The Morning After

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About last the morning light.
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For part one of Carrie and Dave's story, read "A Gift For Her Teacher"


Dave was having a fantastic dream. There was a girl - warm, and naked - her hair smelled like flowers, her skin was so soft, and it had been so long since he'd had warm softness in his arms, he could hardly remember what it felt like. His eyes opened drowsily, in the faint grey morning light, and it wasn't a dream. Wavy brown hair was spread over the pillow, tickling his cheek, and he had a lush armful of curvy, naked Carrie. She snored softly, like a kitten. So damn cute, he thought. I hope...

...shit, I hope she doesn't regret last night. He rubbed the back of his neck, his brow furrowed with worry.

Maybe things had moved too fast, but it wasn't like they hadn't known each other for a long time. Two years ago, though, this would have been impossible. He had been 25, fresh out of college, teaching a 12th grade Honors English class. Carrie was one of his brightest students - inquisitive, perceptive, funny, sweet, cute in a nerdy-girl way...and he'd been undeniably attracted to her. Sure, she was 18, but she was also one of his students, so that made her completely, absolutely, off-limits. He'd kept his inappropriate feelings to himself, made it through the year with his integrity - and his fucking CAREER - intact, and didn't see her again.

That is, until a few weeks ago, when he'd seen her stranded in the rain at a bus stop. He gave her a ride that night, and offered to help her with a paper she was struggling with for a college lit class. Strange, only a couple of years had passed, but the age difference between 20 and 27 seemed like nothing now - and she was no longer his student. They had both been alone and lonely on Christmas Eve; one thing had led to another last night, and now she was naked and asleep in his bed this morning. He kissed her gently on her neck, right below her ear. She stirred a little and her eyes fluttered open.

"Well, hi," he whispered, "Merry Christmas."

"Hi," she replied, her voice slurred with sleep. "Merry Christmas to you, too...oh God, what time is it?" She sat up and rubbed her eyes, then self-consciously tucked the sheet up around her ample bosom and tried to smooth her hair. "Ugh, I must look awful."

Dave took her hands in his and kissed her knuckles gently. "No, you look beautiful. How do you feel?"

"Okay, I think." She shifted a little, winced, her intake of breath was a sharp hiss through clenched teeth. "A little bit sore, but okay."

He tentatively stroked her bare shoulder, not entirely sure what was the appropriate thing to say. "I...uh...think that's normal, but it shouldn't last too long."

She smiled shyly, "Oh, I'm fine, just not used to it. I'll get more used to it, the more we...I mean, if you ever want to...again...sometime...I mean..." She groaned in embarrassment and flopped back on the pillows. Covering her face with her hands, she mumbled, "I'll just shut up now, okay?"

Dave suppressed a laugh as he gathered her into his arms. "Aw, honey, don't be embarrassed. Yes, I want to again, of course I want to again, I..." He felt her stiffen nervously in his embrace, and then realized his hard cock was rudely and insistently poking her hip. Great, the poor, sore girl probably thought he wanted sex again RIGHT NOW and expected her to hop right on. He cleared his throat, somewhat awkwardly. "Oh, no, not right this minute, just ignore that," he shifted onto his back, and rolled his eyes as his dick erected a pup tent under the blankets. "It's just a morning thing, it'll settle down." He pulled her reassuringly against his side, and felt her relax a little.

"Does it like that every morning?"

"Well, probably more so since I have a sweet, naked girl in my bed. Don't worry, I know you're..." he cleared his throat and searched for the right words. "You're going to need a little recovery time. He can wait; if nothing else, I can beat him into submission." For emphasis, he flicked the tent pole with his middle finger, then yelped in mock pain.

Carrie giggled and buried her face in his shoulder.

He drank in the moment, just holding her, gently stroking the soft skin on her arm. Then, untangling himself, he got up, sliding on his boxers to try to contain his raging morning wood. Carrie scrambled up, too, saying, "Oh wow, I'm you have to go somewhere?" His heart ached a little when he saw her visibly cringe and heard her mumble, "God, how stupid of me, of course you have plans, it's Christmas." She dutifully began sorting through the scattered clothes they had discarded on the floor last night, searching for her bra.

