The Night of the Succubus

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Natalie is invited to a life-changing Halloween party.
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Natalie stepped out of the shower and wrapped the soft bath towel around her body. After drying her hair, she sat down at the kitchen table and wrapped her hands around a warm cup of coffee. She was just enjoying her second sip when the doorbell rang.

She made sure the towel was tightly secured and went to answer the door. The brisk October breeze touched her skin, raising goosepimples as she greeted the messenger standing on her front doorstep.

"Miss Natalie Fremont?" he asked.

"Yes, what is this about?"

He smiled and handed her a stiff envelope. "I have a message for you. Can I just get your signature please?" he asked in a polite tone.

He handed her an electronic tablet and a stylus. "Just in the signature block."

She was a little perplexed, as she wasn't expecting anything, but she went ahead and signed for it.

"Thanks Miss Fremont, have a great day."

She closed the door, and went back to her coffee. She put on a pair of glasses, and pulled the strip to open the envelope. Inside, there was another one, made of high quality parchment with her name hand printed in an elegant script.

She turned the envelope over to see a wax seal, deeply embossed with a curious character she didn't recognize. When she pried it open, she felt a momentary shock, like a small static charge. She pulled out a card addressed to her in the same elegant script:

Dear Miss Fremont,

Your presence is requested at a fancy dress ball on Halloween.

Please RSVP to the email address on the enclosed card by October 11.

We look forward to your company, and whatever costume you decide to choose.

She looked at the business card, which had the same curious sigil as on the wax seal, the name "Charles M." and an email address.

By now she was thoroughly confused, as nothing about this made sense. She was sure it was probably some kind of marketing seminar, but it was all very specific to her. Still, she had a some time to think about it and decide. She set the invitation on the counter and went about her day.

Throughout the day, her thoughts kept drifting back to the invitation. Oddly, when someone asked if she had Halloween plans, she found herself giving an evasive answer before she could think. It was if her conscious thoughts slipped over the invitation. It seemed important to avoid telling people about it, as if deep down, it was an important and exciting secret that would lose it's allure if shared.

She went to bed that night, and dreamt that she was a beautiful demon, wantonly riding a blindfolded man's enormous penis. When she awoke, the details were hazy, but an idea for a costume was firmly planted in her mind. That thought spurred her to accept the invitation.

Halloween wasn't for a few weeks, but she felt that there was a lot of work to do. Over the next couple of weeks, she collected all the pieces for the costume, including some she was mildly shocked to include, but they just felt right.


She stood in front of the tattoo parlor, not quite sure how she got there. She felt like she was sleepwalking as she entered, told them what she wanted, and was led to the back room.


She looked at herself in her bathroom mirror, wondering if it was a dream. It couldn't be, as she could see her gold nipple rings. She looked down to see the curious sigil tattooed on her mons in black ink, sitting above a gold clitoral hood piercing and matching rings through her long labia. Looking over her shoulder, she could see a small sigil tattooed on her tailbone and another tattooed between her shoulder blades.

The strangest part of all, was that it was just the night before that all this work was done, and they were all fully healed.


Halloween finally arrived. She'd received a text message telling her that a limo would be picking her up at 10:00 PM.

She showered, and prepared her hair, working it into a long wild mane of black hair. She put in the fake vampire teeth before doing her makeup, figuring it would be simpler. The press-on devil horns stood out on her forehead, as she added makeup, to blend them to her skin. Soon, she had dark eye shadow, white contact lenses, and bright red lipstick to finish the look.

She admired herself in the mirror, holding up her large, firm breasts between her black manicured nails, as she bared her new fake fangs.

She began to dress, pulling on thigh high leather boots with spike heels. She sat down on the bed, and wrapped the open leather corset, which buckled up the front. Her breasts were pulled in tight, and threatened to spill over the cups. She buckled on a leather collar, and pulled on the black leather miniskirt. Costume bat wings followed, and her ensemble was nearly complete.

She screwed up her courage and took the final piece of her costume, a devil tail butt-plug. She stuck it in her mouth to moisten it, and inserted it slowly into her ass. She gasped as it passed into place, feeling both incredibly turned on, and thoroughly dirty. There was a small leather thong to go with the outfit, but it lay forgotten on the bed when she left the room.


