The New Guy in The Mail Room

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Hubby suggests Wife dance with Shy Nerdy Mail Room Guy.
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The New Guy in The Mail Room.

By Buster2U

Warning - Cuck Story // Warning - Cuck Story // Warning - Cuck Story

My name is Jimmy Dean, I am 45 years old and my lovely wife Debbie is 41. We have been married for 20 years. I am an accountant and work for a pretty large company, here in Silicon Valley. My lovely wife Debbie is a grade school teacher for 4th grade, at a private school. We don't go out much, I am generally not much of a partier. Debbie on the other hand is much more social, than I am.

I like Debbie being a grade school teacher. She gets off early, before me, so she always has dinner ready by the time I get home. She never has to work weekends, and never takes off to go to any 'out-of-town' conferences. I have always had her just for myself as far as I know, and that is the way I like it.

No temptations and No cheating for a strong marriage. So I feel good about the way things are in our marriage, that no other man has ever enjoyed her tight pussy beside me. So far even the other teachers there at her school, where Debbie works, are women, some older and some younger, thank God.

Since our twins are already Freshmen in College, it makes us basically, 'empty nesters' now. I wasn't surprised that Debbie enthusiastically responded to my news about my Company's upcoming Christmas party, with her news of needing a new party dress.

Debbie is a very conservative dresser, even when we go to the beach she only wears a conservative one-piece suit. She is always concerned with what other people are thinking or what they might be going to say about her.

So when she came home with a new LBD that was only halfway to her knees or mid-thigh, I was surprised, to say the least. But I didn't complain or even examine it any further at the time.

Heaven forbid I could ever get Debbie to go to a 'clothing optional' beach. LOL, That just isn't going to happen, she made it plain to me the one time that I hinted about it when we were first married.

We almost separated before we settled down to our married life. As it was I had to sleep on the sofa for almost a week, so I learned my lesson not to ever suggest anything sexy, like that again.

I rented a tux for the Christmas Party and was looking forward to the Christmas Bonus that was going to be passed out that night. I hadn't looked at Debbie's dress before the night of the party. Debbie has always been a very short (5'0") but a very busty woman of 36DDD so finding clothes that fit or don't make her look fat is unusual, very unusual indeed.

I realized that Debbie's dress was exceptionally sexy, as I watched her come down our stairs in her much shorter new dress and high heels, to leave. Her new LBD had an elastic scoop neck, with buttons that could be opened, in case she wanted to show cleavage. I couldn't resist lifing her dress to make sure she had on panties. She didn't, and she was shaved bare. I was completely shocked. Debbie just smiled.

Her new LBD was tight under her boobs so you could tell where her breasts were and then where her tummy is so you could definitely tell that she was NOT fat like she usually looks.

Then the rest of her satin dress just fell softly down her tummy barely covering her ass in the back. Very sexy, I thought, the Sexiest dress I've ever seen on Debbie. I was very impressed by how hot she looked before we left. I couldn't believe that she wasn't wearing panties, but I dared NOT ask her about it or risk sleeping on the sofa again.

Fortunately for me, Debbie just never flirts with other men. She never flaunts her sexuality and never intentionally makes me jealous. Whenever we go to something like this, she will usually just hang with me so there won't be any hurt or pissed-off feelings from unwanted flirting.

Debbie always tries to keep me as comfortable, as possible, when we get around a bunch of other people, she knows that I would rather not be around other people, especially in crowds. Even though these are all my co-workers that I am around every day, I still find myself uncomfortable.

The company party was held in one of the ballrooms at the big fancy hotel downtown, The Ritz Hotel. Most folks got a room for the night so that there wouldn't be any chance of getting a ticket on the way home. Of course, we did as well, I planned on drinking a little good Scotch that night, if I had to go to this party, I wanted to enjoy it.

Debbie and I have been married for over 20 years now. Truthfully, I am amazed at how lucky I am, to have such a warm, loving, affectionate, and attractive wife who still turns heads after 20 years of marriage. We both go to the Gym, tho usually not the same one or at the same time. I think my wife is still a little hottie, especially when she smiles.

After the twin girls were born, it was decided, that two were enough, so it wasn't hard for Debbie to decide to get me sterilized. LOL It was very easy for her to decide that I needed to get my nuts snipped. LOL, But it wasn't so easy for me to actually go through with it, though.

