The Masseur Pt. 06


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"I hope you have some left for tomorrow," She replied, spitting out some more.

"No problem there," I told her as I put my package away and zipped up.

We held hands and walked back to the main trail. I felt so much better and planned on showing her the next time we got together. When we got to the main trail, she told me she needed to get home before the search parties came looking for her.

"Okay, have a good time."

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow, you owe me."

"Not a problem, I can't wait either.

She put her arms around my neck and wanted a goodbye kiss. I kissed her and didn't like the taste of my cum on her lips, but I wasn't about to say no after what she'd done for me. She jogged back down the trail towards her home, and I turned and walked back to mine. I had to spit a few times, but it didn't help get rid of the taste.

After a couple of beers, the bad taste was gone, and I was feeling pretty relaxed.


On Sunday afternoon, Mandy showed up in her sweats and said that she'd told her mom she was coming over for a workout. We had a good one, but I don't think it was the kind of exercise her mom would have approved of!

Mandy came in the back door when she saw me riding the stationary bike. I was soaked in sweat and stopped when I saw her come in.

"Hey, Ethan!"

"Hi, you ready for your workout?"

Mandy came over and gave me a kiss on the lips but didn't touch my sweat-soaked body.

"Looks like you're already done," She said with a smile, and pointing at my sweat-soaked T-shirt.

"I can keep going if you want?"

"No, I can think of a better way to spend your energy."

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

Mandy gave me a sly smile, "You could take me to bed if you want to?"

I grabbed my towel off the bike, "I like a girl who gets right to the point."

"I think you ought to take a shower first...stinky!"

"Good idea, come on."

I grabbed a beer from the kitchen, and we headed to my big bedroom. I took the beer with me in the bathroom, and Mandy told me to hurry as she started undressing. I'm sure I didn't take more than five minutes to wash up. I wrapped a towel around my waist, grabbed my beer, and walked out into the bedroom, expecting to find Mandy in bed waiting for me.

Instead, I found her going through that mystery box of toys I'd received. She was digging through it and giggling, with nothing on but a bright green pair of panties! I'd forgotten all about leaving it on the floor by the wall!

She looked up at me and laughed, "I never would have guessed you are into kinky stuff!"

"I'm not," I told her, and walked over, "That showed up on my door, and I have no idea who sent it."

"Really?" She replied, still digging through the box like a kid on Christmas, "I guess someone is trying to give you a hint."

"You think? but who?"

Mandy was pulling stuff out of the box and setting it on the floor. I had to admit she looked pretty sexy in her neon-green panties.

"You really have no idea who sent this stuff?"

"No idea at all," I said, watching her examine all the stuff, "I don't even know how to use that stuff."

She came out of the box with a vibrator in each hand, "Not even these?" She teased me.

"Those are pretty simple to figure out, the rest I have no idea."

Mandy was on her knees and sat back on her heels, "Mm, I always wondered what it would be like to have two hard cocks at once," She remarked, examining them closely.

I laughed, "With that attitude, you'll be really popular in College!"

She tossed them back in the box and looked up at me, "Hey, you want to try this stuff out?"

I was a little shocked, "Do you?"

"Yeah, we could learn together, and then maybe I'll understand why girls like being tied up."

I was thinking, "Like Mother, like daughter," but I didn't say it.

"Let me read up first," I told her, "Right now, I had something more traditional in mind."

Mandy stood up and came over to me, "Like what?" She asked as she started pulling my towel free.

When the towel dropped, she got close, and we kissed. I felt her grab my dick. It knew what to do and started getting hard in her hand.

"I was thinking, a 69 would be a nice start," I told her after the kiss.

"That sounds good to me!"

I laid down in the middle of the bed on my back as Mandy stripped off her green panties and crawled up on the bed. She carefully got on top of me on her hands and knees. I slid further to the end of the bed until my face was under her twat. Then she laid down on top of me, and I felt her start licking the tip of my cock as I went after her tasty little pussy with a vengeance.

The best part of doing it this way was I had full access to her pressure points on her lower back. Not to mention spreading her cute butt cheeks apart and tease the opening to her vagina and anus with my tongue.

For her part, I really enjoyed how she cupped my balls with her right hand, the left one around my shaft and her mouth doing wonderful things to the head of my cock. I cheated and made her cum with the help of her pressure points.

