The Marine Ch. 01


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That's how we passed time until Christmas. Mum and Dad never seemed to suspect anything, but I didn't miss the occasional glance from Katie, perhaps noticing that Amy and I were a little closer with every passing day. Despite trying to act as normally as possible, it was difficult considering we were fooling around nearly every day. I was almost willing to suggest to Amy she just tell Katie what we were doing, but Amy feared it would make Katie incredibly jealous, and then she'd blurt out what was going on.

We rose together on Christmas Day, Amy just wanting to wake up next to me, though I was polite enough to give my big sister a Christmas morning orgasm. Thankfully, Mum, Dad and Katie were past the age of wanting to wake everyone up early, so we wandered out together mid-morning, Mum already in the kitchen preparing food. Mum's family -- parents, siblings and our cousins -- would be arriving throughout the morning as we had a pool and large barbecue.

Small presents were swapped before we fired up the barbecue. The men gathered around that, most of them sipping at beers. Those not old enough were already in the pool, along with most others once Mum and Amy had finished preparing everything in the kitchen, while our grandmother had arrived with a smorgasbord of food as well.

Everyone was aware there was a good chance this would be my last Christmas at home for a while, as I planned to depart not long after I turned 19. I already had enough for a one-way ticket to London and plenty of spending money if I did have to wait around after my application, though all of Dad's family knew I was coming and insisted I spend time with them if I did need to wait.

Once the house was empty of our visitors late in the afternoon, the five of us could clean up then sit back and relax. Dad was falling asleep by the early evening, no surprise he and Mum dipped out to bed early. Katie eventually headed out to meet up with some friends. As soon as Amy and I were alone, we shared a glance and headed to my bedroom.

Soon as the door was closed, our minimal clothing was removed before we tumbled onto the bed. I was on my back, Amy immediately turning around, lowering her pussy to my mouth while I felt soft lips wrap around my cock. I knew why she was doing it. Make me cum and I'd last longer when we finally made love, fucked, bumped groins, whatever you called sex.

I lasted longer than I thought I would, though there was no doubt Amy was drawing out my orgasm at the same time, noticing a few little tricks in all the times she'd sucked my cock to make my orgasm even better. As for her, I could just lie there and look at her pussy. It was just beautiful. Perfect even. I loved to just gently run my tongue wherever I could, as she would grow ever more excited, grow even wetter, and I'd just savour her taste. The fact she was my sister was nothing more than a turn on nowadays. The taboo of doing something so intimate with my sister just added to the thrill.

When I ran my tongue up to her tight little rosebud, that earned a gasp, releasing my cock to glance back. "Oooh, I do like that," she whispered, "Never had a man in my arse before."

"Don't worry, just trying something different."

"Maybe a finger or two one day, at least?"

"Whatever you want, gorgeous."

She eventually made me cum, filling her mouth again, amazed as always that she happily swallowed, before I easily picked her up, gently placed her down on her back, and got back to work on her pussy. While she helped make me cum once, the glorious thing about women is the multiple orgasms they can sometimes have. Once my fingers were in place, my tongue at her clit, it was simply a case of how many she could endure.

"Nate, we need to make love," she eventually breathed, glancing up to see her face had taken on a delightful colour, hair plastered to her forehead, her body glistening with sweat. It had been a warm day.

Crawling up over her body, I slid my cock inside her without ceremony, I just wanted to watch her face light up as I buried myself. "Fucking hell, Amy," I moaned once I felt my entire cock inside her, "Why the fuck did we wait this long?"

She giggled before kissing me. "My brother has the best dick ever."


"Well, it'll feel even better once you start pumping me."

That was a suggestion if ever I've heard it. Again, glad I wasn't a virgin so this wasn't awkward. It was two people making love, who loved each other, though I did wonder if her feelings were changing. I'll be honest, I was trying hard to just remember that she was my sister and that I loved her, but couldn't fall in love with her. It would just make everything too difficult later.

But sliding my cock in and out of her, savouring every single thrust that first time, looking down to see my cock disappear into the pussy of my gorgeous older sister, I met her eyes and smiled. "Love you, Amy," I whispered, kissing her softly, "Easily the best Christmas present I can remember."

"Any plans for the New Years?"

"Not at the moment. I think certain friends will be occupied now."

"We could always bring in the new year with a bang and my pussy full of cum."


Feeling her bend her legs, I started to pump into her faster as she urged me to fucker her harder and faster. I was now grateful for her blowjob, as I'd have cum in five minutes if not for that. Feeling her fingers did into my back, she kissed me hard, and that just urged me on to fuck her even harder, glancing to see her legs now spread nice and wide.

"Fuck me, big brother!" she cried.

"Not much longer," I groaned.

