The Mature Professor's Nemesis


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"Talk to my husband maybe you could get lucky, Lou." Wanda said as she left the room with Sue following her.

Both young men were in the dressing room, their peckers sticking out of their robes.

"Wanda, you're giving us blue balls teasing us with your talented pussy and lip action." Eric moaned as he covered his erection causing a tent to form in the robe.

"Sorry guys but you need to stay excited for the next hour before you can climax, or it will take too much effort on my part to get you to stay in my labia and mouth." Wanda said apologetically to the young men.

Kyle said. "I guess you're right. It takes a while for me to get up again after I cum."

Eric went to the head to take a leak once his erection subsided.

Wanda went with him. "I want to hold your organ while you relieve yourself." She said as she took his pecker between two fingers and as he started to pee she drew squiggles with the escaping liquid splashing in the bowl.

Kyle had to go also and Sue went and helped him the same as Wanda helped Eric. The women are having a grand time touching new male equipment. Sam was capturing all their antics in the dressing room, wishing he was there with the two women.

The group walked back into the studio and all the artists were waiting for them.

Wanda said as she got onto the posing platform. "I need Lou to adjust us to make sure we are in the same pose."

Lou was in his glory manipulating Wanda and touching her in intimate places as he adjusted the pose until all there agreed it was right. Wilhelm started the timer.

The young men's organs were firmer presently. Wanda didn't have to manipulate them as much to keep them hard. Sue was in awe of the Professors professionalism in the face of adversity, making the act she is engaging in look innocent.

Sam admired the Professor also keeping it together knowing she may lose everything if her nemesis finds out what Sam and Carl are up to.

The timer sounded for the end of the first long pose.

Wanda walked around to see the drawings along with Eric and Kyle, the models remained nude. Sue looked at the sketches marveling at the accuracy with the exception of drawing the models genitals out of proportion to the rest of the body.

"Break over male models change position. Same pose." Wilhelm said.

The models mounted the stage and assumed the position for the next pose. Wilhelm started the timer.

Wanda is taking the helmet of Eric's cock, in her mouth, tasting her pussy on it. She is squeezing Kyle with her pussy and sucking on Eric's organ causing him to moan. She could feel both young men's pecker getting harder, so she backed off before they shot their wad. Wanda did this throughout the pose frustrating the young men.

Sue was so wet she thought she peed watching Wanda perform with the young men. She looked around to see a lot of hard cocks tenting the artist's pants. The women artist's, were surreptitiously rubbing their legs together pleasuring their womanhood or doing their Kegel exercises covertly while witnessing the performance on the stage. The whole group stopped drawing to watch the exhibition on stage a few times.

The timer went off.

Wanda and Sue went to the dressing room, the young men followed after they put on their robes. They walked into the dressing room to find Wanda, her legs spread wiping her pussy and Sue with her skirt up wiping her pussy, not caring the young men can see their pussies.

"You need any help there ladies?" Eric asked as both young men ogled the mature women and started to laugh at their sexually stimulated condition.

The group walked out to the studio. The Artists were waiting for them again. Sue sat down in the front and to the side. She pulled her skirt up so she wouldn't wet the back of it with her feminine essences that are escaping from her pussy.

Wanda assumed the position saying. "Lou, come up here to make sure we are in the proper position."

He happily donned the stage and commenced to intimately touch Wanda in the name of getting her in the proper pose to continue the session. When all agreed, the timer was set for the last twenty minutes of the night, all the artists were watching the models moving slightly. The young men were clandestinely, trying to get off they were so horny. Lou seeing what was happening on the posing platform and the more aggressive movements of the models stood up.

"I think we should call it a night and let the models get their pleasure. They did a great job." Lou said and started to clap.

The whole group gave them a round of applause. Wanda was stunned by the turn of events and she couldn't do anything about it. She was air tighted between the two young men. Wanda was enjoying the double penetration as she hasn't done this since she was in X-rated movies. Eric was deep thoating her while Kyle was balls deep in her pussy. They pounded her for a good ten minutes before they came. As far as Wanda was concerned she was mortified that this posing session turned into a rape and she couldn't do anything about it, but she came before it was all over.