"Nope, no plans at all, nowhere to go. I'm in the same boat as you - none of my family is close by, and my friends all have things going on with their own families." He had an inspiration. "Um, hang on a minute, don't get dressed yet." He tossed her a thick terrycloth robe he kept hanging on a hook behind the door. "This will keep you warm if you are cold."

Dave went in the bathroom and started a warm bath. He rummaged under the sink and found a bag of Epsom salts, and poured in a small amount under the running water. That always helped when he overdid it and had sore muscles.

He went back in the bedroom and saw Carrie, wrapped in his robe, standing in the middle of the room, looking uncertain and kind of lost. "Oh, I thought you went to take a bath."

He grinned lopsidedly and took her hand, leading her into the bathroom. "No, this is for you. Maybe it will help the soreness." He kissed her on the forehead, and left her to her bath, shutting the door to give her some privacy.

Dave went to the bed and pulled back the blankets. The evidence was there, a few dark pink spots on the sheet, but not so bad. He had tried to be gentle, to make it as good for her as he could, as easy as possible. He'd never been anyone's first before, and he wasn't sure what was the proper etiquette and protocol for the morning after. After a moment's hesitation, he stripped off the sheets, stuffed them in the washer, and made up the bed with fresh linens. Then he started a pot of coffee, lamented that there was really nothing to offer for breakfast, and went back to check on Carrie.

Dave knocked on the door, and heard a slight splashing, and a hesitant, "Come in?"

"Are you decent? Sure hope not." He waggled his eyebrows in his best Groucho Marx impression, then wondered if she even knew who that was.

"Yeah, right, Groucho." Carrie snorted derisively, "No, I'm not exactly decent."

Dave laughed. "Here, lean forward a little, I'll wash your back." He grabbed a clean washcloth from the shelf by the sink and knelt by the tub, working up a lather with the bar of soap.

Carrie leaned forward, hugging her knees to her chest modestly, glad for a chance to shield her nudity. He already saw everything last night...EVERYTHING...but it had been pretty dark, and they were in the moment. But now it was in the bright light of day, and maybe he wouldn't like what he saw. Her boobs were big, but certainly not perfect and perky, her belly wasn't flat, her ass was huge -

Dave interrupted her well-rehearsed mental list of self-criticism with a kiss on her neck. "Hey, no fair," he whispered in her ear, "You're covering up some of my favorite parts."

Carrie stared at him, disbelieving. "Well, speaking of not fair," she stammered, squeaking a little as he deftly slid the washcloth around to soap her breasts, "I'm the only one naked here."

"True, that," he admitted. He dropped the washcloth, pulled the plug on the tub to drain the water, and stood up. Carrie rose, too, still half-shielding herself with her arms, and started to step out of the tub.

"Oh, don't get out, I'm coming in," he said, stepping out of his boxers. He turned the water on, adjusted it for temperature, and pulled the lever for the shower. "Ah, that's better," he said, slipping in next to her and pulling the shower curtain closed. "And please...don't do this," he added, taking her wrists and gently pulling them away from her body. He placed her hands on his shoulders and held her by her hips, at arms' length, almost as if they were dancing. He slowly, deliberately, dropped his gaze from her green eyes; to her soft pink lips; to her full, round breasts, capped with rosy nipples almost the same color as her lips; to her cute belly button; to the curvy handful of her hips; to the sweet little triangle of fur between her thighs. He could feel his cock stirring to attention, and with great effort, he dragged his attention back to her face. "For a long time, I imagined how you'd look, but never thought I'd ever see you like this. I like the way you look, Carrie - please don't feel like you have to hide from me."

She could feel heat rise in her cheeks, but she nodded, and said, "Okay, I'll try."

"Good." Lazily, he slid his hands from her hips to the small of her back, pulling her closer. He kissed her softly at first, then more urgently. His hands slid down to cup her ass and pull her tight against him. His hard cock was trapped between their bodies, and the satiny friction against her soft skin, warm and wet from the shower, was maddening. He groaned deep in his chest, and buried his face in her hair, damp from the steam. "See what you do to me?" he whispered in her ear.

"Is this still the morning...thing?" she questioned. Carrie pulled away from him slightly, just enough to run her fingertip delicately along the under-side of his achingly hard shaft. Dave felt his knees get weak.

