The Nightingale Agency Pt. 05


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"Not until she does," Eve snaps. Loving the feeling of a woman's fingers in her cunt, Eve is still nowhere near her edge, but reminds herself that that wasn't the goal. She wiggles out of the woman's grasp so she can turn her full attention to her. Eve mashes her lips to Suzie, tongue forcefully exploring her mouth while her fingers harshly pinch the woman's nipples. It is only a few seconds later that Suzie sucks in a breath and lets out a long wail.

Being a good Sub, Frank keeps fucking her, despite that her pussy has now clamped down on his dick. Only when Eve reaches out and grabs his leash, twisting it to choke him slightly and whispers, "Now," does he bury his dick deep inside of the lesbian, sending thick streams into her cunt. He groans softly, jerking his pelvis repeatedly against the smooth, slick thighs.

Eve taps each helper, and they carefully lower Suzie's legs back down, letting them rest on the table. She closes her eyes, panting, lifting one arm to rest on her forehead. Once Frank is done, Eve uses the leash to pull him away from Suzie, until his dick finally breaks free, sending a thick waterfall of cum drizzling from the red, swollen pussy. Eve tugs down on the leash, forcing Frank to the floor, "Clean her up," she says, before letting go of him.

Frank eagerly kneels back down and laps his own seed from Suzie's pussy. Eve watches, taking a deep breath that causes a shutter to ripple through her body. When he has finished probing her hole for any remnants, Eve uses her foot and pushes him away from Suzie. Giving the woman a hand, she helps her sit upright. She takes care to attend to her, because she know Suzie will appreciate the effort, so Eve delicately tucks her breasts back into her dress, brushes her damp hair from her face and uses her thumb to wipe off the smeared lipstick on her chin. Helping Suzie stand, she takes the woman's hand in hers and kisses the back of it in a seemingly gentleman like style.

The crowd, in awe, lets out a few whistles as they clap for the performance. Suzie regains her composure and bows, Eve taking the opportunity to hold the woman's hand high, as if she is flaunting her fellow Mistress to the crowd. Eve barely tilts her head in acknowledgement of her performance, making her seem both too regal to acknowledge them and too humble to accept their approval. She sweeps Suzie's arm into hers, helping her down the steps and back to her booth, making sure she is seated securely before letting go.

Frank, diligently follows Eve back to the lesbians' booth. As the other Mistresses eye fuck Eve, she kisses Suzie's hand again, "Thank you, my dear, for volunteering."

Still glazed over, Suzie looks Eve up and down, "For you, Eve, I'll volunteer anytime."

She smiles. Taking a hold of Frank's leash, she extends her arm as if offering it to the women, "Now that he has been taught the technique, he will need practice...if anyone is interested...?"

One of the slender lesbians next to Suzie smirks, and takes the leash, "Since we know how good his teacher is, I think we can make an exception. He'll get plenty of practice with us tonight..."

Eve nods, winking as she turns to leave, "I'll let Peter know that he'll be returned by closing time...hopefully..."

Slowly making her way across the room, she tries not to draw any attention to herself, but it doesn't work. One of the women from the bridal party waves her over. Reluctantly, Eve approaches them, but keeps a secretive smile plastered on her face.

"Wow, I never thought I'd find girl on girl action so fucking hot," the woman says, her words slightly slurred from all of the drinks she's had. She offers a chair to Eve.

Deciding a momentary stop would be okay, Eve perches herself on the edge, posture perfect, legs crossed as she smiles at the woman, "A woman knows what a woman wants..."

The bride blinks at her a few times, before blurting it out, "Are you a lesbian?"

Eve smirks as the woman's face grows bright red. She waits a moment longer, letting the awkwardness linger briefly, "I love pussy...just as much as I like a good dick. My clients are about half and half."

" do this for a living?" One woman asks, shocked.

"I help people surpass their inhibitions to discover what it is they truly want in life," Eve words it carefully. She can see the embarrassed curiosity in their eyes. She stands to leave, pausing for a moment, "Once a month the House offers a few classes with different Masters and Mistresses...I teach two sessions. They fill up fast, so if you're interested, get your paperwork processed quickly."

"What kind of classes?" the Bride asks eagerly.

"I teach women how to give proper felatio to a man, and men how to adequately solicit an orgasm orally from a woman. It is encouraged for each participant to bring their own practice partner...but in the event that you don't have one, or would rather practice in secret, the House will provide one for you. Let your waitress know of your interest and she will get you the flyer." Seeing the shocked, but intrigued look on their faces, Eve takes her leave.

She is stopped a few more times; other Mistresses commenting on her talent, a few voyeurs asking her for pointers. Walking by a table with a lone man sitting at it, he barely acknowledges her, yet says, "That was quite impressive."

