The Neighbors


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"But the girls these days, they must know all the moves," she said, lifting and rearranging the pieces of chicken breast in the sizzling hot pan.

I smiled a little, shaking my head. "Not at all. I mean, I have hardly any experience with them, but...from everything I can tell you're already way more of an expert than most of them."

"Really?" she said, surprised, turning to look at me for the first time. "Why do you say that?"

Lori's eyes were on me in a way that turned me to jelly inside. Sparkling and beautiful, they're eyes that quite often seem to be searching for a way into me, and when they hit me with their magic I can't be anything but honest with her. They're truth-sucking eyes.

"None of them have wanted to do...okay, this is embarrassing," I said. "I guess I'll just tell you. I've never done doggy style, I've only had two laughably bad blowjobs, obviously never deep throat. Never done sixty-nine. Once cowgirl. That was fun."

I could tell Lori was astonished, and probably wanted to gasp 'Oh my God!' with giggling laughter, but her good-hearted politeness kept it reined in. She said, "Have you tried to do all those things and they say no?"

"I don't hardly get a chance to," I said, feeling embarrassed. "I guess maybe I've tried a little, but you can sort of tell what a girl will do."

She nodded like she understood. "It's good that you don't...force the issue, but some girls just...need...direction."

I wonder if some of the magic in her eyes at that moment was from the hormones still flowing in her blood from the deep orgasms that she'd had. She looked softly sexy in a way that would have melted the coldest man.

"Talking about movie making?" Robert said. He handed me, and then Lori, our drinks — amber colored manhattans in hi-ball glasses, garnished with twists of orange zest.

"We were talking about directing," Lori said. "Evan's good at it, don't you think?"

Rob nodded. "He knows what sexy is, that's for sure."

I looked at Lori the way she was looking at me, our mouths curled in faint smiles, our eyes sparkling, telling the truth.

We ate outside at the table by the pool. Lori was still in her robe, a comfortable every-day one, but she'd kicked off her slippers in the house, teasing me with her bare feet again. I don't know what it is about a woman with bare feet. So many of the porn girls wear high heels during sex, or sneakers if they're going for the 'school girl' thing, but I think it's way sexier when they're barefoot. I don't think female porn watchers want their male porn stars to wear shoes when they fuck, do they?

Lori's robe wasn't cinched tight anymore; it had loosened during the last half-hour as her bashfulness waned. More and more mischief settled into those softly sexy eyes of hers as more and more of her beautiful cleavage flirted with my glancing eyes. I could sense her slowly coming to grips with what she'd done upstairs — what she'd done in front of me — slowly taking pride in it. That's what it seemed like, anyway.

I was getting more comfortable with it, too. It helped that Rob was so good about it. He seemed really happy; confident, smiling and relaxed. He knew he was the alpha dog and I was the panting pup. The woman was his, and there was only one. He doesn't come across as a showoff, but he does wear a gold bracelet on one wrist and an expensive watch on the other. He drives an Audi A7, a sleek, wide, low-slung fastback, but it's gray, not flashy red. He's a polite, humble alpha dog, if you know what I mean.

Lori's cooking was amazing. In just half an hour's time she'd whipped up a batch of chicken parmesan, seemingly out of thin air, chopping and frying and boiling and sautéing. It was as good as any restaurant food I've ever had. We drank cold rosé wine with dinner, from plain glasses, like I always imagine the Italians doing. Lori relaxed even more at the table and got giggly, and her loose, jiggling cleavage made my cock hard. I don't want to overstate the 'love' angle, because I'm no expert when it comes to that word's many meanings, but oh boy did she get to me. There was a point, when we were almost finished with dinner, talking about sexy things, when her horny eyes searched my horny eyes and she said, "Are we doing more? Tonight?"

I tingled all over, from my toes to the hairs on my head. "Yeah, if you guys want to," I said. "It's up to you."

"I think we should swim first," she said, letting Robert and me know she was all in for another session. "There's a bathing suit upstairs you can wear."

"That's okay, I'll just run over to the house and get mine," I said. "It's not like it's far."

She shook her head. "I'll get you the one upstairs. I want you to wear it all night."

I looked at Robert and he shrugged his shoulders. "Sounds like the director is getting directed," he said.

After we cleared the dishes from the table, Lori slipped her feet into her fuzzy slippers again and shuffled off, heading upstairs. I followed Rob over to his bar and he made some after dinner manhattans for us all.

