The Me Too Experience

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Actress has a #metoo experience with a famed director.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/15/2019
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This story is a work of fiction. The characters in this story are fictitious and do not resemble any real life people.


I was a shoe salesman before I became involved in the movie business. It was only by chance that I became involved in Bollywood. I worked with Neel and one day he introduced me to his nephew, Vinay. He was looking for investors as he wanted to make a film. It was a Z list affair but it gave me my first taste of films. I became a producer on the film and I saw the inner workings of the industry.

We set up our own production company and worked together on many other films. We were never accepted by the Bollywood establishment. I branched out in my own right as a director as I had grander ambitions.

I was hooked on the lifestyle. Young girls, drugs and fast cars. I never settled for marriage as I enjoyed the perks of the life.

I was now Ajay Gupta, famed Bollywood director. But something changed in me since I met my old friend, Ashok.

Everyone has heard of casting couch stories but the truth is many young aspiring actresses are actively looking to seduce and sleep with the director to get a leg up in the industry.

It was never a challenge and I now realised how tedious my life was when I saw Ashok and his new girl. There was a conflict in her but also a sense of loyalty to Ashok. There was something real between them, a something I had never felt in my numerous relationships. I found the relationship fascinating and I wanted a challenge. I was not going to sleep with the next eager girl.

I was working on a new movie. It was going to be my biggest yet. The casting was complete and we were just waiting to sign the contracts with the lead female and male roles. The big established stars never worked on my movies as they never accepted me as one of them.

There was a lot of talk about the movie as I had secured the rights to the biggest songs of the year so I was confident of securing the signatures.

The male lead had signed on but we had not heard back from the female lead. I called up her agent and she told me that she had got another offer and was no longer interested. I knew the establishment was behind this and it made my blood boil.

I re-opened casting and I needed a star to sell the film.

It had been a week since the call to the talent agents had gone out and we had started casting again.

I was sat with 2 other producers as we heard auditions for the role. A name on the list stood out to me, Shalini Roy.

She was the biggest female star in Bollywood 6 years ago before she quit Bollywood to marry some billionaire. She was not just part of the establishment, she was Bollywood royalty. She would not be seen dead in one of my movies.

I called Vinay as he often had his ear to the ground when it came to gossip.

He was surprised I had not heard the news as it was a big scandal but the establishment were trying to sweep it under the carpet. Her new husband was an investment banker and she had persuaded a lot of her friends from the industry to invest their money with him but he had set up a Ponzi scheme and lived a jet set lifestyle while pocketing the money. She was now broke and shunned by the Bollywood elite. She was trying to make an acting comeback.

She performed really well at the audition and I could see the talent immediately but I acted unimpressed. She was the type of actress that would shun my movies but now that she was shunned by the elite, she wanted a role in my movie.

The other producers seemed to be recommending her but it was ultimately my choice and I had other ideas. At the audition we said we would give feedback through the agent and thanked her for her time.

She seemed surprised and probably expected to be snapped up. I was annoyed with these stuck Bollywood divas that felt they were above my productions.

Her agent called me a few days later as they had not heard from us. I was rather dismissive and said she just wasn't impressive enough. The agent was almost pleading, "Sir, she is a great admirer of your work. Please give her another opportunity to prove it to you."

She was a star but she was now in her early 30's and that was too old to be considered a leading actress. But her name would attract a lot of attention. The agent was always good for us and I thought I would do him this favour, "We have finished auditions. But I will make time for her at my studio at home. I will email over the script for the scene. I want you to remember what I have done for you."

The next day she arrived at my large estate. The maid showed her to the studio. I greeted her in just my robe.



I was in one of the darkest moments of my life. I was the biggest star in Bollywood 6 years earlier. My agent was inundated with offers and then I met Akash Dasani. He was introduced to me at a party and all I knew about him was that he was an investment banker. He was really charming and I was immediately smitten. All my contemporaries had found their soul mates, usually billionaire industrialists and I had found mine. An up and coming billionaire.

