The New Neighbour Ch. 01

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Paris takes on a new mom...with strings attached.
9.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/20/2010
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Paris and boyfriend Joe had just got in from afternoon brunch together. As they made their way down the hallway to their apartment hand in hand, they noticed several large cardboard boxes scattered across the hallway in the distance. It was odd because those weren't there when they left. As they neared their own dorm they realized they were in front of the formerly vacated residence of Karen.

"Hmm, looks like we have new neighbours hun." Joe looked down at his girlfriend who just looked over the boxes not saying anything.

"Guess we do. Let's go inside, I need to mellow out."

"Wait, aren't you curious to..."


"Not even after Karen?"

"Will you drop it? That will sort itself out. Now let's go!"

"Whatever you say."

The couple entered their own dwelling. Paris went immediately to the couch and dove on to it. Grabbing an issue of Stuff magazine from the table she started to read it. Joe stared at his girlfriend and couldn't quite comprehend her right now. Knowing Paris it seemed like she would be the first one to test drive any new nearby tenants. Everyone had to go through her approval. Although he wasn't present for it, he had heard (mostly from Paris) the previous lady had found that out the hard way. And now? Paris was being so uncaring and nonchalant about it all. Maybe Paris knew that she would find out sooner or later if they had another mommy situation to tend to? A baby is a pretty hard thing to hide after all.

Whatever the case, Paris may not have cared right now, but Joe was curious as hell. He spoke up. "You might not wanna, but I'm gonna go check out the new neighbours, k babe?

Paris just glanced up with her eyes and rolled them in disbelief. She sighed. "Whatever, knock yourself out." And then went right back to what she was doing.

Joe shrugged and left the apartment and went next door. He gave it three firm knocks and stood back and waited. From the inside he heard a female voice call out "Just a minute!" A few moments later the door opened up as a petite brunette answered it. Joe made note that this girl was short, about 5'2 easy. Actually he shouldn't say girl. He didn't want to underestimate her age. For all he knew she could have one or two years on his 26 (and Paris' 25). Despite it all, she was completely gorgeous! Short brown locks, brown eyes, sparkling smile behind glowing red lips. And her body wasn't too bad either. From the tight blue blouse that covered her upper body, Joe could make out 34D breasts that were pushing right up against the fabric, even right down to this woman's pokies. They were hardly unnoticeable, this is how engaged Joe was. Her stomach was pretty flat from he could tell too. He couldn't tell if this meant rock hard abs or not, but it didn't matter anyways, this girl was fit! Joe decided it'd be best if he said something.

"Hey, my-my name is Joe and I love-live right next door to you. So on behalf of the entire floor I'd like to welcome you to the complex!" It surprising to Joe that he got through that with how perplexed he was. The woman's face lit up.

"Why thank you so much! My name is Gina. Would you like to come in?" You don't have to ask me twice he thought as he nodded politely.

Following her in he made note of the unfinished and bare room as he tried to make polite small talk. "So you just moved in huh? By yourself?"

Gina shook her head. "No I'm here with my husband Brad. He's around here somewhere, filling out some final paperwork. Please take a seat. As you can see we're not even close to unpacked so all I can really offer you is water."

Joe smiled. "Water sounds great." Gina turned on pace and went into the kitchen. Hmm, cute butt too, he thought to himself. She took out a glass and filled it with tap water and returned to the sitting area. She gave it to Joe and sat down herself.

"So you, are you with someone?"

"Ugh, yeah, I'm living with my girlfriend Paris."

"Oh yeah? What's she like?"

Joe was now focussed on Gina's breasts that he almost missed the question. Bent over like she was he could see canyons! He snapped out of it. "Ooo, sorry, what she's like? Oh, she's awesome. Best girl I've known. Although she does get into conflicts with new neighbours once in a while." Joe briefly flashbacked to how Paris told her she dealt with Karen.

Gina cocked her head and gave him a nervous look. She laughed nervously, "Should I be afraid?"

"Oh no no, you're fine. I think she'll like you." I might like you more though, he joked in his head.

Gina smiled again. "That's good. Can you excuse me a second?" Joe granted her request. She went into her bedroom. She probably had to use the washroom or something he thought. He looked around the place in her absence. Still extremely bare, but they'd be settled in soon. This wasn't going to be so bad after all. Hot petite brunette with cannons. Just her and the husband. Of course, he'd make sure to ogle her and mentally undress her whenever he was away.

As Gina re-entered the picture, Joe realized he had been dealt a no leaf clover. The light at the end of the tunnel was a freight train after all. She emerged a few minutes later cradling a baby; it couldn't have been more than one and a half years old. Joe was completely thrown off by this. This woman had a child?! He even asked her. "Wait, you popped out a kid?"