Glancing at him briefly, she sees a somewhat clean cut older man with a high and tight, thicker dark glasses and a clean shaven face. His hair is salt and peppered, and while he has a few wrinkles he doesn't have many, suggesting he is in his late forties, early fifties. Though he wears a pair of khaki pants and a black button up shirt, when she expects to see a white voyeur band on his wrist, she discovers a black one instead, designating him as a register dominant with the House. Eve inclines her head towards the compliment, continuing towards her booth. She flops in between Peter and Octavian. The dom who took on Julie as a client, Andre, sits next to Peter.

" You are a goddess," Peter says, offering her his drink.

Eve takes it, swallowing down the burning tequila sour in one swig.

"I have to admit," Octavian says, "I'm not entirely sure what I like more...having you, or watching you with a woman."

She raises an eyebrow at him, Octavian taking pleasure in letting others know that he has fucked her. Eve has had Peter and his wife Carol, but she doesn't let very many strange dicks violate her. Aside from those two, there isn't another man at the House who can claim the privilege...yet.

"Who's the silver fox over there?" She asks Peter, inclining her head slightly to the older man who still watches her.

"I don't know...but he looks familiar, vaguely," Peter says, taking a fresh drink from the waitress as she comes over.

Eve accepts a glass of water, glancing to Andre as he talks, "If I remember right...he goes by Master William. He used to come here a lot, years ago when he lived in the city, but he moved out of state about seven years ago."

"Oh yeah," Octavian says, eyeing Peter's female submissive as she returns to the cushion. Upon Peter's command, the woman lies on her back, spreads her legs wide and begins to play with herself. Octavian watches her, his dick starting to grow hard, "I remember him. He was around before I got here. Very old school, more into the pain aspect. If my memory serves me, he isn't very keen on allowing his submissives to cum." He starts to stroke his own dick through his pants when the sub slides four of her fingers into her own pussy.

Eve watches the woman too, mildly aroused but more by watching Octavian. Her eyes are drawn up when the older dom appears in front of their booth. His eyes graze by each of the men, landing on Eve as he slowly wanders them over her body before back up to catch her gaze. He is rather tall, at least six foot six, and even though he is covered from head to toe, she speculates his wiry body is well laced with muscle. His square jaw combined with his glasses and pointy nose gives him a harsh face, and while he isn't particularly attractive, his demeanor gives off a demanding air, making him very appealing. Eve doesn't greet him or even smiles. She half suspects that he wants her to drop to her knees and crawl over to him.

"Master...William, correct?" Andre asks. When William turns his harsh gaze to him and nods, Andre offers, "Care to join us?"

"Thank you," he says, but flatly. Taking a seat at the very edge of the booth, he somewhat distances himself from the group, "I am afraid I don't know your names?"

Andre obliges him, "I am Andre, this is Peter...Eve...Octavian."

"Charmed," he says coldly.

Eve removes her eyes from the man. When the sub stops playing with herself and crawls to William, she begins to kiss the tops of his black loafers. Nuzzling his legs, she makes her way up to his thigh before William reaches out and slaps her. It isn't very hard, but it is a good one that causes a loud crack to surprise the sub. Dejected, she drops her head and returns to the center of the pillow.

Choosing to ignore the man, Eve turns her attention to Andre, "So what did your bitch do now?"

Andre glances up at the wooden X on the wall; Julie whimpers as various Masters assault her. They tease her, stroking her pussy to the point of cumming but never letting her, a few crack whips over her breasts and tits, "Ugh, I don't even want to get into it. This is the last time, though, if she does anything again, I'm dropping her."

Peter laughs slightly as he tries to join the conversation, seemingly unnerved by William, "You ruined her. She started crying when she saw you with Suzie."

Eve rolls her eyes, slowly drinking her water, "She ruined herself."

"Prefer women, do you?" William's flat voice invades Eve's thoughts.

Glancing at him, she smirks, "I have no preference."

"Mmm," he purrs slightly, stirring the clear drink in his hand with the small straw, "who was your dom? I'd like to pay my compliments."

Eve continues smirking, but doesn't respond. All of the doms she knows essentially begin their lives as submissives; the training allows them to understand just how far to push limits and to give them a bit of empathy to their desires or needs. Everyone in the House knows who trained with who, except for her.

Octavian tilts his head towards Eve, as if it occurs to him that he doesn't know, "That is a good question, who was your dom?" He doesn't like the fact that he knows very, very little about Eve as she keeps her whole real life a tightly guarded secret.

She lets her eyes wander back to the stage, making a coy joke, "Don't you know the story? I was forged from a rib."

Peter laughs at her, motioning his sub over. She willing comes, wrapping her mouth around his exposed dick.

