The Morning After


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He knew he was going to have to tread lightly when she came back to the house. It was now more important that anything to see how she was feeling about everything, and if she had any doubts or regrets, he'd have to find a way to make her feel right again. He only wished she'd text him and give him some idea of how she was feeling.

Jenny's phone was next to her as she sat on a plastic patio chair in the backyard at her friend, Samantha's, house. They'd carefully set their chairs more than six feet apart so they could talk safely. They also brought their chairs far enough away from the house so they could talk without being overheard by Samantha's brother or mom, who were constantly home like everyone else nowadays. Her father was a hospital administrator so he was almost constantly at work.

Samantha was the physical opposite of Jenny. She was a petite blonde with the toned body of a girl into gymnastics. Her boobs were an appropriate match to the rest of her compact form, small but with a firm, sculpted look. Perky yet athletic, Samantha had been known to earn a lot of attention whenever her nipples grew erect in one of her competition leotards. The much softer, curvier Jenny had teased her best friend about this hundreds of time, but Sam had teased the bigger girl in return just as much.

Being as close as sisters, Jenny and Sam were both teased by a lot of people who knew them, being total opposites on the outside yet practically inseparable. Deeper down, though, the two girls had more in common than anyone would ever guess. Neither had a sister, so they easily filled that role for each other. On top of that, they both had handsome big brothers who treated them like princesses. The two friends had no secrets between them when it came to being crazy in love with their own brothers.

Jenny hadn't told Samantha why she had just shown up out of the blue without texting first, especially with all the crazy lockdown rules that seemed to change every other day. Sam didn't mind, though. She was just as starved for social contact as her friend. They just made small talk for a few minutes, comparing notes on how they were dealing with feeling so confined lately, but it wasn't long before the blonde girl noticed the faraway look in Jenny's eyes.

"What's going on with you, Jen?" Samantha made an abrupt change of subject.

Jenny squirmed in her seat a little. Despite the fact that she'd admitted she was in love with Evan as many times as Sam had admitted she was in love with Brady, she didn't know if she could actually go through with telling her what happened. She wasn't just sharing her own secret now. She would be sharing Evan's as well, and maybe he wouldn't want anyone to know he fucked his pudgy baby sister. Her brother had made her feel so beautiful and wanted last night.

Then again, guys could change their mind about things the morning after, and after the way Evan made her feel she was sure she'd shrivel up and die if he didn't still want her. That was the whole reason she got out of the house before he woke up. She woke up and started to freak out over the possibility he might regret what they did.

But after Sam asked her question, Jenny's mind went back to the night before. The best night of her entire life. A look of pure rapture came across her face as she thought back to the way her brother had made love to her.

Sam gasped loudly and her jaw dropped as she stared at her friend with wide eyes. "You did something, didn't you?" she said. "You and Evan."

Jenny's face went so hot she knew she had to be blushing badly.

"Oh my god, you did!" Sam exclaimed.

Jenny realized her total lack of a poker face was enough to confirm Sam's accusation. She didn't even try to deny it. On the other hand, she couldn't imagine admitting how far she'd gone with Evan, even to Sam.

"Okay, yeah. Kinda," Jenny avoided saying more. But the way her friend was staring at her the bigger girl felt like everything was written all over her face.

Samantha replied with a sarcastic smirk. "Seriously, Jen. You don't get to just say 'kinda' and think you're gonna get away without giving a few details."

Jenny couldn't help smiling when she thought about the way her brother made love to her. She couldn't keep it to herself. Not after the way she and Sam had spilled their feelings about their brothers to each other hundreds of times already. "Well, thanks to Evan, I'm not a virgin anymore."

Samantha looked stunned. Then her expression changed into one of happy excitement. "Jen. This is big. Really big."

The dark haired girl couldn't suppress her own excitement. She was glad she told Sam. It was too much to hold inside, and Sam was the only one Jenny could trust to understand. So she went on to tell her friend everything, adding in the gooey details every time Sam asked for them. One thing the bigger girl found hard to explain was the way her body and heart both exploded with joy when Evan was desperately lunging between her legs with the strength of his whole body.

