The Meek Shall Inherit


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"Oh, I'm sorry; I guess we should get started, huh?" I smiled from the corner of my mouth and Cheryl flashed one back at me.

"I left all my stuff upstairs, c'mon." Cheryl started to jog up the stairs and I followed behind her. Now I didn't like to have my mind wander around sexual things too much, being that they were a distraction, but now and then I would let myself go. This was one of those times. As we gone up the stairs, I couldn't help but notice Cheryl's tight ass moving from side to side, and I couldn't help but notice the familiar tingle in my jeans that I got when a hard on was coming. Luckily, Cheryl's room was just a short while away and I could sit down and not have to worry about my budding erection getting her attention.

"C'mon on in." Cheryl walked into her room and plopped down on the bed. Following her in, I sat down on a chair at a desk. Her room was certainly reflected an individual characteristic. The walls were painted a sky blue and bordered with stars at the top area where the wall met the ceiling. It was devoid of posters, but didn't lack in artwork. Painted into the walls were various doodles of caricatures and designs, all were initialed "C.H." and dated accordingly. Wanting to establish a good rapport with Cheryl early on, I decided to comment on the artwork.

"You've got quite a nice room. Did you do all that art yourself? It's very lovely." My head went from searching each picture to looking back at Cheryl, who began to crack a smile.

"Thanks. Yeah, I drew all of it myself; I guess you must think it's pretty corny, huh?" Cheryl averted her eyes away from me.

"Of course not. We've all got our own hobbies and talents. In fact, I bet my room looks a lot worse than yours, it's pretty lame...But anyway, I came here to help you with your troubles." I pointed at the math book beside on her on the bed, "Shall we get started?"

"Oh yeah, sure." Cheryl picked up the book and began flipping through the pages to where she was having problems. That warm up session did some good, I got to know a little about her and I was no longer in danger of an impending erection. Cheryl found the area where she was having problems with and I looked in my own book and went over with her the basics and tried to explain it to her best I could. Time went by and gradually, Cheryl began to understand and grasp the concepts and ideas of the geometry.

As we sat there in her room, I started feeling more and more at ease with her. I didn't feel wound up like I was when I tutored the girls who would just use me and toss me aside. I liked this feeling. I guess this is what it means to be appreciated by somebody other than your parents. Cheryl didn't have any bad features about her at all. She was nice, well mannered, was willing to accept help and guidance rather than just argue with me about how her way of thinking was right...again, I was reminded of her complete oppositeness of the girls I was normally accustomed to. I wondered, would she mind if I asked her out? This may not be the best place to do it, but I couldn't really think of any other more opportune time to ask. Why not?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden shutting of the math book and a sigh of relief coming from Cheryl,

"Whew. Thanks a bunch, Tyler. I didn't think I would ever be able to understand this crap, but thanks to you, I think I might be able to pass Ms. Donnelly's class now." She started bending back with her arms up, stretching, and began to expose her beautifully flat stomach.

"Oh, it's no problem, I'm always happy to help. And to tell you the truth, you were probably the nicest person I've tutored during the entire school year. Most other girls would just boss me around and try to argue with me when I tried to help, but not you. And I'm very grateful, so I suppose I should thank you in turn." I gave her a smile and started to stand up.

"Leaving so soon?" Cheryl leaned forward from her stretch and supported herself on her hands, a slight look of disappointment in her face.

"Well, it's getting sort of late and I should be getting home for dinner." I grabbed up my math book and headed toward the door.

"Oh, c'mon, it's only 7:20. Can't you just stay a bit longer? We don't even have to talk about this stuff," Cheryl said, shoving her book to the floor, "We can just talk. OK?"

I stood there for just a bit, going over what I wanted to do. On the one hand, I did want to ask her out and see if there was something more to this. I did want to stay, to get to know her, and actually spend some real time with a girl who didn't want me to leave as soon as she figured out the difference between perpendicular lines and skew lines. She was an attractive girl who wanted to actually talk to me. On the other hand...I could go home to eat dinner. What was wrong with me? There was only one choice to make here.

