The Next Game Master Pt. 03


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She shook her head, "I was set to until this came up. I cannot get married until this is resolved."

He looked at her, "Can you get me a replacement elven sword with fire or acid with at least one bane upon it. Undead, Evil outsiders, abominations as that is what I know I will be going against. Or if you have something better than that that would be acceptable."

She nodded, "I can get that this evening."

He looked at her, "You still a virgin?"

She looked at Raven, "None of your business!"

He looked at her, "You want to answer the question or go home without the blade."

She looked at Raven, "No, I have been having relations with my husband to be for a year. I have been using an item for infertility."

Raven looked at her, "You will bring a document that states I will sign over my father's assets to your firstborn. You are to hold the blade for them until they are of age. You will name them after my father. Put the male and female versions of his name with it and in case of twins. I will be given a document that identifies me by both my given name and the alias that I travel under.

It will show I am a diplomat on a fact-finding mission concerning elves living away from the capital. It is a cover. I want the diplomatic status in case I run into any other elven issues. This is in lieu of receiving a title or place on your court. It also gives me the ability to see that the other terms of this deal are honored. Can that be done?"

She nodded, "That should be doable. I am waiting for the catch."

He looked at her, "The catch is two catches, a public one and a private one. A document from the King stating a new effort to provide tolerance to the half-elven people should commence. They can, after all, produce elven children when they mate with an elf.

I would expect him to follow through on this promise. That is to be included in the document for the promise and action. Else I or my descendants can claim my father's assets."

She looked at him, "He will not like that but all he has to do is give the promise and make strides toward."

He interrupted her, "Meaningful strides. Not token ones."

She sighed, "He will hate me for doing this but I will get it."

He looked at her, "The personal catch is that you will strip down and I will impregnate you now. So that heir is yours and mine. I will never claim the child or divulge this fact to them. This is my personal way of saying fuck you very much for leaving me for dead and not giving a shit about their son's son. His own son, my mother, or the man who killed them.

The heir will carry my father's genes and a small amount of my mother's. That part of the deal does not leave this room. You marry, low and behold you are pregnant. Every woman I fuck gets pregnant a gift from Myssara. No infertility device or potion will block it. You are free to try it."

She looks shocked, "I am your father's sister?"

He looked at her, "Which makes you nothing to me. Because you can never answer that question without giving me more legitimacy to what I am entitled to in the eyes of the Royal elven family. Every time you see that child you will remember your brother and the son of his who your people left behind.

Married in your lands with your gods, makes no fucking difference. Elven pregnancies are so rare that you would never dare try and terminate it for fear of the wrath of your own gods. That is your bargain with me. In this room. My rules.

My ladies will participate. This is your future. I am giving you an heir and the sword. You bring me an acceptable replacement sword tomorrow with the documents as I described them. Do you accept this deal?"

She cringed and then sighed, "YES, damn it!"

He stood and looked at his ladies, "Strip and prepare her for me."

Ersa came over, "What are you doing?"

He looked at her, "Putting heirs into two royal families in one night. I will know they are my children. She will know and have to live with that secret. Not vengeance for vengeance's sake. Justice for those who are being treated unjustly; in this case, the half-elven population. I am following my father's words from the grave. They are small steps but they are steps."

Ersa smirked and nodded. Then started getting her out of her armor, "Myssara is going to love you for this."

He nodded. "I aim to please."

She laughed and he heard laughter in my head, "Quite the imagination you have. What to do with you. I will see you this evening."

He thought, "Yes my goddess and love. Mother of my first daughter."

He heard her giggling.

He walked over and Ersa had her cunt over her face and Trisa was sucking out her cunt while Shia was kissing and licking her ass. The double meaning was not lost on him. An elf kissing an elven princess's ass. Brenda finished her armor and started on one of her tits. He walked over as Ersa climaxed and he helped her off and gave her Ersa a passionate kiss. He leaned over and gave his Aunt a passionate kiss and she was so filled with lust at the moment she returned it without thinking and then pulled back. "What are you doing?"

