The Mystery of the Mountain


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Dinner was more rabbit stew, but Dave didn’t mind. It was still the best he’d ever had, and he was truly enjoying Ginny’s company. She emptied the pot after he’d finished two bowls, and he didn’t resist much when she insisted he finish it. It would have been worth the effort of stuffing it down just to have her sitting across the table from him.

Ginny cleaned the dishes and carefully placed them back on the shelf. Dave was wondering how they would spend the evening. Ginny took care of that with a simple statement.

“I have to talk to Momma and the Old Ones tonight.”

Ginny sat cross-legged on the floor before a small fire. Pungent smoke rose from the fire, the result of the leaves Ginny pulled from a doeskin bag and tossed onto the coals. Her voice murmered a chant. Dave could not understand the words, but he assumed they were in the Blackfoot language. The drone of Ginny’s voice went on for half an hour, and then she grew silent. Outside, the normal sounds of the spruce grove, the insect and night animals, seemed to stop, too. Dave could hear only Jake’s panting breath and the soft crackle of the fire.

The moon had not yet made it over the canyon wall, and the night was pitch black. The cabin was a dark void save Ginny’s slender silhouette against the orange-red glow from the fireplace. According to Dave’s watch, the young woman sat motionless for over an hour. He was about to go to her side when she stirred slightly. Slowly, her head raised from a bowed position to stare into the dim glow of the embers, and she began to speak. The words formed another chant. This chant ended quickly, and Ginny rose to her feet and turned toward him.

“If you have to go outside again, I’ll take you back there.”

The path was easier to find this time, but Dave was still glad Ginny was there to show the way. He zipped his fly just as she stepped to his side.

“Jake will take you back to the cabin. I have to do something, something I saw when I talked to Momma.”

Ginny set out in the direction of the lake, and Jake nuzzled Dave’s hand before turning and walking away.

Dave reached the cabin and opened the door. While Jake went in and flopped down in his place under the bed, Dave quietly walked to the edge of the grove and looked in the direction of the lake. The moon had just peeped over the rim of the canyon and turned the lake into a pool of quicksilver. Against that backdrop, Dave saw Ginny standing naked at the shoreline. She waded out to her chest and then sank beneath the water. Her head bobbed quickly back to the surface.

Dave watched as the young woman rubbed something between her hands and began rubbing it over her shoulders. She also did this to her hair, then waded to shallow water, and repeated the process over the rest of her body. After wading back out and immersing herself again, Ginny started back to the cabin. Unsure if he was supposed to have seen this, Dave quickly went inside the cabin, undressed, and got into bed. The door opened and he saw Ginny’s form in the doorway. She was obviously still naked. Then the door closed again and the cabin was once more dark. Dave heard her quiet footsteps as she crossed the small room. He nearly jumped out of his skin when her hand touched his face.

“Ginny, what-“

“I talked to the Old Ones, and to Momma and Daddy. They told me you came back because you needed me, and that I would be your woman.”

Dave felt the blanket being lifted, and then her warm body snuggled next to his.

“The Old Ones always tell the truth. I am to be your woman. I thought it when I saw you lying hurt and I asked them then. They said I should let you go, but if it was to be, you would come again. You did.”

Her arms encircled him. He felt soft breasts press against his chest, and the soft hair between her thighs tickled his belly. Ginny laid her cheek against his and stroked his side.

“Momma and Daddy layed together like this every night. Momma told me it was the way men and women loved each other. She told me everything that I should do, and said it would be wonderful.”

For a minute, Dave could only lie there and feel her body against his, feel her slender fingertips tracing every inch of his body, and feel her lips searching for his. When she kissed him, he forgot where he was, forgot who this woman was, and forgot about the wolf under him. He took Ginny in his arms and held her tight. His hands found her small breasts and gently stroked the pert nipples. Ginny shivered and sighed; he felt her hand gently explore the length of his cock.

Her body was soft as velvet and warm with passion. She smelled of something herbal and the fragrance was intoxicating. Even before his fingertips had traced from her breasts down the softly rounded belly, Ginny moaned in his ear.

“Make me your woman, like Momma said would happen.”

Dave touched the silky little patch of hair on her mound, swirled his fingers through the tangles, and then slipped lower to the warmth between her thighs. He had intended to go slowly. Ginny had other ideas. When his fingertip touched her swollen lips, Ginny humped against his hand, pushing his finger between them and leaving it wet with moisture.

“Yes, touch me there.”

She was aflame with passion. Her body radiated sexual heat and tension. Everywhere Dave touched her reacted in some way. A kiss brought on searching, soft lips that tried to engulf his mouth and a wonderful, exploring tongue that entwined with his in a wet, caressing dance. Her nipples hardened at his touch into wrinkled nubs of stiffness that bored into his palm for more stimulation. A touch to her hip made her place her thigh over his and rub against his fingertips.