She stood in her living room, savoring her second glass of bourbon when her phone buzzed.

Miss Fremont, your car is outside.

Natalie took a deep breath, and left her house empty handed. The phone and keys sat neglected on the coffee table as the door clicked shut.

She walked down the front steps, to see a black limousine at the curb, with a beautiful woman wearing a black miniskirt so short it was nearly a belt, a short dress jacket showing a great deal of cleavage, holding open the passenger door.

"Miss Fremont, I'm here to take you to the party. That's an amazing costume, you're really going to be a star tonight."

Natalie smiled and said "Thanks. I worked really hard on it."

As she got into the limo, she noticed the driver was wearing a leather collar around her neck with a gold pendant, bearing the same sigil that was now permanently marked above Natalie's pussy.

"There are refreshments in the fridge, and please make yourself comfortable."

She leaned over to show Natalie where everything was stored, and rewarded her with a view of a small hard nipple peaking out of the jacket.

The driver stood up and closed the passenger door, went around the front and got in the limo. "We'll be there soon," and the dark tinted privacy screen separating her from the driver whirred quietly, and beginning to rise.

"Wait! I have some questions!" She said frantically.

The screen stopped.

"Miss, I'm not allowed to answer any. It will all be clear soon enough."

Natalie sighed. Deep down, she knew something wasn't quite right about the whole situation.

The screen raised, and the car began to move, leaving her alone in the back with her thoughts. She carefully arranged herself to avoid ruining the bat wings, and sat on one buttock to keep from putting too much pressure on the plug.

She looked out the window, and the hypnotic effect of lights moving past soon had her feeling drowsy. In a few moments, her head fell back on the seat and she was asleep as the limo left the city and sped down the road.


Natalie awoke to a gentle chime, and a voice over the intercom.

"Miss Fremont, we'll be arriving in a few minutes."

"Thanks, uh, I don't know your name."

"Lilith, Miss."

"Thanks Lilith."

The limo pulled up to an ornate wrought iron gate, well lit, along a dark country road. In a moment, the gate swung open and Lilith drove through, up a gravel road through a dark wood.

In a few minutes, the car pulled up in front of a large mansion, it's gothic stone exterior well lit, showing gargoyles and ornate features. There were a number of luxury cars parked in the courtyard as Lilith stopped in front of the main entrance.

Lilith stepped around the limo and opened the door. Natalie realized that not only was her skirt short, but the only thing under it was a tail plug firmly inserted into her rectum. She tried, with marginal success, to get out of the car without flashing her pussy. Lilith made a small smile, then looked away.

Natalie turned to see an athletic looking man in a dark suit standing by the front door. She approached him and he gave her a small bow.

"Welcome Miss Fremont. Mr. M. is waiting for you inside."

"Thank you." she replied and walked into the atrium.

As she crossed the dark marble floor, her heels echoed over the faint strains of music from further into the mansion. Ahead of her, an older man, slender, in a dark suit with what looked like an academic hood over his shoulders gestured to her.

"I'm so pleased to finally meet you in person Miss Fremont. I'm Charles."

"You can call me Natalie, no need to be so formal." She said with a smile.

"Well, it's a special occasion, so I felt it important to treat it with some gravity."

She took a closer look at Charles. He was a handsome man, older, but his age was hard to pin down. He had short silver hair, and a matching goatee. The hood, unsurprisingly, was embroidered with the same sigil she was now intimately familiar with.

"Come with me, I'd like to show you around." He said, offering his arm.

Charles led her through a set of beautifully carved wooden doors and found herself in a wide hallway, lined with tapestries, depicting erotic scenes filled with magical creatures.

A servant opened the door to a large, ostentatiously decorated ballroom, with a gathering of men and women mingling throughout. She a rising alarm that she'd committed some faux pas, as everyone else seemed to be dressed in evening wear, and she was the only one in a Halloween costume.

"Did I misunderstand the invitation? I seem to be the only one in costume." She said worriedly.

"That's just fine my dear, you are the guest of honor, and can do no wrong."

He led her to a bar to the side of the room. The bartender poured some amber liquid from an ornate glass bottle into a goblet and handed it to Charles.