"Fill me," she moaned, "I need to feel you cum in me."

That's what she got a couple of minutes later, groaning as I buried my cock and exploded inside her. I felt her arms and legs holding me tightly as I bucked with each spurt, losing count of how many before I finally relaxed. I was barely coherent for a few seconds before finally raising my head to meet her eyes, immediately kissing her softly on the lips.

She gave me ten minutes before riding me, enjoying a couple of orgasms, the sight of my sister riding me something I'd never forget, before she bent over and begged me to pound her from behind. Considering she was smaller than I was, seeing her slightly curled up as I loomed over her, able to lean forward comfortably and really drive my cock into her... She absolutely loved it. So did I. Little wonder I came hard inside her again, sitting back on my knees and cuddling her back against me.

"We're doing this a whole lot until you go," she whispered.

"Suits me down to the ground."

We needed a cool shower after that before snuggling in bed together, just a sheet over us considering it was still warm, despite the central air that kept the house reasonably cool in summer. Despite the heat, we still loved to cuddle. I was at that point now that I couldn't get enough of her, she was feeling the same, and I knew it was going to make things increasingly difficult.

Whether Mum and Dad ever suspected us of anything, they never sat us down and questioned us about our closer relationship. Amy even suggested they knew, as parents just seemed to know those things, and simply didn't mind as I would be leaving, and it was better being together than otherwise. As for Katie, she saw the closer relationship and, though I would never approach her intimately, not before she was 18, I was certainly making sure I gave her just as much attention.

Amy came with me the day I purchased my ticket. The travel agent obviously asked a few questions, and I think I impressed her when telling her I was going to join the Royal Marines. I think there was almost a question about joining the Australian Army until I explained some of the family history. Asking who Amy was, I explained she was my sister and simply looking after me until I left.

We made love constantly when the opportunity presented itself. Once I was working somewhat full-time at the fast-food joint, fucking during the day time depended on my shift rotation, though I had the occasional day where, once Katie left for school, Mum and Dad for work, Amy and I would spend the day naked, happily fucking around the house, except for the other bedrooms. Step too far that.

She noticed my continued development from constant gym work. I was no longer a cadet, having left upon turning 18. I wasn't sure how many would actually go on to military service, but it was certainly a good training ground. Being a manager at work certainly gave me a slight insight into possibly leading a team, things like organisational skills.

Experimenting with my older sister was a lot of fun too. She loved sucking my cock, and though a lot of my cum was swallowed, she enjoyed a load on her face, on her tits, and I'd sometimes pull out and cum on her stomach, or she'd be on her knees and I'd coat her perfect arse. We never had anal sex, neither of us particularly interested in going all the way, but we eventually did have fun with my fingers, particularly if I was going down on her at the time. Tongue at her pussy and clit, fingers up her arse, she was amazed at the intensity of her orgasm.

But it was the sex that was just phenomenal. By the time I was on the verge of departing in the spring, there was absolutely no doubt Mum and Dad knew we were being intimate almost constantly. I think even Katie knew. She never said anything, but to my surprise, never showed an inch of jealousy. I think it was because I made the effort to be as attentive to her, helping with her homework, or guiding her when it came to relationships, or just spending time with her. And I always made sure to tell her that I loved her, watching her face light up every single time.

The Saturday before I was meant to depart, my flight being on the Tuesday, generally the cheapest day to fly, though I would be stopping over in Hong Kong until Friday, we headed out for the last family meal. Mum's side of the family all attended. Grandparents. Uncles, aunts and cousins. And also friends who knew we likely wouldn't see each other for a long time to come. It was a big event, plenty of handshakes from the men, tears and hugs from the women. No presents as I had everything I needed, but my hand was never empty of a drink.

I headed out afterwards with my close friends, and it was the first night I got properly shitfaced. Barely remember how I got home, nor getting home itself. I woke up in the morning to find a naked Amy next to me, though I was wearing my underwear. Amy was always naked in my bed nowadays, so figured she just helped me to bed. Feeling me move, she turned, opening her eyes, before giggling. "You were fucked up, Nate," she whispered.

"How badly?"

"Well, you were trying it on with me but it wasn't going to work with the amount of alcohol you must have consumed. You attempted to eat me out, then promptly fell asleep. It was very cute, to be honest."

"Should I continue what I tried to start?"

"Feel up to it?"

My sister walked out of my bedroom with a smile on her face later.

The night before I was due to fly out, Mum cooked us a big roast dinner with all the trimmings, plus baked a cake. It was a night of laughter, though Mum did eventually get teary. As everyone headed off to bed later that evening, as they'd all be joining me at the airport, Dad shook my hand, Katie gave me a tight hug, before Mum stood before Amy and I.

"We know," she said simply, "And we know why. So we accept it. That's all we need to say."