He looked at her, "I do not impregnate a woman without kissing her and cumming in every hole she has. My rules. I stop when I am ready to stop. You would be walking funny when you left if it weren't for Brenda who is a healer.

She looked shocked and then climaxed hard from the ladies. He went down to the end of the bed, "Brenda her face is waiting for another cunt."

He slid up and slowly pushed into her cunt. She moans all the way and shook a bit. He looked at her, "You can try and fight climaxing all you want. It will occur and the more you fight it, the bigger they will be. There will be a lot of them as I can keep going."

He started slowly stroking her with long stroked and then shorter ones and the ladies were all over her tits and Brenda cried out. He looked over, "Trisa, take a ride on an elven princesses face."

He heard her groan out in frustration with him. He sped up the attack on her cunt with long strokes and taking them shorter and shorter. She exploded out with a muffled scream but her cunt told all. She climaxed hard and his sack was getting wet. He shot as deep as he could into her. He hoped his climax would get embedded into her brain as deep as he pushed it. He sat up while holding her shaking legs. He looked at Brenda, "Check her."

She smiled. "A boy."

The princess looked up, "What!?"

Raven looked at her, "I told you that infertility items do not work when I am in the mix."

She laid back, "What have I done?"

He leaned over, "Say I took my nephew into my bed as a lover and he is the father of my child."

She looked at him, "You are kidding?"

He looked at her, "There are 5 women in here which means I can climax 30 times. That is a gift from the Goddess as well. Six per woman. Nothing says I cannot do all of them to you."

She looked at him, "Like that?!"

He shook his head, "You would, or at least try, to walk out of here come morning. She groans but did not say it, He bent her over the bed, "Trisa, Shia, and then Ersa. Prep her ass. Use your whole hand."

She shouts out, "What?"

He had a seat and pulled Brenda to him and she sucks his cock clean while Trisa got her whole hand in and gave it a few thrusts as a fist and pulls out. The princess was dripping fluid.

He looked at her, "These are secrets you will carry with you for the rest of your life." Seconds later Shia got her hand inside. The Princess clamped down on her hand and dribbled all over the floor. Shia repeats what Trisa did. She extracts her hand. Ersa gave her a second to close up some so she would feel it.

Brenda slapped him, "Not very nice." He looked at her, "The way she has treated me has not been very nice."

He looked over, "Go ahead." He heard the princess moan out and clamps down again and dribbles on the floor. He looked at Brenda, "Here is where I am the nice guy."

She smirked as he got up and flipped her on her back, "Ersa park your cunt on her face and clean that cunt up."

He let her go for a few moments and the ladies were playing with themselves as they watch this. He lubed up his hand and work it open and slide it into her ass. The fluid was just pouring out of her. He dropped to his knees and slide his cock pass Ersa's efforts and she went for the royal clit.

He shook his head, "Ladies unattended breasts and ass." Trisa got on the floor and attacks her ass while the other two went for her tits Ersa raised up and moaned out and squirted all over the Princess's face. He looked over, "Shia, take over on the clit and get on that face. Ersa, work her tits."

He kept this up for the next hour. He had not cum yet and she was moaning. She was frustrated and the ladies had taken a break. It was just the two of them. He looked at her, "You want me to make you cum?"

She nodded, "Yes."

He looked at her, "Say I took my nephew into my bed as a lover and he is the father of my child. He and his ladies used me in every way possible and I loved every minute of it! I can keep this going for another hour or I can give you the biggest climax of your life. Probably the biggest you will ever have. Except for one. So, say it."

She growls out "I took my nephew into my bed as a lover and he is the father of my child. He and his ladies used me in every way possible and I loved every minute of it!"

He looked at her, "Say that last part again and mean it." She moaned in frustration. "I am going to give you a reason to mean it and remember this is only number 2."

He leaned all the way back and fuck her g-spot fast and hard. She wailed and tried to fight it all the more. Finally, she exploded with a wall shattering climax. Waves of fluid went over him and hit the wall behind him. He kept milking her until she slowed down and then slammed forward and shot deep into her. "Brenda, check again here in a minute I just want to know if we added to that count. She could have dropped a second egg from that."

