The Marnott Liaison


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Gellor said, "Definitely true, once you go through the week of hibernation, you would be able to transform him."

"You're finally mine, Anthony," she said, crossing the room to climb into his lap and kiss him intensely.

'Way to go, Amy,' I heard thought from Kimmy, David's daughter with Sofia.

When Amy broke the kiss and turned back to the rest of us, she looked straight at me and said, "I want Paul to be the one to transform me, if that's all right."

"I choose Grell," Sofia said. "That leaves Terlo for Sofia. Is that okay, hon?"

"Fine with me," Sofia said. "He's cute."

"That leaves David," I said. "Who do you choose?"

Sheila laughed. "He'll probably want all three. He hasn't had one-on-one sex in nearly 20 years. Too used to having all three of us in his bed at the same time."

"Would that even work?" David asked. "Three sets of RNA in one transformation? What about it, Nano? Would it work? Answer on speaker, please."

A different male voice came over the speaker. "Yes, David. Given the combined RNA produced by Gellor, Macy and Maria, transformation to Homo Marnott would indeed work. It might even produce a new meta-ability not encountered before, but I cannot predict at this time what that might be."

"Then yes, I want my first experience with homarn women to be a threesome," David said.

"Just be aware, David," I cautioned, "you only have about ten minutes after your first lengthy exposure to any of their RNA before your nanites will render you unconscious as they begin your transformation. Also, the RNA can transfer through your mouth, too. You won't have a lot of time for foreplay, if you want to expose yourself to all three women's RNA through either oral or intercourse."

"So, who watches us, while you all bonk each other and then hibernate for a week?" Kimmy asked. "We just got here, we don't know anyone. No disrespect meant to your family, Paul. You seem nice, but you're still strangers."

"I'll apparently be waiting for Amy to wake up, honey," Anthony said. "I think you're all old enough that one grandpa can keep you in order, don't you?"

Gellor said, "There's no saying that you all have to transform on the same day, and be in hibernation at the same time. How about we schedule Amy and David for tomorrow, then Anthony, Sofia and Sheila for the week after? That will leave at least two adults of your family awake to watch you kids."

"I like that idea," Sofia said. "Is there any reason David can't be the one to transform Sheila and me, then?"

"None at all, if that's what you prefer," I answered.


The day after that, I accompanied Gellor, Macy and Maria to the Sparhawk house. Anthony, Sheila and Sofia had the kids on a tour of the schools, which were not in session. David and Amy let us in.

Amy greeted me with a hug and a kiss. David was greeted the same way by my three mates. After swallowing their nutrient capsules, we went into separate bedrooms.

Sitting on the bed, Amy asked, "So, it's ten minutes after you cum in me, that I pass out?" She started getting undressed as I answered her.

Beginning to undress myself, I said, "Maybe sooner. If you were with a Marnott male, your transformation could not begin until he ejaculated in you, as the Marnott do not produce pre-ejaculation fluid, also known as pre-cum. He has to ejaculate, either in your mouth or vagina, for you to transform, and that's when the 10 minute clock starts. However, human males and homarn males both produce pre-cum. In human males, it can contain sperm, which gets the transformation of Marnott females started sooner, but they don't lose consciousness. The RNA in homarn pre-cum can get the transformation started earlier in females of both species. Plus, it can be absorbed orally. When I transformed Maria a few months ago, we never got past her giving me a long blowjob before she passed out, barely a minute after I came in her mouth. We did not have intercourse together until after her hibernation ended. I don't want you to worry about it. You'll likely start to feel it about 30 seconds before it happens. Until then, let me pleasure you."

"Actually, I just had an idea. Nano Amy, is there any way to lengthen the transformation process, so that no hibernation is needed at all?"

I could hear her Nano answer her, in her head. "You only need to ask, Amy. Any of the humans could have done so, if they had the Nano OS inside them to hear the question. Once the transformation begins, we can limit the most painful portions to your normal sleep period under a pain block, and a reduced level of transformation activity while you are awake. You would be achy and lethargic, but we can assist with that as well. Your transformation would be complete in two weeks. Is that what you want?"

"Yes, please. Tell David, now."

I gasped. "You're kidding me, right? All this time, we could have avoided the hibernation?"

She smiled. "If you had the Nano OS inside, and knew that you could ask it, yeah. Without it, the nanites lack the language processing capabilities."

"And without knowing it was there, we wouldn't know to ask. I want all of the Nano instances on Homarnis to make themselves known to their hosts, today. The time for secrecy is over. We have no intention of eradicating you, Nano. I will leave it to David to decide whether the same should happen on Earth."

She paused before saying, "David agrees to both."