"No, no, I'm pretty sure this is the 'kissing a slippery, warm, naked, girl in the shower thing'," Dave breathed, nuzzling her neck. Reluctantly, he stepped back to break physical contact. "Look Carrie, I'm not impatient, I know you are still pretty sore..."

She lowered her eyes demurely, and asked softly, "Well, there are other things we can do, aren't there?"

Dave froze for a moment as his mind raced, pondering of all of the other things that they could, indeed, do.

She peered up at him through her lashes with those ivy-colored eyes and smiled sweetly.

SNAP OUT OF IT MAN! he yelled in his head, and mentally slapped himself. Really hard.

"Yes, Carrie...yes there are." He immediately turned off the shower, and grabbed towels, quickly drying her and himself, briskly toweling her hair, stopping only to kiss her deeply and feel the erotic contact with her skin all over again. "Many things. All kinds of things." He kissed her again and grabbed her hand and pulled her enthusiastically through the bathroom door back to the bedroom. "You're such a smart girl to think of that. Brilliant, really," he murmured against her lips, pulling her down on the bed in a giggling heap.

"So," Dave said, leaning back on the pile of pillows, "what sort of other things did you have in mind to try?" He grinned at her, and put his hands behind his head. "I'm open to suggestions - ladies' choice."

Carrie rolled to her belly and propped herself up on her elbows, her damp hair falling around her shoulders. "Well," she said, hesitantly, "I thought that maybe..." She kissed him lightly on his bare stomach and his faithful erection throbbed and jumped visibly in response. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise, then she gently licked his cock from base to tip. He almost lost it right then and there. "I thought maybe you could show me how to..." she hesitated shyly, "...maybe you could show me what you like."

Dave traced his fingers over her cheek and tucked a stray curl behind her ear. "I think you are doing just fine." His voice sounded shaky and a little rough to his own ears, but at least it didn't crack like a 14 year old boy's. "You just do what feels good to you, and I'll let you know if it feels good to me, too."

Carrie quirked a half smile and ran her fingers lightly over his thigh, making his cock throb expectantly. "Nuh-uh. You said ladies' choice, so I want to see."

"See what?" Dave could tell she was searching for how to say it, and he raised an eyebrow questioningly, but waited patiently.

"What you do when you are" she swallowed hard and tried again, "when you are alone, how do you make yourself come?" Her words tumbled out in a rush and her cheeks were bright pink, but she was curious and determined.

Now it was Dave's turn to be embarrassed. "," he stammered, and ran his fingers through his hair. "I've never done this for an audience before, but..."

And so, he showed her how it was done. Or, at least, how he did it. At first, he couldn't look at her - that made him too self-conscious and made it too hard to concentrate. He wrapped his right hand around his shaft, not too tight, and slid his hand up and down a few times. It felt really good - quite a relief, actually, since he'd had an unsatisfied, raging hard-on almost since he woke up this morning. He closed his eyes and settled into a familiar, slow, even rhythm. Instead of the usual anonymous females that fueled his stroke fantasies, models from magazines or pretty girls he'd glanced on the street, he found himself thinking of the warm, willing, real girl who was right there. Carrie, soapy and slippery in the shower. Carrie, straddling his lap last night on the couch, her sweater and bra off, tits in his face, panting sweetly and grinding her crotch against his dick - which was so hard, he felt sure it would rip through his jeans. Carrie, the brief look of uncertainty on her face that melted into intense pleasure when his fingers found the sweet spot deep in her hot little pussy, and he rubbed and rubbed until she was moaning and gasping and he could feel her clenching around his fingers and felt her wetness on his hand...

He ventured a glance, and saw she was studying his technique intently, her eyes half-closed, her lips parted. Fuck it, he thought, closing his eyes again, no sense in being shy now. He licked the palm of his left hand and, still stroking steadily with his right, he rubbed his wet palm over the super-sensitive head of his cock. The sensation made him groan with need, and lift his hips slightly off the bed.

Stroking faster now, trying to reach the finish line, he lightly cupped and caressed his balls, which felt heavy and tight. He needed to come so bad, and he was so close...

