The Nasty Wife Pt. 01


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"What?" I myself was confused.

"What you've pretty much just told me, more or less, is that a forty year old woman is more attractive than me. I mean, I'm not talking bad about Mom or anything, but... Let's just pretend we're not related, yeah? If it was between me in a skimpy bikini and her in a bulky, unflattering one-piece, you're choosing her, the older, middle-aged woman, over me, a girl in her prime? What, do you think I'm ugly or something?"

"No, it's just... you're my sister!"

"What color was the bathing suit I was wearing?"

"Excuse me?"

"Let's just face the facts here. You were masturbating, or being masturbated, or whatever, to pictures of Mom, and I also assume they had me in them as well. So, what color was the bikini I was wearing?"

"I... I don't know, I wasn't looking at you in that way."

"So, you were looking at pictures of two half-naked women while pleasuring yourself, or being pleasured, or whatever the hell you and Miranda were doing, and you're saying you weren't looking at me in a sexual way? What?"

"Katy, I'm not sexually attracted to you, or Mom, or anyone else in our family for that matter."

"What color was Mom's bathing suit?"

And I was horrified that the answer immediately came to mind; baby blue.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this," my sister gasped, her expression between offended and repulsed. "I can just look at you and see on your face that you know. God, I can't believe that you're attracted to Mom... That's so gross, ugh," she shuddered from thinking about it.

"I am not!"

"You know, people tell me all the time that I look just like her, even though I personally think my body shape is a bit different, and of course my hair is a lot blonder. So, why don't you find me attractive if you're attracted to her?"

"Because you're my sister, because we're related! Holy shit, Katy, it almost sounds like you want me to be."

"No, no, don't try to make me sound like the sicko here. You're the one who, you know, into her you-know-what's. It says a lot about you that you're an incestuous freak, but it says even more that you're into a woman twice your age instead of one but a few years younger."

"For one, I am not attracted to Mom—or to you either, just so we're clear on that—and, for two, I'm married to someone even closer to my age than you are."

"Yeah, maybe, but she is older than you, so that doesn't entirely excuse the fact you're obviously into older women."

"Katy," I was rubbing my temples, "what are we even talking about here? Come on, this is the most awkward thing ever, I wish we could just forget about it."

"Forget what, something like this?" she chuckled in a very unnerved sort of way. "How could I forget that my brother is into incest?"

"I think what you're actually forgetting, though, is that this is Miranda's doing and not mine."

My sister shut up for a second, thinking. "Yeah, I guess so," she rubbed her chin, and I realized I might be able to change her opinion of me back to whatever it was before. "But," that thought was immediately crushed, "you did enjoy it, so..."

"How would you know?"

Her nonverbal answer was simply to remove the pink wad from behind her back and hold them up. They dangled from her fingertips, spinning as they hung to reveal that my ejaculate had become a visible crust of white in the crotch. The sight made me dizzy.

"Why do you have those?" I choked.

"I was waiting on you to get up, so I could confront you about everything I heard. If you didn't give me a good explanation for why they're all ruined, I was going to give them to Mom, and I think I still might do just that."

"Katy, but—"

"You know how dad left before I was born?" she interrupted out of left field.

"Uh, yeah, what about it...?"

"In my psychology class, they were talking about the fixations children develop on their parents, specifically the ones of the opposite sex. College stuff, I wouldn't expect you to know anything about it... Anyway, it reminded me of you, and I realized that, since I never really had a father figure, I projected it all onto you instead."

Suddenly, I remembered when I'd a girlfriend in high school and she found out about it. Katy had gotten extremely jealous of her, to the point of acting out with a lot of angst and spite. It was innocent and cute back then, because we were both young, and I didn't yet realize how these two things were related, but—

"Do you know what I think happened? So, there's some sort of complex that is supposed to develop because the child realizes the parents are with each other and there's no hope for anything more than a paternal relationship to occur. However, that never happened for me, because I had these feelings for the next best male role model, and since I had no competition..."

"What in the fuck are you talking about?"