Looking back I never asked many questions and simply trusted everything he said. We were married within 3 months and I took a break from Bollywood to enjoy married life. It was party after party as I enjoyed riches of being married to a billionaire. I invested my family fortune and convinced my fellow Bollywood friends to invest with Akash.

We lived a lavish life spending time on yachts in Monaco in the summer and being spotted at the hottest international parties. We lived a jet set life. But it all came crashing down 6 months ago.

The billions Akash was spending was the money of his investors. His whole investment scheme was a Ponzi scheme and he simply used the money invested with him to spend on his lavish life.

I discovered he had spent everyone's money including my family fortune and the money he stole from my friends. He is now facing prison in Europe and I had lost my fortune.

The only thing I knew in life was acting and I tried to return to Bollywood. But I soon found that the doors that were always open to me were now closed. My friends blamed me for Akash's swindle but I was his biggest victim as I lost my fortune and my reputation. He had used me for my connections.

I was no longer being offered roles when my agent told me about the new Ajay Gupta production. Ajay was a well-known creep in Bollywood. I had luckily never worked with him but he was known as a sleaze ball that would jump on the young actresses. His movies were usually beneath me as I would often be offered the big blockbuster movies.

I assumed I had been offered the role and I was stung into silence when he said I should audition. I had never needed to audition in the past. He then said, "Just flirt with him a little. It won't hurt."

It just infuriated me the whole idea of having to sell myself in this way for a role. The truth was on screen I was a different person to real life. I never had a serious boyfriend in all my life until Akash. It was probably one of the reasons he saw me as an easy target for his scam. It was never love and I was too foolish to know what he was doing. I just didn't know how to flirt even if I tried. I could flash my eyelashes and smile for the camera but in real life I would be too nervous.

I went to the audition and put on my best performance. It was a 3 person panel and Ajay Gupta was sat in the middle. He was more repulsive in person. He was fat and overweight. He had an open shirt with a thick gold chain and his hairy chest on display. He was smoking a cigar as I performed my lines. His fat fingers rolling the cigarette with large gold rings. He dressed like he was still in the 70's.

I gave my best attempts at flirting which was smiles and laughing at comments which I assumed were jokes but it did not have the desired effect on Ajay as he seemed less than impressed.

I went home following the audition with my self-esteem at an all-time low. I tried to maintain my figure but it was becoming more difficult with age.

I thought about plastic surgery and I knew most of the other girls I was competing with had some kind of surgery. Even the younger girls were doing something. I was lucky that my features had lasted this long without needing surgery.

My breasts were getting a little sag and it concerned me greatly.

I went to my doctor to look into the surgery options but the costs were too high and Akash had left me with nothing. The doctor said there was an alternative that will help me lose weight and firm up my breasts. He gave me some tablets. He warned me that there are some side effects that are listed in the information.

I began to take one tablet a day. A couple of days later my agent called me about the audition. I had my fingers crossed but he said, "I have some bad news. They were not impressed. But I have done everything to get you another audition. The good news is you only have to convince Ajay Gupta. Please just win him over. It will be the biggest movie of the year and you will be back with a bang."

I knew deep down he was not impressed. I could see his expression at everything I tried. I was often told by other people not to work with him as he was not approved by the establishment but I was now shunned myself.

I was given the rest of the details and I was disappointed to know it would be at his home studio. I didn't like the idea of being alone with him as he was a well-known creep.

The scene had a sexual undertone to it and this was not one of my strengths.

I dressed casually and wore a salwar kameez to the audition. The tablets were already working and my stomach felt flatter while my breasts felt firmer and even fuller.

As I arrived I was greeted by his maid who said he was waiting for me in his studio.

I was directed to the studio and then the maid left. As I was entering the studio I was surprised at how well it was designed. He was sat on a leather couch in just a robe. It immediately put me on edge as I knew he was a well-known creep and liked to intimidate actresses.

