The New Neighborhood Ch. 14


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"May I speak now?" I smiled.

"Yes, you may, but don't be a smart ass, and don't do any man-splaining," quipped Krissy.

"I've witnessed the changes over the last few months and I've made a few suggestions that have helped people, to make decisions, that have improved their lives," I observed.

"OK, I can see how you look at it, but whether you accept the credit or not, we are all going to want you to be a significant part of our lives for a long time," sighed Krissy.

As we were talking, the door to the house opened and closed. Soon Trixie appeared in the doorway wearing her toga from the day before. "Good morning, Tom, and good morning, Mom," she giggled.

"Good morning," replied Krissy, "why are you giggling?"

"Think about it," chortled Trixie. "you fucked and slept with Tom, while I fucked and slept with Dad, and that was after we all participated in a six-hour orgy."

Krissy started laughing also, "I know I fucked all eleven men, and licked more pussy than I can remember. It is so absurd, that I have to laugh too."

"Yeah, Mom, it was insane and...." Trixie began before taking a pregnant pause, "when can we do it again?"

Around midday, Claire returned home and met me in my office.

"Hey Tom, I'm just about to finalize the order for the shelter. What time should I schedule the pick-up for?"

"I'm available any time after three p.m.," I replied.

She scheduled the pick-up for three fifteen p.m., so we drove over to the grocery store, parked in the pick-up area and it was delivered out to my SUV shortly after we arrived. It was a big order that was pushed out on two carts by two teenagers, a boy and a girl.

"This is a lot of food, Mister, what's it for?" asked the curious young girl.

"Are you the girl that used to hang around by the pool?" added the boy.

"Yes, I am that girl, and the food is for the homeless shelter," smiled Claire.

"There are homeless people around here?" asked the girl softly.

"Yes, and they need our help," replied Claire as she tore off a piece of paper from a bag and wrote her email on it. "Let me know if you'd like to get involved," she added as she handed the piece of paper to the girl, and gave each of them a $10 tip.

"They seem like good kids," I mentioned as we drove out of the parking lot.

"Do you think that she'll contact me?"

"I think she might, because she seemed genuinely concerned about the homeless, and I think he might because he couldn't stop staring at you," I quipped.

"Yeah, I noticed," laughed Claire, "it was kind of cute, in a puppy-dog sort of way."

"Well, here we are," I announced, pulling to the curb in front of the dilapidated building that houses the shelter.

"The person I contacted, who said she is the director, asked that if we had a lot to deliver that we bring it around back and come in that door to her office first."

I took the next right and parked near the doorway. "Go check in with her, and once we know where the food is going, I'll help to carry it in."

Claire went into the building with a smile on her face. I was happy for her to experience to see how good it feels to help others.

Soon she came dashing out the door with a look of horror on her face. She jumped back in the SUV and gasped, "Oh Fuck! My mother is in there."

"Stay here, and try to relax. I know the director here, let me see what I can find out," I suggested.

I went in and spoke to the director, "Hi, Cindy. Claire, the young woman who was just here, is with me."

"Hi,Tom. Yeah, she looked through the office window into the common area and bolted," explained Cindy.

I looked through the window and saw a woman about my age talking to Father Mulcahey. "What's the story with those two? Are they volunteers?"

"Well yes and no," began Cindy and then she proceeded to explain the details that left each of them helping at the shelter and renting rooms there while their lives were in turmoil.

"Thanks for filling me in. I have a car full of food, where would you like it delivered," I smiled.

I have some helpers who I can send out and we can just unload it at the loading dock," she replied. "And I won't send either of those two out, as I sense they may be the reason for Claire's speedy departure."

The SUV was soon unloaded and we were on our way.

"So, why is my mother there?" sighed Claire.

"I talked to Cindy and she told me that the woman is homeless, but has money to pay for a room. That she was convinced by a man to sell her house, and to go away with him. He tried to steal her money and disappear, but was caught and is in jail awaiting trial. She's here because she is trying to find her daughter and she is distraught. She fears that something horrible happened to her when she and the man kicked her out of the house."