When the young men rolled off her she jumped up and ran to the dressing room in tears. She was embarrassed that she enjoyed the sex session with the two young men.

Sam did the video capture for the photos for Clarke, so Wanda can send them to him.

They young men came in to apologize to Wanda for the unwanted sexual encounter they orchestrated.

"Even though I didn't want you to do that, I enjoyed being air tighted." Wanda said embarrassed to admit her sexual eccentricity.

The group was getting dressed when Lou and Wilhelm came into the room.

"Lou you're not going to say anything to the administration about this little orgy we had on stage, are you?" Wanda said in a panic.

"Of course not Wanda, you guys did a great job modeling it was appreciated by all the Artists they asked me to be spokesman for the group. Good Job" Lou said, giving Wanda, a hug, who was still topless and Sue also, reaching under her skirt and rubbing her clit while in their embrace.

Wilhelm gave the models the money for the session with a hundred dollar tip for each. Wanda split the money up between the two young men she didn't want any of cash. She just wants to be done with this degradation. Wanda went to the car and the other occupants followed.

"Thank you for coming with me Sue. Eric and Kyle thanks for agreeing to model with me." Wanda said in a grateful voice.

The young men having just had sex with a mature woman were having a good time on the way home clowning around, which added levity to the ride home. Wanda was feeling better only one more night of degradation and she will be done with Clarke's manipulation.

Sam sent the photos to Wanda's private email address. He called Hale to update him, leaving out the part about Wanda being double teamed and the orgy she had, at the hands of the two young men.

Wanda dropped off the two young men and before they exited the car they both apologized for having sex with her for the second time.

"I was caught up in the sexual nature of the modeling and I'm sorry for having relations with you without your consent, but I want to say the sex with you was the best I ever had. Eric stated looking very contrite.

"You are the very best partner I have ever been with. I'm sorry I forced myself on you." Kyle stated blushing.

Wanda, seeing the two young men are sorry for what they did, but if it wasn't for Clarke forcing her into this situation the two young men wouldn't have had the opportunity to be with the mature woman. She blames Clarke for the live sex show at the art co-op. "Let's just forget what happened tonight, you guys are young and full of cum, posing as we were told to caused your little heads to take over for the head on your shoulders. Just be careful and treat the women you date with respect. Remember how you're feeling presently, so you won't do anything as dastardly to one of your dates that you did to me tonight." The Professor said figuring it as a life lesson for the two young men, whom she likes.

Continuing on to drop off Sue, the two women conversed about the nights modeling fiasco.

"I'm so mad at what happened in front of the group tonight, I can't wait for Clarke to get what is coming to him." Wanda said in tears, realizing she broke her marriage vows again.

"Wanda, you're upset that you had two young men that were so smitten with you they couldn't control themselves. I wished I could have traded places with you." Sue stated, as she pulled her skirt up and started to rub her pussy in front of Wanda laughing.

Wanda, her feelings going for terror to uncontrolled laughter said to Sue. "I haven't seen you do that since we were in college, but I think you should hold off Charley may want some of that."

"There will be plenty of sexual want for him the quench. I'm so horny witnessing your degradation that I will probably need to cum three times tonight before I am satisfied." Sue answered as she continued rubbing her kitty.

"Will you stop doing that Sue my car is beginning to smell like a whorehouse on wheels?" She joked with her friend as both women began laughing uncontrollably.

Wanda let off Sue at her house and proceeded home once her friend was safely indoors.


Sue walked into the house and found her husband sleeping on the couch in front of the TV. She awoke him saying. "I have a problem Charley, Mama needs to be hosed down."

Charley reached for his wife and put his hand under her skirt to find she was missing her panties and she was very wet. "Are you I missing something?" Charley asked, sticking his fingers in her pussy.

"Yes last week I wore slacks and messed up two pair of panties mine and Wanda's, so I took them off tonight, no sense ruining a good pair of panties."