No man wants anyone approaching his balls with a razor-sharp scalpel. I think that Debbie read somewhere that Birth Control pills might cause some kinds of cancer, so she was insistent about this. So, Debbie has never taken the pill.

Debbie is 41 years old now and I swear she looks as good as she did when we got married twenty years ago. Since she has never smoked she still looks so young that she gets carded the few times a year, when we do go out. Even though she has given birth to two children you could never tell it from her figure, I am sure that she is still close to only 115 lbs.

Of Course, since Debbie is only 5 ft tall and exceptionally busty, clothes always make her look fat, regardless of what she wears. But naked, her body is HOT, she is very slender with gigantic boobs. LOL Fortunately, I am the only one who usually gets to see this.

When we arrived at our Christmas party it was already in full swing. The folks were all rocking to the live band. Everybody was smiling, and most people were dancing. We found our assigned table and then danced several dances together to do our part to spread Christmas cheer.

My Supervisor, Mr Silva, caught us resting at our table between dances and asked me if he could dance with Debbie. He was with his wife, so we danced with each other's wife for a few minutes. We both were respectful of each other's wife so nothing was concerning or upsetting.

It wasn't long before the band took a break and they announced that dinner was about to be served so we all sat down and enjoyed our Company paid-for turkey and ham dinners. It was great. Even the mashed potatoes were pretty good, but the yams were especially delicious.

After dinner, the Big Shots made some speeches and handed out bonus checks. I got a nice nice check. Now, we'll be putting in our new swimming pool, this spring. LOL Debbie is really happy about that. I teased Debbie that she could wear a bikini out at our pool when we got one. Hearing that, she gave me a smile saying that I was just dreaming.

I was drinking Johnny Walker, Black Label Scotch, and after several, I was feeling no pain and was very relaxed. Debbie was drinking Cranberry and Vodka, because they aren't too sweet and they go down so well. We sat around our table between dances and everybody was in a cheerful mood.


That was until I noticed our new mail room guy, Jamal. He was standing against the far wall all by himself. He is usually pretty outgoing and friendly at work, but tonight, not so much. I suspect that he is the only black man who works at our offices. He gets around though, even though he hasn't been with us long, everybody knows him and seems to like him already.

Tonight, for some reason, he wasn't smiling and looked kind of sad, which is strange because he is always smiling, outgoing, and cheerful when he delivers the mail.

I asked Debbie if she would go over and dance with Jamal.

She looked at me funny, and whispered, "Are you fucking serious, Jimmy? Do you REALLY want me to dance with that young black man?" Debbie whispered.

"Sure, I am. The poor guy looks like his dog died. What are a couple of dances to cheer the young man up? It shouldn't hurt anything." I said.

"Honey, I have NEVER even SPOKEN to a black man before in my WHOLE life, and you want me to approach him, talk with him, let him hold me while we dance? Are YOU fucking serious?" Debbie asked me again incredulously.

"I, just thought that everyone is having such a good time that maybe it wouldn't hurt to dance with him a couple of times, maybe it might cheer him up a little because he looks so sad," I said quietly, since at the moment no one was at our table to overhear us.

There were people sitting at the next table near us that could overhear us if weren't careful.

"Jimmy, is this one of your interracial sexual fantasies? Because if it is, I DON'T want any part of it. I don't know that black man and I really do not want to get any closer to him, than I am right now." explained Debbie quietly.

"Well, look at this as a learning experience. Maybe it won't be as bad as you fear." I explained back.

"Jimmy, we usually don't dance with other people because we don't want to get each other jealous. Why do you want me to dance with him? Are you sure that this isn't one of your perverted or kinky ideas, again? is it?" Debbie asked accusingly.

"No, I just thought it might cheer him up. Just go over and dance a couple of dances with him and put a smile on his face. That is all that I am asking. He is a young guy, and he looks so sad, it is Christmas Time so he should be smiling." I reassured my wife.

"If you are sure, absolutely sure, that you want me to do this, I will do it for you, because I love you with all my heart, but THAT is all that I am doing. I will go see if he wants to dance." Debbie whispered to me.