As he got up from the couch the robe came slightly apart revealing his semi-erect penis. He quickly adjusted himself to cover himself. He apologised for his dress and said I was interrupting his day off. He was doing a favour for my agent and I should be grateful to be seen again as my audition was unimpressive. It was already a blow to my confidence but I wanted to win him over and get through this.

I had been fortunate so far in my career that I never had to meet such directors that would try such intimidating behaviour.

I needed the role and I focused my efforts on the scene. The scene was an interview between my character and her new boss. She has a torrid affair with her boss and the interview scene sets the seduction.

I began to read but my mind kept flashing back to the sight of Ajay's penis. I was distracted and floundered my lines.

I composed myself and started again. I was doing a lot better when he moved one leg over the other that caused his robe to be lifted. This brought his penis back into view and it caught my eyes. I paused momentarily and then continued.

I was obviously distracted by this creep and I had never been in this situation before and I did not know how to react. If I complained he would say I was being unprofessional and there was nothing I could use to say he did it deliberately.

He then offered, "You seem distracted. Take 5 minutes, have a drink and then try again."

I had already been here an hour and I did not know why my mind was focused on his penis. He was an old creep and it was what he wanted but I should not give him the pleasure.

My breasts were feeling fuller than ever before. I struggled to fit them into my bra earlier and even in a conservative salwar kameez they looked large. As I went back to read again he allowed me to continue and I focused my efforts on the lines.

He then stood up. His robe coming apart again and he was gesticulating, "This is just not working. I said you were the wrong choice from the beginning. You bring no sexuality to this character. This character would never wear such conservative clothing."

I objected, "Sir, I am only reading the lines."

He then went on a tirade, "This is what I mean. You are a family film actress. You do not understand these sexual characters. You need to feel the character. Get under the skin of the character. Take off your salwar and do the scene in your kameez. It is long enough to be a dress. You need to feel sexual to be able to act sexual."

I felt my skin go red and my body heat up. How dare he suggest I could not act? Acting was acting and you play the role you are given. He was a bloody bastard. My ears were filled with sound of my blood rushing.

In anger I walked off the stage. I was at the side of the stage pacing. I could feel my body heating up with anger. I looked down at my kameez and it went mid-thigh. It was as long as most dresses I wore. I was a professional actress and I could make it through this. I was still in a rage as I took off my salwar and stormed back onto the stage.

He nodded in approval as he saw me walk on stage without my salwar. He was a disgusting pervert and it made my blood boil having to audition for him.

I composed myself and began again. He then stopped me mid-way through my lines, "This is just not working. I have an idea."

He brought a tall stool out on stage and a lower chair. He made the chair and stool face each other and then he snatched the script out of my hand and continued, "The script is not helping you get into character. She is sat down in the scene and I want you to sit on the stool. I will play the interviewer in the other chair."

I had to climb on to the stool and my feet were rested on a foot rest on the stool as they would not reach the ground.

I tried to get comfortable on the stool but I was struggling. I was trying to pull my kameez down as it kept riding up. Ajay could see my discomfort and he came over to me. I did not need him in my personal space as I was already uncomfortable in his presence. He put his hand on my hip to steady me on the stool. His other hand went to my thigh. He slid it in the slit of the kameez and onto my exposed thigh. He then adjusted me so that I was sat in a more comfortable position. As he did this his hand slid up my thigh to my panties and his other hand went to my breast and groped it tweaking my nipple. His actions were so quick that before I could respond he had removed his hands and returned to his seat.

He was a creep and I knew his actions were deliberate. My breasts felt so sensitive ever since I started taking the tablets and this was the first time a man had touched them since Akash.

As he sat down his robe became slightly loose and his penis came back into view.



Her breasts seemed much more vibrant now when compared to the audition. I had to feel them as I wondered if it was natural or padding or surgery. To my surprise and pleasure it was all natural.

