The Misadventures of Katie Lynn


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"And that's in order?" Lily Jane clarified.

"That is ABSOLUTELY in order. Especially that last one, if you catch my drift."

The girls howled so loudly, the neighbor pounded on the wall.

Amy Jo gave a satisfied smile, and spun the bottle again. Around it went, until it finally stopped upon Katie Lynn once again.

"Hey! You did that on purpose!" Katie Lynn accused.

"Yeah, I'm just that good," Amy Jo boasted. "So what's it gonna be? Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Promise or Repeat?"

Katie Lynn stared at the floor.

"Repeat," she said.

"Okay, I'll Repeat what I said before, that you made a Promise to pick Double Dare the next time your turn came up," Molly Kate said.

"Okay, okay, Double Dare!" Katie Lynn said. Thunder clapped in the distance.

"Okay, who's got a good Double Dare that Katie Lynn HAS to do?" Amy Jo asked.

"I've got one!" Molly Kate said. She went to Amy Jo's side and whispered into her ear. Amy Jo burst out laughing. Katie Lynn gulped.

"Okay, Katie Lynn! I Double Dare you to run all the way to the end of the BLOCK, totally naked!"

Katie Lynn gasped.

"Naked? No way!" she protested.

"Yes! You Promised!" Amy Jo said.

"Oh my God!" Katie Lynn buried her face in her hands. "What if someone sees me?"

It was a valid fear, given Katie Lynn's recent experiences. Rumors were already going around campus that Katie Lynn couldn't keep her clothes on in public.

"Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!" the girls chanted.

The blonde trembled. As much as she dreaded allowing herself to be seen nude again, peer pressure was always one of her greatest weaknesses.

"All right, I'll do it!" Katie Lynn whimpered. The girls cheered.

She climbed to her feet. Shaking with anxiety, the blonde coed removed her pajamas and undergarments. The girls watched in awe, every one of them jealous of her fantastic body. They squealed as Katie Lynn slid her panties off, and her face blushed red with embarrassment.

"I guess I'll get this over with." Katie Lynn said. She crept out of the apartment and scurried down the stairs. No sooner did she open the front door that she heard another clap of thunder, and rain droplets began to drizzle upon the pavement outside. Katie Lynn retreated up the stairs into Amy Jo's apartment.

"It's RAINING!" she cried.

"You HAVE to do it! You Promised!" Molly Kate reminded her.

"But-" she couldn't muster another word when she saw the girls shaking their heads with disapproval. Katie Lynn lowered her head and headed back down the stairs, defeated. Taking pity, Tammy Sue followed her, carrying her coat with her.

"I'll be waiting right here," she assured her, holding out the coat to let Katie Lynn know that her modesty would be restored the moment she returned to the building. Katie Lynn didn't respond, but her eyes spoke the words "thank you" to her loyal friend.

The beautiful blonde wrapped her arms around her large breasts and warily opened the front door of the apartment building again, watching the rain splatter upon the ground outside. She stuck her foot out of the open door, and felt the droplets drizzle upon her lower leg. They were COLD! A shiver ran up her calf and she swiftly withdrew her foot from the outside.

"You Promised!" Molly Kate's voice echoed in her head. The girls' disapproving stares lingered in her memory. There was no more delaying. It was time to do her Double Dare.

"You got this," Tammy Sue said encouragingly. Katie Lynn nodded, feeling emboldened by her friend's support.

Checking around the apartment building to make sure no one was around this time of night to witness, Katie Lynn then pushed the door fully open, and sprinted out of the building towards the street.

She could hear cheering coming from the window above. The girls whooped and hollered as their friend scampered down the sidewalk until she reached the street.

A cold gust of wind blew past, summoning goosebumps all over the blonde's bare skin. The rain picked up, soaking her hair and body.

"Run, run, run!" Amy Jo shouted.

"Go, Katie Lynn, hurry!" Tammy Sue urged, not wanting her friend to be out in the cold rainy night any longer than necessary.

Katie Lynn took off down the empty street as fast as her long legs could carry her. The gritty asphalt was rough beneath her soles, but her pounding heart put the discomfort out of her head as she sprinted along.

She ran across Gilbert Bridge, feeling more exposed than ever as she raced up the incline beneath the tall lampposts overlooking the steel and wooden structure. By the time she reached the end of the block, the rain had come down in full force. Katie Lynn's hair was drenched, and her naked body was soaked from head to toe.

She touched the stop sign at the end of the street and hurried back, shivering as she went. She prayed that the trek back would be easier than the trip there. At least she knew how far she had to run.