"OK." I sat my math book back on the desk and sat down on the chair once more. It stayed quiet for a moment as I started thinking of what I could ask or even bother saying to her. I was fine with tutoring, but when it came to conversation, I only knew how to be polite. I asked her the first thing that popped into my head, which was convenient enough,

"So what are your plans after you graduate? Going to college?"

"Well, I don't really know to tell you the truth. I wanna take a break for a little bit, high school's burned me out, know what I mean?" Cheryl started laying against the wall, pillow in lap.

"Actually, more than you would think." I looked down, starting to think of my less than happy four year term at high school.

"How do you mean?" Cheryl looked me directly in the eyes. I wasn't really sure if I could really tell her about how it was for me, being that she was friends with girls I had tutored and if I told her it might get back to them and render unforeseen consequences on myself. Maybe this would be a good time to employ my Jedi mind trick...

"Well, you wouldn't mind me asking why you would like to know would you?" I glanced in her eyes and concentrated, hoping she wouldn't mind telling me. Cheryl's eyes sort of glazed over for just a second and then she blinked and said,

"No, I wouldn't mind. I want to know because I wonder if you've had a rough time like I have. To tell you the truth, I'm not as popular as you might think I am, only by association really. I just hang around those other girls really for my own image...but I suppose that would make me shallow, wouldn't it? When popular guys try asking me out and I say no, they spread rumors about me and it's just a disaster..."

I saw Cheryl begin to tear up a little. Wow, I had no idea that this was really her. I never even suspected she would ever tell me something like this. I rose up from the chair and sat on the bed and began to hug her. She dug her face into my shoulder and wrapped her arms around me, I started rubbing her and trying to calm her.

"I'm sorry to hear about that. I can't believe that those guys would do something like that to such a nice girl like you. I thought I had problems, but now that I heard your story, they seem like nothing now..."

Cheryl sniffled and moved her backwards and looked at me. Her face was slightly flushed; the tears that had been shed were beginning to dry up. She took a few deep breaths and collected herself and managed to ask me, "So what's your deal?"

"Well, I'm unappreciated in everyway at school with the exception of my smarts. A lot of guys think I'm lucky that so many girls ask me to help me with their homework, but that's all they really want me to do. I'm like the epitome of what a girl isn't interested in. They use me and throw me away with thanks. But I still do it because there's a part of me that says that I should do the right thing, no matter what." I sighed aloud, it was the first time I told anybody what I really felt. I guess confession really is good for the soul.

Cheryl stared at me, but not with a look of peculiarity or disapproval, but one of identification. She started inching toward me and reached out to what I thought at the time was a hug, but rather she placed her hands on my face and brought her lips to mine. Before now, I'd never experienced what a kiss was. Now I'm not talking about a peck on the lips or the cheek, but a kiss.

At first I didn't know what to do, so I just let it happen and let her do what she wanted to do. It wasn't really that much of an intense kiss like we were really going at it, but she just held her lips to mine, gently sucking on alternating lips. When she first kissed me, my eyes closed, but then opened up over time. Cheryl's eyes remained closed, but I could read her face all the same. Relief, happiness, acceptance. When her eyes opened, she released the kiss and exhaled slowly. I sat there sort of dumbfounded, but I regained some composure. I couldn't think of anything to say at all, except only to say what I knew.

"That was the first time a girl ever kissed me." I started moving my eyes and looked at pretty much anything but Cheryl. I don't know why, I didn't feel ashamed or dejected, but I couldn't bring myself to look at her. I felt lost in the moment, but I was guided by Cheryl's grasp of my hands. Not thinking of anything else at the moment, I felt only the connection I had with Cheryl in that moment. My eyes rose to hers and we just stared at each other. It felt like an eternity, but it was gladly time I would've spent with her if it meant we could be like this. Is this love? I thought. I didn't know anything; all I know is that this feeling, whatever it is, it feels right. Cheryl was leaning in to kiss me again when I objected. "Wait." I put my hand on her stomach and stopped her from moving forward anymore.

"What's wrong? Don't you like me?" Cheryl eased back and sat her hands on her knees.

"It's not that I don't like you. It's just that..." I looked away again, "I don't know. This kind of thing hasn't happened to me before, so you caught me a little off guard. But," My eyes turned from looking to a particular design on Cheryl's wall back to her face, "Can you tell me why you kissed me?" Why was I looking for an answer? Why couldn't I just leave it be and just let her kiss me? I'm such a freaking idiot! Unbeknownst to me, Cheryl actually answered, had I used the mind trick?