He touched the swollen little button at the top of her sex, and Ginny cried out. When he began to gently rub the area in tiny circles, she arched against him, mashed her lips to his, and reached for his cock. Her movements were fumbling, but their impact on Dave was to bring him nearly to his peak. He gently held her still until the wave subsided.

Dave found her entrance and slipped in his middle finger. Ginny moaned, pushed back, and Dave felt warm liquid flow over his finger. He marveled at the tightness of her passage, and then came to the sudden realization that Ginny had to be a virgin. He was trying to contemplate this discovery, but was having trouble because Ginny was groaning and trying to push his finger deeper. Suddenly, she rolled on top of him and touched his face.

“Momma said I would be little, and you would be big. She told me what to do the first time.”

Ginny reached between them and grasped his stiff cock. He felt her move the head to her soft lips and rub it between them. Fluid coated him, warm, wet, slippery fluid. Ginny moved back and down slightly and Dave felt the velvet caress of her inner lips. Gently, she pressed over him until she felt resistance.

Ginny pulled both his hands to her nipples and closed his fingers in a rhythmic squeezing motion.

Dave continued the stimulation when she released his hands, and Ginny gasped.

“Yes, keep doin’ that.”

He felt Ginny reach between them and begin rubbing herself. She pushed down on him again and rubbed quickly.

Dave heard her begin a low murmur and realized she was saying another chant. She pushed down over him harder, moaned again and raised herself. The murmur stopped. He heard Ginny’s ragged intake of breath, just before she quickly impaled her body on his entire length. She cried out and sagged against her arms. After a few moments, she lifted herself slowly until his cock was barely inside her, and just as slowly lowered herself back down. He felt her shudder as her hips met his thighs.

Ginny lowered her face to his and kissed him. At the same time, she began raising and lowering herself over his cock. Dave lay still for a while, only moving his fingers at he massaged first one swollen nipple and then the other. Ginny’s fingertip was still rubbing and sometimes bumped his cock. He didn’t want to hurt her, but control was becoming difficult. Just as Ginny had reacted to his touch outside her body, she reacted to his cock by squeezing him when she stroked over his length and by pushing down until he felt pressure against something deep inside her. The sensation was incredible and he was having a difficult time pacing his level of arousal. When Ginny clamped her passage tight around him and groaned, he gave up and pushed back.

She was wet, clasping, and slippery around him, and she seemed to touch him everywhere with her hands and lips. She began to murmur again, but this time, Dave recognized the sounds as the beginning of her release. He tugged harder at one nipple, and the murmur became a moan. Another tug, and she slammed down on him and cried out. Dave could take little more of this. He felt Ginny quicken the massage of her little swollen nub. Her moans became continuous and her body begin to stiffen. She pushed back and down as she stroked and mashed the little nub hard into him. Dave rolled her nipples between his fingertips and then squeezed tightly.

Their explosion was led by Ginny, and Dave quickly followed. It was her cry and the rapid pumping of her hips that pushed him over. He tried to pull out, but Ginny thrust herself down and held him there until he had spurted his seed deep inside her body. She continued to gently ride his cock until her body stopped shaking, then collapsed on his chest and burrowed her face into his neck. After a while, she rolled to her side, but held him tightly to keep him inside her. They fell asleep like that.

The next morning, as the sun rose over the rim of the canyon, Dave stood with Ginny at the edge of the lake. He felt vulnerable standing in the open with no clothes. Ginny was naked, beautiful, and completely at ease. She took him by the hand and led him into the water. They bathed, then watched the eagles soar above the canyon as the sun dried their bodies.

“Gin…,Minaku. Did the Old Ones tell you I could never let you go?”

Ginny snuggled into his side. Her firm breast mashed into the back of his arm and caused a tingle of excitement to flow through his body.

“No. They said I would never want to leave you.”

At dusk, Ginny built a fire in the clearing before the cabin. When the stars twinkled bright in the infinite blackness of the night, she said the Blackfoot ceremony of marriage. Dave offered a dowry of sage to the Old Ones watching from the sky, and Ginny offered dried venison as a symbol of her worthiness as a wife.


“Hey Grandpa. You know how to get to Crippled Creek Hunting Lodge? We asked the sheriff and he said to come see you.”

Clyde leisurely blew a cloud of pipe smoke in the direction of the middle aged man in a new-looking, red-plaid coat. Probably another dumb-ass executive from Chicago or Los Angeles, judging by the clothes.

“Yep. Take the highway out of town fur twenty miles and turn left at the first cross road. Oh, that’d be Crippled Creek Road. It’s about ten more miles ‘til you get to the lane. It’s on the right. Take you right to it.”

“Thanks. I thought we’d never find it.”

“Mister, why you goin’ up there?”

“We have a hunting reservation for next week. We’ve been hunting over at the Skyline the last couple seasons, and thought we’d try a new place this year.”

