leaving his tush. The clock showed that she had made love to him like a woman for more than an hour. It pleased her that he fell asleep with his mouth still lingering with the taste of his own cum.

Sherri awoke first. After climbing out of bed she grabbed her cell and captured Terry's image. His shoulder-length black hair was spread out on the pillow. His makeup was smeared, His face showed the white sticky spots caused by his cum. The satin-soft pink satin sheet covered up his body to his waist. The black slip was scrunched up resting beneath his swollen breasts. With the hickey's already darkening it appeared that he had a nice set of areolas. Terry although fast asleep was the perfect picture of a well-fucked young bitch. Sherri caught the image with the cell and sent him a copy with a text that said I hate leaving you looking like this because I'm tempted to call in sick just to make love to my new girlfriend all over again.

She left him a long note explaining how to wash his face without touching his lips or his eyes. Asked him not to shower until she got home. She left him a soft pink sheer slip to wear as a top. A pair of silk panties with a built-in sleeve and a light pink set of slim-legged slacks. She had bought these items dreaming of dressing him one day.

Sherri spent her lunch hour searching and purchasing online. She had found a Japanese manufacturer of artificial breasts that were described as so lifelike that they promised no telling lines. They cost over ten thousand. She transferred money from her trust to pay for it. Close up of the male models wearing them made it appear to be true. They would be sent overnight from a warehouse in New York. She also ordered a complete wardrobe for Terry that would be sent overnight. She had started a photo album with a printout of every picture she took.

When she arrived home on Friday night, she found Terry dressed as she asked behind his office desk typing away. The items she had picked out made Terry look stunning. She could see glimpses of the whiteness of his breasts through the material of the slip. His hairstyle suited her girlfriend well. She wanted to run in, kiss those begging lips instead she went and made them a hot cup of tea. If he'd been writing all day, he would be dehydrated and hungry. So, she brought him back a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches and a large cup of hot black tea.

"How's it going," Sherri asked as she set the items down.

"I've got fourteen pages done let me email you a copy." Terri replied "I want to finish this page before I shut it down for the night. You were right I'm able to write this with a different point of view. Read it and let me know."

Sherri made herself something to eat before opening the pages he had sent. By the time she was through the second page, she was shedding tears. It was soft, descriptive, heartwarming and amazing. His insight into the young girl's emotions was revealing. Every woman would remember their own experiences and relive it through his words in a new way. The discovery of one's femininity is unique to every woman. He had written in such a way that it drew those emotions back and out. Each woman who read it would both laugh and cry for the insight. The questions and the understanding the girl he wrote about drew you into wanting more. Sherri knew he was writing about the turmoil going through his mind. The shock of discovering another side of oneself had to be mind-boggling. Writing it out would make it more acceptable in his own mind.

"It amazing dear," Sherri said honestly. "I thought your book was good before, but this has taken it to a whole new level."

Terry saved his work, then shut the computer down She could see the exhaustion in his eyes.

"I didn't plan to write that much but the words came out. I wrote as if Cindy Lou were writing about it in her diary. I tried to capture it all as if I was walking in her shoes starting with the bubble bath onward until she fell asleep being spooned by her mother." Terry said.

"The way you played with her emotions, sensations and the questions she was experiencing had the tears flowing and my heart beating. I was almost living it all again. No woman would believe a man had written that. Did you sent those rewritten pages to your agent and where do we go from here?" she asked.

"Yes." Terry smiled. "We continue on believing that their offer will be confirmed because I have given them more than they actually expected. Thankfully I have another week before I have to back to work."

Terry stood up for the first time in hours giving his wife the first change to see him fully clothed. Terri was a natural. He as a she was beyond stunning. With his manhood tucked under underneath thanks to the sleeve he was all female to the extreme. His natural femininity was oozing out. Sherri knew that many a man's mouths would be drooling over him if they went out. Even the simplest of female clothing on him advertised the fact that he as a female was made to be fucked.

