The Making of Brii Jones


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We carried the box up to Angie's bedroom. We opened the big box, and took out large pieces of metal. She tossed me the directions, and I grabbed them, and tottered off to get my toolbox. When I returned, she had everything laid out. It was a big metal contraption of some kind, some kind of bondage furniture. I was able to quickly put it together. She grabbed me by the hand and led me over to it, and strapped me in, so I was on all fours on the ground, held fast by metal cuffs on my wrists and ankles. Cool air hit my ass, and I looked back to see that she had flipped up the robe in the back, and there was a metal rod holding a good sized dildo right at my ass! She laughed, but mercifully squirted some lube into my ass before lining it up and pushing it in. Before I had a chance to adjust, I heard the whirring of a motor, and I felt the dildo push in and out of my ass at a low speed. I jerked forward and screamed. She laughed and hit a button, and it went up to ultra-speed! I screamed again. "Beg me to slow it down sissy," she mocked me.

"Please, Miss Meghan, please slow it down!" I cried.

"Not yet" she stated, as she moved in front of me. I could see she had another dildo in her hand that she shoved into my mouth. Then she went back and nudged the machine forward a few inches, and the suction cup on the end of the dildo stuck it to the wall. There was no way I could spit it out, I was totally stuck!

The machine was slamming me at a frantic pace and I gagged a lot on the cock, as it was stuffed all the way to the back of my mouth. Meghan laughed as the drool started to run down my face. My boobs bounced violently and finally one fell out. Meghan laughed and said "Not a real woman, just a sissy slut," as she replaced the falsie in my bra. "Sure, I can put him on," she said as she put the phone up to my face.

"I can't wait to see you when I get home, baby" Mistress Angie laughed through the phone. "Are you ready to see me?"

"Yeetthhh Mitthh Aneeeee" I mumbled.

"Meghan, set it to slow, I'll be home in thirty minutes," she said, and hung up.

"That should be fun chat," Meghan scoffed, as she turned down the machine and left.

There were so many things going through my head as the machine pounded the dildo in and out of my ass and kept my mouth impaled to the throat on the one in front of me. Obviously things had changed between Angie and me. She'd taken over my life, and made and/or encouraged me to do some pretty degrading things. But soon she was going to walk in that door and see me bound and helpless, sucking cock and getting fucked in the ass by a machine! Of course she set it all up, so there wouldn't be any surprise on her part, but still, I couldn't help but feel that our relationship was about to reach one of those critical points.

Suddenly, the machine picked up pace. It wasn't the ultra-setting, but it was certainly much faster than it had been. I jerked forward again and gagged as the cock was stuffed even further down my throat. I struggled to keep up, but since I had no choice, I just started to gag and drool. This continued for what seemed like a long time, until I looked to the side and saw Mistress Angie standing there with a remote! She had been there since the machine sped up, watching in amusement. My face got really red.

"Well Brii (but she pronounced it "Bree"), I guess we should talk," she started. "As I've said before, I was initially disappointed and shocked and hurt by your betrayal. I consider what you did to be cheating on our marriage, on the vows we took. At first, I just wanted to punish you and humiliate you. I actually did not total your car, I sold it. I got quite a bit of money for it. I had the cameras installed to keep an eye on you, and make sure you were following my directions. But then, as I was doing research online, I found out that there are people out there willing to pay to watch that sort of thing. I assume it's mostly sissies like you, although there are probably some women out there who enjoy it as well. Being the smart business woman that I am, I created a members website with live feeds of the house and my blog about your transgressions. The income generated from memberships paid for all the fun outfits and toys that you have." What do you think of that?"

I honestly was floored. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't really speak anyway, but I don't know what I would have said, had I had the ability.

"All the deliveries were a set up as well. I know Meghan. That's why she replaced George. I made it worth it to George to change his route. It's funny what a pay raise will do for someone. The memberships paid for that as well. Anyway, as you continued along, I noticed that you were changing. You were embracing your new life as a woman. Subtle things like walking more delicately, or crossing your legs when you sat down, things that I didn't tell you, but things that you just started to do on your own. Behaviorally, you became more submissive, deferring to me on even the smallest things, but also doing things like rubbing my feet and shoulders when I got home without me having to ask. I saw you becoming happy in your feminine routine, and I saw myself being happy with you in that capacity."