"Psychology, you numbskull," she grimaced at me, her inflection angry but sisterly.

"What? Because it sounds more like you're trying to say that you're attracted to me."

"Don't be gross," Katy scolded, "what I'm talking about is a perfectly natural bonding process."

"Then why are you telling me this?" I was hopelessly perplexed.

"Because—I was getting to that, you ass—I think I have a fixation on you."

"But what does that even mean?"

"I don't know, but if you don't help me, I am going to show Mom what you did to her panties and tell her about our conversation, except out of context so you look like a pervert."

"So, you're blackmailing me?"

Katy wiped a dirty blonde bang from her eyes as she paused. "Yes," she finally affirmed.

"But what are you even blackmailing me into doing? You totally lost me when you started talking about... whatever the hell."

"Into anything I want, that's what."

"But that doesn't tell me what you want!" I was getting frustrated.

My sister stood up, and as I looked up at her face from that angle, all I could see was my mother in her facial features. When I looked at her body, however, which was clothed with a tight, spaghetti-strapped top and a pair of blue jeans that ended just passed her kneecaps, I realized what she said before was correct. The width of her waist and her shoulders seemed pretty parallel, though she definitely took after our mom's shapeliness. Her breasts, which I diverted my eyes away from, were probably about a DD in measurement, but not that I was looking, and I could see a bra strap escaping from its place under the tiny straps of her shirt. It'd fallen from her shoulder blade and clung loosely to her bicep.

"It made me really upset that you think Mom's more attractive than I am. You have a wife, fair enough, even though that pisses me off, but if it's between me and Mom, I win. So, look at me, and then tell me I look good."


"It's not sexual, you pervert; it's emotional. You're my role model, you're who I look up to, my father figure, and I want you to think I look good, which I do. I know I look good, so look at me, not at the floor like an asshole, and tell me what I already know."

"Katy, you're a very pretty girl, but—"

"Thank you, but what?"

"We're related..."

She walked over to me, and I sat back into the sofa, gripping firmly the armrest. "Yeah, and? That didn't stop you from... What's the word you and Miranda used? Oh, yeah, 'cum'. Blood relation didn't keep you from cumming in Mom's panties while looking at her half-naked body in our family photo album, now did it?"

"I regret what happened, even though it wasn't my fault—"

"Tell me how attractive I am, or I'll tell Mom."

"You're attractive, Katy... in a totally platonic way, I mean."

"Stop looking away when you say it. Look right at me, at my face or my body, and say it like you mean it."

I took a moment to scan her from her shoulder length haircut to the white socks she wore, of which had thin yellow, purple, and pink rings randomly on where her toes were. "Okay, Katy, I admit it. You're an attractive girl, so very pretty, so very beautiful." I made sure to look her dead in the eye, concluding with, "So, are you happy now?"

"Mm," my sister cooed with satisfaction, smiling dreamily. "But what's so attractive about me? You have to be specific."

"I have trouble understanding what you're asking of me..."

"Well..." She stepped forward, pointing as she said, "Is it my face? Or..." her hands clasped her DD breasts, "maybe it's my boobs." Turning around, she arched her back and showcased her ample backside, "Or maybe it's my butt..."

"I thought you said this wasn't sexual," I swallowed, looking away.

"It's not sexual, I told you. These are just the parts of a girl's body that men feel define beauty and desirability. So, which do you like the most?" she was facing me again.

"Your face," I coughed.

"And what do you think about when you see my face?"

"...I think about how pretty my sister is, though, of course, platonically," I knew I had to play into her game, but I also wanted to cover my tracks.

"That's sweet," she slowly climbed on top of me, straddling my lap, and I felt uncomfortable, contemplating escaping from beneath her, "but what about my face do you like? Is it my hazel eyes... my cute, stubby nose... my full, delectable lips?" My sister's face was getting way too close to mine as she spoke, until her forehead was practically touching mine. "My lips are kissable, that's what they call it. So, what do you think?"

"You have beautiful eyes, but I don't like the way they're looking at me right now."

