The Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Ch. 2


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I went to my apartments to change and rest from our trip and subsequent amusements, and ran into Siobhan. I invited her along with me, as she had a million questions for me, about the trip and the engagement, and most decidedly, "Did you and James...?"

Laughing, I replied, "Most assuredly! Why, once we went into his study, he took me again twice!" I sat on the bed, my bottom still tingling from James' punishment. Pulling my skirt up, I displayed the seed running down my legs. "Here is the proof!"

"Oh, let me help clean you up!", she begged, the lowered her face and began licking my thighs. When she had swallowed the spendings which had run out of me, she moved her face upwards and began to suckle my quim, licking the seed which had not escaped previously. Her actions upon my nubbin caused me to spend yet again, and the copious flow of my juices was lapped up as well. Finally Siobhan relented and I sagged back onto my bed, ecstatically tired.

Siobhan then proceeded to remove her own clothes, and I managed to find enough strength to undress as well. I planned to return the favor she had just made, and gazed upon her well developed form when I noticed something. She, like I, had the evidence of sexual activity upon her person, in the nature of a man's seed coating her cunny as well. "Siobhan!", I exclaimed, "and what have you been up to?!"

She glanced down at where I was looking and blushed, then crawled upon my bed with me. She lay back and spread her legs wide as I moved between them. "Little David.", she sighed, referring to one of the workhands.

I should explain that 'Little David' is something of a misnomer. While his stature is rather limited, his manhood should have him proclaimed 'Goliath!' Siobhan and I had witnessed him taking one of the maids, a buxom girl named Maude, in one of the barns, and he is anything but little. Although I was never to experience 'Little David', I am forced to admit that his manhood was among the largest I have ever seen, and it made both Siobhan and I wonder what he would be like as a lover. It was evident that Siobhan had managed to find out.

I promptly buried my face between Siobhan's outstretched legs, to clean up their mutual love juices, and we conversed intermittently, between my lickings and her moans. "So what was it like?", I asked. I found the flavor interesting. I had previously used my lips and tongue on James after coupling, in order to revive him, and the flavor was subtly different.

"Well, he is certainly large.", she admitted. A few minutes later she continued, "I will not say that I wish to endeavor such a task again, but I am also glad that I made the effort the one time." Later on she would admit that he simply was too large even for an experienced campaigner such as herself, though she also admitted to enjoying the somewhat painful at times interlude.

Chapter 3 - A Ride in the Country

That Sunday, after we returned from church, James suggested we take a picnic in the nearby fields. It was a very warm day, being the season known locally as 'Indian Summer.' Why is beyond me, since there was not an Indian to be seen! I readily acceded, and while James prepared the horses and gave orders for a hamper to be filled, I went to my rooms to change into my new riding costume.

I should explain that there were two permissible modes for a woman to ride a horse. The first was sidesaddle, an awkward method requiring a special saddle which numbed the limbs and left one hanging precariously to the horse. The second involved what was known as a riding dress. This allowed a lady to sit a horse properly, but the dress, actually a voluminous pair of pants cunningly arranged to look like a dress, was overly bulky. I had noticed the ease with which the men rode and decided that an outfit more like theirs was in order.

This being considered, I had made my arrangements before we left for New York, and I entrusted Jenny and Bessie, two of the maids whom I had befriended, with their completion. Stripping down, I first put on a sturdy but pretty white brassiere; a bust such as mine does very well in all activities but the equestrian arts - I should be flopping around in the saddle ridiculously without one. I also put on a pair of abbreviated cotton bloomers, so that I might not chafe. Next, I donned one of James white silk shirts which I had had resized. James chest measurements were suitable for me, but otherwise it was too long, and needed gathering in at the sides. Finally, I pulled on a pair of pants made by Mr. Levi Strauss, of a sturdy and tough blue cotton denim. We had determined my size by the simple expedient of having the maids bring a pair from their lovers to me for testing. I would try them on, and the pants of the individual that fit me closest were noted. We then purchased a pair of Mister Strauss' pants in that size. They fit me well enough in the seat, but were overly long, so they were cut to the proper length and hemmed. The last item was a pair of riding boots. Nothing was to be found in my size, so I simply rolled some socks up into the toes of the smallest pair I could 'borrow' and put them on. As long as there was no walking to do, I would be fine. I could have a bootmaker prepare proper footgear at a later date.