"So, what do I do now?" asked Claire. "Do I turn my back on her, or try to forgive her?"

"I suggest that you take some time to think about it and figure out what you really want."

"And who was she talking to?" smirked Claire

"That was Father Mulcahy, the Catholic priest," I began. "He is Sean Mulcahy now, since he resigned as the Catholic priest and lost his home in the rectory. He has money to pay for a room, so he is there to help, and also trying to figure out what to do with his life," I summarized.

"You need to know that Cindy was ecstatic over getting your donations today. They always get a ton of support around the holidays, as people tend to give a lot from Thanksgiving to New Years, but the rest of the year can be hit or miss. You made a big difference in the lives of many hungry people," I assured her.

"Thanks for reminding me why we went there today. I won't let the drama of seeing my mother overshadow that," she smiled.

We both were deep in thought as we returned home and were greeted by Molly and Trixie who had recently arrived from spending time at Molly's office.

"How did it go?" began Molly. "I bet they were happy to get your donations," she quipped.

"They were, and I feel good about that," smiled Claire, "but, I saw my mother there. She didn't see me, and apparently, she's worried about me," she sighed.

Molly moved closer and gave Claire a hug. Then she lifted her chin and gave her a soft passionate kiss.

"Mmmmmmm, now I feel better," moaned Claire.

"Relax tonight and give yourself time to decide what you want to do," suggested Molly.

"You won't guess who I saw there talking to Claire's mother," I smirked while shaking my head.

"Father Mulcahy," blurted Molly, and then laughed. "So, who was it, really?"

"You guessed it," I chuckled, "it was actually Sean Mulcahy, as he apparently resigned his role as a Catholic priest."

"Do you feel guilty that you pushed him over the edge," asked Molly.

"No, I don't feel guilty at all, but Melissa may regret calling him a 'pathetic piece of shit'," I smiled.

"I think that everyone needs to unwind and relax," suggested Trixie.

"What's going on? It sounds like people singing," I asked.

I moved to the front door while Molly, Trixie and Claire left to change.

I looked and eight women, dressed in freshly cleaned togas, were sauntering down the sidewalk, smiling and singing a popular oldie, Both Sides Now.

As they approached and entered the house, I saw Heather in the group and asked, "What's this all about?"

"Hannah wanted to return the clothes that you left in a bag at their house and decided to throw on her toga," began Heather. "A chant of t

'Toga, toga, toga,' carried outside and soon all the women of the neighborhood had donned their togas to return your belongings."

As I turned to enter the house ahead of the women I started to chuckle. Standing in front of me were Molly, Trixie and Claire all wearing their togas as well.

"Just go with the flow lover-boy, they all just want to thank you," smiled Molly.

I turned to look at the crowd and my eyes connected with Krissy. She stared daggers at me and then mouthed, 'Thank You,' and winked.

I laughed to myself as I was engulfed in the group of women. My cock reacted as I breathed in the distinctly sexual aroma of their combined arousal.

The woman chatted as they moved into the living room and stood in a semi-circle. Molly stepped forward with a beautifully wrapped present in her hands. "We all know that you are kind, loving and tend to avoid the limelight," began Molly, "as a way of expressing our gratitude, we have decided to adopt the togas, from yesterday's party as our official garb of sexual service."

"I'm not sure that I understand the expectations."

"There are none," replied Hannah, "if you see a woman wearing her toga it simply means that she is very horny, and desperately wants you to be her sexual partner. If you can't, or simply choose not to avail yourself of the invitation, none of us will feel slighted. It's simply our way of saying thank you for all you have done."

"So, there are eleven of you here, how do I choose without hurting the feelings of others?"

"We've all agreed that we each represent the group. As one of us shares her body with you, we all will enjoy it and look forward to our own special time," replied Melissa.

"Will you help me to decide which of you will be first today?"

"Oh, we've already decided Dad, but it won't be any of us," replied Heather.