Then suddenly, his shaft was enveloped in intense wet heat. He opened his eyes in shocked surprise to see Carrie, her hair in glorious disarray, sucking his cock. She may have been inexperienced in technique, but she sure as hell made up for it in enthusiasm.

"Ohhhhh fuck..." he groaned, and realized he was teetering on the brink of no return, he could already feel his body tensing. "Carrie, wait, wait, stop," he begged, pushing her away.

She stopped abruptly, and looked up at him, alarmed. "Oh no, I'm sorry! Am I doing it wrong?" She almost looked like she might burst into tears.

"Oh, baby, no," he gasped, "you were doing it exactly right, and that's the problem." He closed his eyes, gritting his teeth, and thought of taxes, spiders, Monty Python skits, anything decidedly unsexy - until he felt himself no longer so close to orgasm. He opened his eyes again, to see her biting her lip, gazing at him with concern. "Carrie, you were - you are - amazing," he assured her, pulling her up into his arms and squeezing her tight. "I just didn't want to surprise you with something you weren't prepared for." She looked puzzled, but then realization slowly dawned on her face as he continued. "I was...right there...if you know what I mean, and I didn't know how you might feel about..."

"Oh that?" Carrie giggled with relief. "I really like the way you taste so's okay if you come in my mouth, I'd like to try that, see what it's like." She slid back down the length of his body, planting little kisses along the way. "I got to come in your mouth last night, and it was pretty amazing." She flashed a quick grin at him and then resumed her efforts.

Dave stroked the curve of her shoulder, gently ran his fingers through her hair, and lost himself in the exquisite feeling of her warm mouth enveloping his hard cock, sliding smoothly up and down the length of his shaft. She experimented a little, teasing the underside with long licks, playfully swirling her tongue around the head. Carrie lightly stroked his thighs and she felt his muscles tense as his climax built again.

"Yes, god yes, that's good, so fucking good, I'm so close, just keep..." He groaned, and thrust upward, his fingers instinctively tightening in her hair. "Just keep...sucking me, just like that...your mouth is so hot, so fucking sweet, here it comes, baby..." Dave came harder than he could ever remember; it was like an ocean wave of ecstasy hit him and all he could do was ride it out, roll with it, feeling it in his whole body, from his toes to his scalp. Carrie's eyes widened a bit in surprise when he thrust deeper and the first spurt of semen filled her mouth, but she caught on quickly and swallowed until he had no more left to give.

As she felt his body slowly relax, she gently kissed his softening cock and grinned up at him saucily, licking her lips. "That was wonderful."

Dave closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath as if he had just run a marathon. He replied, hoarsely, "Yes, it certainly was." He pulled her up into his arms again, kissing her tenderly. She laid her head on his chest, he stroked her hair, and it just felt so...right. "Well..." he admitted, "I was going to make you breakfast, but I don't seem to have anything here..."

"Hmmm, as delicious as that was, I don't think it counted as 'making me breakfast'," Carrie laughed, poking him in the ribs.

Dave smiled sheepishly. "I did make a pot of coffee at least. I really am sorry about that, I would have gone shopping if I'd had any idea you were coming over; I've been living too long on takeout food."

"Well come on then," she said, purposefully pushing him toward the edge of the bed. "Let's drink your coffee, then go to my place. I DID go shopping - I'll feed us."

Dave kissed the top of her head. "Great idea! Smart, beautiful, funny, you give incredible head, and you cook, too? You, my dear, are a goddess." And he started thinking up the next way to work up their appetites...

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TwilightfanTwilightfanabout 6 years ago
Should be more

I wish there were more 'morning after virginity' stories like this out there.

Have you thought about a 3rd part?

KatiecatKatiecatabout 9 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the feedback =)

I've had this story half finished on the shelf for quite some time; it's actually a sequel to a story I posted a while ago that gives the background on how Carrie and Dave got together. If you like these characters, check out "A Gift For Her Teacher" -- I hope you enjoy it and I would appreciate your comments/votes on that one as well. //

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Short and good

You elegantly created a credible and sweet picture of the feelings of two real people, (coompared to all these emotionless robots we too often are presented with), and at the same time created the sexual tension that a good erotic story should do.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

More, please!

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