The New Boy at Work


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Leaning forward, I whispered into his ear. "When you get home tonight... put it on, boy."

As I strode past him I heard him whisper back. "Yes, Master."


When I got home that evening, I could see him waiting there online, as always. Smiling, I took my time changing out of my work clothes and into sweats and a t-shirt and getting something to drink, letting him stew and wonder.

Sometimes a Dom did his best work by doing nothing at all.

I really did want to see his face, but a video chat would not have had the same effect, so I just pulled up the little chat box and typed: "Tomorrow. 3pm. Bring all of your toys." Then included my address. There was a long pause and I could just imagine his wide eyes and shaking fingers and the little sheen of sweat breaking out on his forehead.

After a long moment he replied "Yes, Master." And I signed off.

When I slipped into bed a little while later I laid there with a dreamy smile on my lips and my hand moving on my prick as I imagined what the day would bring...


Whoever it was that decreed that a Dom must never look nervous in front of his sub was a jerk. It was completely true, but it was still annoying.

I woke up early and all full of nervous energy. Unless he chickened out, my boy was coming here today. I would have full hands-on unrestricted access to that sweet little body with nobody else watching or intruding for as long as I wished. To see exactly how far I could take him (and how often), what reactions I could get from his body and what noises I could wring from his lips.

For the first time in decades, I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas morning.

To burn off some of that energy, I put some Pink Floyd on my MP3 player, jacked in my headphones and set to work cleaning the house from top to bottom. That made me think about the day when I would have a pet boy doing chores around the house for me. Perhaps with a cute puppy tail wagging behind him or a long pony tail sticking out of that snug little ass and a tight harness or just an apron or perhaps nothing but his collar. Working just to please his Master and perhaps to earn a suitable reward.

A busy pet was a happy pet, after all.

I found myself constantly hard while I worked. Especially when I got out the gym bag that held my toys, browsing through wondering what all I might need. Rope... yes, definitely. Lots of it. I made sure there were lengths of it snugged to all four corners of the bed. The long leather leash, another yes. That one would go into my back pocket right before he arrived. A small handful of clothespins... another yes there. They were always so much fun. I browsed through my collection of whips, crops and paddles. The crop for sure. And a couple of the paddles that I had made myself and had yet to use on anybody. I was kind of proud of those. I was sure they'd make an... impression.

More than once I found an evil grin had crept across my face. With an accompanying chuckle.

Insertable toys? Perhaps a few of the smaller ones, just for fun. I didn't know if we'd get that far, but it was fun to think about how he would react. Unless I was mistaken, he'd never tried anything like that before.

And lube, of course. That just went without saying.

We'd take it slow. We had nothing but time, after all.

Hopefully, anyway.

At 2:30 I found myself with nothing left to do so I took a long hot shower, letting the water beat on my back and shoulders, rinsing away the sweat and the tension. I also stroked my cock, imagining him there with me. As my sticky come shot against the shower curtain and washed down the drain I heard the words "Mmmm... yes, pet boy..."

Fifteen minutes later found me pacing. Wishing I was psychic for just a few minutes so I could read his mind and find out if he was coming or not. Thinking that listening in to his inner conversation might be as amusing as mine was annoying. It didn't take me long to realize that I was acting like a teenager on his first date, which managed to bring a bit of a blush to my own face.

I'm sure glad the boy wasn't there to see that.

Then there he was.

The window over the door has a curtain over it, blocking out the sunlight. I could see his shadow standing there, wavering back and forth. I held myself immobile while I waited. Through the curtain I could see him looking left and right, as if wondering if anyone was watching him at my door. Like my neighbors had a clue.

I don't know exactly how long we stood there, each on our own side of the door waiting. It was probably only thirty seconds or so, but it seemed like forever. Long enough that I wanted to scream and snatch the door open and drag him inside. I aged a thousand years while he stood there in indecision. And frankly, I was old enough already. I didn't need the extra time added onto my looks.

Then... there it was. That tentative knock. So soft as if his mind were already thinking "Well, he's not home, I better go!" I practically had to nail my feet to the floor to keep from racing over there and tearing the door from it's hinges. Despite my own urges, I counted to thirty slowly and waited for him to knock again.