"Seriously?" I had to ask.

Mum smiled, kissed my cheek, hugged Amy, then just turned back to her bedroom. Amy and I shared a glance before grinning at each other, taking her hand and leading her towards my bedroom. She made love to my cock for what felt like hours, happily kneeling on the floor, soft lips wrapped around my shaft, her eyes not leaving mine for a moment. I came in her mouth once and she didn't stop, not until I needed to please her in return. She only stopped long enough to have me lie back on my bed, spinning around and carrying on.

She took a second load before I managed to make her orgasm as she was simply far too distracting.

It was only when she was riding me much later that she showed emotion. A lot of emotion as she broke down in tears. She stopped as I gently pulled her onto my chest, stroking her back, whispering how much I loved her, how much I'd miss her. She confessed to being in love with me, and that she was sorry for falling for me. I shushed her, admitting I felt the same way, but I had to go. She knew that, of course, but the admission of feelings wasn't a surprise.

We made love for hours, not wanting to stop until we were simply too exhausted to go on. She slept in my harms, her head nestled under my chin, against my chest, making sure as much of her body as mine was in contact with mine. She fell asleep, and I'll admit to lying there awake, blinking away a couple of tears of my own.

Mum cooked a big breakfast before I grabbed my large backpack, smaller rucksack, putting those in the car, before taking one last look around my room and then the house. With a small sigh, I left the house for the final time.

We arrived early so I could check in my bags before enjoying a drink at one of the airport bars. Overpriced but it helped relax everyone. Once the gate appeared, we headed towards it, Dad suggesting they'd say their goodbyes and leave me to relax. I shook his hand first before he grabbed me in a bear hug. First time in years I saw him shed a tear, but he said he was proud of me, and that's what mattered most. Mum couldn't help bursting into tears herself, hugging me for what felt like hours, which I didn't care about. Nothing like Mum hugs. Katie was beside herself, hugging me tightly before she hugged Dad.

"We'll give you some time with your girlfriend, Nate," Dad said, giving me a wink.

Turning to Amy, I gently ran my fingers along her cheek around the back of her head before pulling her close and just... kissed her. All the feelings I had for her, all the feelings she had for me, we put into that kiss. Her body moulded into mine, neither of us wanting to break apart until we simply needed to breathe.

"I love you so much," she whispered, "I don't know what I'm going to do now."

"Find a good man, Amy. Make a life for yourself."

"I've found a good man."

I took her hand, holding it to my heart. "I love my family, but you'll always be in here, Amy. When I'm training, or god forbid off fighting some war, I'll think of my gorgeous sis... er, girlfriend, wherever I do end up. But we knew this was a limited time thing. You have your whole life ahead of you. So do I." I kissed her softly. "Please make the most of it. I would hate to be sitting over there thinking you're unhappy here."

"I'll just go looking for someone like you then," she retorted.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, it means I should be happy."

"That's all I want, Amy. All of you to be happy once I'm gone."

I hugged her until they announced the boarding. She didn't want to let me go. I didn't blame her. A part of me wanted to stay but I'd made my decision. I knew what I wanted to do. As hard as it was, I looked for Dad and beckoned him over. Amy burst into tears but she let me go, hugging him tightly instead, Dad shaking my hand one final time, no doubt seeing the tears in my eyes, before I turned towards the attendant checking tickets.

I took one last lingering look back at my family before I turned and headed down the ramp towards the plane and the start of a new life.


A/N -- I know that it reads sad now, but every story I upload does eventually have a happy ending, because who doesn't like a happy ending? I intend on this story having a happy ending, but who Nate ends up with is something I haven't decided yet at the time of writing. I don't particularly plan my stories, I just have an idea then start writing, hoping people like where the story goes.

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SSSssooo Emotional...I Love It!!! And looking forward to next chapters!


anubeloreanubeloreover 2 years ago

Which of these is correct?

This: "... "...I think Katie has a boyfriend anyway." She didn't, but I didn't want them messing with my little sister anyway. ..."


Or where Amy says Katie *does* have a boyfriend here: "... "...So will Katie. I know she'd want to as well, I get that feeling nowadays. She's only got a boyfriend as a distraction from her feelings for you." ..."


Does Katie have a boyfriend or not? If she does, then Nate should be surprised by Amy's statement, but he isn't.


Sorry, that contradiction bugged me. Narrative consistency is important.

Now to read the rest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Having left my Marine (US) son at the airport a few times I’ll say you captured that well.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One of the best if not T H E best.

Bill S.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 2 years ago

The parents accepting the incest and consenting to let them continue with their relationship makes a huge positive impact on the story. I'm hoping that when you do finally wrap up the story that Nate ends up with both of his sisters forever. 5/5

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