"Are you sure?" she smacked her lips together, which were coated in silvery pink sparkles, glistening and enticing. "I'm wearing a lot of lip gloss, isn't it just... amazing?"

"You're breathing really heavily," I had no idea why I blurted that out; I was just so intimidated by her closeness.

"That's cute," she giggled, noticing how she left me stupefied. "Hey, I want you to kiss me."

"But you're my sister..."

"Let's role-play that we're not related, then," she whispered. "Pretend I'm your girl, but, when you kiss me, I want you to think and know that it's me you're kissing and no one else, not Mom or Miranda... just me."

"But it'd be incest, Katy," I pleaded, almost tempted into doing it.

"The only name you need to put on it is love. I don't think of you as my brother, I just feel what I feel for you. Don't think of me as your sister, and just kiss me already."

Our lips touched as if from magnetic attraction. I didn't anticipate actually kissing her, but it happened anyway. She immediately took the initiative and started sliding her lubricious lips upon mine, stealing kisses from me, each leading into another more passionate and intense than the previous. She latched onto my lower lip, leading my face forwards, bobbing her head towards me to kiss and kiss, tilting to taste me from every angle. I closed my eyes and forgot that it was even Katy, knowing only the sensation and the intimacy behind it.

"Hey," she nuzzled her forehead against my own, her eyes closed even though mine reopened, and spoke in a tone I'd never heard from her before, as it was romantic, "you've got your hands on my hips."

"I do," I was out of breath, for she'd physically stolen it.

"You left me..." her voice faltered, where she was so vulnerable, and I felt her petting the back of my head, her fingers running through my hair.


"You got married and left me. You never call, you never visit, and you're with somebody else."

"I don't know what to say."

"Say that you love me—"

Suddenly, a car door was slammed outside. We both heard it, staring at each other, frightened. Katy dismounted, but leaned over to wipe my mouth off, which I imagined had become glittery from kissing her. Then, after I was presentable, she dashed down the hall. Paranoid, I kept wiping my mouth on my shirt, looking down to see if anything was coming off. The fact nothing showed up made me panic, either implying that the gloss was gone or that I wasn't removing it.

The front door opened and in walked my mother and my wife, whose presence nearly made me shake.

"Miranda and I," my mom announced, "had the most amazing day out today."

"Amazing, but exhausting," my spouse added, who was met with agreement. "Hey," she spoke directly to me, waving me in for a kiss as Mom carried some things she'd bought off to her room, "did you miss me?"

I had to do it, so I gave her a peck, of which caused her to stop dead in her tracks. Her mouth opened wide and her brown eyes stared down into my soul, knowing immediately my infidelity. Putting her hands on my cheeks, she held me still and kissed me as an inspection a few more times, to then sniff up and down my neck.

"You taste and smell like a girl," she brought me in close to whisper this, grasping my shoulder tightly, her nails like claws. "Who've you been with, huh?"

Miranda turned her attention from me when she saw that I suddenly looked behind her. In the threshold of the hallway lurked Katy, who watched us half pressed up against the wall, as if peeking from around the corner. She looked right at us, disheartened and yearning. My wife let go before walking up to her. Pausing before passing my sibling, she briefly leaned in, and I knew she was trying to get a whiff of the other female's scent. Upon realizing the perfume that emanated off my body was identical to hers, she excused herself by wordlessly staggering away. My sibling looked as if she wanted to say something, but I didn't give her a chance and followed Miranda to the bedroom.

Closing the door after entering, I stared at my wife, whose back was turned to me. Reluctantly approaching, I heard an almost inaudible vocalization, which I suspected might have been crying. However, the closer I got, and the louder the sound became, I realized it was laughter. I stopped, confused, and my suspicion was reaffirmed when she spun around and I saw her shaking her head, smiling wide.

"Your sister..." she clutched her stomach before putting a hand on my shoulder blade. "You really had me going there, Hun. I thought maybe it was a childhood sweetheart or something, but... Wow," her laughter died and she realized the implications, "how did that even happen?"

I could hear footsteps in the neighboring room, so I knew my sister was probably listening. "Uh, well," not knowing what to say, I stumbled over my own words.