And there it was.

Outwardly calm, I opened the door, a measured smile on my face.

"Pet boy... do come in." Nervously, he stepped inside.

"Thank you... Sir." His eyes only met mine for a brief second. I closed and locked the door securely. There was no way I was going to let anyone else distract me from this moment. I'd already turned the ringers off on both of the phones.

Speaking of which...

"Do you have your phone on you, boy?"

Kind of a ridiculous question in this day and age.

"Yes, Sir." He pulled it from his pocket.

"Turn it off and put it away." He startled and gave me a look and I added "Unless you have already set someone up to call you to get you out of here, of course."

The blush on his cheeks told me that he had considered it. If I was in his shoes, I would have. But he did as he was told, turning it off and returning it to his pocket. I noticed a small gym bag in his other hand.

"I am assuming you brought all of your toys, pet. Not just the one you are wearing at the moment." Another blush.

"Yes..." His voice dropped to a whisper. "Master."

My heart gave a mighty thump in hearing those words from his lips for the very first time in person. I leaned forward and put a hand against his chest, feeling his heart beating a bit fast as well.

"You are a very good boy, Jacob. And I want you to know that you have already made me very very happy. Now..." I moved my fingers up under his chin and looked him in the eyes. "Put your collar on, pet boy. It's time." A little exhalation... almost a gasp came from his throat and he fumbled in the bag to extract his collar. Knowing he needed both hands to put it around his neck, I took the bag from his hand and laid it on a table. I was trying hard not to be mesmerized by the sight of him putting on My collar.

When he was done, I tapped the table next to his gym bag. "Phone, wallet, keys. Right here, boy." He complied without a comment or complaint.

I made sure he was looking at me. "When you decide to leave... whenever or for whatever reason... your things will be right here, Jacob. Okay? I will not stop you."

That seemed to make him feel a little more comfortable, which was what I was hoping for. Some of the tension leaked out and his shoulders dropped just a smidgen.

"Thank you, Sir."

"Quite welcome, pet boy. Now..." I pulled the leash from my pocket and clipped it to his collar. "Come."

I turned and led him into the house. He stumbled a little, but followed along behind me. We walked through the kitchen and down the hall, past the bathroom and the bedroom into my office. With a hand on his chest, I stopped him at the door and said "Take your shoes off and leave them here. You are not allowed to wear shoes in the bedroom or in my office." I gave him a wry smile. "I will allow you to wear clothes in here... for now. That will change very soon." That gave him a shiver as he kicked off his shoes and pulled off his socks. And it made me secretly proud that he tucked his socks into his shoes and set them side by side, just by the door frame out of the way. Apparently I wasn't going to have to train him to be tidy. I liked that.

During my fit of cleaning, I had rearranged some things in my office to have a bit more space. Normally there was just enough space to walk through the room to my desk and around to the various counters and cabinets. It wasn't really mess, but large amounts of clutter from my various projects.

It wasn't just boys who needed to be kept busy. I was sincerely hoping that we could both keep each other busy in may ways for a long time to come.

In the center of the open floor space I'd placed a black mat. Tugging on the boy's leash, I led him to it then stopped him there with a hand on his chest. I slowly released my grip on his leash and let it dangle down the front of his body. A little grin twisted one corner of my lips.

"I do like the way you look at the end of a leash, pet boy." Before he could reply I added "Hands behind your head, boy. Fingers interlocked." As he moved to comply I walked slowly around him, looking him up and down while he colored under my gaze. The second trip around him, I stopped behind his body and grasped his thumbs in my fingers, pointing them down the sides of his neck. This action also made him tip his head slightly down which I found quite fetching and appropriate in a pet. I put two fingertips against the smooth skin of the nape of his neck now framed by his thumbs.

"Your thumbs will frame this spot, pet boy. The place where my mark will go one day. The mark that will show everybody who you belong to."

"Y-yes, Sir." I felt him shiver.

"What color are you right now, boy?" I walked around in front of him and sat down in my chair.

"I'm a very definite... orange... Sir."