I sat down and deliberately let my robe come loose to expose my semi hard dick to her. I wanted her staring at my cock as we performed this scene.

I had a perfect view of her panties from this angle as she was higher than me. She was wearing a slutty red pair of panties and I wondered if she was wearing a matching a bra. I loved the golden brown skin of her legs.

My semi hard cock was becoming hard and I could see her eyes drawn to it.

She then caught me staring at her panties and she moved her legs to the side trying to cover up with her kameez. It was not much use and it left her leg exposed and I could see the side strap of her panty.

I threw the script to the side, "We don't need a script. You need to walk in the skin of the character."

I deliberately used the word skin when she was now exposing so much of it.

The character I was playing would be played by a younger and much better looking person in the film. I started the scene, "What qualities do you have for the role of my secretary?"

She was uncomfortable in her position but I had to commend her professionalism as she got into character. She provided the expected answer but I wanted to keep pushing her buttons.

My response was a suggestive question, "Do you like to take Dick-tation?" I emphasised the dick in the phrase and her eyes went straight to my hard dick. But she quickly tried to look away.

She seemed slightly frazzled but she understood the tone of the interview and she responded, "Sir, I will gladly take dictation and I will work long and hard."

Her responses had a more sexual tone and perhaps I should have shown her my hard cock earlier. I had noticed she had not shaved her legs from my earlier grope and they had stubble, "Do you expose your hairy legs in all your job interviews?"

I did not want her to get comfortable in our scene and I wanted to keep her on edge at all times. She looked at me sternly and turned on the stool covering her exposed leg but this now brought her panties into view. She was tugging on her kameez trying to pull it down.

To my surprise there was a wet spot on her panties. She may act the prude but this whole situation was certainly turning her on. She caught my eyes on her panties and clasped her legs together.

To my surprise she stayed in character and replied, "Sir, I apologise if it offends you. I will shave them if I am given the opportunity to work for you."

Her response was intriguing, was this the character's response or was she telling me she would shave her legs if I gave her the role.

I wanted to play with her, "It does not offend me. I sometimes enjoy stroking my hand along a hairy thigh."

I deliberately referred to my earlier grope of her leg and I wondered what her response would be. She was shocked about my brashness but then replied abruptly, "Some men are perverts," and she stormed off stage again.

I chuckled to myself at breaking her character again.



He was such a pig and I could not cope with his perverted actions. I was happy to pretend his grope was an accident but for him to talk so brazenly and openly about it, almost as if he was proud of it really got under my skin.

I put my salwar back on and called my agent from outside of the studio. I did not give the details but just made it clear I could not do this with this man. He said, "I have heard back from all the other major productions and they will not even give you an audition. This is the only film that will even give you an audition."

I was stunned into silence. I stood there staring blankly at the wall as I took in the meaning of what he said. I was finished in Bollywood and Ajay Gupta was my only hope.

A shiver ran through me as I thought about the fact that I needed this fat ugly creepy old man or I was finished.

I was going to give him a performance of a lifetime.

A calmness came over me as I walked back into the studio and on to the stage. Ajay looked towards me and raised an eyebrow at my salwar.

I just thought fuck it and took it off without breaking stride.

I sat more confidently on the stool and crossed one leg over the other allowing my kameez to be raised and exposing my legs to him. But my crossed legs stopped him from staring at my panty and I asked the only question that was on my mind, "Did you like stroking my unshaved thigh?"

I was not going to call it hairy, it was not hairy. It just had not been shaved and was stubbly. He chuckled at my confidence, the pig and replied, "I must say I did. But it just made me think about your other 'unshaven' parts that I want to stroke?"

He was such a fucking pig but I was not going to let him get to me this time. I needed to get through this audition.

I uncrossed my legs deliberately leaving my kameez out of place so that my panties were visible to him and then I crossed my other leg over.