Gina laughed. "Yeah, shocking ain't it? Doesn't look like it eh?" No it did not Joe thought. She'd very well for herself. Then it clicked for him. Uh oh, Paris wasn't going to like this one bit.

She sat down smiling at the baby. "Yeah, Brad and I decided to jump the gun and try and bring a new life to this world. And behold, baby Jayden made his entrance to this earth. Ya hungry little Jayden? Yeah? Lemme give you some of mommy's milk then." She looked up at Joe who was still trying to take this all. "You don't mind right Joe?"

"Uh, no, no, do what you have to." He was more flustered then before now. The fact that she had a kid really threw him off! And now to have Paris, the most notorious child hater known to womankind, living next door? Oh boy. He watched as Gina unbuttoned her shirt and parted it, exposing her right breast. It truly was round and perfectly shaped. The nipple has fully erect and ready to go. She cradled the baby tight and tucked it right into the milker. She looked down as it fed and smiled. Joe did as well. The sight was oddly mesmerizing. He loved Paris but to see another girl up close like this was hot for him. This breastfeeding session was erotic. He almost wished he was on the other side of that nipple. Wow, what a thought. The more he watched this girl nurse this baby and be in her own heaven, the more beautiful he truly found her. Joe looked down a felt a boner coming on. He awkwardly got up and excused himself in a hurry."Ugh, I gotta go Gina. Nice seeing, I mean, meeting you! I'll see you around!"

"Alright, see you later! Byeee!" Joe let himself out. Outside in the hallway he panted and sighed relief. What just happened? He slowly walked the few feet to his home bumping into a box. He reached out to the knob and twisted it gradually parted the door open. Shutting the door behind him he noticed Paris had now switched to watching TV. "I'm back." He didn't say anything more because well, he wasn't sure what would come out if he tried to tell Paris right at that instance. Instead he opened the freezer to the fridge and got himself a beer. He stood at bay in the kitchen while Paris continued to watch the screen.

Paris herself was getting a bit annoyed and called Joe out on his actions. "Well? And what?"

"Well it's a married couple. I didn't meet the guy but his wife was nice. It was nice meeting her. Really nice actually." He continued to juggle his words.

"Just tell me how hot she was and be done with it, stupid."

Joe took and a gulp and nooded. Of course she'd say that. "Hot. I mean smoking. Bustiest girl you'll meet...Next to you babe of course." He almost forgot that last part.

Paris switched off the TV and got up. She trekked over to Joe in the kitchen and stood face to face with him. He looked down at his partner who herself was about 5'6. Today she had been really laid back in her dress so it was just a pair of pink sweatpants and a tight navy blue t-shirt. If not for the height difference Joe would have said that she and Gina were pretty damn close in measurements. At this instance however she looked very unimpressed. "How big?"

"Uh, I would say 34Cs. No, wait, maybe closer to 34Ds or bigger." Enter flashbacks to the feeding session.

"Or bigger? Wow. Did you like touch them or something?" She said in a dry sarcastic tone.

"Erm, no. I might have caught a peek though."

A shocked, angry look invaded Paris' facial features. "The bitch flashed you?!"

"Umm, not exactly...."

"Joeeeee...." The hands on hips now. She was really probing him now.

"Ok ok, I saw her while she had her nipple and breast exposed...while feeding her baby. It was so hot Paris, you TOTALLY should have been there!

"A BABY?! OH SHE IS FUCKIN' DEAD!" With that she took off to the door. Joe tried to keep up pace as he followed her out the door.

Moving through the hallway the boxes that were laying there were now gone. Paris violently knocked on Gina's door and kept doing so until the door opened up. A tall dirty blonde man answered it. "Can I help.."

"Move aside bud." Quick as a fox Paris moved past the man who was undoubtedly Brad and into the room. "Where is she? Where is she?" She exclaimed like a mad woman. Not seeing her in the family room she turned instinctively to head to the bedroom. Being here a few months ago she was somewhat familiar with the layout. Before she could enter it Gina met her on her way out almost startling both of them. The two were inches away from each other. They backed into the living area where there was more room.

Paris put her arm up and pointed a finger at Gina and shot her the fiercest look. "You!"

Gina was of course very perplexed trying to figure out what was going on and who was this woman before her. "What's all the commotion about? Jayden wants to sleep right know you know!"

"You have a lot of nerve moving in here, bitch! Didn't anyone tell you of the unofficial policy of no babies on this floor?"