Sue stripped off her remaining clothes and leaned over on the coffee table. Charley got the hint and dropped his pants. Raising to the occasion he entered his wife without any fore play she was so wet. They did the deed with vigor, being a gentleman Charley made sure his wife came before he coated her honey pot with his offering. Their coupling was short and sweet collapsing on the couch in each other's arms still connected.

They went to bed after the Tonight show.


When Wanda entered the house she broke down, what she did tonight disturbed her to the point that she was in tears. Her husband hearing his wife sobbing came into the kitchen and put his arm around her.

"Bad night?" He asked.

"Yes and I broke our marriage vows again, with the two young models." Wanda sobbed.

"Wanda you have no control of this situation, you're doing what needs to be done in order to preserve your good name and retirement. Clarke is the one that is the bad guy not you. I still love you no matter what." Hale said holding his wife tightly. Hale is in a rage, when Sam finds this coward he wants a piece of him.

Hale walked arm in arm with Wanda to the master bedroom. He helped her undress noting that again she has no undergarments on. The mature woman went to the bathroom to take a shower before bed. She was in the shower a long time scrubbing trying to get the filth she felt off her body, sobbing from time to time. Hale was sitting on the water closet talking to her trying to console her, but he wasn't having much luck. He was waiting with a towel when Wanda stepped out of the shower, helping to wipe the water off his wife's body.

"You know I love you Wanda, you're not doing this because you want to you're doing this because you're forced to. It will be over after Thursday I guarantee you that." Hale said as he wiped his wife's back.

"I hope so, but I have to drag Sue into this situation and I feel bad about it." Wanda stated starting to sob again.

Hale was becoming very concerned about his wife's mental state. He helped his wife get into bed after she put on a pair of PJ's.

"I will be up in a few minutes I need to do something before I retire for the night." Hale stated to his wife.

Hale went to his home office to call Sam. "Hi Sam, sorry I calling you so late, but do you think we can cancel the last part of this operation and find the scumbag with the information we have? My wife's mental state is deteriorating, she had sex with the two young men and is hysterical presently concerned about our marriage vows."

"It wasn't her fault all the blame lies on our friend Clarke we know the general area he is in, but haven't got an exact location yet. Carl is working on that aggressively , he is putting together a sting, but it will take the rest of the week to get the wheels in motion. Unfortunately Wanda will have to model for the group on Thursday or our friend will likely be in the wind, and cause problems for your wife." Sam said remorsefully.

"Well if that is the best you can do I will have to convince Wanda she will have to model one more time for the group. Sam I want a piece of that scumbag." Hale said very angry.

"Let us take care of the coward Hale we know how to do it without getting in trouble. That is why you hired us; we're the best covert operatives." Sam said with conviction.

"Yes I have the best team working with me." Hale said grateful he has Sam and Carl on his team.


Wanda awoke the next morning after a very troubling restless night. She still feels guilty for having sex with the two young men. Wanda thought she could deal with all the humiliation, by going into her porno persona, but it was too much for her last night, and she has still tomorrow to deal with. She got dressed and went to work, Hale left before her, but she made believe she was sleeping when he came over said good bye and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

It was the worse day of her life to date, Wanda couldn't do anything right. She gave a class the wrong assignment. Forgot she had a meeting with her teaching associates. Wanda did answer her emails and then went to her personal email account to send the photos to her nemesis Clarke.

"One more night and you will be rid of me for a while." Clarke emailed to Wanda with a LOL emoji.

"Yes and that isn't soon enough Clarke." She wrote back with a middle finger emoji.

"Now, be nice I can send all the information I have on you to the administration and your husband also." He wrote back with a devil emoji attached.

Wanda didn't reply. Closed the computer and left the college early. She went home took a shower and went down to the living room nude and put on The Doctor Phil show. Hale called Wanda's phone at the college to check up on her and found she left early. He is concerned that Wanda's mental state is deteriorating, so he called home.

Wanda heard the landline ring, seeing her husband's cell come up on the TV she answered the call. "Hi Hale, are you going to come home soon?" Wanda asked in a melancholy tone.