So attired, I made my way down to the foyer and went out to where James was waiting. I could feel the stares from both the workhands and the maids as I walked to James. He was staring at me goggle-eyed, as was Mister Jack Strong, James' chief foreman. It was he that spoke first. "Those are men's clothes!", he exclaimed.

I smiled at him as I took James by the hand. "Really, Mister Strong, do you think I look like a man in these clothes?" I knew the answer because I had left the shirt unbuttoned low enough to show a considerable quantity of my bosom. Mister Strong began sputtering as he turned away, red-faced, and I turned towards my fiancée. "Are we ready to ride, darling?"

"My God, Caroline, but you will be the death of me yet! What in the world possessed you to do such a thing!?"

"James, really! You must admit the utter impracticality of the riding dresses I have been wearing. I have simply changed to the clothing that you gentlemen find so practicable. Don't tell me you think I look like a man?" As I said this I shifted my posture slightly, thrusting my chest forward and exposing as much of my bosom to my love as I could.

James stared down at my breasts straining against the silk and he shook his head dumbly. He assisted me aboard Daisy, my mare, then climbed up onto Excalibur, a magnificent black stallion that was his personal mount. "Please tell me that you don't plan on wearing pants around the house, Caroline."

Checking to see that we were out of earshot of any listeners, Mister Strong wandering off and muttering under his breath, I answered, "Of course not, James. How would you be able to lift my skirts if I was wearing pants?" I surreptitiously loosened another button on the shirt, so that a hint of my brassiere showed forth, and James stopped complaining, and began to smile instead.

James chuckled at this as we began riding towards the fields. Dressed as I was, we were able to maintain a pleasant trot, much faster than we normally would have done, and James took me to a lovely field several miles from the mansion overlooking a small stream. It was a lovely vista, with the hills in the background and the trees beginning to turn a veritable rainbow of reds, yellows, and oranges. Alighting, I helped him with the hamper, then we tied the horses by the bridle to a nearby tree and removed their saddles. The saddle blankets found use as our picnic table, and we reclined for our luncheon.

The first order of business was opening a bottle of wine, which, perforce, we were required to drink straight from the bottle, there being no flat spot to set wine glasses upon. On my second sip, I managed to spill a small drop onto my sleeve, which James noticed. Smiling, he asked, "Darling, wouldn't it be safer if you were to remove your blouse, so that you might not spill any more on it?"

My eyes widened at the mention of such a state, but I giggled and agreed. James and I had already kicked off our boots, and James had even removed his jacket and vest. Not for a second did I believe that James was concerned about the cleanliness of my attire, and the bulge in his pants indicated an entirely other sort of concern. I handed the bottle to James and unbuttoned his borrowed shirt, then pulled the tails from my pants and doffed it. I jiggled pleasantly as I opened the hamper and removed the sandwiches and roast chicken which had been packed away.

Needless to say, James was most concerned with maintaining my spotless mode of attire. After a few minutes he espied a crumb on the curve of my breast. Bringing it to my attention, he suggested that it would perhaps be best if I removed my brassiere as well. I laughed at him, but removed this as well. The slight breeze felt delicious on my naked flesh, cooling me as I began to be heated by something other than the warmth of the day. I purposely spilled a drop of wine on my pants, and when James noticed it, I volunteered to remove them as well, and removed my bloomers as well. Thus I ended up displayed for my lover's eyes in my entirety, and my cunny began moistening as he gazed serenely upon me.

I should point out that other than the hair on my head, I was devoid of any body hair. It was a curious American affectation for a woman to shave both her legs and under her arms, though this did allow the most delightful of fashions to be worn. As to my most private parts, this had been originally presented to me as being hygienic, though I was to discover that it was a rather peculiar desire of my Uncle's! Regardless, the sight of my nudity in the midday sunlight caused his loins to twitch most immodestly.