"AHhhhhhhhhh, OOOhhhhhhhh, FUCK!" She moaned and squirmed, but I held her tight and kept licking her clit.

Mandy rolled off and on her back, sticking her long legs straight up in the air in a "V."

"Ethan," She pleaded, "Come fuck me, baby!"

Who was I to refuse? I got between her legs and plunged inside her tight pussy. Bellies pressed together as we kissed for a while before I started humping her.

"Oh yeah," She moaned, "Oh, that feels so fucking good! Yes, Yes, fuck me, Ethan, Give it to me baby!"

Now, after a 10-minute blow job, I didn't have much trouble getting off.

"You ready?" I asked her and got faster.

"For what?"

"I'm going to cum."

"Me Toooooo!" She yelled out a second later, and I felt her vagina start squeezing and pulsing around my thrust.

I slammed her pussy hard a few more times and went off with a loud moan of my own.

"Oh yeah, baby," Mandy groaned, "I can feel it...OOOhhh... fuck YES that's sooooo good!" and then her right hand snuck around her butt, and her fingers touched my balls!

Shit! I hadn't been expecting that, and it just made me cum that much harder! Apparently, the girl had a few tricks of her own. I didn't mind, and she got every drop I had to give her.


While we were enjoying the afterglow together, I remembered about her dinner.

"How was dinner?"

Mandy was lying on her right side. Her head on my shoulder and her palm on my stomach, "Good and Bad."

"How so?"

"While I was away, a letter came, and I got a full athletic scholarship to BYU."


"Brigham Young University. It's rated the best women's athletic college for track."

"Hey, that's great!" I told her, "So, what's the bad news?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow."


"Summer training camp. But it's only an hour's drive, so I'll come back and see you when I can."

"That's better than nothing," I replied, "Should make for some good reunions."

"It better."

"What's that mean?"

"I want you to figure out that box of toys over there for me."

I started laughing, "You really want to be tied up and fucked, don't you?"

"I want to try everything before I die! Maybe even learn how to fly."

"Mandy, I like your style!"

"I love you too!"

"Hey now, don't start thinking I'm the marrying type, because I'm not."

"So, you just want a fuck buddy?"

"I'm just saying I have no plans to ever get married."

Mandy smiled, "I guess I can live with that for now."

Mandy kissed me, got up, and headed for the bathroom, "I need to get home and start packing."

I let her go and heard the shower water running. I really did like her style, young and wanting to learn all about everything is pretty attractive. Especially if she wanted to expand her knowledge of sex. I was more than willing to help her do that.


The big dinner party was boring for the most part. I will tell you a couple of things that stuck out.

My first impression was I'd walked into a contest between fashion designers! It looked like everyone, especially the women, were competing on who had the best dress and jewelry. As for the people, the elite of Utah state. The ladies were all thirty to forty-five years old. The men ranged in ages forty-five to maybe sixty if I hazarded a guess.

I was more interested in the women, of course, and to tell you the truth, I didn't see any I wouldn't mind taking to my bed! The men seemed more uppity than the women, and I don't think they really accepted my youth in their group yet.

I was not looking forward to meeting Michelle's husband, but of course, it happened. I kept my act together despite the fact I'd fucked his wife and daughter. I didn't feel the least bit guilty about it either. They had seemed to enjoy it as much as I had. And if it was true Robert Hamilton, the third was screwing around all the better for me.

Michelle brought him over as I was drifting through the crowd introducing myself.

"Ethan, I want you to meet my husband, Robert."

"Pleased to meet you," He said, offering his hand.

I shook it and noticed that his suit made my thousand dollar one look cheap.

"Michelle tells me she's met you already?

"Yes sir, she brought me a pie the other day."

"She is quite the baker; did you enjoy it?"

I couldn't help myself and answered with a pun.

"I loved it," I told him, "I have to admit I ate all of her pie in one sitting."

Michelle was standing beside him and bit behind. When she heard that, she looked over at me with a tiny smile and gave me a quick wink.

"I know what you mean. Michelle has to hide them from me, or I'd do the same."

We all had a good laugh.

"Oh, there's Andrew, excuse me Ethan I have some business to attend to."

"No, problem sir. Nice to meet you."

"You as well, I'm sure we can get better acquainted later."

Robert headed over to talk to Andrew and left Michelle with me.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" She asked and took a sip of her champagne.

"It's actually pretty boring to me."

Michelle looked around, "Welcome to my world."