"I never felt like that ever," Jenny said, noticing her petite friend's nipples were now erect and poking at the material of her leotard.

The blonde was wearing a tiny pair of denim shorts as well and her fingers were digging into the flesh of her upper thigh as she listened. She probably didn't even realize she was doing it. Jenny was wearing bike shorts and a cropped, lightweight hoodie with nothing underneath. Normally, she'd never dream of leaving her house without containing her oversized boobs in a bra, but this morning her mind was going in too many directions at once. At least there weren't many people out on the streets because of the quarantine order.

"Geeze, after that I don't even want to tell you what happened with Brady last night," Samantha said. "It's like nothing compared to what you were doing."

"Hey, c'mon, Sam," Jenny said. "Everything that happens with our brothers is important."

Samantha blew a deep breath. "It's gonna sound so boring."

"I promise it's not. We gotta help each other, remember?"

"Yeah," Sam nodded wistfully.

It was obvious the blonde wished she could've had the same experience with Brady. She admitted to Jenny that it looked like the two of them were getting close, but there was always something getting in the way. Last night, while Jenny and Evan were actually fucking more like star-crossed lovers than any normal brother and sister, Sam and Brady were cuddling on the couch watching TV.

"I finally moved and lay across the couch with my head in my big brother's lap," the little blonde explained. "He was so sweet to me I almost cried. He kept touching my face and my hair, and the way he looked at me made my heart pump. He started rubbing my back, and pretty soon he got his hand under my shirt and kept rubbing me that way, even though Mom was sitting in the other chair.

"I looked up at him and smiled so he knew how much I liked him touching me," Samantha continued. "Mom was into the show on TV, but still, she was right there. Brady slipped his hand further in my shirt and started feeling my boob. Oh god, I loved that. Jen, I got so wet when he was playing with my nipple. He got really hard, too, and I could feel his dick right against my face. I slid my hand under my head and squeezed on his boner. He kept quiet but I could tell he was breathing funny. I kept it up and after a while he actually squirted in his pants."

Jenny gasped in surprise. This was as far as Sam and Brady's flirting and teasing games had ever gone.

"He squeezed my boob so tight when he came. After, he leaned down and whispered that he loved me. I just kissed that big wet spot on his pants. But there wasn't much more we could do cuz Mom was right there. If it weren't for our parents we'd probably be doing it already like you and Evan."

"Yeah, that's gotta be really frustrating not having any privacy," Jenny nodded.

"You guys are lucky your parents are quarantining out of state," Sam said. "You could even be fucking him now. Why are you even here?"

"I had to tell my best friend in the world what happened," Jenny replied. But then she admitted to having her mini-meltdown when she woke up. "What if he changes his mind about me?" she added. "I'm afraid."

"This is Evan, we're talking about, right?" Sam reminded her. "Your brother. The one who's treated you like Miss Perfect all your life? It's not like we're talking about just some guy, Jen."

"I guess."

Just then, Jenny's phone buzzed with a message. It was from Evan. Samantha practically jumped out of her seat to see what it said.

"He's just asking if I'm okay. It's like the third time."

"Obviously he's worried about you. I bet he's wondering if you're the one who changed their mind."

Jenny hadn't even considered that. There was no doubt in her mind that her love for Evan was the always and forever kind, and she just assumed he'd have that figured out, especially after last night. On the other hand, why would an amazing guy like him settle for his fat, desperate little sister?

"Oh my god will you stop saying you're fat?" Samantha almost yelled. "Text your brother back immediately and tell him you're coming back because you can't wait to see him. Geeze, Jen."

Jenny felt better after talking to Sam, but she couldn't relax about things as much as she tried to make it look in front of her friend. She did text her brother back, though, saying she was okay and was coming home. Promising to text Sam later to let her know how things were going, Jenny got back on her bike and rode back to her house.

When she reached home, Jenny put her bike in the garage and went in through the door to the kitchen. Evan's car was there so she knew he was home, but she felt herself trembling over the prospect of facing him. Instead of going to look for him she got a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and started drinking. She yelped out loud when she turned around and spotted him standing in the doorway to the living room, as if he suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Knowing he must've been waiting for her to come in made her pulse pick up.