I suddenly remembered something from David's manuscript. "This is that transmit capability David wrote about, where you can tell your Nano to tell his Nano to tell him something in your voice?"

She answered, "David told me you read his book. Yeah. Not the same as telepathy, but it works at any distance if we're both near a wifi hub or some other comm system for the nanites to link into. Back to the task at hand. Fucking telepathy into me, too. Now that I won't pass out, we can take our time. And I get to fuck Anthony tonight, not a week from now."

I heard her Nano again, saying, "You would have to wait for your transformation to be complete before you would be able to transform Anthony. You should probably avoid sex altogether, the new sensory tissue will be irritable, rather than just sensitive. Do you still want the slower transformation?"

And I heard her verbalize, 'Yes, Nano. I've waited almost twenty years for him to let me into his bed. I can wait an extra week. It will give me more time to tease him about it.' It felt strange to hear two voices from the same brain, but I had adjusted to stranger, right?

She walked into my arms, and kissed me, hard and long. "It's so much better, not having to hurry," she said, when we parted. She began undressing me, and I returned the favor. She pushed me to the bed, and climbed onto me in a 69 position, saying, "I can transform, just from putting you in my mouth?" she asked, before doing just that, her tongue already driving me crazy.

"If you absorb enough RNA," was about all I could get out, before she shoved her pussy over my mouth, and I started to lick my first human pussy in more than 10 years. I hadn't even gotten a chance with Maria. I hadn't forgotten how, though, and set my sights on giving Amy as many orgasms as I could, without rushing her to a peak.

We worked each other up and up. Amy shuddered through one small cum, but had not peaked yet. I kept licking and suckling, on her labia, on her clit, driving two fingers in and out and rubbing her gspot. Her fluids flowed into my mouth, onto my cheeks, down my neck to puddle behind me, and still we kept at it.

She paused for one moment, taking her mouth off of my cock to say, "Passed the threshold," and sucked me right back in. I hadn't even cum, although I had gotten close a couple of times, and my precum had provided enough RNA to transform her.

Another minute passed and Amy rolled off of me, turned around, and plopped her pussy right onto my cock, and started riding me up and down. She was squeezing with her Kegels, running her fingers over her clit at the same time and it only took another two minutes before we both went over the edge, screaming our ecstasy, and my cock splurted out cum over and over, gushing back onto me.

Amy collapsed on my chest, breathless, my cock still in her. She whispered in my ear, "Even though it won't knock me out, I can still feel the transformation beginning. I don't think I'm going to have enough energy for a second round. Can I get a rain check?"

"Whenever you want it, dear."

I held her close, and kissed her lips, as she began to doze lightly, rather than being knocked out. Reflex linked my mind with Gellor's, as she was experiencing an intense orgasm in the next room. David was still at it. Gellor was sitting on his face, while Macy was riding his cock, Maria watching them. He had rotated between cunnilingus on all three at first, to be sure he ingested all three sets of RNA, then began rotating between fucking them until his Nano informed him that he'd reached the start of his transformation. Now he was focusing on pleasure, his and the women's.

Experiencing Gellor's pleasure through our link made me hard again, filling Amy's pussy again, which woke her. "Paul? You're rock hard and we're not even moving. Is the transformed cock that sensitive?"

"It's the telepathy. My mind linked to Gellor's when she was having an orgasm a minute ago. I felt her pleasure and reacted. You don't have to do anything. I know you're tired."

Her hips moved, as she said, "Oh, hell no. If David hasn't been wiped out by your three women yet, I can muster up enough energy for one more fuck."

I thrust upward into Amy three times, then rolled her onto her back, grunting, "Let me fuck you."

"Okay" she said. She wrapped her legs around my back, and I started to slam into her, deep but slow at first. She began to moan, as I was grinding into her clit on each thrust, so I kept that pace until she came beneath me, then shortened my strokes, still grinding her pelvis as I picked up speed.

Her final orgasm and mine happened at the same time, and I finally withdrew my cock, and lay to her side and gave her another kiss. She fell asleep again a minute later. In the next room, I felt Gellor again, and David was done as well.

'Meet in the living room in 10 minutes?' I sent to her.

'Okay, dear,' came her reply.

Gellor, Maria, Macy and I left their house, and met up with Anthony, Sheila and Sofia and their kids at the community center next to the HQ and school buildings. We brought them up to speed on Amy's discovery that the transformation could be accomplished more slowly without hibernation, and that David and Amy were just napping, but that their transformations would take two weeks instead of one. Given that news, Sheila and Sofia changed their minds and decided to have Grell and Terlo transform after all. We left them, and returned to our own home, where Grell and Terlo had been watching the kids, and let the men know that they were expected at the Sparhawk house the following morning, after the kids reported to school.