"I do appreciate the scenery, and you look fantastic tonight."

"Why, thank you, Ethan," She replied, "That's such a nice compliment from someone I hardly know."

I looked at her funny and wondered what her game was? But then I heard a woman's voice from behind me.

"Michelle, there you are, dear!" and she came into view from behind me.

It all made sense then. Michelle had seen her coming up from behind and played it like a pro. They moved off, talking in whispers after a quick introduction. I walked around for another hour before calling it a night. If this was the life of the rich and famous, I could do without it. I'd been expecting...I don't know what, but if this was the lavish lifestyle, it wasn't for me.


Monday turned out to be an exciting day. When I got home after lunch, I cussed the doorbell, and half expected it to be Michelle. Instead, it was Skylar with a suitcase.

"Sky, what are you doing here?"

"You didn't sound very good on the phone, so I caught the first plane to make sure you were okay!"

Then she ran over and kissed me on the lips and hugged the hell out of me. It felt like heaven after not seeing her for months!

"You look good, Ethan!"

"Thanks, you look better, like always."

"You going to invite me in or stand out here, gawking?"

"Oh, sorry, let me get your bag."

"I can do it; I got it here, didn't I."

"You shouldn't be doing that in your condition!"

Skylar laughed and shook her head, "My condition? and what's that?"

"You know the baby and all that."

Skylar rolled her suitcase towards the door, "You don't have a clue about pregnancy, do you?"

"I guess not, Sky," I told her, "I was just worried about you."

She smiled, "That's okay. I'm pregnant, not an invalid."

"So, how long can you stay?"

"Until you're not upset anymore."

"How's Kevin feel about that?"

Sky stopped and looked at me, "I told him you didn't sound right, and I wanted to come and see what the problem was."

"He's okay with that?"

"Of course, he is," She replied, "He thinks the world of you, and was concerned that you might have gotten in over your head with the business, and all your money. You should call him more often."

"You're right, I will."


Skylar was more than impressed by my new house during my quick tour. We had just sat down in the kitchen with coffee when the fucking doorbell rang again. I went to find out who it was and, of course, it was Michelle.

"Hi, Ethan."

"Hey, Michelle, what brings you by?"

"I was heading home and stopped to pick up my glass pie-plate if you're done with it."

Now, I figured she had more than that on her mind, but I planned on putting an end to it quick before she said something wrong.

"Yeah, sure it's in the kitchen.

Michelle walked with me to the kitchen and was surprised to see Skylar sitting there drinking coffee.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company," She said with not much enthusiasm.

"My little sister gave me a surprise visit. Michelle, this is Skylar, Skylar this is my neighbor Michelle.

Skylar got up, and they shook hands and said their pleasantries as I got the glass pie pan out of the dishwasher.

"Here it is all clean," and handed it to Michelle.

Michelle had dropped her attitude after finding out Sky was my sister, "Thank you, you didn't have to wash it."

"It wasn't too hard to put it in the dishwasher. You want some coffee?"

"Oh no, I won't interrupt your reunion."

"Thanks again for the pie, it really was fantastic."

"Thank you, I'll see myself out. Nice to have met you, Skylar."

"You too, Michelle."

Michelle left, and I sat back down across from Sky, who had that look on her face I knew too well.

"What?" I asked.

Sky grinned, "You have women baking you pies already?"

"She brought it over as a house warming gift, and it tasted fantastic!"

"I bet it did."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Knowing you like I do, and considering how beautiful she is..."

"Stop it, Sky."

Sky laughed, "Can't I even have any fun around you anymore?"

Skylar always knew how to make me feel better. I had to smile back at her, and tell her it was okay.

"Let's go sit by the pool and have a beer," I replied.

"Okay, but I'm off the booze until after she's born."

"You still think it's a girl?"

"I just have a feeling about it."

We walked downstairs and out on the deck after I grabbed a beer. Sky had a soda, as we sat in the deck chairs.

"So, if it's a girl, what's her name going to be?"

"I was thinking about "Taylor." What do you think?"

"Mm," I told her, "I like it, it would work for a boy or girl."

"Yeah, I guess it would," Sky replied, "It's my first choice right now."

"I still can't believe you're going to be a mom."

"Me too, I hope I don't screw it up."

"You'll be a great mom, Sky! I wouldn't worry about it."

She looked at me, and I saw a tear run down her cheek, "You don't hate me, do you?"