Lori came back a few minutes later, her robe even looser, barely closed. "Here you go," she said, tossing me a bathing suit that weighed about an ounce. "You can put it on in the bathroom there. Rob, wanna come up with me and change?"

"Uh oh, I know that one," Rob said, eyeing the tiny dark-red garment in my hand. I could tell he was thinking, wondering.

Rob's 'uh oh' echoed in my head as soon as I got a good look at the thin wisp of smooth satiny spandex that Lori expected me to wear. It was like something you'd see on a male stripper. I wondered if it was a gag gift that she'd given to Rob, or maybe something frisky for Valentine's Day. For a moment I'd thought it was a pair of women's panties, but there was a definite pouch on the front of it. I turned it around and the back wasn't a back at all. It was a thong.

By the time my slow-motion brain was halfway to figuring out what was happening, Lori was gone and Rob was following her. The only questions I could ask were inside my head. She wants me to wear this thing? In broad daylight? And she wants me to keep it on when we're doing the next scene? It was all clicking into gear in my mind and I knew one thing for certain: it was insane! I knew I'd be hard for every bit of it, probably even from the moment I saw her come back downstairs in her bikini. I was already getting hard just thinking about it all. I shook my head and said "no," out loud to the empty room. But Lori wanted it, and, as they used to say in the old movies, I'm a sucker for that dame. I decided my only chance at modesty was to put on the minuscule 'man thong' right away and be in the pool before she showed up. The cool water would temper things, keep me soft. Part two of the problem, the wearing-it-while-she's-being-fucked part, well, I'd just have to figure a way out of that when the time came.

It was a challenge getting into the thing. I was, shall we say, aroused, and I was in a hurry. I looked like a nearly naked horny dork when I jogged to the pool and jumped in.

The sun was still up but low in the sky, tinting the yard with yellowish light and warm looking shadows. Photographers call it 'the golden hour' because it makes everything beautiful. Into it walked Lori in her bare feet, her big breasts bouncy in her aqua-colored bikini, the one with no control over her already aroused nipples. God I love her nipples. The low sun actually cast shadows from them.

Robert was out the door a few moments later, dressed in one of his usual bathing suits. "You forgot your drink, hun," he said, handing it to her. He brought me mine, too. He's such a nice guy. I wondered if the topic of my ridiculous man thong had come up when the two of them were upstairs. It must have. Robert knows what it is, how it works. How can he be okay with me wearing it? It's not even made for swimming; it's underwear that's as gossamer thin as a coat of paint, telegraphing the terrain of a guy's manhood like a topographic map. He must think I've got some crazy fortitude to hold back an erection. Doesn't he know that's not possible for a guy like me when Lori's around?

She walked down the pool steps into the water and I realized I hadn't seen her swim in the aqua-colored bikini. She went under and came up, sweeping the water out of her shining hair with her hands, and big, magical, dark areolas showed through the fabric of the bikini top, perfectly circling her poking nipples. It was one of those suits they should label 'dangerous when wet.' I mumbled a few expletives under my breath, because the sight of her was worthy of them and because I was getting hard and the little man-thong I was wearing wasn't helping any. If anything, the feathery, easily stretching 'second skin' of its pouch was arousing me even more. As my erection grew inside its coddling embrace, the damned thing felt almost like a pussy.

"Oh, the water feels good tonight, doesn't it," Lori said. She took her drink in her hand and made her way toward me, a few moments in time that made me wish the pool water wasn't so confoundedly crystal clear. "Let's talk about skinny dipping," she said, all quietly happy looking.


"Because I want to," she said, hitting me with those sparkle eyes again. "You've done it, right?"

"I think I'm doing it right now," I said, smirking embarrassedly.

She looked down into the water at my barely clad hardness, and she said, "Take it off if you don't like it. Robert won't mind."

"No, I'm...good," I said.

Lori smiled. She had me on the ropes this time, and I could tell she was loving it.

"Robert had a boat when I first met him. What kind was it, hun?"

"Eighteen foot Cobalt," he said, sitting at the table not far from the pool's edge, with his drink in his hand. "Nice little ski boat."

"We skinny dipped all the time back then," Lori said. "We'd anchor all alone, and swim. But then we got so that, if another boat showed up, we'd just climb the ladder and dry ourselves with them looking. I still remember how exciting it was."