"That is fine, thank you, Honey," I whispered.

"Just so you know, I don't really want to do this, he scares me to death. But I will try to do it for you because I love you, very much," Debbie said, as she slowly stood and slowly walked toward Jamal like she was walking to her doom or 'walking the gangplank'. LOL

A smile quickly spread across Jamal's face as he realized Debbie was approaching him. They spoke for a minute then he took her hand and led her to the dance floor. I felt a twinge of Jealousy just then because I realized that Debbie looked so fucking sexy in her new short dress. Then I remembered she wasn't wearing panties and my balls really started aching for her badly.

I couldn't believe how sexy Debbie looked in that little short black dress. This new style of her satin dress showed off her figure better than anything that I had ever seen her wear in public ever before! I was regretting that she didn't have panties, because she doesn't even have the minimum barrier against a cock without them. I guess she wanted more excitement tonight.

I watched as they danced a couple of fast tunes as they worked up a little sweat. They both were smiling and seemed to be having a good time. At one point Debbie even turned her back to him and stuck out her ass, so Jamal promptly ground his crotch against her sensitive pussy, as she half closed her eyes in a dreamy smile. I almost came in my pants watching that.

Then they played a slow song and Debbie cuddled up into the young man's arms, molding herself to his body, a little closer than I thought necessary, smashing her big breasts on his lower chest, and I am sure his cock was pressing against her pussy.

After the slow dance, they went back to where he was standing before. That was when I noticed a big bulge in his pants. Apparently, Debbie got his motor running. I was trying not to be obvious that I was watching them.

But I couldn't miss it when Debbie just reached down and squeezed his hard cock thru his pants, I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that.

Debbie walked back to our table with a big smile on her face and a wiggle in her walk. Sitting down next to me, she then quickly reached down to feel my cock also, revealing to her that it was as hard as a hammer.

"What has gotten you so excited Jimmy?" Debbie asks me in a whisper in my ear.

"I saw what you did with Jamal, Honey," I said in a whisper back to her.

"Did you like what you saw?" Debbie purred in a whisper to me again.

"Yes, actually I did. I was surprised that you would do something like that. Actually, it was hard to believe my eyes." I whispered with a smile.

"Well Honey, you told me to try to put a smile on his face. Since I know that one of your hottest sexual fantasies is interracial sex. And I know that there is nothing in the whole world, that would turn you on more, than for me to take a black cock, in my pussy, I thought that maybe, you both would enjoy what I did." Debbie coos in my ear.

"Whoa, you knew that I would like to see that? You did that to turn me on? That was pretty hot." I said.

"Would you like to see more?" Debbie purrs sweetly in my ear. "Since we always talk about me being fucked by a black man, when we make love, it has been arousing me more and more lately. I decided that someday I might actually, just do it for you." Debbie whispers.

"Really?" I said.

"The problem has always been that I have NEVER even spoken to a black man before in my life, and I have always been scared to death of them. However, now that I have met Jamal, he isn't so scary. I kind of like him, so I might do more with him, for you, if you want me to. If you are sure, that is what you want." Debbie purrs in my ear.

"Where is this coming from, Honey? You've NEVER been this adventurous ever before." I replied.

"I don't know, maybe it is because I'm horny tonight, maybe it is because I'm ovulating. Maybe it is because I could feel that Jamal has a very Big Black Cock. Maybe it is because I am tired of being a boring prude. Maybe it is because I'm curious." Debbies whispers.

"Really? OK, anything else?" I whispered back

"Maybe it is because I am afraid I am getting older and I am afraid of losing my ability to be able to turn you on anymore. Maybe it is because I've had a few drinks, or maybe I just want to please you tonight since my hardworking man got such a nice big bonus." Debbie coos in my ear to make sure no one overhears what she is whispering to me.

"Yes, whatever you would like to do with Jamal is 'OK' with me," I whisper back to my sexy wife.

"Okay, then Jimmy. I will go dance with him again and see what happens. Just don't go getting jealous or mad at me for whatever happens, and we'll have a good time tonight." Debbie whispers to me.

Debbie slowly unbuttons several buttons on the top of her dress revealing a wide expanse of tit flesh cleavage while looking all around to make sure no one is looking at her. Then Debbie slowly stands and casually walks back to where Jamal is standing with a big smile.

