The Mommy Kink Pt. 01: The Cookout

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Son's fetish is overheard and doubted. Will he prove it?
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/14/2022
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As always, I will use a variety of methods to obfuscate the names and people who were involved in the events that inspired this story, and all my other stories.Most of my stories are based on various "scenes", or roleplays, that I have engaged in. Some others were stories that rightfully belonged to friends of mine, but who gave me permission to write them here, and others still are purely fiction, and I simply draw on real life experiences to give them a sense of realism.

This is one of the first stories that will use named characters. This story is a part 1, with part 2 mostly done already.

The family is Dad=Steve, Mom=Mary, 1st born kids are Son/Alex and Daughter/Tasha. The Son in this story is the youngest (recently 18) Steven.

You won't see a lot of this in part 1, because it happens at an event where they are using fake names; but the idea will be expanded upon in part 2, and I am still deciding if I want this story to have 2 parts, or 4.

I hope you enjoy!

Love, Risky~


The cookout was probably the coolest party I'd ever been to in my life. I was 18, and I'd only graduated High School the month before, but trust me, it was pretty incredible. It wasn't the food, though the food was very good. High quality everything. The woman who was hosting the party was actually a high level manager for a grocery store that shall remain nameless. But, bottom line, she was able to get the best burgers, bacon, hot dogs, bread, chips... just, everything! It was all top of the line. The soda was whatever flavor you wanted, the alcoholic beverages looked very good, and I'm told they were all top tier. So, basically, as a baseline, imagine a regular cookout, but all the drinks, food, and snacks are among the best you've ever had.

Got that baseline? Good! Now comes the cool part, because all of that didn't have crap on the fact that the entire party was made up of people from all over the state who were members of the kink and swingers community. Yeah, that lady who was a high level manager had a lot more people licking her boots than just those that worked for her... some of them literally. She was a dominatrix in her personal life, and she was a major part of the kink scene, and the swinger scene (generally speaking, those are two different things). So, this sort of became a kink event. Like, it was invitation-only, but at the same time, there were thousands of people who knew about it, and were sad they didn't get an invitation. I mean, it made sense. As it stood, her backyard, and her house were both already PACKED full of people. It wasn't crowded like a club, but it was crowded like a fun party. You could grab a seat, have some space, and split off with a handful of friends. But at the same time, you could also meet 100 or so new people. So, "lively".

The party was for the 4th of July and it was one of those things where it wasn't technically the 4th, but this town was doing the fireworks that night anyway, so... party!

Plus, in case I haven't sold it yet, this was no ordinary party. The ratio was tipped just a bit towards having more women than men, but not by much. The thing is, the ratio didn't fucking matter. Because every person there was a kinky, flirty, playful person who had come to the party to do kinky, flirty, playful things! So yeah, almost everyone had arrived with a plus one, but at the same time, most of those people would not only be okay with you getting a blowjob from their plus one, they were actively hoping for something along those lines! Okay, okay. That is overselling it, but only by a little! Because it was July, bikini tops, summer dresses, and little short skirts were absolutely everywhere. Everyone was flirting and being playful, and that is NOT overselling it.

Now, yeah, this wasn't a kink event, like, say, a superhero themed orgy or anything (that was a thing that they did last year... God I wanted to be a part of this community so badly)! But it was the nature of the people that made anything possible. This was just "that group". They'd gotten together for burgers, conversation, drinks, and to celebrate a holiday together. But... they were the kind of people who "yadda yadda'd" their way into gangbangs. So, anything was possible. Well... almost anything.

Did I mention that I drove there with my parents?

Yeah. See, this was my 3rd "kink event", but my "in" was my Mom and Dad. They were both very popular players in both the kink and swinger communities, and, if you'd met my Mom, you would know why immediately. She was smart, funny, and fun. She had a flirtatious nature to her that made you feel sexy and, "in on", whatever it was she was talking about, and, if all of that wasn't a total fucking package all on it's own, she just happened to have huge tits, long gorgeous hair, and an ass that was best described as "perfect". Try hitting puberty with THAT in the house!