"This brings us to a crossroads. The website has reached its logical conclusion. There's nothing else I can do to you that they haven't already seen. We have enough money for a while, but eventually you will have to work again. I don't think you'll be able to get a job in your current feminized but not female state, right? Here's what I propose: We use the rest of the money from selling the car to get you breast implants, and a little facial surgery so you look like a real woman. Then I hire you at one of my stores as soon as my promotion takes effect. Right now, the store two blocks away has too many people. I need to get rid of one person anyway. With your skills, you can take the place of the IT person, the design person and the customer service person. I pay you double, and still save the company a ton of money in wages and benefits, which will increase my bonus. In this way, we'll consider the surgeries an upfront investment to ensure future revenue."

"I realize this will make it permanent. But you've already settled into the role, and we will need the money. We need you to work. Need I remind you that you lost your last job because you were looking at pictures of, and reading stories about, sissies in the same position that you currently find yourself?"

"One last thing," she continued. "I have two e mails ready to send to your mom. One says explains that over the past several months you've come to realize that you have always been a woman trapped in man's body. This is something we've talked about extensively, and we've worked together to help you come to terms with this. I'm very comfortable with this, and I love you and support you, and we are ready to take the next step together. The other one explains that you were fired from your last job for looking up sissy porn, and after some time at home, I suspected that you were not looking for work, so I set up some cameras. My suspicions were confirmed, as I watched you continue your disgusting ways. I set up a website to humiliate you, and watched in awe at all the sick things you did while I was gone, but thought I wasn't watching. It also contains a link to the site." "So," she said as she pulled the cock out of my mouth and stroked my chin, "what is your choice? Do you want to be my girl?"

"I do want to be your girl," I said. I did. I really did.

"I thought that's what you'd pick. I took tomorrow off, and we have a consult with a doctor," she informed me as she unbound me from the machine, and helped me stand up. She led me over to my familiar spot at the computer and pushed my shoulders down to impale me on the dildo. She logged into her e mail account and pulled up the e mail to my mom. "Hit 'send' when you're ready," she said softy. I scanned through the contents, and it was as she said. I hit 'send,' and she kissed me on the cheek. "It means so much to me that you did that, baby," she said. "I love you so much, and I want you to be refreshed for tomorrow, so you can sleep in the bed with me tonight!"

The next thing I knew, I felt Mistress Angie kissing my neck (we had fallen asleep in the spoon position, I was the little spoon, of course), and telling me to jump in the shower. My false Cs came right off, as did my bra, thong and heels (yep, fell asleep with those on happens). I got out, did my hair and makeup, including a nice shade of pink lipstick Mistress Angie had left out for me, and big dangly hoop earrings. A clean white bra and thong were laid out on the bed, as well as a pink 'Pink' sweat suit. I set the false Cs into the bra, but did not glue them on this time. I put on some pink flop flops and looked at myself in the mirror. I adjusted my hair a bit, touched up my lipstick and took one last look at myself. Then I unzipped the jacket a few more inches to show my cleavage and got in the car with Mistress Angie.

As we approached the doctor's office, Mistress Angie's phone rang. "It's your mom," she informed me, as she answered. "Hello Mrs. Jones, how are you? You got the e mail? Yes, it's been a strange several months here, that's for sure, but we're ready. We're actually going to the doctor right now. Sure, you can talk to Brii for a minute." She hit the 'video chat' button and handed me the phone.

"Hi mom," I started.

"Oh Brian, honey are you ok?" she said.

"Yes mom, I'm fine, we're great! We're headed to the doctor so I have to let you go, but I'll call you as soon as I can. I love you!"

"I love you too sweetie," she said as I hung up.

We signed in at the doctor's office, and I realized that this was the first time I'd actually been out in public as a woman, but it did not bother me at all. Mistress Angie filled out some paperwork, and the nurse took us back to see the doctor. He was a nice looking man, probably in his early 40s. The first thing he did was have Mistress Angie leave the room. Once we were alone, he said "That's always what I do first. I see a lot of men in here wanting to change, but sometimes it's not really their choice," he told me. "Are you here of your free will?" he asked.