She made it halfway across the bridge before she stopped dead in her tracks. A pair of headlights blinded her, forcing her to quickly step aside to make room. A guardrail prevented her from stepping off the road. There was nowhere to hide. The vehicle's occupants had already spotted her.

The car came to a halt beside her, and the passenger side window rolled down. The soaking wet coed wrapped her arms tightly across her breasts, and let her dripping hair obscure most of her face.

"Katie Lynn, is that you?" a familiar voice asked.

She looked up to see Johnny O'Dell looking at her from the car's open window. She nodded.

"Oh my God, get in, before you catch a cold!"

She wanted to refuse, but a second car was approaching the bridge, and she wanted nothing more than to be invisible. She quickly opened the rear passenger door and got into the first vehicle.

An older gentleman was in the driver's seat. He looked at Katie Lynn with a bemused expression.

"Uh, Katie Lynn, this is my dad. Dad this is Katie Lynn, from school."

"Hello Mr. O'Dell," she greeted, keeping her head low and not wanting to make eye contact with the stern-looking man. He looked at his son with a judging glance, as if to ask, "you know this girl?" Johnny shrugged and his father continued driving across the bridge.

"What happened to you? Are you okay?" Johnny asked the dripping wet girl.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," she assured them. She explained the game she'd been playing back at Amy Jo's apartment and directed them to take her back there.

"There's a box of towels on the seat next to you. Go ahead and take one, we've got lots," Johnny said. He explained how one of the machines at his father's laundromat had broken, and the two of them had been there for most of the night cleaning water off the floor. Katie Lynn gratefully grabbed a towel from the box and dried herself.

"You must think I'm such a fool. Running around in the rain in the nude."

Mr. O'Dell simply looked at her through the rear view mirror. Johnny was the one to speak. He began with a stammer.

"Uhh, it's just a game. I mean, we've all played it at some point." His father looked at him, and he quickly added, "well, a LOT of us have. Not all, of course."

Katie Lynn shrunk in her seat. She wrapped the towel tightly around her body, but still felt very, very naked.

"Are you the same girl who was naked in my laundromat a few weeks back?" Mr. O'Dell finally said. They were the first words he'd spoken since she'd entered his car.

She meekly nodded. He glared back at her, and burst into laughter.

"That was the funniest thing I'd ever heard!" he howled. "The boys at the station are STILL asking for proof! Too bad we don't have cameras. Guess this will just end up an urban legend."

"Station? What station?" Katie Lynn asked, nervously.

"The fire station," Johnny replied. "My dad and I are volunteer firefighters when the laundromat isn't busy."

Katie Lynn shuddered at the thought of all those men joking and laughing at her mistake. She was sure they'd be hearing about this as well.

Mr. O'Dell brought his car to a stop outside Amy Jo's apartment building.

"I guess I'll see you at school," Johnny said.

Keeping the towel wrapped around her body, Katie Lynn stepped out of the vehicle and scurried inside the building.

4) The Mix-Up

"Here's your order!" Katie Lynn said, placing a platter of bacon-and-cheese covered potato skins upon the table in front of her.

The diners gave her confused stares.

"We didn't order any potato skins. We're still waiting on our drinks, miss," the gentleman said.

Katie Lynn looked at the order, back at the kitchen, and then back at the order.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I think I brought this to the wrong table!"

The table of gentlemen, all clad in golf shirts, snickered to themselves.

"That's why we don't come here for competent service!" one of the men muttered, chuckling.

Katie Lynn carried the platter of potato skins back to the kitchen, while the diners ogled her skin-tight shorts as she walked away. She'd been working at Bazooms for two weeks and had found the task of waitressing overwhelming to say the least.

"The guys at table 14 said they didn't order these!" Katie Lynn called, sliding the platter of potato skins through the window back to the kitchen crew.

"Because they DIDN'T! They guys at table 4 did!" Molly Kate whispered. Katie Lynn breathed a sigh of relief. She never would have lasted at this job as long as she did if her friend were not her coworker and able to help her out. "Here, take these over to table 4. Wait 'til you see who's there!"

Curious, the blonde waitress carried the appetizers over to table 4. To her surprise, she recognized the diners as Robbie O'Rourke and his friends. Katie Lynn had heard many rumors about Robbie and his very impressive penis size.

"Hi!" she stammered nervously. "Potato skins?"

None of the guys responded, but they each let their gaze pass across her body. She let out a light giggle and placed the starters upon their table.

"Well, um, enjoy!" she said.

"Hey, you go to Blessed Saints?" Robbie asked.

"I do!" Katie Lynn replied. "Well, I do right now. I'm hoping to transfer to Central State next semester. If they accept me. Fingers crossed!"

