The New Member


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If Katrina hadn't spoken, Colleen would have stayed there all night.

"You're in no state to drive. Stand up. Give me your clothes."

Colleen stood, shaking, still naked, and looked at the tall blonde woman, elegant and intense. She handed Katrina her bra and just held in her hands, catatonic. "This?"

"Of course. I said your clothes." She took the bra and stuffed it in her bag. Then Colleen's panties. Then her tight black top. Then the tight leather skirt. As Katrina took the skirt from Colleen she smiled and studied it, lifting Colleen's chin with her fingers, her nails lightly grazing Colleen's throat. "As soon as I saw you in this skirt, I knew you had potential." Colleen felt the tiniest surge of warmth as she heard Katrina talk about her potential. Then the skirt was gone into the bag. "Now... " Katrina picked up the tight stretch top and wraparound skirt Colleen had played tennis in. "Put these back on."

Colleen looked up, questioning. "But my bra... my panties... everything will..." Her face coloured deeply. "everything will show."

"Put them on." As if she hadn't heard Colleen at all. Colleen burned with shame when she finished putting them on, seeing her hard nipples easily through the tight material, and smelling the scent of her pussy. She laced up her tennis shoes.

"You look so cute. And so hot. You like to look hot, don't you?"

Colleen looked up, not wanting to answer. Katrina knew. Colleen nodded.

"We'll go now. I came here by taxi. Give me your car keys. I'll drive. You'll wrap us around a tree, the state you're in. We'll go out this door so no one will see you. I'm not quite ready for people to see you like this."

They went out the door into the cool air. The car was about a hundred yards away. Despite the cold that was making her nipples tighten even more, her body was burning, but she just wasn't sure what it was burning with. She had no idea, no control, she was so confused. She had no will.

"Open my door for me." The tall woman stood by the driver side and waited as Colleen opened the door. She hoped no one was watching. She did it as quickly as she could. Then went to the passenger door. It was locked. She tapped on the window, and looked around nervously. She hugged her arms over her breasts, then heard the click of the lock.

"Oh god thank you," she stammered as she closed the door. She sank down in the passenger seat, and looked straight out the windshield, stunned, her vision emptying into the darkness of the night. The thoughts of the telephone conversation she had overheard, the foul language, the shouting and swearing ran through her mind. She gulped. She couldn't bear her own thoughts. Her fears. "What are you going to do with me?"

Katrina leaned back and smiled at Colleen. "You have no idea, do you?"

Colleen shook her head meekly. Katrina started the car, backed up and drove slowly out the gates of the club.

They drove in silence for a while.

"Please tell me what you are going to do with me?" Colleen said again, grateful for the warmth now blowing on her legs. She couldn't eradicate the burning in her crotch.

Katrina glanced over at her several times, as lingeringly as she could while driving. "Lift your skirt. I want to see your cunt."

That word. Colleen put her fingers at the hem of her skirt and just played with it, dizzy. Hesitating. She pushed herself down a bit on the seat, lifting her short tennis skirt up above her pussy, her mound a patch of darkness in the glow of the dashboard light. The headlights lit up branches of trees, leafless and stark, like dried arteries and capillaries, Colleen thought.

Finally they stopped at a condo development on the lake. Katrina parked in the visitors parking right in front of the entrance. Then she turned the car off, and twisted her body slightly to face Colleen.

She passed the keys to Colleen, the smaller woman taking them in her smaller hand. Her skirt was still up over her pussy.

Colleen was incapable of thought. "What? What is it?" Then she was gripped with an entirely different fear. Oh God. She was suddenly afraid she would never see Katrina again. She opened her legs wider, pushing her mound up in a lewd movement.

Katrina looked down. She reached across and touched Colleen's thigh with her fingernails. Colleen exhaled hoarsely, and whimpered. She pushed her pussy toward the slender fingers. "Look at you," Katrina said. "Look at you pushing your aching cunt at me. You've never fucked a woman before, have you, Colleen?"

Colleen shook her head and whispered hoarsely. "No."

"Your life has changed, hasn't it?"

Colleen nodded. "Yes." She sobbed silently. Her life had been a pretty path, and now she was stepping on mines.

