The Night Out

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My wife has a night out with her work colleagues.
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(Writers note: this is a short story about how a couple deal with a problem on a girls night out, just a word of warning there isn't much sex in the story and it probably won't end as you might expect. Once again, just a warning, I don't write stories about cuckolds or Swinging or Swapping or Sharing. If these things are your kinks save yourself time and stop reading now.)


My wife and I discuss her night out.


2 night's ago.


"Luisa, I have the documents for you to sign. Luisa? Where are you?"

I had just walked through the front door and walked into the kitchen then the lounge no sign of my wife, Luisa. It was a hot and sunny day so maybe Luisa was out by the pool enjoying the sun.

Even though it is early in the evening it is still warm enough that I'm not wearing a jacket and my tie is missing and my top button is undone, for me this is as "casual" as I get my job requires me to be smartly dressed at all times.

"Gary, honey, I'm upstairs trying on my outfit for the night out, come upstairs and tell me what you think."

I smiled to myself and picked up the brown envelope with the wad of papers in. I went into the fridge and got a bottle of wine and two glasses. The wine might help when Luisa looks at the paperwork.

I walked up the stairs and then down the hall to our bedroom. As I turned the corner a beautiful sight was in front of the tall mirror. My wife, Luisa, a beautiful sexy Mexican woman was standing doing her make-up in a lace bra and g-string set.

The high heels made look taller than she is, the black lace stockings matched the rest of the outfit she looked gorgeous.

I dropped the envelope on the bed and put the glasses and the wine on the bedside table as I walked I started taking off my shirt, I walked towards my wife.

I got close to her when she spun around grabbed my wrist and threw me on the bed. Just so you know I am bigger than Luisa and I out weigh her, but she was quick and soon she had pinned me to the bed with her body and she had hold of my hands which she had pinned to the bed above my head, she had effectively disabled me. Of course I didn't want to go anywhere, I didn't really resist. With a beautiful sexy woman pinning me to the bed why would I resist?

I raised my head and kissed her on the lips, "Nice moves honey."

I then flexed my body and bucked her off of me, before she could recover I pushed her onto her back and then using my weight I pinned her to the bed with my body. I then took hold of my wife's wrists in one hand and put them above her head.

Then I kissed her lips and then her neck and moved my kisses down to her chest. I kissed her breasts through her bra. With my free hand I pulled the bra cups down and kissed the nipples licking and sucking them into my mouth.

"Mmmm Gary, yes just like that." She moaned and arched her breasts into my mouth.

What I didn't expect was Luisa rubbing her leg up and down my crotch she easily moved a leg between legs. The effect was instantaneous, my cock sprang to life. I was distracted enough to leg go of my wife's hands and she wasted no time in putting her arms around me and pulling my head up. Our lips touched and her tongue pressed into my mouth, our tongues touched and were literally eating each other.

Luisa was moaning into my mouth, she moved one hand down my body until she found the button and zip on my trousers with a practiced ease she undid both and put her hand inside my shorts and started stroking my cock.

She stopped kissing me and whispered in my ear, "Now Gary, I literally have you by the balls, what am I going to do with you?"

Without waiting for an answer she flexed her legs and rolled over so she was on top of me. Before I could stop her she grabbed my cock and squatted down and sat on my cock. She then proceeded to fuck and ride my cock until she climaxed and I shot my load deep inside her.

She collapsed on top of me and rested her head on my chest. We must have both dozed for a few minutes. Eventually she sat up and kissed me on the lips. Luisa reached over and got the glasses and poured the wine.

She then sat up and I did the same, we touched glasses and sipped the wine.

"Thank you honey, I needed that. So did you enjoy being at my mercy?" she smiled when she said it.

"Ummm who says I was at your mercy? I let you have your way with me." I said also smiling.

In truth I did sort of let her have her way with me, but also she did well to have her way with me. I know her breasts and particularly her nipples are very sensitive and she was probably very distracted by me kissing them. So I think the fact she overpowered me, well sort of while highly aroused was pretty good.

"Luisa, you did well, you overpowered me and you used your body and you were turned on while doing so. I am sure you will do okay on your first day on the job. The assignment requires us both to read through the paper work and to sign them in the relevant places. Then I will be briefed about the job."

"So all that physical training and mental training with you and the others has done its job, right?" my wife said as she read through the paper work.

Basically it was a terms and conditions and a waiver, and a brief summary of what should happen. We both read through it and then sighed on the appropriate dotted lines.

"Gary, you do trust me don't you? You know I want to do this but if you are not happy with me doing this then I won't do it." She said this in a very serious way.

"Luisa my love, you are good at what you do, this is a bit of a change for you from your previous job, but I am sure you will be fine. Don't forget you asked for this type of job, so yes I see no problems and you will have plenty of support, from me and the others. I promise nothing will happen to you, just trust yourself."