"Ah, very whitty, yet I would think you'd still be a crawling, begging slut if that were true, as she was the ultimate submissive," William's eyes never leave her body.

Eve is somewhat thankful when a waitress comes over, but is disappointed when she hands Eve a note. Reading it, Eve's smile fades, "You'll have to excuse me for a moment, gentlemen, but work calls."

Rising, she can hear Andre talking to William, "She doesn't talk about herself very much."

Tom meets her in the hallway, slipping a black robe over her shoulders. She chooses to leave it untied, thinking the likelihood of running into anyone in the lobby this late at night to be very low. At the desk, George hands over her phone.

10:47 pm I just plugged in my phone. Only had the two beers, some celery and a small salad. Said I was sorry, but you didn't respond when I told you where I was going.

Told? I thought I made myself clear, you will ASK for permission. Will discuss Sunday—if this happens again, contract is terminated. I do not tolerate disobedience from any client. I expect a message as soon as you exercise in the morning, and you will do 1 ½ hours to start with. Good night.

Immediately, she gets a response:

I am sorry, please don't be angry with me.



She shuts the phone off, "Thank you George, let's not worry about this anymore."

"Of course," he says, "will you be staying in a recovery room tonight, or headed home?"

"Recovery room," she says, dropping her phone back into his hands, "Octavian and I will share, so that you don't run out..."

Smirking, he puts the phone away, "How generous of you...say, that bachelorette party all filled out forms for your felatio class. They took paperwork for blood tests too. A few even took the sheets to have their husbands fill out for the other one."

Eve laughs, "Oh? What about the bride?"

George nods, "Her too. Though, she already checked that she wanted a House provided practice partner..."

Eve makes a face, leaving, "Doesn't bode well for the wedding, I suspect."

Back in the room, she sees that Octavian has taken a place on the stage, having been solicited by a Mistress as a cohort. The Mistress has her sub undressing Octavian. Eve pauses to watch, her eyes catching his for a moment. Though they are full of lust and desire, he almost seems embarrassed when Eve looks him over.

She reminds herself that she has nothing more than a friendship with Octavian. Smiling, she blows him a kiss before returning to the booth. Peter is in the throes of an amazing blow job, his head resting back, eyes closed as he holds onto the head of his sub, slowly fucking her mouth. Andre sits between him and William, so Eve sits on the far end away from all of them.

Returning his attention to Eve, she ignores the man while she watches Octavian's massive dick be sucked down by the sub. "Perhaps you would be interested in a refresher course," William says coolly.

Eve tears her eyes off of Octavian as he throws his head back in enjoyment, so that she can look at the older man, "In what?"

A cold smile crosses his thin lips, "Being a submissive. You seemed way too lenient on Peter's man toy. I'd be happy to refresh your memory, show you how to use a to properly cause pleasure through pain."

Eve doesn't even bother forcing herself to be polite or coy, "No thank you. Slick as you may credit yourself with being, I think we all know you really just want to tie me up and ravage me."

His smile, now somewhat sincere, shows his teeth, "Can you blame me? I can hardly imagine how beautiful you must look, naked, strung up, gagged, skin covered in bright red welts, tears running down your face as you beg for mercy...helpless..."

A chill runs down her back, but not a pleasant one. She does not like this man, "I think you forget just how much power a submissive truly has. With one word, they can stop a dom."

He laughs coldly, "Oh, there is no safe word with me. Not when we are alone..."

Disgusted, Eve rises and walks off.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Still solid writing

You have kept me interested despite invoking a myriad of negative feelings and a couple oh fuck no moments. Seeing how people handle imperfect situations is usually a strong story basis. It speaks to your skill that I can remain involved when I don't like the majority of your characters.

ShyMaleSubShyMaleSubabout 8 years ago
So Very Sexy

I was drawn in by your engaging descrptions and the raw sexuality. I usually shy away from stories involving male dominants, but you developed Eve's character in such an interesting series that I had to know what would happen. You showed her to be very much in control even when submitting. Very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Ooh this was a really good one

I didn't expect her to be submissive at all but I really liked it. I hope she falls in love with Octavian. I see trouble ahead with William. Please keep going!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Incredible chapter

This was an awesome chapter, thanks ever so much for the descriptive and informative "Cunnilingus" lesson. Glad that Frank was a quick study under Eve's guidance, and Eve feeding his BIG cock deep into Mistress Susie's pussy and having him blast her full of his sperm was delightful, wouldn't it be a humorous added bonus if that mistress accidentally got pregnant in the process ha, ha, ha. Touchè to Eve for standing up to the arrogant Master William and telling him off in the end.

Looking forward to the series continuing 5 of 5 stars

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