Katrina removed her hand, and Colleen felt a stab of disappointment like a hot nail in her heart. "I am going to get out of the car. So you can go back, drive home. To whatever it is you have. To your tennis club. Your safe inner suburbia where your secret self is so neatly trimmed and watered. And I promise you, I won't bother you again." Those incredible blue eyes looked into Colleen's hazel ones. Colleen was swimming somewhere, in a whirlpool going around and around, and every time she went around she glimpsed a branch up above that she could grab onto and pull herself up. But the whirlpool was so powerful. Katrina got out and closed the door. Colleen watched her walk away steadily, silhouetted by the lights around the entry. Above the tall woman, the windows of so many condominium lives were also lit up, curtained, or open, or dark. She started crying uncontrollably. Where were all these tears coming from!? She never cried.

It took her about three seconds to catch up to Katrina. She ran, not even bothering to close the car door. She still couldn't speak, just grabbed Katrina by the arm and held her. She tried not to sob, her breath catching, her chest heaving. An older couple came out of the entry way. Katrina turned and put her arms around the shaking woman, and the older couple looked away pained, sympathetic to some imagined grief. They passed.

"Go and lock your door. I'll wait. Kiss me first."

Not believing what she was doing, she slid her arms around the taller woman's neck and kissed her on the mouth hard and hungrily, her lips moving over and around the other woman's soft lips like a warm waterfall. She felt her breasts press against Katrina's chest. An electric feeling. And relief, the deepest flood of relief.

She went back to the car, closed the door, and the two of them went up in the elevator. As they went up, Katrina stretched out her fingers and scratched Colleen's nipples, watching them harden through her tight tennis shirt. She whimpered, and Katrina smiled.

When the door closed to Katrina's condo, it sounded so final. So different. As if she had slipped through a border into a forbidden country. Katrina put her bag down on the floor, and then walked along the hallway into an elegant and spacious living room and dining room. Colleen followed her in silence. The view was of the lake, and darkness beyond which in the daylight would be hills. Colleen suddenly felt very shy. She had a moment of panic when she thought about the events of the past couple of hours, then the panic passed.

Katrina opened a bottle of wine and poured two glasses. She passed one to Colleen. "From now on, you open the wine, please, or ask me if I want something. Sometimes, if I'm feeling like spoiling you, I will do it, but you should never expect it."

Colleen took the wine, her mind full of wonder. What would it mean, 'spoiling her'? She stifled the thrill she felt. "Yes, I understand. Thank you."

Katrina looked at her coolly. Studying her face. "Tell me, Colleen, how does your cunt feel?"

Colleen blushed. It was the word "cunt." She tried to answer as well as she could. She thought hard. It came out so stilted. Like she was doing a self-diagnosis for a doctor. "It feels warm. Satisfied. Puffy. I've never felt anything like that. Ever." She blushed more deeply than she thought she had ever blushed.

"Bend over, Colleen, and hold your ankles with your hands."

She looked up, shocked, pained to see the disapproval in Katrina's face. "But I have nothing on underneath." Then she realized how stupid it was to say that. She bent, wondering what was going to happen next.

"You don't use the word cunt, do you, Colleen?"

Colleen shook her head.

"From now on, you will." Colleen listened, but was not prepared for what came next. Afterward she thought she probably heard the sound first, the loud smack, before she registered the pain. Katrina had lifted her hand and smacked her buttock very hard. Colleen squealed in pain, and just barely had the good sense not to get up. Instead she held her ankles more tightly, her outrage replaced by a desire to prove herself, to endure whatever it was Katrina had planned. Then another smack. And another. And another. The pain was sharp, followed by the heat. She started crying. Yet still she wouldn't wither. Then she was shocked to feel fingers in her pussy. She became aware of the incredible warmth now in her ass and her pussy. The fingers opening her up. She groaned. "Oh yesss. Please Katrina, please yessssss." The fingers explored inside her, touching her in places no one had ever touched her before. She pushed back against the intimate fingers. Massaging her inside. She felt like she had to pee, then the sensation passed. She grunted. That loud, animal grunt. She had never made that sound.

Katrina stopped. "Don't move. Now tell me how your cunt feels."

Gasping, Colleen said, "It is exploding. Burning. Oh please. Don't stop."

Smack! Colleen jolted forward, but managed to stay standing. Then another smack.

"How does your cunt feel, Colleen? Your cunt!?" Then she felt the fingers again, sliding along her pussy lips, and she moaned, pushing back.

She was racing through her mind trying to find the answer Katrina was looking for. "Oh god. Please. My cunt is so hot. Please. My cunt. My cunt. Please fuck my cunt. Fuck my hot cunt. Please. My cunt needs to be fucked. My cunt is screaming. Please! My cunt!"

