The Mother-In-Law Ch. 01

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My special relationship with my wife's mother.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/09/2014
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Writer's Note: This is a story for adults over eighteen years of age about adults over eighteen years of age. While the story line is true the dialog has been compressed for the sake of time and space. Safe sex was not an issue within our family unit but should be a concern for everyone today.


Marie, my former mother-in-law, was in her late forties when I married her twenty-eight year old daughter, Marlene. It was easy to see where Marlene had gotten her pretty smile, long legs, and sweet ass; Marie had the same good looks, the same long legs, and the same sweet ass as her daughter, but with a dress size and cup size larger.

Marie had married her high school sweetheart, John, just after graduation, and, being good Catholics, quickly began raising a family in their small hometown an hour north of Tampa. John ran the family owned grocery store, and by the time Marlene and her brother, Jim, were in high school he also owned three convenience stores in the surrounding small towns; John worked seven days a week and had little time for his very attractive, devoted wife, and family.

Marie ran the household, raised the kids, shopped, cooked, canned and saw to it that everyone got to Sunday mass on time. She was a very proper Southern lady and did not put up with cussing or vulgar language; of course she didn't mind having a cold beer with barbeque or a glass of wine when she cooked Italian dishes.

After Marlene and I were married we often visited her parents on weekends to help with the many chores, or Marie would visit us at our home in Tampa for some rest and shopping with her daughter.

Marie and I became close and often sat around the breakfast table talking after John left for work. I noticed that she always wore a robe while John was at home but once he left for work it came off and she was left wearing a short cotton night gown; a slight departure from being a proper Southern lady.

"Is it hot in here, or is it just me?" she would ask removing her robe and fanning herself with John's folded newspaper.

It was not a sexy gown, just a plain, loose fitting, sleeveless, cotton gown that came down to about mid thigh; everything was covered although the material was thin enough to tell she was not wearing anything underneath. Depending on the color or pattern of the gown there were times when the hint of a triangle shaped, dark shadow behind the fabric was visible.

Marlene usually slept late so her mother and I had plenty of time to drink coffee and chat about everything going on in the small town and in their family before she went to dress for the day. Sometimes the topics could even be a bit risqué; like the time John caught a couple having sex while parked in the orange grove near their house.

"I don't know why he ran them off; they weren't bothering anyone." She stated emphatically. Then followed up with, "What would you have done?"

I chuckled, "Well, I would not have run them off; I probably would have just watched."

We both chuckled.

"Have you and my daughter had sex in a parked car?"

I had to laugh, "Of course we have and from the description you gave me it was pretty close to where John ran the couple off. Of course that doesn't count the times we have had sex on the hood of our car in the carport."

"Oh my goodness, are you serious? I hope you don't get caught. That would cause a ruckus in the family and would be all over town."

I had to ask, "So did you and John ever have sex in a car."

She, very obviously, crossed her fingers and smiled a sexy smile, "Of course not, I'm a good Catholic girl."

I chided her, "I would love to have been hiding in the orange grove that night."

Marie smacked my arm lightly then got up to get us more coffee without saying a word.

I also got to enjoy many beautiful scenes when Marie had to reach to get something from a top shelf and the bottom of her gown rode up to within a breath of her sweet ass. Marlene was even in the room on one occasion when I commented,

"It's easy to see where you get your beautiful, long legs Darling." I told Marlene.

"Well, thank you Will that was nice of you, but you really shouldn't be looking at your mother-in-law like that." Marie responded.

Marlene added, "Yes, that was nice of you. I'm proud to get my looks from Mother."

Marlene didn't mind at all that her mother and I became so close, as a matter of fact, she seemed to encourage it at times and on the trip home she would ask about all the details and what sights I got to see.

Once in the middle of the night she woke me up and took me into the bathroom adjoining her parents' bedroom; we stood quietly in the shadows, as Marlene had done growing up, and watched as her parents had sex. Marie was on her knees with her face down and her ass up and John was behind her pounding away, giving her ass a good smack now and then.

Marie's long legs were not all I got to check out either. One day when she bent over to get something from the bottom drawer of the stove, I found out that there was another trait which my mother-in-law had passed on to her daughter, a thick, full patch of pubic hair.