At that, Molly held out the gift package. I untied it and removed the wrapping. Inside was another toga. I looked at Molly, clearly puzzled, then I realized that there were actually two togas. I unfolded each of them and my eyes opened wide as I saw that they were personalized with the names, Maria and Aria.

The semi-circle parted and Maria and Aria, both nude, stood and approached. I handed each of them a toga.

Aria laughed and spoke, "Don't be nervous Tom," as she and Maria exchanged togas so they each now held their own.

"Thank you, Molly," smiled Aria as she handed her toga to Molly to hold and then pulled my shirt over my head.

Maria thanked Molly as well, asked her to hold her toga, and dropped to the floor to pull off my shorts and boxers.

She gave my cock a little squeeze and a kiss.

"It's good to see you, Aria," I smiled before wrapping my arms around her, caressing her smooth muscular ass and kissing her softly on the lips.

"And you as well, Maria," as she pressed her breasts into my back and I turned my head to lick, kiss and nibble on her lips.

The two escorted me toward the pool where there were a number of air mattresses laid out on the floor. I laid down on the middle one, face down as instructed.

"Have you ever had a Nuru massage?" asked Aria.

"No, I haven't, but I've watched a few porn videos, so I have the general idea," I laughed.

Maria scooped up some of the massage gel and dripped it onto my shoulders and upper back.

Aria did the same and dripped it onto my legs and ass. Their hands spread the gel and massaged my muscles. It wasn't long before I felt Aria's slippery hand gliding over my ass and balls. They spent a long time on my back, arms, legs and ass. Then Aria coated her beautifully exotic body with gel and lay down on top of me.

The sensation of her curvaceous body, and soft skin, sliding effortlessly over my legs, ass and back, both relaxed and excited me. After a few minutes she moved to the side and I rolled onto my back. Maria straddled my hips and dripped gel onto my shoulders and chest. She massaged my chest and then my abdominal muscles by sliding lower onto my thighs.

Aria knelt behind Maria and coated her back with gel before pressing and sliding her breasts against Maria's back. Aria reached around to coat, caress and massage Maria's sizable breasts.

"Mmmmmmmm, I moaned as Maria slid forward, her pussy lips parted and caressed the length of my throbbing hard cock.

I could feel Aria's hands caressing my balls and the lower part of my cock.

"You really like all this female flesh," observed Maria, with a smile, as her gel covered tits moved enticingly close to my face.

As she leaned forward, she lifted her hips, Aria grabbed my slippery cock, stroked it just for fun and then aligned the head with Maria's pussy.

Maria pushed back and sat up straight as she lowered herself until she was fully impaled on my raging hard cock. She moved up and down and gasped, "Oh my God! This feels fantastic!"

"It's frictionless fucking," I smiled, "it feels wonderful, in a messy sort of way."

"Nothing wrong with being messy," quipped Maria as she bounced up and down while I played with her enticingly erect nipples and soft sumptuous breasts.

Maria leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips and whispered in my ear, "I know you like fucking me, I'm going to want more of this."

Maria dismounted and Aria took her place. "Look around Tom, all that female flesh is just aching for this," smiled Aria as she straddled my hips and slid her pussy lips up and down the underside of my cock as Maria had done earlier.

I didn't look around, I just stared into Aria's eyes and felt myself developing a deep connection with her soul. Aria blushed and I knew that she felt it too.

Aria reached down and pressed my cock toward her pussy. It popped in and quickly made the journey between her vaginal walls to her cervix.

"Oooh!" jerked Aria, "even though it hurts a little, I love that your cock is long enough to be knocking on the door to my uterus."

"Don't you just love how slippery this gel is?" said a voice beside us. I looked over to see Melissa and Suzie squirming around. Melissa was on her back, with Suzie on top, their breasts were mashed together and they had their right thighs pressed against each other's pussy. Their daughters, Tory and Kate, continued to drip gel onto the writhing women and to massage it into their undulating flesh.