.... Seriously though, it wasn't easy. I did not have a single friend who had not let it slip, at LEAST once, that they would kill their grandma for a shot at sleeping with my Mom. It did not make for the easiest teenage years.

But, on the other hand... When I found out that my parents were kinkier than I knew was even a thing, and that they "played" in ways I didn't realize existed outside of porn, they were SO cool about it! There was an adjustment period where they were not sure what to do, don't get me wrong. But once they decided that I was safer knowing than wondering, they told me everything. I got a sudden crash course in sex that was basically like an academic education. I was getting a masters degree and sex and kink, and it was amazing. From there, it wasn't hard to convince them that, once I was of age, it only made sense if they introduced me into this world that they'd told me all about since, I was going to HAVE to see it for myself. So, again, they figured it was better off if it was done safely, on their terms, with them as teachers and guides about rules and etiquette, than with me just bumbling blindly into a new scene and getting blacklisted before my 21st birthday.

So, there I was. My Mom and Dad were at the party somewhere, but the over 100 beautiful, flirty, available (at least for play) women that were surrounding me sort of canceled that out. I was having great conversations, and talking about stuff my friends would never dream of, and I was doing it with beautiful flirty women, who assured me that their wedding rings were nothing I needed to worry about (and their husbands agreed)!

Now, it was all pretty tame this time. I'd seen some crazy stuff, but Mom and Dad had told me that the main point of this event was just networking. There were no corsets for sale, no rope classes being taught, and no designated play areas or equipment set up. It was legitimately supposed to be a 4th of July party. Now, my Parents HAD warned that handjobs, blowjobs, and sex may happen, but it was important to note that, for once, the event wasn't specifically FOR that. It was just for people from the community to get together, and they thought it would be a good chance for me to meet some people, make some friends, and maybe even get a play partner.

On the drive over, my Parents had gone over their rules for the millionth time. Especially Mom. One minute she was walking downstairs for the party in this sexy little top with a mesmerizing zipper, along with a sexy little black skirt... and the next she was fussing with my hair and reminding me to always be honest.

That was sort of Mom's big thing with these events. Her and Dad had been honest with me, and I needed to be honest with them, and with all my play partners. Like, that thing, that exact thing was a phrase she made me repeat at least 100 times since all of this first started.

I mean, I got it. I really did. She was always stressing, over and over again, that without honesty, I not only wouldn't get very far, but I would set all the wrong expectations and could end up ostracized.

All well and good, and all totally worth it. I'd been there an hour and I'd already had my crotch consensually "brushed against" by a variety of sexy strangers. The conversations were great, and I was beginning to think that I might even walk out of there with someone who wanted to hook up with me later on. Like, my first legitimate play partner!

A LOT of the women there were my type. But, eventually I got to talking to this one woman who looked just, exactly like the person I wanted to end up playing with. She was overtly sexual and flirty. We didn't hit on a lot of interests outside of sex, but she was pretty heavily focused on that subject, and, believe it or not, I was okay with that!

So, there I was, talking with this very busty, long haired beauty, and she was asking me about my kinks. Well, I started with the safe stuff at first, but I always left my answers open enough so that she would know there was more and I could see if we lined up on anything before I said something that she might find off-putting. But, no matter what I said, she just told me that she thought it was hot too, and then she would mention a thing she liked about it before asking me what else. So, yeah, it was going REALLY well! At least, it was until she started to ask me about roleplays and the really kinky stuff that I wanted to find a partner for eventually. At that point, I'd hit nothing but green lights, so I mustered up my courage, lowered my voice, admitted that I was kind of hoping to do some Mom/Son stuff, because that was something I wanted to explore right now.

But, of fucking course, right at that Moment, my Mom was right behind me!

At first, my hopes for how this was going to play out went through the clouds, as the woman I was talking too said that I'd just named her favorite kink, and then those same hopes crashed in a fiery explosion as I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to find my Mother staring at me, upset, and with her hands placed angrily on her hips.

She... did not look happy. In fact, she was clearly a little huffy with me when she asked, "What did I say about honesty?!" And just... fuck. Oh god. Well, at least now I knew how I died.