"What?" I replied, "Hell no, I could never hate you. I love you!"

"I guess my emotions are getting messed up already from my hormones," Sky said, "I'm a mess at times!"

"You'll be just fine, Sky. I know it will be just fine."

"Thanks!" and she came over for a kiss and a hug.


We got caught up on things during supper and watched some T.V. until Skylar yawned.

"I think I'll take a shower and go to bed."

"Sure, you must be tired from your trip. What room would you like?"

Skylar gave me one of her looks, "What's that supposed to me? I didn't come all this way to sleep alone!"

"You know your condition and stuff."

Skylar looked at me like I was a moron. I guess I was and looked back at her, "What?"

She shook her head in awe, "I had to give up alcohol, not sex. What makes you think I can't have sex?"

"You know, the kid might have dent's in her head or something," I told her.

Skylar laughed until she cried.

When she recovered enough to talk, she remarked, "I'm going to take a shower, look it up on the web. I'll see you later.

I watched her head back into the house and thought maybe I better read up on this pregnancy stuff.


When I got to the Master Bedroom, I heard the shower running, and Skylar had unpacked her suitcase in the walk-in closet. She'd already moved in, and actually, I was okay with it. It wouldn't be permanent, and well, the idea of us being close for a few days already sounded good.

I didn't get to read much on my laptop before Skylar came out in just a robe. And started turning down the bed.

"You coming to bed?" She asked.


"You won't need to wear those boxers," She replied as she dropped her robe and crawled under the covers naked.

I saw her and was immediately getting hard. I got up, turned off the lights, dropped my shorts, and crawled into bed with her. Damn, it felt good to feel her naked body next to mine as we started kissing! She already had her hand on my dick, squeezing and jacking it slightly.

Sky whispered, "Did you know that being pregnant makes some women hornier?"


"Really," Skylar replied, and disappeared under the covers and started sucking my cock.

In a bit, I was ready to return the favor and go down on her, but she stopped me.

"There's time for that later, I need you now!"

I wasted no time in crawling between her warm bare thighs and plunging my cock deep in her. Sky's pussy was hot and juicy, and she let out a long moan.

"God, you feel so good!" She told me as I started to thrust.

I've mentioned before how I think her vagina was made just for me. It just felt perfect and fit me like a glove. Skylar was always juicy and hot inside, and it made short work of me. I didn't hold back at all. All I could think of was how bad I wanted to fill her with cum.

By the way, she was moaning, and lifting her hips up to each thrust, I thought she must feel the same way about me. When I came, it was incredible, just like always. Usually, Skylar came with me. This time was no different, and that made it even better.

"FUCK YES! FUCK YES! OH, GOD...ahhhhhhhhhh!" Skylar screamed out, and I felt her pussy squeezing tightly around my cock after each mind-blowing spurt I gave her.

I was out of breath and just laid there on top of her until my cock stopped throbbing. Sky was rubbing my back with both hands and trying to kiss me.

"Ethan, I love you so much!"

Not being so smart, I asked, "And Kevin?"

Without a blink, she looked in my eyes, "I love him too. I'd marry both of you if it was allowed."

I laughed, "You'd never be able to get off your back with both of us around."

"Mmmm, I might like that just fine."

Yes, Skylar was one of a kind, and I was so happy she was my sister and my part-time lover! At that moment, I could care less about what the world would think if they knew about us.

Yes, it was starting to look like I was going to have an enjoyable week. I'd almost forgotten that Skylar was going to have another man's baby. Almost but not quite. But I wasn't about to let that ruin our short time together.

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Holistic_VoyeurHolistic_Voyeurabout 1 year ago

I can't believe it ends here? Seriously? There is so much more to this story. It has been near perfect so far! Please keep writing this one.

LynchjimLynchjimabout 2 years ago

Oh for gods sake please keep writing this story it’s way too good to just stop now come on please.

ManningDP69ManningDP69over 2 years ago

ummmm is the next part finished?

Thanks great story so far would really like to see where this ends


nicho1855nicho1855almost 3 years ago

What a great series. I've enjoyed reading every word of this tale as I have done with all your other stories. I thought there would be at least one more chapter to this story, but it doesn't look like it now. I just hope the reason you've stopped writing isn't because of Covid. Please let us know if you are OK, even if you don't plan to write anymore.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Disappointed you stopped here

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