The Mystery at Faldor Hotel Ch. 31


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"What if Susan Quinn doesn't want to be found?" George asked.

Her voice was quiet and calm, but Nancy read something else in her eyes as Bess capitalized with, "Yes, we've asked that before. What if Susan wants to stay here?"

"We don't know that," Nancy argued. "And, even if we did, that would only mean that her mind has been co-opted like ours has been, except she didn't have the benefit of friends to keep her thinking straight like we do. Furthermore, if she does want to stay, then where is she? Why isn't she around to tell us that for herself?"

"Nancy I'm not leaving," Bess flatly stated.


"You heard me. I'm staying. You can go, but I'm staying."

Nancy could only look at her as though she'd just announced that she'd be sawing off one of her legs to give to charity, but it got worse.

"I'm not either," George said. "I mean, I'm not sure I... I'm not ready to leave yet."

"Are either of you even listening!?" Nancy demanded. "Our minds are being controlled! We've been turned into brazen, unapologetic sluts, and we know why, we know that we're being influenced and how, yet we love it and even want more of it! Of course we have to leave!"

"Nancy," Eloise gently put in, laying a soft hand on her niece's thigh, "I understand what you're telling us, and I see that the threat is real, but... I'm just not sure that leaving now is the best thing either."

Now Eloise was the recipient of Nancy's incredulous stare and, as her hand wandered further up her thigh, Eloise added, "I'm not saying that we shouldn't, I'm just saying that... well, I don't think anything bad is going to happen to us here. Even if we were removed from the sub-basement by... whoever, and even if we do have to account for that, the truth is that our last punishment was... very enjoyable. So..."

As Eloise trailed off, her eyes strayed to George. Nancy looked from Eloise to George, then to Bess before looking back to Eloise to put her foot down.

"No!" We're leaving! We're all leaving and we're doing so right now!"

Looking to Eloise, she found no support there as the well-endowed school teacher only shook her head in thought.

"You don't tell us what to do, Nancy."

This came from Bess and, by her face, Nancy could see that she was adamant and even offended.

Gesturing to George, Nancy decided to ignore this outright denial of her longstanding authority over the group, trying one last time with, "Why, for God sakes, look at her! You really don't think we have enough reason right there to leave immediately?"

Now George became visually upset and Bess was clearly angered while Eloise still seemed undecided. Nancy, frustrated as she was, knew that another upset between them would only divide and conquer the group once and for all and found herself forced into a strategic retreat.

"(Sigh!) ... Fine! ... Fine. Here's what I'll do," she told them with a forced, calm. "Bess, I'd think that your report of Susan's dead car in the hotel parking lot would be enough to convince you that we're being detained and manipulated. I'm going down to see if ours will start and, if it doesn't, then I think that should at least be grounds for another conversation about leaving."

"What if it does?" Eloise asked.

"Then... well, I should drive the hell out of here, get to Portland and come back with the State Police, but... I can't leave you three here. Can I?"

"Why not?" Bess asked.

"Because, Bess," Nancy replied, struggling not to raise her voice at the slutty blonde bimbo, "if I got back here and the three of you have disappeared like Susan Quinn did, I'd never forgive myself, would I?"

"But, you'd have the State Police with you," George pointed out.

"And what difference would that make when everyone in town, including Sherriff Durant, denied ever seeing any of us here, including Susan Quinn, to begin with? They'd make me look like a silly little fucking bitch and the State Police would be stupid to think otherwise," she explained, getting off the bed to approach her suitcase.

"But, Bess asked, "If they're really debating some punishment for you and Eloise, what makes you think they'll even let you leave the hotel?"

"Because I'm going to change into my swimsuit and go out the back way so they'll think I'm going for a swim," Nancy clipped, almost out of patience with all three of them. Why couldn't they see the sense of what she was telling them? It was right in front of their faces, practically sticking its cock into their mouths, yet they just refused to see what had to be done.

"Why don't I go?" Bess asked. "Since I'm already wearing my suit?"

"No," Nancy told her, digging through her luggage for the micro bikini.

"Don't you trust me?"

"It's not that," Nancy lied, "It's just that I have to get out of here and away from you three before I scream."