I had to comment, "That's beautiful site to start a man's day."

She quickly stood and tugged at the bottom of her gown then smiled at me, "I thought you were reading the paper."

On another visit when Marlene entered the kitchen earlier than usual, Marie commented as she poured my coffee.

"Good morning! I'm surprised you are up this early; from all the commotion I heard last night you couldn't have gotten much sleep;" obviously teasing her daughter about the noise from our late night quickie.

"I'm sorry Mother; Will sometimes makes it difficult for me to be quiet. We will try to be quieter next time."

"Oh don't do that, I'm glad someone is having "fun" in this house; it brings back some fond memories."

I decided to stay on topic, "So why aren't you having fun then?"

"Well, John works all the time, at least that's what he tells me, or maybe I'm just not pretty or sexy enough anymore."

I wasn't going to let that go, "You can scratch that last part; you and your daughter are, without question, the two prettiest, sexiest women in Hernando County. Both of you send my heart racing when you just walk into the room."

She leaned over and kissed my cheek, "Aaah that was so sweet."

I felt her hard nipple through the light fabric of her gown brush my upper arm as she leaned close. I was afraid I was going to get an erection that would cause both of us some embarrassment.

Marlene winked and smiled at me for complimenting her mother then said, "I guess we will just have to find you some young stud to take care of that problem for you."

"Marlene!" She replied, pretending to be shocked.

Marie took a sip of coffee then patted my leg and moved away from the table, "I think I will go ahead and start making us some pancakes."

Marlene smiled again as she saw me watching the firm, round mounds of flesh beneath the light fabric in full motion as her mother walked away from us and began gathering the ingredients to make pancakes.

On another weekend visiting her parents, Marlene walked into the kitchen on Saturday morning.

"Good morning Darling, how are you this morning?" her mother asked in her usual sunny mood.

"Terrible Mother, it's that time of the month and I feel completely out of sorts."

Marie hugged her and tried to cheer her up with, "Well that's one of the advantages of getting older; you don't have to put up with that any longer." Then she added, "Of course the down side is that you are horny all the time and your Daddy is of no use because he works all the time."

Marlene and I laughed then Marlene said, "Mother, I guess I'm just going to have to loan you Will sometime he can certainly put a smile on your face."

Marie chuckled, "I cannot imagine Will wanting to have anything to do with an old woman like me."

I had to respond, "Marie, I haven't even told Marlene about some of the wild dreams I have had about you; I was afraid they would make even her blush."

I winked at Marlene and they both laughed. Marie shook her head and hugged her daughter, "I may just take you up on that offer one of these days."

On the way back home to Tampa that weekend, Marlene and I talked about her mother and her affection toward me.

Marlene commented, "I love the way you and Mother get along; I hope you don't mind."

"Are you serious? How could I mind a beautiful, sexy woman hugging on me and spoiling me? Of course it's sometimes difficult for me to hide my hard on."

She smiled and rubbed her hand over my crotch, "But I usually take care of that little problem for you, don't I?"

She added, "The next time don't hide it, I would like to see Mother's reaction to seeing your hard-on."

I asked, "Are you really going to loan me out to your Mother?"

She answered with another question as her hand continued to rub my swelling cock, "Would you really mind if I did?"

"Seriously, when I'm around you and or your mother I'm in hog heaven. One day I may even throw her on the table and have my way with her while you eat breakfast."

We laughed and Marlene gently squeezed my cock.

Marlene and her mother talked by phone several times a week. Usually it was upbeat conversations about what everyone was doing and plans for getting together again but over time Marie became increasingly unhappy over John's lack of attention and affection; she suspected he was having an affair, again.

At dinner one evening Marlene told me, "I invited Mother down this weekend to see if I can cheer her up."

Usually when her mother, and or dad, came to visit we would remove the montage of black and white, nude photos, mostly of Marlene, that hung in a small alcove outside our bedroom; the use of lighting and shadows gave a tasteful but erotic portrayal of her beauty, nothing vulgar but very suggestive.