"Yes sir, I am," I answered.

"Who came with you today?" he continued.

"My....wife??...Mistress Angie," I said, unsure.

"I don't even have to ask if you're in a dominant/submissive relationship with her, that is very clear," he stated. "I can further see by your mannerisms that you've been living as a woman for a pretty long time, right?"

"Yes sir, I have, about five months or so," I replied.

He called Mistress Angie back into the room. "Brii here has told me she is here of her own free will, but I assume due to the nature of your relationship, you have the final say on possible procedures, correct?"

"That is correct, doctor," Mistress Angie replied.

"Please remove your clothing, so I can have a look," he said. I did as I was told. I kicked off the flip flops, then slowly unzipped the sweatshirt and set it on the table. While I had my back to the doctor and Mistress Angie, I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of the sweatpants and slowly worked them down my legs to the floor. I made sure to bend at the waist to pick them up and set them on the table. Then I turned back around, and lowered my head as the doctor examined me.

"I must say in all my years of doing this, I've never seen someone who has already adopted such typically feminine mannerisms so consistently. I've also never seen anyone come in here wearing their false breasts."

"I feel strange without them," I said. "I really want my own breasts so I can feel like the woman I know I am. I want them to be part of me, I want to feel them move...I want to be pretty for Mistress Angie, and I want to show off a little, too, you know?" I said with a wink.

"I understand what you're saying," he said professionally. "Turn around please," he said, so he could inspect my ass. Then he looked at my face, especially my nose and jaw. He stepped back, "I will do the surgeries, since I can see it is in the best interests of the patient," he announced. I was on cloud nine, and I heard Mistress Angie and the doctor talking in the background, but it was all noise at that point. Mistress Angie pulled me back into the conversation with "Ok, then, I'll pay the extra ten grand to expedite this, go ahead and prepare her for surgery, let's go ahead and do this today."

I was floored. The next thing I knew I was lying in a hospital bed, with Mistress Angie looking over me. I panicked a bit, because I had not heard what size boobs I was going to get. Just because I had decided I wanted to go through with this, did not mean I got to choose exactly what size. I explained that I wanted them big, and I suggested a C cup. Now, at 5'4", a nice full C would be pretty big, especially on my small frame. Angie said she would take my suggestion into consideration and kissed me as I went under the anesthetic. I woke up sometime later, in a tremendous amount of pain! I looked down and saw bandages everywhere.

"I decided on a D cup," Angie informed me. "That way they are bigger than mine to remind you that you're the slutty bimbo of the house. You look great, baby," she cooed in my ear. "You rest; you'll be all healed soon!" After that, I remember bits and pieces of the hospital stay, but mostly the pain. I recall Mistress Angie changing me back into the Pink sweat suit, and commenting about how great my tits looked stretching it, and then unzipping it some more, before she wheeled me to the car. For some reason, when she said the word "tits" it stuck in my brain.

Mistress Angie helped me to the bed and let me rest (on my back, of course!) "Baby, I can see you are starting to feel better," she said a few days later. "I talked to the doctor and he said in a few days you can be on your feet doing normal non-strenuous activity." Those two days flew by in bed. Mistress Angie was so nice to me; she brought me food and put on my favorite (non porn) movies.

After a few days, the bandages came off, and a few days later, the support bra. I could finally see them, and they were enormous! She informed me that I was going to stay on the hormones, even though the surgery was done. "I've kept the cameras on, girl, so I want to see you working it around here!" she told me. "You wanted those tits, and you've certainly earned them, so have fun with them!"

I stood up, and stumbled forward. My center of gravity was WAY off, and those things were HEAVY. I attempted to cup and support them with my hands, but they dwarfed my little hands. "I love my new boobs, Mistress, but they are sooo big and sooo heavy," I cooed.

"Too big for your tiny little hands," she laughed. "Too big for most bras. Too big for most tops. Too big for your small frame. Those aren't boobs, slut....those are tits. You have bimbo porn star tits."