"Please try this, it will help you enjoy the evening."

She took the goblet, breathing in it's heady aroma and took a sip. She gasped in delight, as it's the most delicious wine she's ever had. She quickly drained the cup.

"I'm so glad you like it. Would like some more?"

Her head was starting to swim in a pleasant way, and she dreamily smiled and nodded, holding out the goblet.

"You should probably take it a little slower, that stuff will catch up with you quickly." A female voice behind her said.

"Ah, Claudine, I would like to introduce you to our guest of honor. Claudine, Natalie. Natalie, Claudine."

Natalie look Claudine's hand as she takes another sip of the wine. "Glad to meet you." She said.

"Likewise. I've been looking forward this. I think we're going to be good friends." Claudine replied.

Natalie admired her new acquaintance. Claudine was tall and slender with thick auburn hair, held up in a loose bun by a couple of jeweled pins. She was wearing a floor length backless evening gown in a dark orange. The neckline in the front plunged down to below her navel, and there were slits for both legs that ran up to her hip.

"That's a beautiful dress, but I can't figure out how it stays on!" Natalie said with a smile.

Claudine returned her smile, somewhat enigmatically and said, "Magic."

Natalie gave a small laugh.

"Your costume is nearly perfect, it only needs a few small adjustments" Claudine said, touching Natalie lightly on the arm with her fingertips.

Natalie felt a jolt of electricity pass through her body. Her breathe caught, and she found herself unable to move.

"You should help her with that, Claudine. Everything should be perfect tonight." Charles responded, taking the wine goblet from Natalie's nerveless fingers.

"We shouldn't hide those beautiful breasts for one." Claudine said. She found the zippers that held on the cups of the leather corset. Natalie felt the warm air touch her now exposed nipples, and realizing the entire ballroom was watching this, they became hard as rocks.

Claudine pinched the rings in both nipples, giving them a light tug.

"That's a start." Charles said.

Claudine circled around Natalie, until she found the buttons down one side of the leather skirt. She knelt down, slowly undid the buttons, and took the skirt from around Natalie's waist. She gestured to a servant, who took the "offending" articles away.

Though frozen in place, Natalie still felt a moment of panic, realizing everyone now knew that she was bottomless, except for a fake devil tail, firmly implanted in her rectum.

"There, much better, now the tail can lay properly. Do a twirl, show everyone your costume." Charles said, making a small motion with his hand.

She found herself raising her arms and slowly doing a circle in place, while swaying her hips. The crowd applauded, and she suddenly had control again.

Charles stepped up to her, and attached a leash to the ring on her leather collar. "Come with me, dear." he tells her, a gentle note of command in his voice.

He led her along with a light tug on the leash, and the crowd parted around them. When they stepped into an elaborate ring of symbols, seemingly built into the parquet floor, he softly said "stand here." He removed the leash and moved to the side of the circle, saying a few unintelligible words as he did.

There was a bright flash, and suddenly the lettering in the floor was glowing with a deep purple, somehow both bright, and hard to focus on. Natalie took a startled step forward, and tried to leave the circle. As she reached the edge, she felt a solidity in front of her.

She cried out in alarm, "What's going on?" She looked around fearfully, and noticed that her host and all the guests now had the hoods pulled up over their heads. Arcane symbols glowed on them, and the crowd stood in quiet anticipation.

"My friends and honored guest, hear my words." Charles intoned in a stentorian voice.

"Natalie Fremont has been discovered through our divinations, and has answered the summons."

The crowd responded "Welcome, honored guest."

Charles turned to her and asked "Natalie, through our arts, we have found you worthy of a great honor. Do you wish to fulfill your calling, and become that which is your full potential?"

Natalie looked at him in shock. "I don't understand. What do you mean?"

"You are wearing the outward appearance of something that lies deep inside you. Our small society spends the year looking for ones such as you. With our help, you can complete the transformation. You will be in our debt for one year, after which you can revert to your mundane form, or continue as we make you."

She thought about it. She realized that she believed they had the power to do this. She also felt tempted to take up the offer.

"What If I decline?" She asked.

"You will wake up tomorrow, and all this will have been a dream."

She felt an excitement building in her.