In seconds, Katrina's fingers were diving deep inside Colleen's cunt, driving and lunging deep, her thumb dragging over Colleen's clitoris as she did so. The peeing sensation came and went, then she felt it. The shattering. The exploding. A volcano erupting. A hurricane inside. A roman candle spraying its fountain of fire out the top of her head. She blacked out.

She came to on the floor, her head in Katrina's lap, the soft slender fingers of the taller woman stroking her cheek, the fingers of her other hand stroking the soft downy hair of her cunt. Yes, her cunt, she remembered.

She looked up, frightened. "Am I all right?" she asked meekly. She was completely naked now.

"Oh yes, baby, very all right. Does that happen to you very often?"


"Passing out. The petite mort, as they call it."

Colleen shook her head. "Never."

"Can you get up now?"

Colleen smiled weakly and pulled herself to her feet, still a little wobbly.

* * *

"You will call me Miss from now on, Colleen. Try it."

"Yes Miss." Not only did it sound right, it made her feel warm. She smiled slightly, sheepishly.

Katrina had made her sit in the stiff mahogany dining room chair. Colleen felt like a school girl, sitting there naked, her feet together, her hands folded on her knees, her breasts lifting and rising, nipples hard, as they talked in low tones and sipped wine. She stole glances at the tall, blonde woman with the red nails from time to time, almost feeling it was some kind of violation to study her openly. The place was immaculately furnished. Colleen knew enough from her own life to recognize quality.

"You have been dead inside for a while, haven't you, Colleen? Dead in your heart."

Colleen looked at her hands on her knees. "Yes Miss. I didn't know it, but I was."

"And you thought your life was just about perfect."

Colleen nodded. "Yes, Miss, I think I did."

She sipped her wine, her thoughts a torrent, as if an entire winter's snowfield of responses and emotions had suddenly thawed. Her breathing was the loudest sound in the room. There were a few lights visible through the dark on the opposite side of the lake.

"I never cry. I don't know what got into me tonight. I'm sorry."

"You must have been saving them up for a long time, those tears. You are allowed to let them out, in fact I want to see them for now."

Given permission, Colleen started crying, just quiet, intense weeping, her tears falling off her chin onto her breasts and down her tummy. Katrina watched, smiling, and sipped her wine.

"Thank you," Colleen said. She didn't know relief could be so intense.

"You are lovely, Colleen. Very pretty. Very fuckable."

Colleen blushed and smiled. "Thank you." It came out so easily, she was so grateful for the compliment, wanting to be pleasing.

"Open your legs."

"Yes Miss."

Colleen opened her legs wide, looking at Katrina for approval, hoping she was doing it right. She felt daring. "Can you see my cunt all right?" She blushed with pride, using the word, hoping it was the right thing.

The phone rang. Colleen looked at the phone, then at the clock. It was 11 p.m..

Katrina spoke. "Answer it for me, please."

Colleen got up and walked over to the receiver, summoning as much grace and balance as she could, knowing - no, hoping - Katrina's eyes were on her. "Hello?"

"Oh," the female voice on the other end said. Then silence. "Katrina?" A shaky voice. "Is Katrina there?"

"May I ask who is calling?"

"Who is calling? Oh fuck!" Then more silence, and some sniffling. "Just tell her it's Paula, please."

"Just a minute."

Colleen covered the receiver with her hand to speak to Katrina, but Katrina had moved. Colleen was startled to feel Katrina's hand removing her hand from the mouthpiece, then placing the phone back at Colleen's ear and mouth. Colleen knew the woman on the other end could hear her ragged breathing. She felt Katrina's foot pushing her feet apart from behind. Not understanding, she spread her legs, unable to restrain a whimper into the phone mouthpiece. Then another whimper as she felt fingers along her pussy, parting them, slowly moving inside. Long slender fingers. She uttered a long moan, into the mouthpiece again as Katrina held it to her mouth.