I set to work opening all of the unopened delivery packages and discovered a ton of costumes that I used to love to read about other sissies being forced to wear. There was a cheerleader outfit, a French maid outfit, secretary, school girl, various pieces of lingerie and of course many tiny bikinis. I organized them all in my closet and got familiar with putting them on (and taking them off!) Toward the end of the week, I received a few professional outfits for my new job. I assume it had to be custom made for my rather 'disproportionate' proportions, if you know what I mean. I put them away in my closet as well.

I put on one of my lacy white D cup bras, and tried on the first outfit: a white blouse and grey skirt. My tits were a bit uncomfortable, so I took off the blouse. That did not help. So I took off the bra, and tried another, thinking perhaps the bra had shrunk a bit or perhaps my tits were just a bit swollen. The next bra had the same problem, and so did the next. I put on tank top with no bra, and waited until Mistress Angie got home. "Mistress, my bras don't fit," I started. "I think my boobs are too big for them."

She reached over and slapped my face. "You don't have 'breasts' or 'boobs,' Brii. I have 'breasts' or 'boobs.' Other, normal women have 'breasts' or 'boobs.' You are a fucking bimbo Barbie and you have 'tits,' do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress Angie," I replied.

"Let's see," she offered, as she tried to cram me into the first bra again. "Hmmm, that doesn't it," she observed. She tried a few more, with the same results. "Well, the doctor DID say once they settled and started to heal, and if we kept up the hormones, you might gain another size," she said. "It looks like that happened," she concluded, as she headed to the closet. "You start work tomorrow, and it's too late to go anywhere tonight, but lucky for you I am prepared," she said, as she came back with the lacy black bra that I wore under the maid outfit, and handed it to me. It fit perfectly. I mean, it created tremendous cleavage, and was very sexy, but the support was wonderful!

"That's a double d bra. You have double ds, baby!" she said. At 5'4' 115lbs, and your tiny frame, you're definitely going to get attention with those babies," she laughed as she squeezed them. "I'm so glad you're healed, baby," she said. "I have some things to do, I'll be back soon," she promised.

About ten minutes later, I received a call from Angie. She told me that my mom had been calling her the past few days, and she wanted to see how I was doing. She told me I could video chat with her. I went up to our bedroom to start the video chat, and saw that she had moved my computer chair up to the bedroom computer. At this point, disobeying didn't even cross my mind, and I figured it didn't matter, since the camera just showed my top half, so I worked my pants down to my ass and thong to the side, as I'd done so many times before that it was practically a reflex, and sat down on the dildo. I wigged a few times to get situated and then started the chat.

"Hi, Brii, it's good to see you!" Mom said. "That looks like the outfit you were wearing the last time I saw you but you fill it out differently now!"

I blushed, and then without thinking, like second nature, I said..."and this time with no bra. This is my first day with no bra!"

"You seem happy. Are you happy, dear?"

"I am."

"I don't fully understand it, but you are my child, and if you're happy and Angie is happy, we're happy for you. You are the same person. Objectively: you look beautiful!...she trailed off. "What's that behind you?" (OMG it was the fucking machine!!!)

"Um...what?'t's something I'm working on for Christmas," I stammered unconvincingly as I leaned in closer to get it out of the shot, and leaned forward to get my pants. Since they were still new, I definitely felt my tits move and bounce as I deftly shifted myself up and over just enough to get off the dildo, fix the thong, and get myself covered so I could get up and do something about the machine. "The doctor really did a nice job on those," mom said. "Although some of how you carry them is genetic, mine used to look like that too," she continued as I walked across the room. "Nice cute little butt too," mom commented.

Old me would have been embarrassed, but that didn't even cross my mind. I bent down and tried to push the machine into the closet. It wouldn't budge.

"And such fun sexy underwear too! I'll say, when you went girl you went all out! Angie's a lucky girl."

"I'm a lucky girl," I responded.

"We both are!" I heard Mistress Angie's voice as she grabbed me around the waist and kissed me on the cheek (and copped a quick feel of my tits.) "Hi, Mrs. Jones, how are you?" she asked, as she took my hand and started leading me back to the chair.