"Do you feel comfortable enough dressed as you are for us to take a walk through the park before it gets dark? Sherri asked. "If you are, we should comb your hair and apply some blush. My mother did something like this with me so I could learn safely how boys would now react towards me."

Twenty minutes we were walking side by side through the park. I couldn't help noticing how many were stopping and looking at us. Sheri laughed when two brothers tried their dam-est to try to pick us up. They finally backed off when Sherri showed her wedding ring then explained our parents does allow my sixteen-year-old sister to date.

"So, girlfriend." Sherri giggled. "That young man thought you were hot. He couldn't keep his eyes off you. Did you see how hard he was getting because of looking at you?"

I said nothing. Sherri loved the fact that I was blushing.

She giggled. "I love it. You're responding as any girl would. Wait till you're wearing the breasts I ordered in a tight blouse. You'll be fighting them off. They will be following you home trying to get into your slacks. My grandfather would say girl to a man your more than just breeding stock."

"I'm not into men," I said sternly. "I do admit that it now appears that we can pull it off with me being a female full time."

She replied teasingly. "Thank you, dear, but remember even lesbians at times need to feel a man's cock."

Sherri moved in front of me and looked right into my eyes just before giving me a deep French kiss. In front of everyone. Realizing we had watching eyes she allowed her hands to slide down to cop a feel of my tush. Whispering she said I am going to take my girlfriend home and treat her like she's my slut. We started walking back to the car I kept my arm wrapped around her waist holding her tight. As we walked, I could feel her hand playing with my tush all the way. Being dressed like this had knocked our sex life up a notch. I did not realize it, but Sherri was seducing not only my image but my mind.

Before she was done Sherri knew the new Terry would be regularly begging for her to use her artificial cock. Terry as a woman under her tool age was going to become a perfect willing submissive tender loving bitch.

I got up about two in the morning. Sherri and I had made love most of the night. When we got home, we had showered together after she had shown me how to remove my makeup. Her body shampoo and hair shampoo smelled of lilac's which she got me to use. I was still felt naked not wearing underwear to bed. I was wearing one of her white slips. Again, she brought me off without touching my manhood or with me penetrating her. My breasts were swollen from the attention she was giving them. I had hickeys on hickeys. She had cleaned me up with her mouth sharing the taste of my semen with me. The difference was that I got to show her what I learned. Sherri was right I had never seen her that aroused. I treated her lower lips the same way she had my mouth. She had proven herself right to me. Most men had no real clue about how to make love to a woman. It took a woman to teach a man how.

After slipping into a pair of her white panties I went down and began to write. I wanted to capture the excitement, the thrill with the faster beating of the heart when Cindy Lou attracted her first man. The surprise to discover the dampness in her panties. I wrote it as if she was explaining it all to her mother after it had happened. Sherri had inspired me in ways I never knew. I didn't know how much being dressed as a female was changing my point of view.

After taking Terry his morning coffee Sherri got to work moving out all his male clothing to the spare bedroom. They needed the space for his new feminine wardrobe that was about to arrive. The three corsets arrived first one red, one black and one white with matching garters, sleeved panties with a Velcro opening in the rear and stockings. So feminine in the style that they were soft frilly made of silk with lace. Seven sets of bras and panties selected for the size of breasts she picked out for him. Once they were on the cleavage space between the two would be a titty fucker's delight. Men would home in on just that. The half-cup bra's unfastened at the front. The matching panties were designed for her girlfriend's special needs. As they all had a built-in sleeve with an over flap in the back what would allow the male lover to slide his shaft right into her boipussy when allowed. Three pairs of slacks, three blue jeans all thin-legged designed to hug Terry's slender frame tight. Five low cut t-shirts and four blouses all could be mixed and matched. Seven pairs of socks, two pairs of runners, two sets of heels and two pairs of flats. Five slips designed to hug his frame rounded the start of his wardrobe out. Terry as a man had always dressed in a style that came across as eve candy to a lot of females. With his new feminine clothing, his femininity would jump out even more. Terry didn't realize it but as a woman, he had naturally what every woman wanted.