They talk a little bit and he leads her to the dance floor again for a couple more fast numbers, and of course, he ground his crotch against her ass again. Then a couple of slow ones that he ground against her pussy from the front. I am watching them closely with the biggest hardest cock I've had in years, as my heart beats like a big bass drum.

About that time, some other folks return to our table and sit. I start chatting with them for a moment and the next thing I know Debbie and Jamal aren't where I can see them on the dance floor anymore.

I try to remain calm and I get up to get another drink and try to spot them. I cautiously look all over for them. It seems they must have left the dance floor. I am trying not to panic, but my heart is racing so fast. What should I do? What can I do?

I get a fresh drink and return to our table going as slow as I can using this time to scan the room for Debbie. It must have been at least 15 minutes now and I'm getting nervous. Fortunately, she suddenly reappears returning from the bathroom, and sits next to me. Reaching over she kisses me, with a funny taste on her lips, and squeezes my cock.

"Let's dance again Jim," Debbie purrs.

"Certainly Dear," I said, taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor, taking Debbie into my arms as we began to sway to the music.

"Did you notice Jamal and I disappear for a few minutes, Jim?" Debbie coos.

"Yes, of course, I did. I was worried sick for a few minutes about where you were." I whispered back

"Well, you wanted me to make him happy and put a smile on his face. So I went with him outside and got my breasts out for him to enjoy, and then he turned me around to lean against a wall. Then he lifted my skirt, saw that I didn't have on any panties, and then rubbed his bare cock on my pussy. But since I'm NOT on birth control, I turned back around and I got down on my knees, and gave him a blowjob. Does that turn you on, Honey?" Debbie purrs

"Oh, my God, you are turning into his slut! I love it! Now, I know what that taste was when I kissed you, it was his cum!" I whispered

"Yes, it was! I tried to save a little for you to taste, just so that you would know, for sure, that I really, really, did it with him! Guess what, Honey? He has a giant Big Black Cock Honey. It has to be 3 times the size of your 6" white dick. I want it in my pussy tonight, Sweetheart. Please, can I tell him to come up to our room tonight? Please?" Debbie coos.

"Oh, my Lord, YES! I want to see him put his big black cock into your pussy. That would be so HOT! How are you going to do it so everyone here doesn't notice?"

"I could just dance with him again or just whisper our room number to him, and tell him to wait a little while then come up. Would that be 'OK' with you, Sweetheart?" Debbie whispers.

"That would be so so HOT! Yes, please do that. I want to see him, deep inside your pussy, so much! Watching his black hands on your white body would be so HOT! Yes, dance with him and give him our room number and then we will go to our room ourselves." I said.

"OK, if that is really what you want Jimmy. I will be glad to do it for you, I love you so much. But please remember that I love only you, so don't get jealous or get upset when I start having orgasms with his big black cock deep in my pussy. OK?" Debbie purrs quietly in my ear.

We walk back to our table but instead of Debbie sitting, she walks over to Jamal and starts talking to him to give him our room number. Then walks back to our table approaches me and says:

"Take me to bed Honey, I think I have danced enough, eaten enough, and drank enough for tonight." Debbie smiles.

We said goodnight to everyone at our table and I got up, and we headed for the exit and the elevators. Once we get in the elevator Debbie drops the bomb on me.


"Did you know that Jamal is a 21-year-old virgin? Well, I told him that I would be glad to remedy that for him if you don't mind honey. He is going to wait a few minutes and then come up to our room. Did you catch that I think I am ovulating tonight? If we have sex, I could end up being black bred. Would that be Ok with you Honey? I told him that I would have to talk with you about it before he got to our room. What do you think?" Debbie smiles provocatively.

"What? Are you going to have sex with Jamal? I can't believe that you would finally do something like that for me, Honey! Especially with you ovulating! Whoa, that would be so fucking Hot! I love you so much! My Sexy Hot wife!" I said enthusiastically

We kiss so passionately in the elevator all the way to the 5th floor as Debbie is squeezing my cock thru my pants. My fingers seeking her hot pussy under her short little skirt, finding her pussy so very juicy and wet! Debbie is very aroused tonight!