"Tell him about skiing, hun," Rob said.

"I was thinner before the kids, but...still busty. He talked me into water skiing topless one day, and then he pulled me right past a bunch of fisherman."

"No way!" I said, smiling my surprise.

"I never told him, but...I loved it."

"I knew that," Rob said. "You never could hide your thoughts very well."

Lori blushed and looked at me with embarrassment, sparkle eyes, lust, and everything else in her arsenal. It was the moment I realized she wanted to fuck me. She glanced down at my problem between my legs, and up into my eyes. Desire was written all over her face.

I know what you're thinking, but here's the thing — I also knew it couldn't and wouldn't happen. But oh man, it sure was nice to think she wanted it as much as I did. There was something comforting about it, knowing we were on the same page.

"Would you ever ski topless again?" I asked. "I could buy a boat." I smiled and she did too, but her smile blew mine away. Ear to ear. So beautiful.

"Yeah, brother. Do it," Robert said. "She's loving having a director, and I'm loving her lovin' it; you know what I mean?"

I think I did know what he meant, and it reassured me. Not enough that I'd feel comfortable walking around with a boner in the stupid little man panties she'd given me to wear, but I was getting there.

We all chatted for a while and Rob refilled our drinks. Every once in a while Lori lowered herself shoulder deep in the water and stood up again, refreshing the bikini's see-through translucence and re-energizing her nipples. It was awesome. She smiled each time, looking down at herself to check on the magic of her sexiness. One time she said, "Not bad for an old gal, huh? Should I admit I feel better about myself than I have in years?"

"Why don't you tell him about it, hun," Robert said. "He's a kind soul."

Lori took a deep breath. "After the kids both moved out...have you heard of empty nest syndrome?"

I nodded. "I've heard of it, but, what is it?"

"It's when children grow up and move away," she said. "Parents, especially women, can get really depressed about it. Like really depressed. It doesn't happen to everybody, knocked me down good. They call it clinical depression."

"She was in a sorry state for many years," Robert said.

"He was my rock," Lori said, looking at him. "I couldn't ask for a better guy. We didn't even have sex for, what, two years?"


"See what I mean?" she said. "That's a good husband, to go through that. He stuck with me, even when I did my best to convince him I was butt ugly. I was certain I was. In my head it was like, my kids ruined my body, the least they can do is live with me for the rest of my life. But, to give you the short version, our sex life was a non-entity. My therapist thought worry about another pregnancy was part of it, so I had my tubes tied and Rob had a vasectomy. It seems strange that that would help, because I wanted kids around the house, but Rob was done with that and I don't blame him. We've got two great kids and that's enough. Our first grandchild is on the way. We're blessed, really. Anyway, I've been coming out of the depression the last two years, finally feeling really good this spring and summer, and now you're here, and...I feel sexy and...just...excited about it. It goes way beyond even when I was younger. I've never felt as sexy as I have this past week."

"I feel like I should buy you a car or something, Ev," Robert said to me. "Her shrink got way more than that."

Lori looked at me like I was a true friend, and I hope she knew I felt that way about her, too. She went all the way under the water, arched backward like a baptism, and she swept the flowing water out of her shiny hair when she stood up, proud of posture, with her big tits gloriously there. "It sucks we have all these houses around," she said. "We could skinny dip, maybe every day."

"I told you, hun, we can do it anyway," Rob said. "I doubt if anybody'd grumble much."

Lori was looking at me when Rob said it, his words giving her that faint, curling smile that I love to see. She set her drink down on the pool's edge, and her sparkle eyes looked happy when she reached for the ties on her bikini top. Still looking at me, she said, "We've only got one neighbor who can see really good, and I don't think he'll mind. In the daytime maybe we should keep it to just topless."

The hopes I'd had of keeping my cock soft and inconspicuous were dashed in an instant. The sun's golden hour light beamed its glow on milky white breasts and tan lines galore. And those nipples, fully aroused, looked as though they were begging for a warm lick and a toothy nibble.

"You know," she said, settling into the water to float on her back, "when the creepy guy lived in your house I wanted to plant a tree. Rob said it would take too long. That's your bedroom up there, right?"

"Honey, have a little compassion," Rob said, shaking his head happily at his sexy wife. "You're gonna tease the poor guy to death. We men can only take so much, you know."