Hale, noting his wife's depressed inflection in her voice said. "I can be home in less than forty-five minutes if you want me to?"

"Please Hale I don't want to be alone. I need someone here, I am so depressed." Wanda answered sobbing.

Hale had his PA cancel all the afternoon clients, Hale made it home in thirty-five minutes to find his wife nude sobbing on the living room couch.

"Hale I am so ashamed of what I did last night with the two young men will you forgive me?" Wanda sobbed.

"I love you Wanda, you're not cheating on me you're doing what you need to do to protect your good name, until we dispose of your nemesis Clarke. This will happen within the next few days unfortunately you will have to model with Sue on Thursday and that will put the final nail in his coffin, figuratively speaking of course." Hale said with conviction, but also with a little of perverted intent, so he and Charley will have a video of his wife and Sue in front of a group. Hale became disgusted with himself for his thoughts.

Wanda lay on the end of the couch resting her head on throw pillows with her husband sitting between her legs, as they conversed. She spread her legs to give him access to her womanhood, she needed to have reassurance that Hale still found her attractive in spite of what she has been doing to appease her nemesis Clarke. Hale finding his wife's pussy wet and the familiar scent of her arousal; he couldn't help himself he needed to taste his wife's flower of life. He moved down between her legs and lapped up her feminine arousal as a cat licks up a bowl of milk, inserting his tongue into her honey pot. He was becoming aroused also licking his wife's pussy knowing that both young men creamed her cervix last night during the modeling session.

Wanda screamed at the top of her lungs when she came, shaking and capturing her husband's head between her legs. Hale felt like she was trying to cave his head in with her pussy lock of her thighs. She went limp and Hale got up and removed his clothes to get back between his wife's legs to add his deposit in his wife's pussy.

Being older it was taking Hale time to building up a head of steam, but this was okay with his wife. It gave her time to conjure up another orgasm and they blasted off together within fifteen minutes of Hale started to plow his wife's flower of life.

Hale, was spent he lay on the couch and Wanda lay with him watching the end of the Ellen show and the nightly news. Wanda was content that her husband showed his affection for her in the preceding act of love.

They went to bed after the eleven O'clock news. Hale slept like a log, Wanda was restless all night knowing she will have to perform at the art co-op with Sue.


The final day of Wanda's degradation has arrived. She is worried that Sue will face some consequences for her helping her tonight.

She brought this to Hale's attention while they sat and had breakfast saying. "Hale you have to make sure Sue doesn't have a problem for helping me tonight?"

"Sam and Carl have that covered after tonight it will be the end of your nemesis." Hale assured Wanda.

Wanda being in a tense temperament had one of her associates take her classes? She stayed in her office working on the non-consequential items just to keep her mind occupied.

Eric and Kyle showed up at her office an hour before she needed to leave to pick up Sue.

"I don't need both of you there tonight. I only need Kyle to record the session." Wanda stated angry that both young men will be seeing her and Sue together.

"Sorry Wanda, I'm the one with the car." Eric said apologetically.

Wanda, knowing they both saw all of her along with being intimate with her, felt bad she snapped at them, as they had helped her keep her nemesis in the dark, so Sam can disarm him of his hold of the mature Professor saying. "Okay, I have no problem with both coming tonight, but why don't you drive Eric, that way I can go right home and don't have to detour to the college." The Professor said as she started to disrobe to remove her bra in front of the two joyful young men.

"We will meet you at Five Brothers." Kyle said as they left Wanda's office once she put her blouse back on.

It was three thirty, so she left to pick up Sue. Wanda was stressed and when Sue came out of the door from her office she didn't look much better.

"You ready to show the group your lovely body Sue?" Wanda asked with a smile to try to get her friend in a better state of mind.

"Yes I had Charley trim around my lady lips to make sure everyone can see my honey pot." Sue confided in her friend.

"Just like old times right Sue?" Wanda laughed with an embarrassed smile.

"Easy for you to say, you have your porn queen persona, I have only done you and that was Sunday and only for our husband's enjoyment." Sue said smiling and turning red.