Jenny felt like the proverbial deer caught in the headlights while her big brother stood in the doorway with his arms folded looking at her with a serious expression.

"I've been really worried about you," he said.

His tone was so serious Jenny felt bad about taking off the way she did. The look on his face only made her feel worse. She realized in her panic over possibly getting hurt, she'd only managed to cause him just as much anxiety. But that didn't explain how he felt about fucking his baby sister now that it was the morning after the delightful deed.

"I was afraid, Evan," she said with a worried frown. "I didn't know how you were gonna feel this morning. Ya know. About everything."

Evan sighed and shook his head sadly. "Didn't you hear everything I told you last night?"

"Yeah, of course. But last night we"

"Fucking?" he completed her thought.

"Yeah," she replied with a blush.

"And you were afraid I didn't mean it, because we were..."

"Fucking, yeah."

"Oh my god." Evan ran his fingers through his silky, dark hair. "What about after? When we were holding each other? Didn't that mean anything to you?"

"Of course it did!" she protested instantly. "It meant everything to me! I'm sorry. I just woke up and kinda freaked out. I was so afraid you'd be thinking the worst things about me."

When Jenny started crying, her brother quickly crossed the room and lifted her face so she had to look straight at him.

"I could never think anything bad about you, Jen. Not even if you change your mind about us."

"What do you mean about us?" she asked cautiously.

Evan put his arms around his sister's curvy form, bringing his hands to the base of her spine, just above the twin mounds of her generously formed ass. Jenny felt her body melt a little as her brother's body pressed into her.

"Well, after last night you have to admit we're not exactly your average brother and sister anymore, don't you think?"

Jenny giggled happily. "I guess we aren't," she said with a smile. Then she fell serious again. "What does that make us, though?"

"I'm not exactly sure, to be honest. We haven't had a chance to talk about things. When I woke up this morning and saw you were gone I was afraid of the same thing you were?"

"Really? I mean, you could really think I didn't love everything we did?"

Evan smiled confidently. "Oh, I know you loved it while we were doing it. I was just afraid you might've woken up wishing we hadn't done it."

"Yeah, I get that. Me, too."

"Yeah. But neither of us woke up feeling that way. I sure didn't. I just wish we could've talked to each other before letting our fears get out of hand. Besides, I just missed you."

Jenny's smile came back. Just hearing that Evan had missed her made a warm, happy feeling rush through her entire body. She put her arms around him and pressed her large boobs against him tightly.

"I missed you, too, Evan," she said. "I'm sorry I freaked out like that."

"It's okay, sweetie. I kind of did, too, so I really understand." He gently stroked the side of her face, a loving smile on his lips. "And you know I love you, right?"

Jenny's heart wanted to explode. She loved hearing Evan say he loved her, even if he only meant it like a brother. It still felt so good to hear the words.

"I love you, too, big brother," she cooed happily, burrowing her face against his chest.

Evan kissed the top of his sister's head and they held on to each other for a long time. Jenny wanted to stay like that forever, but her brother eventually got her to look up at him.

"We might have ourselves a little problem," he said.

Jenny got worried when she saw the way he was frowning. Maybe things weren't going quite as well as she thought. Was this his way of trying to let her down gently? She looked at him questioningly, her eyes showing all of her concern.

"It's just that brothers and sisters don't, well...relationships like the one we have."

Jenny's heart skipped. "Are you saying we have a relationship?"

"Of course we do. It's just a matter of what kind of relationship we want to have."

"Umm, what kind do you want?"

"Pretty sure the same kind you want."

Jenny smiled coyly at her brother, but it felt like her whole body was vibrating. "You mean you don't mind being stuck with a nerdy fat girl as a girlfriend?"

Evan sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm with you on the girlfriend part. But I'm more into a voluptuous, brainy looking brunette."

Jenny loved hearing her brother's compliment, but it was the other part of what he said that was making her pulse race.

"Are you saying I'm your girlfriend now?"

"We shouldn't even be thinking about this, but I want you to be."

"Oh my god, Evan," she cried, squeezing him with all her might. "I want that more than anything in the world. I've dreamed about it more than you know."