"That's not a very nice thing to say, Nancy," Eloise admonished while taking note of the exciting way her niece's boobs were falling out of the little blue dress she wore.

Nancy rolled her eyes, but declined comment as she stomped to the bathroom to change.

Having already made up her mind to stay in Cinder Bay, Bess had no intention whatsoever of leaving and, if it became necessary, she knew she'd simply tell Nancy that since, sooner or later, she'd only have to do just that anyway. Cinder Bay was a great town. It was where a girl like her belonged and, when it came right down to it, she didn't care what had happened to Susan Quinn, if anything at all. Nothing had happened to Bess Marvin and, after all was said and done, there was no reason for her to leave, to go back to staunch and boring old River Heights where she had the choice of living a lie or being looked down on for being what she was. A simple, happy little slut. And what was so wrong with that? After all, wasn't a slut only a woman with a man's sexual attitude?

If Bess was worried about living a lie in River Heights, George was terrified of the prospect. Assuming that Elora (Susan) was telling the truth, that the changes to her body could never be undone, the stress of living in River Heights as a lesbian would pale in comparison to living there as the mutant she'd become. While it was possible to explain away the visible changes, her tongue would be completely impossible to explain away, and she knew it was only a matter of time before someone found out. And then...

Elora was right. As frightened as George was of what had happened to her, as much as she wanted to run away from it, she belonged in Cinder Bay. Aside from that, and as much as she hated to admit it, Elora made Nancy seem like a silly childhood crush. Freakish mutant or not, Elora was a real, sensual woman, a complete person with personal depth, a woman who wanted her, who saw in her a person to love rather than just an adventure buddy. Just thinking of her made George even hornier than she normally was in the accursed little town of Cinder Bay, and thoughts of being with her were in themselves enough to stay.

Eloise, as Nancy had correctly surmised, was on the fence. It wasn't that she wanted to stay in Cinder Bay for good, rather that she still wanted George, and she knew that leaving then would be counterproductive to that goal. After all, she'd already helped to compromise Nancy in that effort. The poor girl was trying so hard to resist the influences of the hotel, and was actually doing quite well until she'd arrived, suddenly seeing a chance to attain the lovely George Fayne and then, without hesitation, using her own niece to accomplish this. Of course, the fact that she'd also enjoyed it and would have absolutely no problem with doing it again really had no bearing. In any case, alongside this continued, stubborn drive to attain George, she told herself that she couldn't let the sacrifice of her niece's morality be in vain. She had to stay and, if it came to it, she'd tell Nancy that and make up whatever she had to in order to justify it.

As far as a possible punishment for their trespassing went, Eloise wasn't very worried. She had a sneaking suspicion that she didn't have to be, and it was Nancy's very argument of being manipulated and led around on a wild goose chase that told her so.

Finally, she firmly believed that Susan Quinn did indeed want to stay there in Cinder Bay. Who could blame her? No, it wasn't for Eloise, as she had a very different goal than her brief girlfriend from New York, and she did feel a little guilty for essentially dumping Susan for that divine, nineteen year old brunette goal, but the fact was that Susan had left her in the lurch. Hadn't she? She was probably just fine and, if anything, staying on in Cinder Bay until George agreed to come back to New York with her would only eventually prove that.

In the bathroom, Nancy had to calm herself. Their meeting hadn't gone at all like she'd thought it would and she wasn't even quite sure of why that was. Yes, the wonderful crystal columns were influencing them, but they were influencing her too. She'd spent God only knew how long floating in that pool of cum the previous night, ingesting and actually breathing the stuff as all that crystal had its complete way with her, and there was no denying that she could feel the difference within herself for that, but she still knew what had to be done. As much as she wanted to go find that group of business people who'd checked in the other day and tell them that she needed to be fucked good and hard by every one of them, she knew that she couldn't, that she had to leave while there was anything at all left of her own will. She knew she had to quit.

She stopped, naked with her panties halfway down her thighs as her lips compressed in anger over this. Looking at herself in the mirror, she inwardly raged. Yes, she'd been beaten. The great and brilliant Nancy Drew, super sleuth, had been beaten and... wanted to run.

"Fuck!" she hissed.