"Yes, I will comply."

"Fellows, do you accept Natalie's contract?"

The crowd, as one, intoned "Yes, we do."

"Natalie, say 'I accept' three times, and you will be bound in your new form until next Halloween night. How say you?"

"I accept... I accept..." She said. With a sudden hesitation, realizing the gravity of what she was about to commit to, she said a final "I accept."

The circle surrounding her contracted until it touched her on all sides, then the light disappeared. She felt her body transforming. The tattoo on her pussy now glowed an electric blue. She felt the butt plug disappear, only to find a prehensile tail where there had earlier been a sigil. Between her shoulder blades, she felt wings unfold, as if she was born with them.

Claudine walked up, and with a quick gesture, a mirror like surface appeared in front of Natalie.

She was amazed at her appearance. The horns were now real, her eyes glowed with the same light as her sigil. She was wantonly beautiful, and incredibly aroused.

Claudine snapped her fingers, and the impossible dress disappeared, leaving her naked in a set of heels.

"I told you it was magic." She said with a laugh. "Come with me, I'm sure you're hungry."

Claudine took her hand, and she nearly orgasmed from the sensation.

"Oh, I forgot. I need to turn it down a bit. Perils of helping a newbie."

Claudine led her through the crowd, as a dozen naked men and women wheeled in a bed to the center of the ballroom.

"I'm so glad you agreed. We're constantly seeking to increase magic in our world, to keep it from fading." Charles said, walking up to the two.

"Take your pick, they're here to help complete your transformation." Claudia said.

Natalie pointed to one athletic young man, fully nude with a hairless, muscular body.

Call him to you. Claudine whispered in her mind.

Come to me. She called.

He looked up quickly, with an awestruck expression, and came over to her. She reached out with her black talons, and lightly scratched his chest. As she fell to her knees, she found him fully engorged, with his large penis in front of her face. Instinctively, she felt her fangs withdraw, as she took him fully into her mouth and easily down her throat, wrapping his body with her wings.

The man gasped as she sucked him, while lightly pricking the skin of his hairless scrotum with her talons. In seconds, she felt him tense, and jets of semen splashed down her throat.

She felt invigorated, as if she was gaining energy from his sexual release. She popped his dick out of her mouth and stood up, grinning hungrily at him. She took his penis in her hand, and led him to the bed, feeling him becoming instantly hard again with her touch. She pushed him down and straddle him, bringing his hard cock to her sopping hole. She plunged down, and fell forward to nuzzle his neck, resisting the urge to use her fangs.

It felt wonderful, but again, he lasted mere seconds. With a growl of frustration, she used her power to command him to get hard again.

Careful, you can kill him if you take too much. Take another, they're all volunteers, but we want them to get out of this alive. Claudine whispered in her mind.

With a sigh, she kissed him on the lips and sent him away. Looking at the other volunteers, she noticed that Lilith was among them, now naked except the collar.

Lilith, I want you now.

Lilith came forward, a hungry smile on her face. Natalie gestured to the bed and Lilith laid down.

Natalie straddled her, and leaned over to kiss her.

Try the tail.

She concentrated a moment, and her new tail curved between her legs until the tip was just touching Lilith's clitoris.

I wonder... she thought, and in a moment, she felt the end of her tail split into two appendages.

She nuzzled a breast, nibbling a little with her fangs, as the two sensitive ends sought and entered Lilith's waiting holes. She slowly entered, realizing that this sensations were bringing her to an orgasm. She felt the size of the appendages increase as she thought about it, and Lilith screamed with pleasure, filled in both holes.

Natalie came, and felt her power grow in doing so. She pulled out, and kissed Lilith on the lips.

"Thank you." Lilith said, with drowsy gratitude.

"No, thank you." She said gratefully, looking over the naked volunteers, and called another to her bed. When they were all spent, she felt herself drift off to sleep.


The morning sunlight coming through the curtains woke her when the warmth touched her face. She sat up with a start, not sure how she was back in her own bed.

She got up, and quickly went to the bathroom mirror. Staring back at her, with an ache of disappointment, was her normal, pretty face. No horns. No fangs, and her eyes were back to their lifelong hazel. Even her nipple piercings and tattoos were gone.