By the time we were finished with our picnic lunch, James began the afternoon's entertainment. Removing a jar of strawberry preserves from the hamper, he announced it was time for dessert. He opened the lid and inserted a finger into the jar, then smeared the jam across one of my nipples. This was repeated a second time on the opposing breast, and I sighed at his touch. Coming closer, he lowered his face to my breasts and began licking and nibbling upon my flesh, slowly consuming the preserves. He repeated this process twice, and I spent deliciously as he did so.

Finished with this repast, I pushed James onto his back and began removing his clothing. He assisted by moving to allow this, lifting his hips as I tugged his pants off him. His manhood was stiff and rampant, waving in the warm breeze, and I perused him with great interest. Then I took the jar of preserves and applied them liberally to his loins, coating them in their massive entirety. Positioning myself kneeling between his outstretched legs, I lowered my face to his midsection and began my own dessert. I was most thorough in my dining, finding jam in every fold of his flesh, and was rewarded with a delicious cream topping that he pumped down my throat when I took him deep within my lips.

James sighed contentedly as I reclined next to him on the blankets. Rousing himself, he spread the rest of the jam across my cunny, slathering it around and into my quim, then lay down between my thighs and feasted. James has the most talented of tongues and by the time I was clean, I was thrashing and writhing helplessly before his assault, crying out my pleasure to the countryside. Finishing, James reared up, his manhood revived, and announced that some of the preserves had found lodging at a place too deep for his tongue to reach, so that a different probe was needed. I raised my legs and spread them wide, and James placed himself in me, to begin a pistoning action which he assured me would take care of the problem. I wrapped my arms and legs around his torso as he madly pumped into me, spending madly as he plumbed my depths, gasping as I felt his cock expand inside me to blast out his seed into my womb.

James collapsed upon me and we rested briefly. It was not until he rolled off me, panting, that I discovered a problem. Despite our best efforts at cleaning the other, we were sticky! Stated plainly, our bodies were covered with jam residue, not to mention our own love potions. "James, I for one will need a bath when we get back. This was very nice, darling, but very messy, to boot!"

James laughed, then climbed to his feet. He reached down and took my hand, and as he pulled me to my feet, announced, "Your bath awaits, sweet Caroline. Come with me." He led me to the edge of the stream, showing me a deep spot suitable for swimming. "Your tub, my dear." I looked at the water somewhat skeptically, and James solved the dilemma by pushing me in. I surfaced in the cool water, sputtering and screaming imprecations, but James simply laughed and jumped in with me.

The water was quite brisk, James explaining that it was from snow fed pools in the mountains, and we rubbed ourselves clean hurriedly, then scrambled out. Looking at my love, I laughed loudly, and James stared down at his loins to see what I was pointing at. His organ, so massive and manly in normal times, had shrunk to nothing in the chill water, and reminded me of nothing so much as an infant's. He snorted and led me back to the blankets. We flopped down on these and he drew me to him, pulling me on top of him, then drew the blankets around us to dry us and warm us.

I found this to be a very relaxing and cozy placement, and we began caressing and embracing within the blankets. In short order, his miniscule manhood had assumed it's normal size, and stiffening, rose between my legs to aim at its desired target. I squirmed down James' body, allowing it entrance to my sex, and we made slow and leisurely love to each other as we caressed and whispered sweet nothings in each others' ears.

Afterwards we dressed and rode home, for the day was ending and our gambols had spent the afternoon. I resolved to continue wearing my new riding costume and procure proper boots.

Chapter 4 - Passing the Time and a Great Commotion

The month of October passed with my beginning to assume the station of Mistress of the House. James let it be known that he considered my commands as his, which I felt was somewhat overblown, but dared not deny him. I solved this problem simply by not giving any commands, and by simply going about my, by then, normal existence.

Our first day back in Saratoga, James had asked me, after dinner, when we were alone and thinking of retiring to bed, if I would consider sharing his bed prior to our wedding. Even though we had conducted ourselves so in New York, he was most worried that I would consider such a thing here at home to be a lewd behavior. I made no answer but promised to consider it.

Privately, it was all I could do not to laugh at his remarks. For one thing, he had already taken me that afternoon in his study, and since most of the other women around the house had 'discussed their jobs' with him in there, it seemed rather doubtful that they wouldn't know what had occurred. Secondly, James' household was most assuredly the bawdiest and scandalous of homes, what with all the carryings-on between the maids and cooks on one hand and James and Ahkbar and the workmen on the other. It would have been far more astonishing if I had not moved in with him!