Brenda laughed. He grabbed the Princess's neck and brought it up to him. He licked the sweat off of it and she shivered. He attacked an earlobe and she moaned. He took her wide-open mouth and kissed her again and she kissed him back with passion. He held her there and lift her in his lap and sat down. He pulled back a bit, "Tell my ladies the truth."

He turned her head toward them, She looked at them and leaned against his chest, "Fuck me."

The ladies laughed and Brenda smiled, "He just did and will continue to do that to you until you tell us the truth."

She looked at them. "I now know why he has 4 ladies. I took my nephew into my bed as a lover. A fantastic lover. He is the father of my child. He and his ladies used me in every way possible. I loved, truly loved every fucking minute of it!"

He looked over at Brenda "Check." She walked over and placed her hand on her, "She has a girl too."

He smiled, "Shia will give you her real elven first name and you can use it for her."

She nodded and he added, "The eldest for my father and you will have to have a male and female version of her elven first name."

She nodded, "He rolled her over on her back again. "Now say he is the father of my children."

She giggled, "My nephew Raven is the father of my children." He looked over, "Ersa, this cunt for you. Trisa, you want to clean up my cock while the other two clean me up a bit from the shower I got."

The Princess asked, "Why did you say that was the second biggest?"

He smiled, "The biggest would be achieved if I shove both my hands into your cunt and ass at the same time."

She chuckled, "I can easily settle for second-biggest. I hope to never have the biggest. It might kill me."

The ladies laughed at her. He smiled, "I only did it once and she is not here. She shot a wave of fluid 12 feet and wailed like a banshee. She loved it, but she would."

The Princess laughed, "I do not know of a woman who could handle that."

He smiled, "I did it to a female but she was no woman she was the Goddess Myssara. It was soon after that she told me I could climax 6 times a day for every woman with me."

She looked at Raven, "You are not fucking joking."

Brenda laughed, "No he is not joking. She showed us the images of the event like we were there."

He sat down and grabbed the lube and did his cock and handed it to Brenda, "Her ass just a little. But cover your hand because it is going into her cunt." He picked her up, "For finally admitting the truth we are almost done. He lowered her ass onto his cock. She moaned out all the way down. He looked at her, "We will take this slow. But I will have to punish you a bit. For taking so long to admit the truth."

She laughed, "What haven't you done?"

He smiled, "I have not made you airtight."

She smiled, "What is that?"

He looked at the ladies, "I need two volunteers." Trisa and Ersa jump up. He looked at them, "Get your toys but do not open the boxes yet." A couple of minutes go by and Brenda slid her hand into the Princesses cunt and made a fist.

He looked at Brenda, "I am going to put her on her hands and knees. Just let your hand stay still and she will rotate upon that."

She nodded. He rotated the princess and that was all she wrote she clenched up on his cock and Brenda's hand and then sprayed Brenda as she wails out again. He got her on her hands and knees.

He started pumping her ass hard and fast and she moans out as he felt Brenda rotating and thrusting into her cunt. He kept going for another 10 minutes. She clamped down again. He shot into her as she wailed out. She kicked it up an octave and sprayed all over Brenda again as he covered her bowels in cum.

He looked at the ladies as he pulled out of her ass and Brenda withdrew her hand. He looked over, "Brenda can you see if we can get another room a bath for this one in 30 minutes?"

She smiled and threw on Ersa's robe and went downstairs. He flipped her around to a seated position and held her in his arms, "You still have to suck me off but to make you airtight the ladies would have to use those. Show her but do not put them on." She looked at them, "They are magical!"

He nodded, "Made by the Goddess using my cock for the design."

She looked at him white-faced, "You mean one in each hole as I am sucking you?"

He nodded, "That would be airtight. Can you handle it? We would be done in about 15 minutes if not sooner depending on your oral skills."

She looked at him, "They are just fine as you will see."

He looked at the ladies. "Floor on your backs facing each other cunt against cunt. Trisa's legs on top. Trisa, use a toy in your cunt and ass to keep from getting pregnant."

He looked at them, "Activate them for both holes. They did so as Brenda came in, "We got the room across the hall too now."