But it was true and she knew it. If she denied it, tried to pretend it wasn't so, foolishly determined to plug away at this thing to satisfy her ego, Cinder Bay would swallow her whole, along with her friends and Aunt Eloise and even Susan Quinn. And, beyond her ego, she had a responsibility to them. Even if they didn't appreciate that.

She allowed her panties to fall to her ankles, stepping out of them before grabbing her bikini top from the vanity, trying to ignore the bitter taste of defeat at the back of her throat by reinforcing her responsibility to her friends, the only responsibility that was now left to her.

The bright orange bikini top only barely covered her nipples, the thong allowing most of Nancy's trim bush to be visible above the undersized, upside down triangle, and her ass was completely exposed, but this wasn't important. This was in part due to the fact that she was quite shamefully pleased with the suit that Bess and George had chosen for her. The other reason was that, along with the bikini, she'd also brought to the bathroom a black, sleeveless blouse, lightweight for summer temperatures and short enough to show off her belly button. She'd gotten it at the boutique so she wasn't surprised at finding that it had only two buttons, both of which she fastened without covering much cleavage anyway. After pulling the ridiculously short, matching skirt up her thighs, she walked out of the bathroom to a scene that probably shouldn't have surprised her.

The three of them were still o the bed where she'd left them, George propping herself with her hands on the mattress behind her, knees bent, thighs spread wide. Her short shorts were nowhere to be seen and she displayed a curious smile, lips pressed closed as though her Aunt Eloise was trying to force her to take an unwanted vitamin.

In fact, Eloise was just then penetrating George's naked snatch with her middle finger and a truly perverted expression as Bess, seated beside George in the same position, watched with great approval.

"Oh!" George gasped, not even noticing Nancy as she watched Eloise's finger slowly burrow ever deeper up inside her wet fold. "Ohh, Eloise...!"

"Call me... 'Miss Drew'," the schoolteacher sleazed.

"Oh-hh, Miss drew... molest me!"

"Me too," Bess practically begged with a filthy grin, licking her lips as she spread her thighs even wider. "Make me cum in my little panties!"

This really did something for Eloise. Looking at Bess with an odd expression, she used her other hand to move the narrow scrap of bikini crotch to one side before slowly inserting the middle finger of that hand up inside George's horny cousin.

"(Ga-asp!) Ohhh! Ohhh! Miss Drew, that feels so good!"

"You're a very naughty little fucking slut, aren't you?

"Oh, yes!" Bess honestly replied.

"F-fuck meee!?" George whined as Eloise fingered them both, watching them twitch and moan.

Finally noticing her niece standing by the bathroom door, Eloise practically drooled, "Why Nancy... don't you look so nice in that bikini?"

"Maybe she n-needs to be punished too?" Bess jerkily suggested.

"I'm afraid that Nancy doesn't really like girls," Eloise said, looking at George before adding, "But I'm sure she'll find some nice hard cock to fuck her silly after she leaves. Won't you, Nancy?"

Nancy, while not sure if Eloise was teasing her, was quite turned on by the scene, but somehow resolved to step around the bed to the door. She had to ascertain the extent of their subtle captivity there in Cinder Bay, and being distracted by the lesbian orgy that Bess seemed to have gotten after all wouldn't help.

Opening the door, she was taken by complete surprise at the sight of Mr. Carmody on the other side. He was accompanied by Ms. Hildebrandt, Manny and others whom she didn't have a chance to identify before Carmody placed his hand on her chest and walked forward, forcing her back into her suite. After Hildebrandt and then Manny entered, they were followed by Reverend Stephens, Dr. Heather Bolton, Junior, and Sherriff Durant.

Eloise, who had quickly retracted her fingers from the two horny cousins, was as surprised as they were while their uninvited visitors smirked at the scene on the bed. For Eloise, however, the real surprise came when, after closing and relocking the suite entry door behind her, Elora Sasser turned and fixed her with a firm expression.

" ... Su... Susan!?"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I don't know when I first suspected that Elora Sasser and Susan Quinn were the same person.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
More segments?

I have watched for these chapters . I was really stuck waiting for the new ones to come out. I am wondering if there is more?? Is this the end or do you intend to wrap it up? Thanks

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