I blushed, and looked between the two women (who, without a doubt, looked a lot alike). But, Mom hadn't said "how dare you have a Mom kink", so, I tried to focus on what she did say. Lowering my voice, I kind of mumbled through a very direct explanation, telling her that I AM being honest.

Mom still looked peeved though, and she flat out told me that she didn't believe me. She was calling bullshit, and she was doing it in front of my potential new partner. Now, at this point, I was a little mad back. I mean, she was calling me a liar just as I was about to close the deal with this woman. So, I stood my ground. I told her, I meant what I said. It was true.

Then, for just a second or so, she looked like she almost believed me. This was not the argument I was expecting, but I almost sighed with relief as Mom seemed to notice how similar my chosen play partner was to her in looks. Like, when the fuck did Mom BELIEVING that I fantasized about having sex with her... become the optimal outcome?!

But, just when I thought she saw it, and believed me; she frowned and shook her head. Then, came the most damning blow of all. Because Mom straight up told me that she didn't believe me because, if I had a "Mommy Fetish", then she would have heard something about it, or somehow stumbled across it by now.

Which... was a problem. Because, like I said before, my parents have been giving me total honesty and full disclosure for months now, and in exchange, I was supposed to be doing the same. But, of course, I had hidden the fuck out of this one thing, and, like an idiot, I thought I could keep it from them even as I entered the kink community that they both played in.

Mom had said something while my thoughts were scrambling and I'd missed it. But I was apparently the only one, since I looked around, I realized we were starting to draw more attention than before. Several people were looking at us now, and Mom was staring at me with that very specific, "waiting for an answer" look that Mom's got sometimes.

"Well?" Mom asked, and I was properly stuck.


But just as I was trying to figure out a diplomatic way to say that I hadn't been paying attention, she repeated herself. Gesturing towards her own body, she simply said, "Prove it kiddo. I'm right here. Waiting."

I froze for another second. But then I thought of something clever, and with a smug smile I said, "I would... but kink and consent are both two way streets. Just because I'm into something, doesn't mean my partner is." I gestured to her as I said "my partner", and I knew it was a winning move. I was actually quoting one of the things that she herself had told me when her and Dad were getting me ready for these events.

Mom... did not look defeated. She was smiling back at me, waiting patiently like a tiger in the tall grass; and as she did, my smugness began to deflate. Then, still grinning, Mom walked up to me with a little sway to her hips that drew every eye to her perfect ass. Then, in a low, sultry voice, she said, "Oh but sweetie, it's your lucky day."

No. No way.

Then Mom, ever so casually said, "You see, I have a Mother/Son fetish too. In fact, I'm even a little famous for it." She paused a beat, and then, without taking her eyes off me, she said to no one in particular, "Isn't that right boys?" In reply, several of the people watching gave a little cheer, or a whistle. Some people gave a clap, and at least one woman playfully moaned out, "Yes Mommy!"; which got even more cheers.

At that point, Dad had noticed that his Wife and Kid were at the center of something, and he made his way over to us, beer in hand. He scooted through the crowd, and tapped Mom to get her attention, which had been laser focused on me up to that point. He saw that we had an audience, and he didn't try to whisper, instead speaking loud enough so that he became part of the show. Good crowd politics on his part, so, point for Dad.

"What's uh... what's going on babe?" For a half a second, I thought the cavalry had come, and I was saved. But Mom put a stop to that idea real fast. She shot Dad a playful smile, and, like him, spoke in a voice loud enough for the ever growing crowd to hear, as if we were on a stage and this was all just a play. Despite that, this was my Mom, my Dad, my potential play partner, and my sex life. So, it was managing to be both very public, while also still being incredibly personal and intimate! At least for me!

"Well hubby, our little friend here was just telling us about a fetish that he is either fibbing about, or has kept from me... (Mom did a quick course correction on that one, replacing "me" with) "

Dad gave me a look that quickly established that he was no longer there to back me up. "Really?" he asked, and his tone was a firm accusation, that clearly put him on Mom's side of this. Of course, he did NOT know what he was bargaining for!