Luisa hugged me and kissed me and soon we were making love again. This time she let me be in charge.


The present


"Gary we are here in the kitchen to discuss a serious matter that occurred last night. I want this to be recorded so we both agree on the facts about last night. Is the phone recording this conversation?" My wife Luisa spoke first.

"Yes, Luisa the phone is recording our conversation, the wine is poured and the conversation can begin. For the record I suggest we state who we are and give a little background on each other, do you agree?"

"Yes, Gary, that's a good idea. I will go first. Okay, my name is Luisa Smith, I am 46 years of age and I am married to Gary Smith I have been married 25 years, and as my husband won't remember the actual date, we got married on July 30th, a Saturday. My country of birth is Mexico, but it has been many years since my family left there. I have three sisters and two brothers. Like my husband we have spent a good few years in law enforcement. That is where I first came in contact with my husband. He was a detective and I was a beat cop. That was 20 years ago, we both progressed through the ranks until we reached the point we both decided to look elsewhere in the law enforcement community."

"My parents live about 10 miles from our house they live in a nursing home. Gary and I have two children. Who we are both proud of. They are both studying at college. Mary is 17 and Karl is 18."

She paused trying to think of anything else relevant to our discussion.

"Oh, well I suppose I should describe myself. I am 5ft 6inchs tall, I am what my husband says "A woman with curves." Personally I would say I do have curves, I also have a tight arse I work hard to maintain. And I have perky breasts that thankfully have not dropped yet. I also have long jet black hair."

Luisa took a breath then carried on, "For the record I admit to being hit on, not every day but I do notice when I'm being "checked out" at work or around the supermarket or a restaurant or a pub or a bar. Yes I notice the looks I get, I admit I enjoy dressing up when we go out with our friends, and I also admit showing off a bit of cleavage and occasionally a bit of leg once in a while."

I wanted to interrupt my wife, "Yes, I know you enjoy showing off a little bit, I also know you shut down any would be suitors. I also trust you when you tell me nothing happened on a night out with the girls from your work. The group you go out with know you are married, of course they are all married too, and I also trust them and you to take care of yourselves and each other without getting into trouble, apart from what happened last night of course. This is the point of the discussion we are now in."

I took a breath this time and then carried on.

"Yes Luisa you do get "checked out" by men and some women as well. But I know you don't take any notice of them. And just for the record I love your curves and you are a very beautiful woman."

My wife took my hand and said, "Thank you Gary, I love you too. Can I also state for the record I love how you look too. Many of our female friends say you look good for your age and could easily pass for a forty year old man instead of a man of forty six."

"Luisa, right back at you. You know most people who meet you think you are in your early thirties. Let's just agree we both look great."

We both paused to drink wine, I topped up our glasses and indicated for my wife to carry on the conversation.

"Okay, Gary just remember I love you, I have always loved you and I will continue to love you. I will start off by saying last night was probably a mistake I certainly did not mean to attract so much attention."

"But Luisa, honey, you did. You wore that LBD that barely covered your legs and you have to admit your cleavage was out there on show, I know what you looked like, I was there remember?"

"Yes Gary, I remember seeing you there with your friends from work, just as I was there with my friends from work. Your friends from work certainly enjoyed looking at and dancing with my friends from work."

"Yes that's true, who would have thought five beautiful married women just happened to meet up with five married men."

Luisa looked at me and looked suspiciously at me, "Yes it is a coincidence isn't it?"

I gave Luisa an innocent look.

"So, Gary, when your group of male friends turned up and pushed away the one or two men hovering around us I thought it was going to be a normal night out."

"Yes we were sorry that me and my male friends interrupted your playtime with the other men, although truthfully your group didn't seem too upset."

"Gary, do not go there, you know damn well I have never "played" with anyone except you since the day we first dated. The most we as a group of married women "played" was being circled by predators most nights we are out and about. Why these idiots seem to want to try to seduce married women is beyond me. Why don't these studs actually find a woman of their own? Why try and steal another man's wife?"

"Luisa, honey, I have no idea why such men target married women. It must be an ego thing, it must make them feel better breaking up a marriage. Anyway, we are going off topic. Just explain what happened when I went to the bar for some drinks and you went to the toilet."

"Well there was this one persistent would be suitor who obviously watched our group and just as obviously watched when one of us was separated from the group. I think he said his name was Mike, but I could be wrong."

"So, I was at the bar our friends were dancing as couples on the dancefloor and you were headed towards the ladies toilet, is that correct?"

"Yes, Gary exactly as you say. From where we were sitting you can get to the ladies toilet by either walking across the dance floor or go around the edge of the dancefloor, that of course takes you past tables and booths. It was probably a mistake but I went around the edge of the dance floor. And of course he followed me."