"Shame you might not be around here much more then. Guess I'll have to get to know you.-" he read her name tag, "Katie Lynn. I'm Robbie O'Rourke."

"Nice to meet you! You live on campus?"

"Allen Hall. I'm in room 138. You should stop by sometime," he said coolly.

"I will!"

She chatted with the leather-jacket clad boy and his friends for several minutes until her manager had to remind her that she had other customers. Blushing, Katie Lynn hurried back to the kitchen to grab the drinks for her diners at table 14.

"Saw you chatting it up with Robbie O'Rourke!" Molly Kate teased. "Did he ask for your number?"

"No! I wish..." she trailed off.

"Here, let me help you out." Molly Kate scribbled something onto a piece of receipt paper, and walked it over to table 4. She was halfway to the table before Katie Lynn realized what her friend was about to do, and was too late to stop her.

"Hey Robbie, Katie Lynn doesn't have a date to Spring Fling. Here's her number!" Molly Kate slipped the paper into Robbie's jacket pocket. He and the other guys laughed.

Katie Lynn backed away from the table as the other guys at the table all turned their gaze on her. Her face flushed red.

"Molly Kate, how could you do that! I'm SO embarrassed!" she squealed after the two waitresses had returned to the kitchen.

"Relax! I might have just gotten you a date! You DID hear what Amy Jo said about what Robbie was packing downstairs, right?"

Katie Lynn calmed somewhat.

"You think he'll call?"

Molly Kate pressed her hands to Katie Lynn's face.

"Girl, you're the hottest babe in this town. He'd be a fool if he didn't."

Despite Molly Kate's assuring words, three days passed and Katie Lynn got no call from Robbie. She sat at her desk in her dorm room, filling out her transfer application to Central State while glancing at her phone every three minutes, expecting it to ring at any moment. Out of patience, she set her pen down.

"Am I ugly?" she asked aloud.

Tammy Sue rolled over on her bed and took off her headphones.

"What?" she asked her roommate and best friend.

"Why hasn't Robbie called me?" Katie Lynn asked. "Molly Kate said he would definitely ask me to Spring Fling."

"He's probably going with Amy Jo. Why though? Don't you wanna go with Johnny O'Dell?"

Katie Lynn sighed. "Johnny's cute but..."

"But he doesn't have that-" Tammy Sue made two fists and grunted, "Mmmm!"

Katie Lynn blushed, but agreed.

"Look, you want to get a guy like Robbie to notice you, you got to do something big to get his attention," Tammy Sue said. She sat up upon her bed to face her discouraged roommate.

"Like what?" Katie Lynn asked.

Tammy Sue shrugged coyly, and reached underneath her bed. She pulled out a small Polaroid camera.

"Send him some... eye candy. A cute little picture for him to look at under the covers. Get his imagination going."

"A NAUGHTY picture? Oh, but what would my parents think if they found out?"

Tammy Sue put the camera back under her bed. "Okay. I'm sure Robbie and Amy Jo will have a great time together."

"Wait! You really think this will work? Robbie will like me if I send him a picture of me with no clothes on?"

"You know what Amy Jo had to do to get his attention, right?" Tammy Sue asked.

Katie Lynn sat, stunned. She'd had no idea. Maybe that was why only goody-two shoes boys like Johnny ever paid her any attention. She was just too well-behaved.

"Well, if you think this will work..." Katie Lynn muttered.

"That's my girl! Come on, take your top off! Let's take some sexy snaps!"

Katie Lynn pulled her blouse off, while Tammy Sue retrieved her camera from under her bed. She excitedly focused the viewfinder on her beautiful blonde roommate as she unclasped the fastener of her bra.

Tammy Sue took a few snaps of Katie Lynn's bare breasts as she posed shyly on her bed.

"Ooh, sexy!" she encouraged, making the topless model smile.

Tammy Sue shot Katie Lynn cupping her hands under her breasts and bouncing them.

"Robbie is gonna LOVE these!" Tammy Sue assured her. "Okay, take your leggings off now!"

Katie Lynn peeled off her tight gray pants and tossed them aside. Tammy Sue snapped a picture of her stretching her legs as she laid flat on her back.

"Oh, that's good! Give me a naughty smile!"

Katie Lynn mischievously grinned and reached towards the camera, beckoning it with one finger. Tammy Sue snapped one picture after another, biting her tongue with excitement.

"Now take your panties off!" the camera-welding girl urged. Katie Lynn eagerly slid off her while silk panties and posed nude on all fours. Tammy Sue photographed her from every angle, capturing her round bare bottom as well as her lust-filled face.