"Scared half to death and ready to bolt at a moments notice?" He nodded and nodded.

"Yup... That's pretty much it right now."

"Then why are you here, Jacob? If you are that frightened, why are you here at all?"

"You... you told me to come... Master. A-and..."

"And what, boy?" His face went a bright red again and his voice dropped to a whisper.

"And you took my key, Sir..." It was all I could do to keep the smile off of my face. I leaned back in my chair to compose myself and to show him that I was completely comfortable in the situation, despite the way my mind was racing around in little circles.

"Surely you realize that two seconds with a pair of wire cutters would snap through that cheap padlock. That you could probably bust it with your fingers if you tried hard enough." He nodded.

"I've... thought about it. Several times, believe me."

"And despite all of that... despite being scared. Despite wanting your dick to be free instead of locked away... you left it there and came to me because I told you to." He barely glanced up at me, then down back at the floor.

"It... sounds crazy when you put it that way... but yeah. Yes, Sir."

"You do realize that if you asked me for the key, I would have given it to you."

"Yes, Sir."

"And you do realize that if you took it off and refused to wear it ever again and stomped it into the floor even though it cost me over a hundred bucks that I would have been good with that too, right?"

"Really?" I shrugged and grimaced.

"Well, I'd have been pissed off, but you get the general idea anyway. If you absolutely hated it that much I would be open for discussion about it. But frankly, I don't think you hate it as much as you say you do." Another deep blush crept up his cheeks.

"The bottom line here Jacob, is that everything we have done together... and everything we have yet to do together... and believe me, there are plenty of brand new things we are going to do very soon... every thing I do to you and every thing you do for me... is because you want it to happen. Whether you want to admit it to me or even just to yourself... you want this, pet boy."

"You want to be mine." He didn't verbalize a reply to that, but I could see from his body language that it was all true.

"If I do something you don't want me to do, you can tell me to stop and I will. Or you can knock me down and run away or scream 'RED!!' at the top of your lungs. And I... will... stop." Even though I could tell his arms were getting tired it looked like my words were having an impact and his body was relaxing slightly. While I wanted him to be at ease around me, I didn't want him getting too comfortable just at the moment. Rising from my chair, I stood right in front of him.

"Look at me, pet boy." Those gorgeous scared-looking brown eyes flickered up and down until I took his chin in my hand and tilted it upwards.

"You want to be mine, and that embarrasses you." The color bloomed on his skin once more. "Don't you, Jacob?" His eyes went back to the floor, despite my grip.

"Y-yes, S-sir. I... I think so, anyway." My fingers caressed his cheek lightly.

"Such a good boy." My other hand went back and touched that spot on the nape of his neck again. "When I put my mark on you, all of you will be mine forever, boy." My fingers spread to cover his as they locked behind his neck. "These fine strong hands will be mine."

"Yes... Master." My hand ran up and entwined in his short brown hair.

"This fine, quirky and extraordinary brain will be mine." That almost elicited a wry smile.

"If you say so... Master." One finger traced down his forehead, over his nose and lips. I cupped his face in both hands and patted him, almost hard enough to be a light slap on both cheeks. I leaned close enough that his eyes widened and he very nearly pulled away.

"This beautiful face and those very sexy lips will be all mine." He was almost frozen.

"Yes..." Chuckling softly, I pulled back just a little and ran one hand down to his chest, where I could feel his heart hammering against his rib cage.

"Your heart... your heart will belong to nobody but me."

"Y-yes, Master." If he knew how much hearing those words turned me on, he'd probably be too scared to ever say them again.

My hand slipped lower, just to the base of his rib cage and the top of that firm, taut belly. I lingered there, then both hands went to his waist.

"This awesome body... This amazingly sexy little body will all belong to me. To do with as I wish. To please or to punish. All of it will be mine."

"Yes... Master. Yours."

As those words left his lips my hand snaked down and grabbed his plastic-encased prick through his jeans and held onto it tight. Not tight enough to cause him any pain, but enough that he couldn't get away. The boy let out a muffled squawk and his hands started to move as he tried to pull back from the unaccustomed touch down there. My other hand came up and one finger pointed between his eyes, making them cross slightly.