"Okay Luisa what happened next? Of course no one could see you at that point, and of course none of our friends saw him either." I said stating the obvious.

"Yes Gary, I realise this. Anyway I was close to one of the tables when a hand took hold of arm. I thought at first it might have been you, after all we have had some fun in night club toilets before, so at first I wasn't worried. But then I turned and it was Mike and with him were two other men."

Luisa took a breath and squeezed my hand. Then she carried on.

"It was so obvious what he wanted and his friends wanted it too. He was trying to guide me into a dark corner of the club and his two friends shielded him while he pushed me against the wall he was bigger than me and fairly easily pinned me against the wall. He leant into me and started kissing my neck."

"Luisa, my love, you don't have to go into too much detail." I said as I took both her hands in mine.

"It's okay honey, I am stronger than I look. Anyway I relaxed and it must have given him the impression I was letting him have me. I could feel his lips on my neck, and at the same time he was trying to get his hand between my legs. But I did what I was trained to do. I kept my legs tightly closed and I could sense he was getting annoyed, he then tried to kiss my lips but I turned my head so all he got was my cheek."

I looked at my wife and said, "If you don't want to continue this now we can take a break."

"No, Gary, I'm okay. There isn't much more, he was getting angry with me, I wasn't cooperating with him, and I certainly was not turned on. It was at that point he was careless and underestimated me. He backed off slightly giving me room, you know a man with a hard cock is an easy target, well he found out the hard way."

I grinned, "Yes I thought I heard a pig squealing after you brought your knee up into his balls. It was interesting that the arseholes friends tried to get away when you did that. Its a good job our friends got there to stop them leaving. But as the saying goes, what are friends for?"

"Yes, thank you Gary, our friends certainly helped. But I will admit me punching him in the throat and stepping on his fingers until three of them snapped might have been a bit excessive. And certainly kicking him in the balls again probably was a bit too much. But I enjoyed doing it."

My wife was smiling with satisfaction.

"So, Luisa just to wrap this up, what happened after you disabled the arsehole?"

"Well, you were there so I'm not telling you anything you didn't see, however for the purpose of this interview I state the music stopped, my female friends stood guard over me while security and police dealt with the arsehole and his friends. It seems he had tried this on several other women and had got away with it."

"Well, let's be honest how was he to know you are a security operative and you knew how to handle yourself. Admittedly, having ten security operatives in one night club is highly unusual."

"Well, it certainly helped to smooth things over with the police and the management and of course it helped when you spoke to the paramedics that came to look the arsehole, apparently they really didn't like him after you told them what he tried to do to me."

"Well let's just say he will be treated as all patients will be, but his care might not be quite as good as someone law abiding. Okay Luisa you can stop recording now."

My wife reached over and turned off the phone. She then came around and sat on my lap.

"So, do you think our bosses will accept this recording as proof of the operation? And the success of the operation?"

"Well, I think so, it was the management of the club that contacted us and our bosses accepted the contract. But most importantly, how are you doing? You took the biggest risk, you were after all the bait. The bosses asked me if you were up for pressing charges against him."

"Yes of course I will be pressing charges, and I know I took a risk, but I knew you were close by and of course our colleagues were nearby. I knew I can handle him but I knew there was back up if I needed it. Now on to more important matters, Agent Gary Smith, I need you to take me upstairs and kiss me all over then give me an all over massage, then when I am nice and relaxed I want you make love to me."

I smiled and said, "Of course probationary Agent Luisa Smith, I am very happy to oblige."

My wife kissed me with lots of passion and used her cute arse to rub my cock to attention. She put her arms around my neck, I picked her up and we kissed our way up the stairs to our bedroom. I did exactly as my wife requested. Tomorrow is Saturday and we don't have an assignment for two days, so we will be making the most of it.

Yes you might have guessed I am a fully trained security operative, an Agent, my wife is now in training to become an Agent with me as her instructor. We have both spent the past 20 years in law enforcement now we are setting out on a new challenge as Agents for a security company.

The arsehole who attacked my wife was a predator preying on unsuspecting women. Luisa was not unsuspecting. She was never in any danger, if she showed any sign of needing help our group would gave moved in an trust me it wouldn't have pretty.

(Thank you for reading the story.)

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WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 2 years ago

Married 25 years, but first contact was 20 years prior. How does that work?

26thNC26thNCalmost 2 years ago

Good story, with no cheating or cucks around.

carvohicarvohialmost 2 years ago

Good story. Enjyed it immensely. You got a five. Keep em coming.


SarahwithloveSarahwithlovealmost 2 years ago

That was different but I liked it. Law enforcement folks definitely know how to handle themselves. Thank god we have them.

Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

Cute short story. 4/5

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