"Well, you were the first guy who's ever seen me for me. Not just another pretty face to try and sleep with or an image booster to hang around with." She placed her hand on my cheek, "In fact, I have a feeling you feel the same way. I think you're a wonderful guy, Tyler. I can't speak for all the girls in the world, but I can tell you, that I honestly like you." She ended her sentence with another kiss, but this time it was a short gentle one. When she drew back from her kiss, looking into my brown eyes with her hazel ones.

Maybe it's a test kiss? To see if I wanted to keep going? If that was her goal, then she won. This time, I was the one who started when I planted my lips on Cheryl's, who was more than receptive to my advance. I supported myself on an arm as I started leaning into the kiss. I had begun to mimic what Cheryl had done earlier and gently sucked on her top and bottom lip, alternating between the two. Then suddenly, I felt a new sensation, a warm one in the form of Cheryl's tongue peeking out from her mouth. The tip of her tongue gently stroked my top lip and traced to the lower, eventually trying to pierce its way into my mouth. I was hesitant at first but then I relaxed and let her.

Cheryl's tongue started tracing the inside of my lips. It was almost like I could feel each one of her taste buds as she slowly guided her tongue around within my mouth. Just a bit after I let her explore my mouth, I felt her arms wrapping around me and pulling me closer to her. In response, I placed my hands on her lower back and on one of her shoulders. So there we were, embracing, kissing passionately, being oblivious to everything to around us. Well, almost. During our kissing, I felt my erection start growing inside my jeans again, and it was growing fast at that.

Cheryl started pulling away, withdrawing her tongue from my mouth and eventually breaking our bonded lips. We were both breathing pretty heavy, caught up in the moment. I couldn't help but smile at her, she was so beautiful. It didn't matter that she was wearing something as uninspiring like an old t-shirt and sweats. In fact, it felt like there was a larger attraction to her because of this regard.

"You're so beautiful, Cheryl...I can't believe this is happening right now." I felt at ease, looking at her face did that to me.

"Oh you don't believe this is happening, huh?" Cheryl inched away from me and grabbed the bottom of her shirt, removing it in one swift motion. Her breasts bounced and eventually stopped moving until they could be marveled in their beautiful form. The naked woman is sometimes called the most beautiful piece of artwork in the world and Cheryl was certainly no exception. The shirt had hidden a great deal of her idealistic body. A smooth, flat stomach, a large bust, and a pierced navel. My eyes started from her waist and made their way up, being captivated by every inch of her body.

Her breasts were also the first set I've ever seen in person and from then on, I wished that all women I saw naked had breasts that looked like Cheryl's. I was never good at measuring breasts via cup size. They were either small, medium, or big, in Cheryl's case, they were big. To me anyway. Cheryl took my hand and placed it on her breast. I felt a bit shy at first, only resting my hand on the soft fleshy mound.

"Believe it now?" Cheryl's hand overlapped my own and began to squeeze my hand which made me in turn begin to squeeze her breast. My erection was semi hard when we were kissing, but now that I felt her voluptuous breast in my hand, I was completely rock hard and straining to be released from my pants. Feeling a breast for the first time in my life, it would definitely become an unforgettable memory. The soft mass of flesh felt like Jell-O sort of. When I squeezed, Cheryl exhaled and smiled at me, watching my exploratory progress as I tried to feel each and every inch of her breast.

Feeling a bit bolder, I took my other hand and started cupping Cheryl's other breast. Both of her nipples were hard and pointing out into my palm as I continued to squeeze and gently massage her breasts. With my efforts, Cheryl sighed out and started to become more lucid, swaying with each of my pushes and pulls as my hands manipulated her breasts.