"Don't... you... move." I put as much menace and intolerance for any disobedience into my voice as I could muster. Wide eyed and shaking, he froze as well as he was able, like a deer in the headlights.

"This is mine too, pet boy. All mine. Nobody else touches it. Nobody else plays with it. Not even you, little pet. Nobody touches what is mine without permission. Are we quite clear on that, boy?" All I got was some inarticulate squeaks. I leaned into his face and growled "Do you understand me?"

"Y-yes! Yes, Sir!" I let go of his crotch just as suddenly and patted his cheek.

"Such a good boy." I turned and sat back down in my chair. "Now, strip."

"Ummm... w-what?" I raised an eyebrow. Reaching inside my shirt, I pulled the keys out and over my head and laid them on the table beside my chair.

"Strip. Do it now. I want to see you. All of you. Or do you want to stay locked up forever?"

"No, Sir! I mean... yes, Sir! Umm... I mean..." His hands paused at he bottom hem of his t-shirt. I picked up the keys again and swung them gently by the string.

"I told you Jacob, that the next time I would be taking to lock off myself. I wasn't kidding. Either you ask me nicely and I take it off myself or you go home and cut it off."

"Now, strip!"

"Y-yes... Master."

And he did, just for me, while I sat and watched.

So many firsts, all at one time. It was almost overwhelming. For both of us, from the look on his face. I, of course, had to keep my demeanor calm and cool and seemingly in control. But the tucked away part of my brain was doing back handsprings and whooping like a lunatic. Grinning like one, too.

The culmination of several of my daydreams was standing right there on that little black mat in my office, looking at me from the corner of his eye as I walked a few laps around him, just enjoying a leisurely survey of what I now owned.

My pet boy. Here. In my office. Naked but for collar, leash and his little cage. He'd locked his prick in that cage himself... Willingly, even if he didn't want to admit it out loud. He'd come here willingly. Stripped for me willingly.

And he'd also, without any force or coercion, called me "Master."

That tucked away part of my brain underneath my cool mien was still acting like a crazed version of Daffy Duck. It was quite difficult to keep that under control.

I walked in front of him and stopped my pacing to lay a hand on his shoulder. His skin was soft and warm and smooth. I could almost feel a little crackle of electricity pass between our skins before they made contact. I was probably imagining it. My other hand went under his chin and tipped his head up so that he looked me in the eyes.

"I just want you to know, that no matter what happens next, you have made me very happy and I thank you for that. If... nothing else happens... if you decided you were through or I died or whatever..." I was rambling so I just stopped and gave him a little smile.

"Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you, pet boy." That earned me the first real soft smile of the evening.

"You are quite welcome... Master." I tried to suppress the shiver of delight that ran through my body, but I'm sure he felt it.

My hand slid from his shoulder down just a little ways onto his chest. My thumb traced over the simple tattoo he had placed there, right over his heart. "Love Is All." Of course he hadn't put it there for me. It was his decision long before we met. But I allowed myself a moment of fantasy to imagine that if he had that to do over again, he would have chosen the exact same words.

"So... here you are, boy. Standing naked in front of another man. Outside of the gym locker room, have you ever done this before?" He shook his head slowly.

"No, Sir."

"But you have thought about it, haven't you?" His eyes rolled a little sideways and he colored slightly.

"Ummm... maybe?" I chuckled softly.

"So... let's make the scenario quite clear, then. You are standing naked in front of another man. Specifically me, who has shown a definite interest in you and your fine little body and stated a very clear intent to do kinky things to you and that aforementioned fine little body." I pointed. "Around your neck is a collar that I made for you. A collar that would tell anybody who saw it that you were definitely Owned. Attached to that collar is a leash. Just another sign of my ownership of you, pet boy." My fingers went to the back of his neck again. "Then of course there's going to be my mark. That will be there very soon, pet boy. And I hope... that you will as proud of wearing that as I will be to see it." I could feel him shiver just a little at my touch there.

"So, I'm guessing you've never done any of this before, either."

"That's a pretty definite no, Sir."