It was about two that afternoon when his breasts arrived. When Sherri opened the box to take them out, she was surprised at how real they felt but they were colorless and lacked form yet had a cellular structure. By the time she finished reading the instruction, she was totally amazed. They contained a lot of newly discovered techniques that would be activated once he had placed them on. The only thing she had to do was register the identification number online and confirm with an image shot that they had been put on. The rest would take place as long as there was Wi-Fi. Within two hours they would mold themselves into a shape suited to his frame and change their color to match the pigmentation of his skin. The longer his nipples were, the better and stronger the genetic match. The key was that well they were forming Terry had to remain still. What surprised her that no adhesive was needed. She now understood why they had cost so much. The Japanese were years ahead in genetics.

After fourteen hours of writing, Terry was over exhausted. Sherri fed him then suggested he shower. She had wrapped his head hair in a towel then had given him a sleeping aid. As soon as he slid under the sheets totally nude, he was sound asleep. After talking the sheets off him Sherri placed the breast molds on Terry aligning them as per the instructions making sure his nipples slid into the hole designed for them. After texting them with the serial number they sent a form back asking for basic information and a picture of Terry wearing them. Once received the process started.

Sherri was in awe the areola's she had tried to form over the last two days began to form on Terry's new breasts. The nipples on them duplicated Terry's own and added an inch. She knew that they would always be stiff and erect. Men viewed stiff nipples as a signal that a woman was sexually aroused. A text came through asking if she wanted his new breasts to be able to produce milk. She replied no. She could see the muscles needed for their support starting to form as the flesh of his skin shivered in a deliberately slow movement. The next text said 36dd size Sherri confirmed back yes. The next text said to leave room for one hour 55 minutes to allow completion to be done.

The last text said completion completely done. The client will sleep for at least eight hours. Up to twenty-one days text if you want to remove the product without surgery otherwise, they will be part of him to death. Using his DNA, we have cloned him the perfect breasts for his body's shape and mass. Using our 3d printing cellular technology. They are as real as he is and will be fully functional. Suggest that he wears a bra for a minimum of two weeks after that with the new enhancements and muscles no bra is needed. His new muscles go down his back to his waist which will become two inches smaller over the next month.

Sherri pulled the sheets back up to cover Terry up to the waist. Then she captured her new girlfriend's image as she slept. His new breasts looked full, soft and inviting. The space between his cleavage was a titty fucker's delight. Its form would sheath a cock with its soft warm flesh. She wished he was awake so she could draw the richness of those orbs into her mouth. She could mentally see their breast smashing into each other as she rode him cowboy style. Sherri now saw Terry for what he was becoming her perfect mate. A Shemale extraordinaire. The femininity of a very sensual nature with the equipment of a male. Oh, how she wanted to penetrate him until he squealed in pleasure as she forced the release of his cum into the air. Would she be the sexual dynamo she appeared to be? She didn't know but she was going to have a lot of fun finding out. Would Terry as a shemale be vocal when she is being fucked?

As Sherri climbed under the covers Terry turned on his side so that his back faced her. She moved over to snuggle him. Her hand went to what she loved about her lover's body the most. The soft warm spot between the folds of his tush. She wanted him comfortable having her in him, so she explored his rosebud a little bit more by pushing her finger into its center trying to open it up. His tightness was extreme. She knew she would have to find a way to open him up quite a bit before she could use the double dildo on him. She whispered in his ears till she fell asleep how much she loved the woman he was becoming. Linda had been right Terry was created to be a shemale bitch.