Somewhere in the distance, some remote distance, she heard the female on the other end. "what is going on? oh fuck! how can she be such a bitch?!" But Colleen was starting to tremble. Her fingers gripped the edge of the counter as she bent over to allow Katrina better access to her cunt. It was so sensitive, her clit was so sensitive, but it had recovered just enough to allow this touching. Katrina then took the phone from Colleen's hands and put it on the counter, mouthpiece up, just below Colleen's face. Colleen was whimpering constantly now, spreading her legs. Then she felt the fingers up the crack of her ass. She bit her lip. She was afraid, never having been touched there. Her ass was soaking wet from her own juices. She felt the fingers pressing. So wet, teasing her ass, pressing firmly, not too hard, the fingers of Katrina's other hand inside her cunt. Colleen was groaning loudly now, grunting, feral. She wanted it, wanted it badly. She pushed back against Katrina's finger, and squealed as she felt it enter her ass. So new, so strange. The fingers of Katrina's other hand were fucking her pussy now, rubbing up over her clit. But it was the finger in her ass that was driving her wild now. She pumped against it, feeling some burning.

She could barely stand it, she screamed and grunted at the same time. Her orgasm rolled over her like she had been bombed, splitting her insides apart. It wouldn't stop, even after Katrina had removed her fingers. She uttered no words this time, just grunts and squeals and groans. Until she finally subsided.

"Oh god. I forgot." She looked down at the phone. Sounds were coming from it, distant sort of chirping sounds that barely resembled human speech.

Katrina picked it up and replaced it on the cradle. She smiled. "Paula. She was just a toy. A hopeless girl. Don't give her another thought." Colleen could only imagine the horror on the other end.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Colleen straightened herself up. There was no part of her body now not open to this woman. How had this happened?

Katrina smiled and seemed to ignore Colleen's request. "You really are so pretty, and you cum so hard. I don't ever remember a girl who came harder."

Colleen blushed and smiled.

"Remember when you were a child: did you go on long car trips?" Katrina asked, still ignoring Colleen's need to go to the bathroom.

Colleen smiled and nodded, remembering long trips over the Rockies, over the Prairies, to visit cousins in various parts of Canada. "Yes."

"Remember how your father wanted to get there fast, and it pissed your mother off that he wouldn't stop?"

It was like Katrina had reached into her own childhood. Colleen saw the wheat fields rolling by as her father sped across the prairie.

"And how he told your mother to get the bottle out if the kids needed to pee? And how it was the last thing you wanted to do? You would wait for a week if you had to, as long as you didn't have to pee in the bottle?"

Colleen nodded, still smiling, almost laughing. Maybe a lot of families were like that.

"Well in the cupboard next to the sink there are some empty jars. Bring one of them and come and sit back down."

Colleen blushed and gulped when she realized where this was headed. She couldn't quite believe it. She chose a jar, a tall one, that must have held jam at one point, and brought it back to her chair. She sat primly, her hands holding the jar on her knee as she looked at Katrina. Maybe if she didn't mention anything, Katrina would think she didn't need to pee any more. But she was desperate. She couldn't imagine anything more humiliating.

"Move forward to the edge of the chair, spread your legs wide. I don't want any on the chair cushion or the floor."

Colleen blushed. She moved forward, but she was so shy now. "I... I don't think I can. Not here, like this."

Katrina said nothing, but looked back sternly, and got up. She lifted the lid on an antique box and pulled out an object with a thick handle on it, with strands hanging down like thick hair. She returned to where Colleen was sitting, and lifted the strands over Colleen's head, then let them drape across her shoulders. The strands were so soft. Leather. Soft leather. She shivered. Then Katrina lifted it again. The strands fell a little more firmly. A slight sting. Then another, slightly harder. "You've never felt a flogger before have you, Colleen?"

Understanding dawned on her. "No Miss."

"You thought my hand stung. But you liked it, didn't you?"

"Yes, Miss. Both. It stung and I liked it."

"The flogger is more intense, harder. But I don't think you're ready for it. Or are you?"

Colleen shook her head, and shuddered. "I don't know, Miss."

"Then pee, Colleen."

Colleen pushed herself forward, fearful of the flogger, and pushed hard on her bladder. A few drops trickled out, then some more, then the full release started, and she felt such relief. It was so good. She finished, the jar was warm in her fingers. "Can I wipe myself, Miss?"

Katrina passed her a tissue. "Now go ahead and flush it down the toilet. First door on the right down the hall."

Her face was scarlet, but it was now as if her humiliation existed in a different part of her. She imagined nurses and orderlies got this blasé about bodily functions.

When she returned, Katrina was standing in the middle of the living room. Her electric blue suit only made her blue eyes deeper. Her cheeks were flushed. Colleen had finally got her breath back a little. Her cunt - yes, her cunt - felt hot, and still swollen. Very used. She had never cum so often or so hard in her life.