With David conscious instead of hibernating, he and Anthony were able to pick a site for the new Dynatech facility, and we had it built, furnished and the fabricator in place by the next weekend. We were able to equip the facility with replicators to produce the raw materials for the nanite process, which simplified things greatly.

We started injections of the newest strain of nanites into all of the ex-Marnott adults, where they supplemented the existing nanites in their bodies. Nano leapfrogged into each new host, and soon all of the adults had the AIs in their heads, and were getting used to them. Then the ex-human adults received booster injections of the newer nanites.

We decided that the children should receive the nanites on their 10th birthdays.

Anthony and David collaborated with scientists on Marn to produce an updated nanite design for Marnott. It actually took a planet-wide referendum to agree that the new nanites should cure infidelity fever and provide protection from non-Marnott DNA creating a fatal 40th chromosome, while still allowing the transformation to Homo Marnott for those who chose to join us. The Nano OS was also included in the design from the beginning, and soon Nano was operating in most Marnott, too. The AI was granted species status soon after. As payment, the Sparhawks received a license to replicate roughly 1800 kilograms of Galactic diamonds. Based on the going rate for the diamonds on Earth, they were briefly the richest men in the solar system, until they donated most of that into the Homarnis treasury.

Dynatech resumed operations in Massachusetts, but with a subspace communicator so David and Anthony could be in regular contact. With the association with Homarnis coming at the same time as Nano revealing himself world-wide, many on Earth assumed Nano was Alliance technology being shared with Earth, when it was really Dynatech sharing their knowledge with the Alliance.

The governments of Earth rapidly hunted down the Earth Firsters before they could build another nuke, and Earth's application for Alliance membership was back on track. The flow of human immigrants to Homarnis resumed once a group of homarn took residence at the new Embassy in Geneva, initially manned on an emergency basis by the Corvites, a race of egg-laying humanoids with scaly skin whose mouths had trouble with human languages, but eventually supplanted by the Marnott who had already been scheduled to rotate to Earth. Gellor was back to being just the Ambassador for Homarnis.

Admiral Tegrin was disciplined for even threatening to bombard Earth, and he and his ship were recalled. His replacement was another admiral named Kobor from the same species, who had served at Tarvis before Tegrin, so already knew Gellor and her father and they got along quite well. When he came to visit Homarnis, our kids all fell in love with him, imagining him to be a life size teddy bear. With a snout and huge fangs.

Diana turned 10 and got her nanites, followed soon after by the other children from the first wave of pregnancies. Maria and Grell's son was born, and they named him Marcus. Gellor gave birth to our son Scott a month later, just in time for Macy to announce she was pregnant again, after having her eggs revived by David.

Eleven years had passed since First Contact, as life on Homarnis settled into another new normal. At least until the second generation started mating....


Author's Note:

This started as an idea that just would not leave my head - an interspecies romance between a human and an alien whose species is biologically locked into monogamy, some of whom pursue sex with other species before having sex with a life-mate of their own species, only to be surprised when sex with the human changes them both. For months, that was all the plot I had - a start, with no middle or end.

This could have easily turned into a superhero story. One working title was "The Rise of Metaman", but I decided to take it in a different direction. Instead, the diplomatic/Alliance angle pushed it towards being a story of the formation of a hybrid species, residing on a terraformed and renamed Mars. The decision to use nanites as part of the transformation then allowed me to fit it into the same universe as "Life With Nano" and segue into making it more obviously a sequel to that story in the last chapters.

M.R. Leenysman

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SatyrDickSatyrDickalmost 2 years ago

Excellent story!

11/10 NANOs!!!!!

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 2 years ago

Excellent story! It makes a nice change that our “suspension of disbelief” can hang on to a thin ledge of already known science, although I confess to reading a couple of the weightier passages dealing with the science of compatibility a couple of times to get them straight in my head.

That said, the whole idea of a compatible couple who are genetically incompatible is a great and original spin in SF, the resulting world/society building and the hiccups from moronic paranoid elements has a nice touch of plausibility about it, definitely a 5/5 from me here, many thanks for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz.

cindyp1976cindyp1976about 4 years ago
One of my favorites

I loved this story and the connected story that came before it. This is one of the best stories I have read here on Literotica and kind of wish you had made it a longer series you left me wanting more of this world you created.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Nice...real nice.

I hope that there is a sequel or sequels.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Absolutely FABULOUS!

This story is FAR from done...:-)

You've had a start and a middle and a really great finish cummin', I'm thinkin'...:-)

Now, I too, am compelled to read the rest of stuff you've written.

BTW... Let s get moving with Shards!

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