“Well, I’ll call Bob over at the Twin Pines for you. I think he has a cabin and a guide available.”

“But what about Crippled Creek.”

“Oh, it closed up. The guy that owned it went up in them mountains and never come back. Don’t rightly know what happened to him. Nice sort of fella, too. Gonna miss him around here. Oh, there’s some money probably comin’ to you. Now lemme find that list. Guy had a brother in New York. He’s makin’ good on all the reservation fees people paid.”

The Twin Pines had an open cabin, and after grumbling a bit, the hunter left.

Clyde hadn’t believed Dave’s story, at first. He’d had to see the canyon for himself. He finally believed when he met Ginny. As he looked at her, he saw a carbon copy of the woman who’d been burned into his memory over thirty years ago.

He’d seen the young woman walking along Cripple Creek Road on his way back from fishing early one morning. He remembered her because, not only was she beautiful in her traditional Blackfoot clothing, but because she looked exhausted. He’d stopped and asked if she needed a ride. The woman turned her face to him, but Clyde didn’t think she really saw him at first. Her gaze had been distant, as if she looked through him toward the mountains further up the road. Those eyes had focused when he touched her arm.


“I asked if you wanted a ride.”

The young woman looked in his eyes for several moments before speaking again.

“No, I’m almost there.”

With that short statement, she walked away from him. Clyde had called the Sheriff as soon as he got to the store. Fred and a couple of his deputies had searched up Crippled Creek Road for an hour, but never saw any trace of her.

He’d had a peculiar feeling about that woman, like she was different somehow. When she looked at him, it was as if her eyes probed deep into his soul, searching for something. Ginny gave him that same feeling. He liked her immediately, and Ginny seemed to trust him. Clyde liked to think of her as another granddaughter, and he treated her as one.

Dave had done right by all the people who made reservations. He sold some more stock, paid off the mortgage, and opened a bank account for taxes and to reimburse the reservation fees. Through Clyde, he’d made arrangements at other hunting lodges for each party, and had paid the reservation fees in advance. He hadn’t wanted to hurt anybody by taking the course it seemed was his destiny.

He’d asked Clyde to check in on them once in a while, and Clyde had agreed. The old man knew he would have to pass the task on to someone else soon. He’d decided on his son’s wife, Mary. Mary was half Blackfoot, believed in the old ways of the Blackfoot people, and would understand. Dave had met Mary, and agreed on Clyde’s choice.

Clyde watched the sky. It looked like snow. He’d better go up to Crippled Creek this weekend unless it snowed too much. Ginny was due in three months and he wanted to make sure she was all right. He might not get another chance until spring. She’d asked if he had any baby clothes the last time he’d stopped in. He had a box full ready, including a couple of warm winter suits. The color was pink, because Ginny was convinced the baby would be a girl. She said the Old Ones told her, and somehow, Clyde believed her. After living for over eighty years, Clyde had seen a lot, and knew there are some things that just are, and can’t be explained.

The moon slipped silently over the canyon rim and lit the lake in silver. The large wolf lay under the bed, watching the two figures in front of the fire. He liked this man who had come to live with Ginny. She seemed to like him too. The man placed his hand on Ginny’s swollen belly, and smiled.

“She’s kicking again. She does that everytime I touch you.” Dave laughed. “I don’t think she likes me very much.”

“She likes you a lot. She told me that last night.”

Dave smiled. At first, he’d had a hard time believing Ginny when she talked about the Old Ones and about talking with her Mother, but everything she’d said had come to pass. Perhaps one day he’d understand. For now, he just accepted what she said without question. If Ginny said the baby was a girl and that his daughter liked him, it had to be true.

Dave put his arms around Ginny and held her close.

It might take a while to convince her to leave the canyon for the lodge, and she might never really feel comfortable around other people. Dave was prepared to stay with her until she was ready. If she never was, well…, the last few months had been the happiest of his entire life. He could think of a lot worse ways to spend the rest of it.


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Thanks again, Ronde.

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AnonymousAnonymous23 minutes ago

Liked it on first read and even better this time. 5⭐

Peapod41Peapod41about 1 month ago

The well-worn "no-man-is-an-island" axiom is given a new lease on life, via your masterful settings.

The Shangri-La "step back in time" is adroitly handled. The characters are made believable by

your side-bar decriptors, while their motivations for life and their interactions are both cogent and tenable. Great yarn.

Richard1940Richard19403 months ago

Beautiful story, very well told. Thank you very much indeed.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

In awe that you could tell such a complete, well-rounded and incredibly well-crafted tale in a mere three "pages". How you did so much storytelling, created such memorable, believable and intriguing characters with so much implied backstory despite such economy of language, I truly do not understand. But it was wonderful. Thank you!

Diecast1Diecast13 months ago

Love the story. A lot. AAAAAA++++++

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