Marlene decided to leave the montage intact and to even leave out our favorite coffee table book, The Joy of Sex, hopefully, to serve as a topic of conversation with her mother about our lifestyle. She wanted to let her mother know that we would support her in choosing a sexual partner outside her marriage and that she did not need to feel alone and neglected.

Marie had admitted to her daughter that several years earlier she had had an affair with Ted, the family's long time friend and insurance agent, but Marlene already knew about her mother's affair from local gossip and completely understood why it had happened; her father had had several affairs.

Marlene did not see a need to tell her mother that she and I had had a threesome with Ted just months earlier as a reward for his long time service when he stopped by to tell us he was retiring. (See: The Salesman's Visit)

Marie arrived early on Friday evening; I fixed cocktails and we sat in the den chatting about John and his lack of attention. We kept the conversation light adding in a bit of humor at times; Marie noticed The Joy of Sex book and flipped through it as we talked.

"Mother you are welcome to borrow that if you would like. It has some excellent information in it."

After dinner and a walk around the block in the muggy Florida heat, we decided to bathe, change into our night clothes and maybe watch a late movie on television.

Walking down the hall I noticed a light under the door of the main bath and assumed Marie was bathing. I went through our bedroom to the master bath; as I got to the open door I saw Marlene and her mother both in only their panties and each with one foot on the counter shaving their legs and talking.

Marie tried to cover her breasts with her arms, "Sorry Marie, I thought you were in the main bath."

"That's okay; I had to borrow some shaving cream." She relaxed her arms, again exposing her full round melons to my view.

Marlene added, "Go ahead and use the bathroom if you need to."

I teased, "If you want I could close my eyes and just feel my way to the toilet." The girls laughed.

I moved by them being careful to brush against Marie's sweet, panty clad bottom as I passed by her to lift the toilet lid and take care of business. As the urine splashed into the water below the girls continued talking about the nude photo display outside our bedroom.

When I turned around to wash my hands the mirror gave me a full view of Marie's full round breasts with their silver dollar sized, pink areola and taunt nipples; I glanced down to wash my hands and saw wisps of dark pubic hair peeking out around the crotch of her full cut, pink panties; when I looked up our eyes met in the mirror, we smiled at each other.

Marlene didn't seem to care that I was checking out her mother and turned to give me a kiss as I walked by.

"We'll be there as soon as we finish here. Why don't you make us a big bowl of popcorn."

"I was just thinking, how about if we just skip the movie and I photograph the two of you together; it would be a wonderful addition to the montage."

"You mean nude?" Marie asked.

"Of course, Mother. Will has certainly seen most of you already; come on, it will be fun."

"We'll see." Marie commented.

The girls finally made it to the den wearing their usual thin, cotton night gowns, their hair still piled on their heads from their showers. I poured wine for everyone; Marie asked questions about posing nude and how we would ensure the photos did not get back to John. Half way through the second glass of wine Marie agreed to pose nude with her daughter on condition I set the lighting low before she removed her gown.

The studio was really our third bedroom with half of it set up for Marlene's sewing room and separated by a curtain from the half I used for my photography studio. The room was darkened then pin lights overhead were turned on to create a starry sky effect.

Marlene entered the room and immediately removed her gown, but Marie turned away from me to remove her gown; Marlene and I admired the sight of her mother from the back, the symmetry of her back cascading from her shoulders to her smaller waist then flaring out to her round hips and buttocks created the curvaceous form of a goddess, the narrow crevasse which divided her full, round buttocks added mystery to her already exquisite, feminine form.

I moved Marie into poses to enhance her nude body, often using Marlene's body to give her mother some cover; Marie began to relax as I directed her into poses close to her daughter, touching her to make small adjustments. I made some close ups of their nipples and triangles of thick pubic hair to show the contrast of features between mother and daughter.

Thankfully the shadows created by the soft lights and reflectors had also worked to hide the raging hard-on I had developed being so close to my nude wife and her nude mother; Marlene winked at me several times and squeezed my hard cock when I got close enough.

As we said our "good nights" to Marie and headed into our bedroom Marie stopped by the coffee table and picked up The Joy of Sex.

Marie smiled saying, "I'm going to do some reading before I go to sleep." We smiled and wished her sweet dreams.