"Even if we can never tell anyone?"

"I don't even care. I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Jen. I just hope I'm not being selfish and hurting you."

"You could never hurt me if you love me, Ev," she insisted. "And I just wanna make you as happy as you make me. I don't even care about all that stuff they say about incest and brothers fucking sisters. We have something special, don't we?"

Evan couldn't stop smiling. "Yes, baby sis, we do. You're special." He then leaned close to the girl's ear and whispered playfully. "Maybe the incest part is actually kinda cool. Wrong, could I ever love a girl the way I love my pretty sister?"

Jenny couldn't help the quivery feeling her brother's whispers were causing in her pussy. The fact that his hands were so close to her ass was making it even worse.

"Oh, Ev, all morning I was thinking last night was the best thing about my life so far, but now I'm thinking maybe this is."

"Hmm, how about if last night was the best without clothes on, and this is the best with them?"

Jenny giggled, but then she reached in between them and slowly pulled the zipper of her hoodie all the way down. She pulled open the sides of her hoodie and revealed the bare state of her spectacular boobs.

"I'd be happy if we were always naked together," she said, playfully rubbing her smooth orbs across her brother's body through his T shirt.

"Oh, fuck," he groaned, staring at her exposed flesh. "You're gonna drive me crazy with those, little sis."

"I may be your little sis, but these aren't so little, are they, big brother?"

Evan groaned again and brought his hands from behind his sister to fondle her weighty tits. Her brother's firm touch made Jenny gasp slightly, but then more deeply when he started tweezing her swollen nipples. His dick was getting hard in his shorts, and she couldn't resist reaching down and feeling him grow while he caressed her melons.

"Do you really think this is wrong?" she asked.

"Yes, my love. But it's even more right."

Jenny was enthralled by her brother's rapt gaze as he stared at the full jugs overflowing his hands. At the same time, she fumbled with the zipper on his shorts, then unbuttoned them and let them fall to his ankles while she pushed off his briefs and started feeling his cock. Evan encouraged his sister's explorations with the deepest groans so far. His hands felt so good on her sensitive tits, but knowing she could make him feel just as good was making her pussy heat up as much as anything else.

Evan kissed the curvy girl deeply, instantly pushing his tongue into her waiting mouth. Jenny could feel the surge of pulses in his rapidly thickening cock, and he was soon just as hard in her hand as he was the night before when he was driving his beautiful shaft deeply into her tight, young pussy hole. She only let go of her brother's dick because he started pulling her hoodie off her shoulders and she him push it down her arms and off onto the floor.

Now Jenny was completely topless in the family kitchen with her bottomless brother, who was leaning over to lick and suck on her pudgy nipples and it wasn't even noon yet. Her pussy was dripping harder by the second as she watched him fondle and feast on her twin mounds. She loved seeing how much he craved the taste and feel of them, but she was trying not to get carried away before she could give him something she'd been dreaming of doing for the longest time.

All too reluctantly, Jenny had to finally push her eager brother away from her big, naked, protruding tits and convinced him to take a seat on one of the kitchen chairs. Evan made her laugh when he gave her a disappointed pout, but he did as she asked and sat down, keeping his legs parted and letting his thick, handsome pole shoot straight up from between his legs.

"Can you take your shirt off, please?" the girl asked sweetly.

"Only if you take your shorts off too," Evan replied.

"I guess that's only fair," she told him, smiling.

Jenny didn't mind pushing her shorts off in the least. The way her brother stared at her bare, bald pussy mound only made her body feel hotter. When he actually licked his lips, her slit flushed hot and wet as she thought of the way his tongue would feel between her thick, shapely legs. But she was trying to keep from being distracted from her original mission.

When Evan finally pulled his shirt off, his sister couldn't help taking a moment just to stare at her gorgeously naked brother and his rippling hard cock. It was almost more than she could believe to think he was finally all hers now. He was so hot and perfect, and she would never have to doubt how much he loved his adoring, little sister. Just seeing the way he was looking at her while he took hold of his cock and boldly stroked himself was enough to make her girl dew trickle onto her thighs from her overheated pussy slit.