Mom clarified for him real fast though, and I think that, when she did, I was the only one who saw his brain temporarily implode as he went through intense shock and realization, before quickly covering it up and deciding to play along with whatever Mom had planned. "It turns out our young friend here has a Mommy Kink... or so he says. And since I am very much the resident 'Mommy', I was just explaining to him that I think he should either admit that he made a false claim while flirting... or he should step up and prove it."

Mom's grin was sexual and corrupting as she reached up and grabbed the zipper on her bikini top. She began to pull it down, parting the teeth, and her absolutely massive breasts looked like they were giving that zipper one hell of a stress test. She got it down to the last little bit, and left it there. Somehow, it held. But it definitely gave the impression that her breasts would pop free at any moment and possibly send the zipper flying.

Now, it is worth noting that Mom and Dad had gone out of their way to introduce me by my "handle" only. As far as everyone there knew, they had met me online, gotten to know me, gotten to like me, and started to take me to fetish events to introduce me around because they thought I'd be a good addition to the group. No one knew that they were actually my parents. They were just my ride. So, as far as anyone knew, this was flirting, this was comeuppance, and this was roleplay; but none of them would have imagined that the woman who was threatening to play my Mother was, in fact, my ACTUAL Mother.

But whether they knew it or not, Dad and I sure as hell did. So it had weight that, no one but us felt, when Mom got down on her knees to whoops and cheers, tipped her chin up, and said, "Anyone besides me think it would be hot if this, literal 18 year-old, whipped that big dick out? The one that his pants are hiding about as well as my top is hiding my tits... and put it down his Mother's throat in front of a cheering crowd?" Another round of cheers went up at that, and Mom just grinned up at me from her knees, and licked her full, red lips.

I mean, from her perspective, I was probably lying, and I was about to admit it. At which point, the embarrassment of it all would be my punishment, and she would have the added benefit of being proven right. The thing was, I wasn't lying, and she wasn't right. So, when she realized that, what would happen next?

I got my answer a minute later, when I took a step forward, and unzipped. I have to admit, my pants had been fucking killing me. I felt like I'd never been this hard in my whole life! So it felt good to "let my cock out" and feel those confines finally give way. Of course, that meant that I was now standing over my kneeling Mother in front of a crowd of swingers and kinksters with my cock waving right in her face.

At that moment, I swear I saw my Mom gulp; and maybe even blush! She stared at my cock for a minute, then she peered around it, and up at me, giving me an appreciative glance. Then she said, "Hey, um, Hubby?", and when Dad replied with a dry mouthed, "Yeah?", she said, "I think if I was wrong, and our friend here is actually able to follow through with this... we may need to adopt him."

That got a laugh from the crowd. "Whattya say Slugger?", Mom asked, using one of her childhood nicknames for me. "If you really are into Mom/Son play, then how would you feel about Steve (my Dad, her Husband) and I, 'adopting' you, and you could start coming to these little events as our 'Son'. Does that sound like fun?" I knew that what I was hearing was a real offer of some kind, but I had no idea what to do with it. My brain felt like it was on fire, and I was just about as turned on as I've ever been in my life. Mom was still KNEELING on the ground in front of me, and her face was so close to my dick that I could feel her breath playing along the skin of it whenever she spoke. People were watching us and I could feel their expectations, and as embarrassing as this might have been for most Husbands, my Mom and Dad went to these events for a reason. So well I may not have fully understood it, the truth was that my Dad probably thought seeing Mom on her knees like that was hot. Even given the circumstances.

Mom apparently saw that I didn't know what to say, so she simplified things. She took a moment, and seemed to regain her composure. Then, she reached up to her zipper again and said, "Moment of truth kiddo", and when I didn't do anything, she took that as some kind of sign and moved her zipper down that last little bit that brought my Mother's very large and gorgeous tits out into view of literally everyone. Then she continued with, "No more words needed." Then she grinned and added slyly, "After all, what kind of Mother would I be if I set the bad example of trying to talk with my Mouth full?" That got a laugh from several onlookers, and Mom gave me this sexy little wink with it that made my cock buck. "So..." she said. "It's time to put up or shut up. Either you are about to admit that you screwed up... Or I want to hear you say 'Yes Mommy', and then you show all these nice people how pretty your Mom looks with that big cock of yours shoved all the way down my throat."