Still, I decided to tease him a bit, and after he escorted me to my rooms, I went inside as he looked at me plaintively and closed the door on him, locking it behind me. I could hear him shuffle off slowly down the hall, and giggled to myself. Then, I immediately doffed my clothing and prepared for the night ahead. First I removed myself to my water closet and made my toilet, giving myself a quick sink bath and brushing out my hair. A pleasant perfume found its way to my neck, my breasts, and even my loins. Next, I slipped into a pair of black slippers of the tallest sort, with laces that tied around my ankles so that they would not slip off. Finally, I donned a transparent black silk robe that Siobhan had lent me and that I had since proclaimed my own. I should explain that Mrs. Rourke's beauty is slightly different than mine; she is several inches taller, yet not quite as buxom, and this robe fit her closely. When I wore it, even in my slippers, it dragged softly across the carpets behind me, pulling away from my legs and exposing me, and could but barely wrap around me to be tied. My boobies were contained only by the merest hints, my little nipples holding the fabric together, and my legs were exposed almost to the junction of my thighs.

I made a most sinful walk down the carpeted hallway to my Uncle's room next door. Gingerly testing the knob, I found it unlocked, and slipped inside. I found myself alone, and realized I had never been in his rooms before. I was in a small sitting room, and off to my left, towards my rooms appeared to be a bedroom, and off to my right I could hear water running in what must have been his own water closet. I scurried into the lighted bedroom.

When James entered his bedroom, he was wearing nothing but his trousers, and I stared at him through half-slitted eyes lustily. He took one look at me and grinned. "I am so pleased that you considered my invitation! I see that you have started without me." He referred to the fact that I was leaning back against a dresser, my legs spread wide and straight, and all ten of my fingers were working my quim and nubbin. My breasts had escaped their confinement and were heaving with desire, my nipples stiff with anticipation. James came closer and kissed me, and I began fumbling with his trousers, but he stopped me. Stepping back, he said, "First things first."

Kneeling before me, James buried his face in my hot and wet loins and began to loudly and passionately lick and suck the juices running so freely from within me. His mustaches tickled my thighs as he feasted upon my outpourings, and I ran my hands through his silvery locks as I quivered and gasped at this marvelous assault. I had already spent twice when I pulled his face away, begging for him to stop and "Fuck me!" James grinned up at me wetly and stood. Taking me by the hand he led me to his bed and placed me on the edge. He pushed me down on my back with my legs hanging off the side, and I awaited him. Undoing his pants, he let them slide down his well-muscled legs and stepped out of them. As was his custom, he wore no underclothes, and his cock reared up proudly, his cockhead red and bulbous, protruding from his foreskin. Standing between my outstretched limbs, he lifted my legs and tucked them under his arms, then inserted himself. He bucked into me in a single mighty shove and I spent a third time, crying out and thrashing on the bed before him. Then he stood there, thrusting in and rearing out, moving ever quicker as he neared his own release, whilst I moaned in contentment. Finally, he groaned as his cock swelled up and spewed an endless torrent of his seed into my cunny, and then he collapsed into my outstretched arms.

Afterwards, we climbed up onto the bed and I stripped off the robe (though not the slippers, for I had learned how much he liked them on me!) and revived him by suckling his cock until it stood strong between my lips. At this, he begged for me to finish him in this method, and I proceeded to do just that, pumping his large and thick shaft while I suckled the tip, and he spent again, and it was his turn to thrash around on the bedclothes. Afterwards, we made loveplay with our hands upon each other until he rejuvenated, then made sweet and gentle love before calling it a night.

My decision being made, James invited me to move into his rooms with him, but I demurred. When he asked me why, in much confusion, I replied, "And give up all my closets?!" He laughed mightily and made a second suggestion, one to which I whole-heartedly agreed. He had a doorway built between our rooms, so that our chambers became adjoining and that I might keep my closets separate from his. I did note, however, that the doorway was put in a rather odd location, and while James made no mention of this fact, I immediately understood that it was because of the locations of the secret passageways in the walls.