He nodded. "Take that off and sit on Ersa's face. Shia, you sit on Trisa's face. She smiled. He moved the Princess over, "After tonight you will know what it is like to be royally fucked."

She laughed at him. He helped her stand on unsteady legs. He slid her down onto one while Brenda lined up and got it into her ass with a moan He stood in front of her and lock arms, "I will help you up and down, Trisa is going to do a little extra thrusting for depth unless I lean you back slightly. One thing you should know about those toys. When they cum it will shoot into you."

She looked at him, "Really?"

He nodded, "If they shoot off as you did, they will be streaming buckets straight up into you. They can also come in themselves at the same time. If the right item is up. What goes in them will change shape to the last six objects in them, not counting my cock. It is always in it. It is modeled after me. I helped design it. It can also get a woman or women pregnant."

She looked at him, "What!?"

He lifted her up and down and Brenda showed her the section in bold and she looked at him, "Yours?"

He shook his head, "It will pull from the 3 nearest males within 400 feet; except me or my children. In an inn that is most of it. Which is why Trisa will not have it shooting into her cunt."

She sucked away. She did have some skills but the other ladies were better even Trisa who just started out. He looked at the ladies. Clap your hands when you are close. They both clapped. "Change them both to my fist."

They both thrust up into her and She grabbed and held her breath. He shoved his cock in all the way and shot down her throat. He then pulled back and she was gasping for breath, "Now I know why you call it airtight."

He looked at the ladies and they were wiped out. He looked at her, "Now kiss each of my ladies like you truly mean it. A thank you for them loaning me to you."

She smiled and went to Ersa first followed by Shia, Brenda, and then Trisa who played with the princess's tits. She then grabbed the back of Raven's neck and drew him in and kisses with ferocious abandon. The ladies rushed across the hall naked except for Ersa who threw on her robe and watched the door.

He stood there naked with 50 gold pieces in his hand. When the woman who worked there opened the door. The princess was under the covers and her gear was covered. She looked around and saw Raven standing there naked. He held out the coins. "Please give this room a good cleaning in about an hour. We will want multiple tubs later in this room. How many can you get?

She looked at Raven, "Three, but one is very large."

He nodded, "I will send someone down so you can bring those up and fill them in a few hours. Then knock on the door across the hall and let us know that it is ready." She nodded. She set the tub down, "Should I expect you naked when I come back?"

He smiled, "As a matter of fact yes. Especially if it gets the tub filled faster."

She laughed, "I will bring help."

He smiled, "You want them all to see me like this."

She nodded and turned red and walked out. Ersa laughed. The Princess asked, "Why are waiting?"

He laughed, "I have a mysterious woman's honor to protect and I wish to wash some of your fluids from myself."

She chuckled, "You are joining me then?"

He smiled, "First, then I am taking Ersa's robe across the hall and another lady will join you and Ersa will swap out. Each of them will make a trip over to spend a couple of minutes cleaning up with you."

Ersa looked at him, "Smart."

He looked at her, "If I left the 4 of you in here with her you would devour what is left of her."

He had a bucket brigade of 6 women come through that turned red-faced.

Raven motioned to her, "Half an hour after the 3 tubs are filled the room across the hall will need to be cleaned like this one." She laughed and nodded. He looked at Ersa after she left, "How did you like getting double fisted by me on your toy."

She groaned, "If I had not had a cunt over my face you would have heard it loud and clear." I came hard. So fucking hard. I thought that cock would never empty. A few minutes later and there were 4 women and 3 of them were new. She looked at Raven, "All yours. Enjoy!"

He smiled, "Trust me I have been."

He heard laughter going down the hall. He uncovered the princess and lowered her into the water with him. They were facing each other. He looked at her, "Do right by me. I do not want to fight with you anymore."

She nodded, "I agree. I will do my best on the weapon. I see what you mean about fucking a succubus to death. Thank you for looking after my honor and for making me presentable to leave this inn."

He nodded, "It gets better. When Brenda gets back, she can cast a simple cantrip that our goddess added by my request. It will provide very little healing but it will take away all the pain and inflammation to the point you can ride. Do you want to know the name of the cantrip?"