Sherri awoke before Terry who was now laying on his back with his morning woody sticking out. She had awoken aroused as much as she was the night before. Lifting her slip up she mounted him and lowered her mound down on his stiffness until he was engulfed by her warmth. She pulled her slip off throwing it to the side then lowered her body down to his. Sherri wanted to experience the pleasure of his new breasts against hers. She felt his nipples pressing into her flesh as hers did to him. The pleasure she experienced brought back memories of the many nights she has spent with Linda. She lowered her head to his and started to kiss his cheeks to gently wake him. Sherri had been over horny since she started leading him on his journey to womanhood. He began to stir so Sherri brought her mouth to his sliding her tongue in she started working his mouth. He began to respond so she began to fuck his mouth as if her tongue was a cock by trying to push as much as possible into the back of his throat. Terry was surprised by her aggressiveness. For the first time in their life, she was dominating him. She leaned back sinking further down on him holding him tight. Using her virginal's muscles to grasp his manhood in its vice. Never had he penetrated her this deep. She was so hot he thought she might burn him. Her hands went to his new breasts and grabbed them roughly. The softness of them was amazing. Terry could not believe the sensations that he had flowing through him. When Sherri pulled his nipples, he wanted to scream in delight.

"I'm now your man." Sherri moaned. "Taking ownership of my girlfriend by claiming my territory. Makin her my personal slut. I'm going to fuck you hard and leave your female body begging me for more. Then after you have cleaned me up with your mouth and I have you were going to rest for a few and do it again standing up looking into the full-length mirror."

She raised herself up slowly then pushed down on him hard as if she was trying to push them both into the bed. Her hands were mashing his breasts, her fingers pulled and played with his nipples. She controlled his breasts as she rode him hard at first, then slowing down trying to make it last. Her actions in reaction to the sound of his breathing. For half an hour she kept bringing her girlfriend to the edge as she lost count of how many mini waves she experienced. Finally, she started up fast and hard again. Terry could tell she was nearing the big one. When she yelled now, he let go She felt his cum shoot into her womb. It kept coming and coming. Even he was surprised by the force of his release. For both of them, they had reached a new sexual plateau. After resting for a few she rotated her body lowering her lower lips upon his mouth forcing her new girlfriend to clean her up. Lowering her head, she began the task of cleaning his cock up. Sheri was beginning to train Terry to accept eating her cream pie's

As they cuddled in the afterglow sharing the taste of their combined body fluids Sherri whispered words of love to her new girlfriend. Sherri decided to pay Terry's new breasts some needed respect. Paying attention to them like she would Linda's, she learned that his breasts were more sensitive than hers and she loved it. In the future, it would be an easy trigger for anyone who got to know Terry's feminine body intimately. It didn't take long for Terry to get hard again.

Sherri was soon bent over at the waist with her boobs bouncing down as Terry rammed into her from behind while holding on to her waist. His eyes reflected the lust the love and passion he had for her. The reflection of two women making love in the mirror was registering on both of them. She kept telling him how beautiful they looked together. His new breasts bounced with each stroke into her. He lasted longer than before but found his legs suffering from strain. Afterward, Sherri got between his legs and began sucking and cleaning his sore cock-up. The image in the mirror made it look like Sherri was eating her girlfriend out as her head hair was being played with. Terry did not comprehend that he was slowly losing his insecurities about what should be allowed when making love.

They fell asleep in exhaustion. Their bodies totally abused. Of course, Sherri's hand and finger had found its way into his tushes folds. Sherri needed her husband to reach the point that he would never want to convert back. Once that was achieved a whole new world would open. Terri would become what Sherri wanted her to be. A perfect feminine submissive slut.


This is the end of part one. The journey for the main character will continue. It is written for entertainment value only. Please do not assume that any of this reflect my morals or values.

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Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 5 years ago
Wrong category

This belongs in TRANSEXUALS and CROSSDRESSERS, not Loving Wives. Also, author should consider getting help — story needs better editing. For example, the author uses the term “organism” instead of the proper term “orgasm.” The former is a living being while the latter is sexual climax.

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