"Let me lie down." Cheryl fell back when I pushed on her breasts, her head resting on a pillow, angled down to look at me continue my examination of her body. I must've continued to massage and touch her breasts for the longest time when Cheryl finally said,

"Honey, I know you think breasts are the greatest thing in the world, but there's a lot more to me that you should see...and touch." Cheryl stood up and hooked her fingers underneath her sweats and started sliding them and her underwear, a pair of white silk panties, until they come off and rest on the floor. She stepped out of them and lay back down on the bed. I took a moment to revel in her beautiful image, a somewhat hour-glass shape with her large bust, small stomach, and nicely curved waist. I started to lay down next to her and we started to kiss again, locking our lips together. No tongue this time, but I didn't care. My hand started resting on her cheek and stroking it gently, my other hand rested against her head, playing with her hair slightly.

Cheryl grabbed my wrist and started to pull it from her cheek. At first I felt the skin of her chest as my fingers slid between the cleavage of her breasts, then further south on her belly and to her crotch. I felt nothing but skin as my fingers traced down her body. Cheryl's guidance just stopped short just a tiny bit below her belly button, where I gathered that her pussy lay so close that I felt the heat emanating from it. Cheryl stopped the kissing for a second to start asking me some questions.

"So you've never been with a girl before? Ever? But you're always tutoring so many girls, I thought that someone like you must've been getting laid constantly." Her free hand started running through my hair.

"Heh, I appreciate the comment. But no, I guess that makes me a virgin." I looked at Cheryl's eyes, they reflected to me a look of pity almost. But why should I read so much into it? I need to relax. I let go of any tension I felt in my body and just lay there next to this beautiful woman, funny to think an hour ago I was just teaching her about vectors and angles and such.

"Well, I hope I've given you a proper introduction to the female body. Isn't it better to have hands on learning for this sort of thing? A lot better than learning about it in a book, isn't it?" She removed her hand from my hair and started dragging her fingers along my chest and stomach.

"Yes, it is." I felt my breathing increase and my heart rate increase when Cheryl started moving my hand further south again. I expected to feel pubic hair as we continued to traverse to her crotch, but the area was void of any at all. I felt my fingertips touching something more than skin now. It was a small hood of skin at the top of her crotch, Cheryl rested my hand there and started to instruct me.

"This here, Tyler, is the most important part of a woman's anatomy. Do you know what it is?" I felt her powerful, seductive stare pierce into me, mesmerized, I managed to shake my head.

"It's the clit. And to make any girl happy, you need to pay attention to it. For example, it feels good when you do this." I looked down to see what she was talking about. She then took my hand and started rubbing my fingertips against the small hood, Cheryl gasped out when she did so. I hadn't realized it, but I started to pant in reaction, that I was touching her. Her grip on my hand started to become more and more slack and eventually she relinquished her control altogether, but that didn't stop me from continually rubbing her clit. I pressed four fingers together and started rubbing her in an up and down motion, gently. I looked back at Cheryl's face, her eyes were shut and her mouth was slighted agape, moans mixed in with each breath...more like gasp she took.

I don't think I'd ever been more turned on in my life before this moment, the look on the face of this beautiful woman before would be burned into my memory for the rest of my life. The moment was interrupted when Cheryl threw her eyes open suddenly. Surprised, I stopped my rubbing, to Cheryl's dismay. She frowned and pouted her lips.

"Oops, I'm sorry." And started rubbing once more, just like before, gently, slowly, deliberately. Cheryl shivered and smiled. Appreciating the approval, I smiled as well.

"For a newbie, you're pretty good at this. You sure you've never done this before?" Cheryl said, her voice a bit low, she almost breathed the words. I shook my head in reply as my rubbing continued.

"You can go a little faster you know, it won't hurt. I'd really like it if you did..." Cheryl's voice sultry and provocative, her face crept closer as she finished her sentence, our noses began to touch and I could feel her breath on my lips and nose. I felt like it was I who was being controlled by her every whim, who was I to refuse her anyway?

Complying with Cheryl's command, I started to rub faster in an up and down motion. I was met by Cheryl's deep breath and smile coming out of the corner of her mouth. She started to moan out loudly, but was cut off when she started to kiss me. Feeling a bit more experienced, I opened my mouth to allow her tongue and my own to mingle and dance. My other hand started to head toward the back of her head, resting there. Cheryl reciprocated by placing her own hand around the back of my neck, drawing my closer to her mouth and her body to mine. No doubt by now, Cheryl had felt my erection pressing against her body, she was writing against it, in fact.