"Wait, first, who the HELL are you? And second, I'll move wherever the fuck I want!"

Joe stepped in. "Gina, this is my girlfriend Paris who I was talking to you about. You know, the hostile one toward toward new neighbours."

"Shut up Joe! I know YOU'RE all over new neighbours!" Paris was livid now. She was seeing the same shade of red her face was turning. Hands on hips she sized her up. She was few inches taller than Gina, and the woman did have a nice build to her but Paris anticipated wimpiness from her. "But yeah that's right! I don't like it when new people move into my apartment building, ESPECIALLY when they bring along little runts with them!!"

"Oh yeah, tough, little girl." Gina was undisturbed by the threat.

Paris laughed at her opponents foolishness. "Stupid bitch? Don't you know what I did to the last baby momma that came rolling in here who tried to act all big shotty with me?" She paused and smirked. "I had her begging at my feet as I took everything from her. Her pride, dignity, her apartment, and best of all, her milk."

"Then all I have to say is if you want me out, you'll have to do the same to me. Only," She got right up to Paris now, "I won't be as easy to knock off cunt." Her red lips curled up in a confident smile

Paris shook her head acknowledging her foolishness in her head again. "Ok then, I challenge you. To a fight. Tonight. Think you can handle it?"

"Try me. I accept."

"Wait, wait, wait..this is not just a fight by itself. We need some stipulation. Loser becomes the winner's and her partner's slave for the weekend." Paris didn't want to do the loser leaves town condition this time because she thought that if she could get Gina to be her fuck toy for a few days than she'd want to leave by her own accord. And THAT, was more humiliating than explicitly forcing her exit. Gina thought about it for a second. She weighed her options and odds. Yeah, I can take her, she thought. "Alright, you got it honey. It'll be a pleasure kicking your butt and then having to ride you ALLLLLL weekend long."

Paris rolled her eyes and laughed. "Sure, you tell yourself that. See ya tonight. The gym, after closing. Be there. Come Joe." She turned and left leaving Brad and Gina staring at eachother.

Brad, who had been speechless through the whole ordeal, finally spoke. "Sure you want to do this baby?"

Gina pointed in the direction of the door. "With HER?! Come on, Brad! I can take her. She's got something lodged in her cunt is all. When it all comes down it she's probably cower away." Just that instance the baby began to cry. "Aww..." She went into the bedroom and picked up Jayden. She came back out and shook him up and down to try and comfort him. "Shhhh, shhhhh...don't cry." She continued to try and cease the baby's discomforts but it wasn't working. "You know what, I think he and I need some air. Going to go for a walk and maybe pick up some more baby food, ok?"

"Alright. You watch out." They kissed and Gina headed out the door. Brad collapsed on the couch. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. Wow, he thought. * * *

About a half hour later, Brad heard a knock on the door. Odd, he thought, Gina normally takes longer whenever she goes for a stroll. He pushed himself off his chair and went to answer it. Opening the door he simultaneously uttered, "Back so soon?"

However it wasn't his wife at the door. Instead there was a slightly taller, younger, brunette with waterfall like brown hair. She was wearing a short black mini skirt and a white v-neck blouse which showed out ample amounts of breast and midriff. She was twirling her silky locks around one finger and had the other up to mouth in the old innocent little school girl routine. Yes, it was Paris.

"You," Brad called her out with a stern tone. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, with all the hoopla early, I realized we never did introduce ourselves to each other." She ran her hand down Brad's chest. "I'm Paris. What's your name?"

Brad tried to put a front that he was unimpressed. "Brad. And I think you should leave."

Paris was undeterred and continued to feel up the man's chest. "Oh come on. That's no fun. I know you want me here." She stopped and looked down at Brad's lower region. "And I know he," she pointed down to the tent in his pants, "wants me here too." With that she sauntered through the threshold, making sure to close the door behind her before advancing on the married man. Brad backed up in nervous retreat. "What are you doing? I-I think you should go." Any force in his voice was lacking.

"Oh shut up and let me make it worth your while." Brad had backed himself all way on the couch. Paris sat on his lap. The young seductress wrapped her arms around his neck and began planting him with kisses. In between kisses, he tried to muster resistance. "Stop..stop...Gina.." But Paris just kept going. "Oh that slut's too busy with her baby to know." And for all his protests, Brad didn't try to stop her physically even though he was quite capable of it. He was enjoying it. After about a few minutes of this lip exchange, Paris broke it off. She undid the buttons on her blouse one by one. "Get a load of these ya stud!" She pressed her DDs together right in front of his face. Brad was mezmerized. These were nice, complete tits. Paris pushed Brad's head right up against them.