On Saturday morning Marlene and I woke up early and cuddled up close to enjoy the feel of each other's nude body; the soft, smooth, warmth of her body against mine always produced and immediate erection. I was lying on my back with Marlene on her side snuggled close; her hand rested on my already hard cock causing an obvious bulge under the sheet.

Marie came out of the guest room across the hall, saw our door open, and walked in:

"Good morning sleepy heads!" she said as she sat down on the edge of the bed beside me; she glanced down at the bulge in the sheet then quickly looked up at her daughter.

"Good morning Mother. Did you have a good night's sleep?"

As they began to chat about their plans for the day, I moved my arm around Marie's bottom and rested my hand on her hip; it was obvious she, as usual, was not wearing anything underneath; thankfully, Marlene did not bother to move her hand off of my swollen cock. I concentrated hard to keep it still; I wasn't sure I wanted it jumping about while my mother-in-law was sitting beside me.

All of a sudden Marlene moved her hand from under the cover and grasped her mother's hand and moved it to the sheet over my cock.

"Here Mother, hold this while I go pee." And off she bounded into the master bathroom leaving the door open.

Marie screeched, "Marlene!"

But, she did not move her hand from where her daughter had placed it; neither of us moved or spoke a word as we listened to Marlene peeing in the toilet. Our trance was broken when my cock pulsed beneath Marie's hand; she giggled, blushed, and then gave me a light squeeze.

The steady stream of urine into the toilet bowl soon slowed to a few dribbles then we heard tissue being torn from the roller and the toilet flush. Marlene appeared drying her hands then retrieved a pair of panties from the dresser; as she stepped into a pair white, bikini panties and pulled them up her long, shapely legs she casually mentioned, "I'm going to start breakfast so you guys just enjoy yourselves, I'll call you when it's ready."

She wiggled her pretty ass, like she always did, to adjust her panties just right then let the elastic waist band smack against her flat tummy; I loved watching her put on her panties. She walked out of the bedroom.

After a few minutes I pulled the sheet down from under Marie's hand so she could see what she was holding; she looked down then moved her fingers lightly over the shaft. I opened my legs wider to give her more room to explore. My right hand moved over the curves of her hip, waist, and under her breast; it was fuller and heavier than her daughter's.

"Would you like to take off your gown?"

She moved her other hand to her forehead as if perplexed by her situation, "I'm still trying to process all of this. I cannot believe my daughter left us alone like this."

"Marie, she has been worried about you; she wants to see you happy."

She leaned over and gave me a deliciously sweet kiss then stood and lifted off her gown. Seeing her standing beside my bed in the morning light completely nude was the most amazing sight I had seen since the very first time I saw her daughter nude. Marlene was beautiful, slender, and sexy but the maturity of her mother added another dimension of beauty; she had more of everything that produced an amazing form.

We heard the sound of pots and pans in the kitchen as Marlene hummed a song and began fixing breakfast.

I took Marie's hand and guided her onto the bed, she straddled my hips then leaned forward so that her full, round breasts shifted close to my face; I took her large, pink nipples into my mouth one at a time. I felt her downy soft patch of pubic hair brush lightly over my engorged cock and balls. My hands then pressed her breasts together so I could take both nipples into my mouth; my tongue danced over the pleasure bumps around her areolas before taking them into my mouth.

After several minutes of my enjoying her breasts she sat up and took my cock in both hands, rubbed its engorged head through her wet slit playfully, then pierced the flower like blossom covering her wet opening. Unlike Marlene, Marie's labia was not tucked neatly into the lips of her vulva and hidden in her thick pubic hair, but rather they flowed from the top of her vulva like hot, bright lava flowing out of the fissures of a volcano and cascading down a slope. A beautiful pink morning glory like flower formed around the opening of her vagina; her dark triangle of pubic hair was thick but not thick enough to hide the delicious treat.

Once the head of my cock was in perfect alignment Marie slid down the shaft slowly until she was completely impaled then she moved her hand to open her labia with her fingers to expose the sheath of her clitoris; I took her fingers into my mouth and for the first time enjoyed the sweet nectar of my mother-in-law's pussy.