"Mmm, growl at me!" Tammy Sue urged. Katie Lynn playfully let out a tiger growl while shaking her tail like a feline in heat. Tammy Sue snapped away, catching the blonde beauty in all her nude glory.

"Now spread your legs. We want to give Robbie some naughty close-ups."

Katie Lynn squirmed at this, but did as her her friend instructed. Tammy Sue snapped some very intimate photos of her private parts; having her spread the thick puffy lips of her labia for a close-up, as well as some shots of her glistening clitoris and even her anus. Katie Lynn never imagined she would ever pose for such raunchy photos, but Tammy Sue's excitement seemed to have a hold on her that enticed her to play along.

Tammy Sue snapped photos of every part of Katie Lynn's beautiful bare body, and the more photos she took, the more confident the blonde coed felt showing off. She haughtily flaunted her breasts, bottom, and legs for the camera, while blowing kisses and winking to add an extra tease.

When the roll was spent, Tammy Sue spread the photos across the floor and the two young ladies sorted them into a "yes," "no," and "maybe" pile.

"Ooh this is a good one!" Tammy Sue said, holding up a sexy shot of Katie Lynn bent over her bed and winking back at the camera. Katie Lynn blushed and added the photo to the "yes" pile.

"So what should I do with these? Just give them to Robbie the next time he comes into Bazooms?"

"No, no no, you want to send these to him discretely," Tammy Sue said. "I got an envelope you can use. Just slip the pictures into the envelope. You can write a flirty message on the back of them. Like this."

Tammy Sue kissed the back of one of the Polaroids, leaving a lipstick mark on it, and wrote "hot stuff" in pink pen. Katie Lynn got the idea and scribbled messages of her own on each of the photos in the"yes" pile.

"Take me to Spring Fling?" she wrote on one. She showed it to Tammy Sue.

"I'd say you're GUARANTEED a date now!"

Katie Lynn laughed softy, and grabbed the next photo to sign.

"Here's an envelope you can use," Tammy Sue said, handing her roommate an 8 and 1/2 by 11 inch manila envelope.

"Do you have another one of those I can use for my Central State application?" Katie Lynn asked.

"Sure!" Tammy Sue handed her a second manila envelope.

Katie Lynn wrote Robbie's address on the back of one of the envelopes, and the address for Central State's application office on the other. Once she'd filled out her transfer application, she slipped it into one of the envelopes and put the sexy Polaroids into the other, and sealed them both shut. She put both envelopes into the mailbox the very next day.

A week had passed before she saw Robbie again. He came into Bazooms with his friends, and Katie Lynn begged to be assigned to his table. She strutted up to the young gentlemen, ready to take their orders.

"Hey Robbie! Did you get my package?" she blonde waitress asked flirtatiously.

Robbie chuckled at his friends and looked at her.

"Yeah, I sure did," he said.

"So..." she dug the point of her shoe into the floor. "What do you say?"

Robbie leaned back into his seat. "I'd say... sure. You're accepted!"

Robbie and the guys laughed. Katie Lynn looked at him confused. "Accepted" was such a strange word for him to use. It took her a moment before she realized what he meant.

"Oh! The dance! Of course! Well, I'll see you at Spring Fling!"

Robbie and his friends laughed again.

It was another month before Katie Lynn heard back from Central State. A plain envelope arrived in the mail and Katie Lynn tore it open.

"What's it say what's it say?" Tammy Sue asked excitedly, sitting by her side and eagerly waiting for her to open it.

Katie Lynn unfolded the the letter and read it:

"Dear Katie Lynn,

We've reviewed your application for Central State carefully. Despite the compelling case you've made, we are unfortunately not able to accept you to our university at this time. While we agree you are indeed "hot stuff" and happy you are "eager to please," a collection of x-rated photos is not sufficient reason for us to accept you at our prestigious institution.

We wish you the best of luck in your educational endeavors.


Devin O'Malley

Applications Office

Central State"

5) The Tan

It was the first warm sunny day of the year and Katie Lynn was excited for the chance to finally start working on her tan. Her body had gotten quite pale over the winter months and she'd been looking forward to the chance to finally get back the healthy glow she loved so much.

The problem was finding the right place. The local beach was closed due to a contamination, and while the backyard of her parents' house got plenty of sun, Katie Lynn had problems with the neighbor boys using binoculars to spy on her.

She'd stumbled onto a solution, quite literally, a few weeks back. She'd come home from class one afternoon and hadn't been counting floors, and accidentally ended up on the roof of her dorm building. She'd noted that the rooftop was deserted, and got a fair amount of sun. It could be the perfect place to get a full body tan and not be disturbed.