On the other side of us I heard,"Ohhhhh, fuuuuccck!". Aria swiveled her body to see Hannah on her back with Claire straddling her left thigh. She was gently massaging Hannah's breast and attempting to pinch her nipples with her left hand, while her right hand was now fully inside Hannah's pussy.

Claire clearly enjoyed the power that she was wielding over Hannah as her hand pistoned, like a giant cock, deep in her vagina. "Cum for me Hannah," she encouraged and giggled.

Hannah's body exploded in a massive orgasm. Claire extracted her hand, lay down beside the still trembling woman and caressed her pulsating pussy while gently kissing her on the lips. Hannah's eyes popped open and she looked at Claire. "I need you to do that again," she moaned urgently.

"So, you liked that?" asked Claire innocently.

Hannah bit her lip and nodded. Claire smiled wickedly, pressed her four fingers together, tucked in her thumb, dipped her hand into the Nuru gel and reinserted it into Hannah's core.

"Mom, is sweet little Claire, your son's girlfriend, fisting you?" laughed Holly.

Hannah nodded to her daughter's question as she was building toward another orgasm. "It seems to me that you can be fucked by all the men of this neighborhood, and now you can be fisted by the women, too. So, does that make you everyone's little fuck toy?" chided Holly.

Her daughter's words were quickly pushing her toward another orgasm when Holly reached in and started slapping her mother's clit. "Thwap, Thwap, Thwap, Thwap," echoed through the room.

"AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!" screamed Hannah as her body tensed, she stopped breathing and collapsed.

Holly stopped slapping and Claire withdrew her hand. Everyone in the room had gathered and breathed a sigh of relief as Hannah's chest rose, she began to breathe normally and her eyes opened.

"Well, aren't you the creative one," began Hannah, "how did you learn about fisting? And what made you think I'd like it?" she asked with a smile.

"Ummm, I didn't know anything about it. I didn't know it was a thing," began Claire. "I've seen you with others and I know that your pussy likes attention."

"So, you thought you'd just shove your whole arm up her twat?" joked Holly

"No, no, no," replied Claire, "it was an experiment. This gel is so slippery that she was hardly feeling my two fingers, so I wondered if I should add a third, and after that a fourth and before I knew it, my whole hand just popped inside," she admitted excitedly.

"So, it was an accident?" laughed Heather "You accidentally gave Hannah an incredible orgasm?"

"No," Interrupted Hannah, "that was not just incredible, it was the most powerful orgasm of my life!"

"Maybe she should add that to her list of optional services when she cleans your pool," giggled Trixie.

I smiled as I listened to the conversation and broke into laughter at Trixie's comment.

"What are you laughing at?" asked Molly.

"You all know me well enough to know that thanking me for changing this neighborhood was not something I was very excited about. So, you decided to show your appreciation through this toga party and I will admit that I have enjoyed both Aria and Maria immensely," I turned, winked and smiled at them.

"And then when Hannah orgasmed, Claire explained the accident, and Trixie decided that it was a business opportunity, it was all just so absurdly wonderful that I had to laugh, and I'm still laughing," I chuckled.

"I know that you came here to thank me, and I do feel appreciated. This has been a memorable day that will bring a smile to my face for many years to come," I spoke sincerely as I looked at each of the thirteen women and wondered when I might see one of these Togas again.

I didn't have to wait long on Tuesday morning I went out for my morning run. I walked through the circle, to cool down and gazed up at Keith's house, just as the front door opened and Suzie came out, waved at me, wearing nothing but her monogrammed toga.

End of The New Neighborhood

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4chuckssite4chuckssiteabout 1 month ago

Well, we’re at the end. Seems like a strange ending and no other stories. Did you lose interest or something else happen?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Two words to describe this series. You have already seen my rating of it: If Only !

unclebeardyunclebeardy11 months ago

You seemed to have run out of steam.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I would love to see what transpires with Claire's mother and Sean. Also, Molly's sister never visited. I need to see how that all works out or even the eventual visit to France. A follow up on the other girls would be great as well.

babaloo92babaloo92over 1 year ago

Very long. Quite interesting. I would like to know what happens to Claire and Trixie

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