"Evan will tell me if it's too much, right Evan?"

"I can take it," I said, smiling.

Lori smiled and she went underwater. Big bubbles came out of her mouth and she squatted on the bottom of the pool, facing me. She didn't come any closer but I could see her quite clearly through the moving surface of the water. Her eyes were open, looking at my crotch, seeing how I looked in her husband's Valentine's Day wrapping. She came up smiling, with water cascading down her naked breasts, dripping off her nipples and the big fleshy curve below them. I was plenty hard, and I guess she liked it.


We went up to their bedroom a little while later, and yes, I was still wearing nothing but the little pouch-front underwear thingie. Here's how Lori got me to do it...

"Evan needs another drink, hun."

"I'm on it," Rob said to her.

And then that happened again.

So, now that we're up to speed, and you see that I wasn't kidding when I said I don't hold my liquor like they do, the story resumes in their bedroom, for the evening session...

"I can't believe how cute you look in that," Lori said to me, as she stood casually by the bed.

"So why are you giggling?" I said. "And 'cute'? Is that really what a guy wants to hear?"

Lori giggled some more. Maybe she didn't hold her booze as well as I thought she did. Rob looked like he was buzzing pretty good, too. I think all of us downed our last two drinks faster than our usual drinking speed, eager to get back to 'work.'

Lori's giggling continued. I said, "I'm not cute. I'm soft and I'm pale. That's the first two lines of my college alma mater, by the way."

Lori laughed so hard she snorted. It was adorable.

She gathered herself and said, "You got a cute butt, though. For real."

She wasn't looking at my butt. Her eyes were lingering on the dark red spandex that was nearly as thin as a latex condom, watching as my cock grew, and grew, and grew, stretching the yielding pouch in a most indecent way. Now, I'm not huge, but for a moment I felt like a Greek god when I stood there in front of her, with my hard manhood barely swathed in the red color of life's blood. Did I mention Lori was still topless as she stood there? Yup, she got out of the pool that way, toweled off that way, sat at the table for a while that way, and climbed the stairs to her bedroom that way, with two horny men following close behind.

"Pale and soft, huh? I'll give you pale, but you're definitely not soft," she said, winking at me.

"Good one, hun," Rob said. "I swear to God, though, you're gonna make him crazy."

"I'm pret-ty sure he likes it," she said, smiling, making herself fully nude by taking off her bikini bottom with an ass-up bend at the waist even though she could have just untied it. Yup, we were all feeling the booze. She turned to me, twirling the still-warm bikini on her finger. "How do want my handsome husband to fuck me tonight? Hmm?"

"In the mouth," I said, without hesitation.

Lori's eyes opened wide, and she smiled with surprise. "Wow!" she said. "You've got a vision! "

I did, and my face told her it was a serious one. I'd been dying to see her on her back, with the soft flesh of her big tits spilling off her sides. I love seeing big tits that way, curvesome and bulging. I always want to lick that outer curve and feel the firmness of it against my tongue.

"Rob, wet your hair and towel it off," I said. "Get it like it was earlier. Lori, yours is about right, we just need to place it. Let me look on my camera monitor and see how it was."

"I'm on it," Rob said, disappearing into the bathroom.

"I wanna see," Lori said, scurrying over to where I was. She stood so close I could feel the heat radiating off of her naked body onto my virtually naked body, heat that carried her subtle perfume straight to the center of my brain. We both looked at the small screen on the back of the camera. I cued up a scene and fiddled with the buttons, but I jumped back in time a little too far, to when Lori was face down on the bed, being pummeled mercilessly by Rob's big cock. There was no sound, just a tiny little silent movie.

"Oh my God," she said, as we watched it for a few moments. "That whole thing was one big orgasm," she said quietly. "I swear to God."

I fiddled with the buttons and the video moved forward in time to the aftermath, with Lori dazed and happily dreamy looking. I paused it on a freeze-frame that showed her hair.

"I should try and have that look on my face when we start, right?" she said. "I guess that's where the acting comes in."

"It's not that important, but, yeah, if you want to."

"Fix my hair," she said. She straightened her posture and thrust her big tits out toward me, silently daring me to brush my arms across her aroused nipples as I worked. I did, of course, but only because I knew she wanted me to, and her beautiful nipples responded with even more vivacity. It was awesome, for both of us I think.