"Did you fuck her?" she inquired, and I knew not the answer she anticipated.

"No," I hoped my honesty didn't come off as guilty denial.

"I'm going to guess by the shocked look on your face when you first saw me, that you were interrupted in the act. So, were you going to fuck her?"

"I don't know, we were just kissing," it felt so surreal to admit.

"Did she come onto you, or did you come onto her?"

"She onto me, I think..."

"Really?" she analyzed me, giving me that look which illustrated that she was deep in thought. "That's surprising. I'd have thought last night would've made you pursue her instead."

"Are you mad?" my fear was that she was, but I had to know for certain.

"Maybe I'd be if I wasn't so horny right now," she confessed, grinding her thighs briefly, "but am I upset that you experimented sexually with your sister, who you've known all of your life, who you will always have a connection to? Not really."

"What happens now?"

"Do you plan on fucking her?" was her blunt question.

"I don't know..."

"You better find out," Miranda glanced at her wristwatch, "because you've only got a few hours before we leave for home."

Wrapping my arms around my wife, I almost startled her with my suddenness. Putting my lips to her ear, I proceeded to whisper an explanation for the entire situation, about how Katy had feelings for me that I didn't quite understand and how she planned on blackmailing me with my mother's panties if I didn't surrender to her whims. My beloved silently listened, and, when I was finished, put her hand to the side of my face and gently stroked.

"Go get her, then we'll drive around, talk about it, and see what happens."

Although I didn't understand her request, I went to the door and slipped out into the hallway. Peering into my sister's room, she was gone, and I looked up to see her standing next to Mom, a pink wad behind her back. She was literally seconds from turning me in. My heart racing, I called out her name to get her attention. My voice was so loud that Miranda came to the doorway behind me, and my mother jolted in surprise.

"Inside voices, sweetie, inside voices," Mom scolded me, shaking her head in disapproval.

Katy was looking at me, and I could see her making the decision between going ahead and doing it or walking away in my direction.

"Katy," I repeated, though this time at an appropriate volume, yet loud enough for her to hear from across the hall, "do you remember how you said you wanted to spend more time together? Well, come on, then," I beckoned her.

My sister and mother exchanged a look and my pulse was pounding, unsure if this was the end or not. She stuffed her pocket with the evidence and hesitantly approached. As she got closer, I could see that she was visibly upset, and I wrapped my arm around her and ushered her, Miranda following at our heels, to the front door.

"Excuse me," our mom called out behind us, "but where are you going again?"

The wife spoke up for me, since I had no idea what was going on, apart from that I had just prevented a disaster, "Probably out to see a movie. We've got a bit of time left, so might as well make the most of it, right?"

Satisfied, my mother let us go with no further questions.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The browbeating of this dude by those cunts is really repellent.

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearabout 2 years ago

Do most authors think so little of men, that all male MC are so easily persuaded, manipulated, and coerced?!? Token protests, are used too often as a gimmick to raise the tension in stories. Men are usually stronger physically, so they should be able to stop things that happened in this story, but this MC is such a naive wimp, that a little double talk, and he might as well have been a 90lb. weakling going against a sumo wrestler with an IQ higher than Einstein. Not exactly an erotic image.

JBanJBanalmost 8 years ago
Easing read

I haven't gone on to the next chapters yet, so my comment refers to only this chapter. I thought you did a nice job of introducing the characters. I also like your imagination and your willingness to push conventional boundaries.I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the chapters, as time permits, (even if they do all have the same title ;))

kaidmankaidmanover 8 years ago
dynamite read

to the previous comment are you serious you do realize that these stories have the same name because they are each chapters of a long story and not separate stories and if a stories title will be the only factor that is stopping you from reading this you are missing out on gold

vikesanimalvikesanimalover 8 years ago
Same title

Just so yo know, using the same title for every story is lazy and non erotic. I'm not reading your stories because of that. Let me know when you change the titles so it says something erotic in each title. I know I'm not the only one that hates this. Lame.

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