"I think somebody else needs some attention." She pointed down at his cock pushing right up against his pants. She got down on her knees between Brad's legs and began to work on undoing the man's belt. Then she pulled out the button and undid the fly pulling out his package from his underwear. He looked down braced himself for what was about to happen. With no delay Paris took in his cock and began to thrust in and out with her mouth. "Ohhhhhhh....." Brad clutch at the couch at either side of him. "Oh...Oh...please...don't stop..don't stop..." Paris not only didn't stop but she increased her pace. Brad threw his head back in pure ecstasy. He was impressed at the expertise Paris was exhibiting. Gina was good at giving him blow jobs but she had slowed down lately, especially since having Jayden. But now, now he had young, feisty fox going at him. Paris had taken her mouth out and began to jack his cock off trying to make him cum. She looked up at the husband. Men, she thought. Offer them sex appeal, not even full on sex itself and they're all over you. Brad was too easy. She had him wrapped right around her finger. She could swipe him away from that big titted bitch Gina so fast. She sucked him off some more before finally rubbing his cock looking to have him ejaculate. Sure enough, it went off like a hose creaming over Paris' tits. The blonde laughed. "Mission: accomplished."

She stood up and knelt on either side of Brad on the couch. He was panting and breathing heavily. "You like that? It feels good to have youth suck you off again doesn't it?"

Brad nodded vigorously. "Ye...yeah...that was AMAZING..."

Paris smiled vindictively. Making sure her now cum covered exposed breasts were well in Brad's line of vision she moved to ensure she set out to do. She went into her skirt and pulled out a tiny little bottle and showed it to his face. "Glad you liked it. But now since I did something for you, you gotta do something for me. This is Zolpidem or whatever it's called. It's used to help with insomnia. When Gina comes back, I want you to slip her a couple of these puppies. OK?" She laid another kiss on him to sweeten the deal. Brad nodded. "Ok..ok..." Paris was elated. She lift up his arm, opened his hand, placed the drugs on his palm, and closed his fingers. Then she brought it up to her face and kissed it.

"Great!" She jumped off him and began to fix herself. "Lemme know when the job's done." She sniffed herself. "Man, I need a shower. Ta ta!" With that she skipped out of the apartment. Brad was left panting on the couch looking at the prescription pills in his hand

* * *

"We're hoooome!"

'Twas about fifteen minutes later and Gina and Jayden had returned from their stroll. "Man, it is really warm out there!"

Brad got up to greet her. "Why don't you kick off those shoes, take a seat, relax, and I'll bring you a nice tall cool glass of lemonade to quench your thirst." Gina smiled wildly at her husband's generosity. "Sounds great." And she did exactly that.

Brad grabbed a glass from the cupboard and turned on the tap and let it run so it was nice and cold. "So whatcha do while we were gone?" His significant other asked. Brad filled the glass to the top. He grabbed a packet of lemonade and tore off part it before dumping the contents into the liquid. "Oh you know, stayed here, unpacked a little. Nothing major. How was your time out?" At that point Brad reached out a grabbed the little bottle of pills, looked it over, and dump out two tablets. Holding them over the glass he crushed the pills into a chalky powder and let in fall into the mixture. "Great! I feel so refreshed now. I feel like I can take on that little cunt." Brad stirred it altogether with a spoon. "Can you believe that little witch?! What does she think she is, the owner of this whole damn block?! Tell me I'm wanted. Nuh-uh, little girl. We're here to stay and I'm going to assure her that tonight."

While Gina was getting fired up and agitated, Brad brought the tainted concoction to her. She sipped on the drugged brew as she spoke. "Mmm, thank you honey. Mmm, that is delicious!" She enjoyed it oblivious to what went on not too long ago. "Can you IMAGINE what we can do to her when she becomes our slave?! Maybe for starters I'll dress her up as a sexy schoolgirl so I can discipline her with a paddle." She drank some lemonade. "Then I'll have her do a naughty striptease. Then, I get right into it and drill her RIGHT up the as with a strap on. You can do a frontal assault simultaneously babe." She took another sip bring the glass to about ¾ finished. "Then I'll invite all our friends over so she can suck everyone of them off, guys and gals! Can you imagine what kind of head that girl gives?!" Brad tried to play it cool because he knew the answer. "No, no. Of course not. It better be good though!" Gina finished off the glass now. She put her arms in the air and felt up her assets as she spoke. "Then as a finale, she'll worship ME, her conquerer, and beautiful body and breasts! And eat me out of course, hahaha!"