The Nightingale Agency Pt. 11


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"Well you have now," he chuckles.

Her eyes fly open wide, "What?"

He leans back in his chair, rotating it from side to side for a moment, "Joe walked by right when we started and he stayed to watch until I finished. I imagine he's in the bathroom right now, knocking one out."

She should feel mortified but instead, she feels a tingle of excitement. A grin crosses her face, "I suppose I can check that off of the bucket list, then."

Octavian rises, opening a small door of a cabinet to reveal a mini fridge; he grabs two bottles of water, handing her one. He takes a long drink before he asks, "What else is on this bucket list of yours?"

Eve sips, pondering. When she thinks on it, she realizes that there are plenty of sexual acts that she hasn't actually done before, "Well, let's see...there's anal, with you."

"Oh, we'll check that off tonight," he grins.

Eve smirks, "I've always wanted to be dominated by two men. And double penetrated by two men."

He feigns shock, "My my, aren't we a naughty girl? I suppose you want a good old fashioned gang bang too, then?"

"Actually, that has never been a desire of mine. Maybe three men though—does that still count as a gang bang?"

He shrugs, "Maybe. What else?"

She raises her eye brows, her grin growing wide, "Well, a threesome with you and another man. In which you and the other man also fuck each other."

Octavian thinks on it, "I could work with that. But it would have to be another dom," he says, "Doms just fuck differently, they're more confident."

Finishing her water, she drops the bottle into his recycling bin before grabbing her clutch, "I've got a few in mind, if you are open to the idea of helping me check these things off."

He follows her out of his office and they walk down the hall towards the elevator, "Anything to keep my girlfriend happy," he says, "though I am surprised your list doesn't include women."

She coyly averts her eyes, "That would be because I've already done almost everything there is to be done with women."

"Oh lord," he says, biting his bottom lip.

As they exit the elevator, Eve feels her phone vibrate in her purse. She pulls it out, skimming through the dozen or so missed text messages. Most of them are from Jonathan. She reads the most recent.

A few of the guys want to hit the bar after work, I would like to go. I don't intend on drinking, and if I do eat I'll make sure it is a salad. Do you have any issues with this?

She digs the chip out of her clutch and hands it to the valet, standing next to Octavian while they wait for her car to be brought up. She isn't quite sure how to respond; part of her is guessing that he was shocked at seeing her today. She knows that he will be wondering about it; a curious mind, alone at home on a Friday night seems like a recipe for disaster.

"Clients?" Octavian says.

Eve looks up at him. He gives her a brilliant smirk, standing nonchalantly with his hands tucked into his pants pockets. Eve feels his cum seeping out of her, the sticky, warm fluid on her thighs; she realizes just how much she had to drink, only then does it occur to her that Octavian only had a few glasses several hours ago, yet he made sure hers were always full.

"Yes," she says, putting her phone back into her purse as the Charger comes rumbling up. When the valet gets out and waits with the door open, Eve glances up in time to see Jonathan and several of his coworkers exit the Keizer building. All of their eyes are immediately drawn to the purring engine, Jonathan eventually spotting Eve.

She catches his gaze for a moment before turning to Octavian, "I don't know where you live, you want to drive?"

"Most definitely," he says, cheerfully. He walks to the passenger side and opens the door for her, shutting it after she climbs in. Once he is in the driver's seat, he runs his hands along the steering wheel, "Your husband had great taste in cars. And women."

Eve forces a laugh, putting on her seat belt. She pulls her phone back out to respond to Jonathan.

No issues on my end. Enjoy one pint of light beer. Salad is good. Wings are fine, as long as they are not breaded. Go for naked or hot buffalo sauce, not BBQ. I will be away from my phone until tomorrow. Have a good time, Jonathan.

She doesn't pay attention to where Octavian is driving them; she knows he lives in the Equestrian Condos from her background check she pulled when they first started interacting together. As she reads through the messages on her phone, she finds one from Kelly.

Farah gave her approval for me to visit the House tomorrow, though she said the only one I could interact with was you—it floored me. She admitted she finds the idea of you and I fucking while she is out of town incredibly hot, and said, with your permission of course, that she would picture it while rubbing herself raw tomorrow night. Do we have a date?

Eve responds, The idea of Farah cumming while thinking of us together meets my approval; let her know she has my permission to cum as many times as she is able to, but only tomorrow night. And I would also like her to take a toy along and give her ass a work out. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow and introducing you to a few of my colleagues.

After she sends the message, her breath gets caught in her throat. She looks over at Octavian, unsure exactly how to word it, "Perhaps we should discuss the boundaries of our relationship?"

"What do you mean by that, Eve?" He says, glancing at her while turning a corner and pulling into an underground parking garage.

"Personally, all right if you seek pleasure with others at the House," she says, trying to ease into it.

He nods, "All right, though honestly, aside from the occasional blow job from whatever sub is at our booth, I don't really stray far. On occasion another dom solicits me for personal release but I am perfectly happy to refuse them. You just need to tell me if it bothers you."

She glances out the window as they drive through the concrete jungle; though she thinks it looks vaguely familiar, she isn't really focused on what is before her eyes but more on how to say what she is thinking. Relenting, she spits it out, "Last night I fucked the husband of one of my clients."

"Holy shit," he says, pulling into a stall, killing the rumbling engine. He turns and stares at her, shocked, "By...accident?"

"Oh, lord no," she says, looking back at him, "he is a dom. His wife wasn't in the lifestyle when they got married and it was quite a surprise to her. He wanted to ease her into it and was afraid that if he did the introduction that it would damage their relationship, so he hired me. She has made great progress and inviting her husband to join us was sort of a reward. She was the one who asked me to fuck him, though, if I'm being honest, he has been trying since we met."

Octavian looks at her, then turns and looks forward, over the steering wheel and at the wall. He is quiet for a moment. "I should be jealous and in a way, a small way, I am. But I don't think a relationship between us would work if either of us expected the other to remain exclusive—and believe me, I want us to work." He turns back to her, reaching out to hold her hand, "Neither of us is naïve about sex, though I am an open book when it comes to what you know about me. You, on the other hand, are still somewhat of a mystery but one that I look forward to trying to solve. Perhaps we give this a shot, as an open relationship. Who knows, maybe down the line we will both feel the need to change that. Or not. But regardless, we have to agree on one thing."

She sees it in his face, "Honesty."

He nods, "Complete honesty. Never lie to me—as I hope I will never give you a reason to make you feel that you need to. In return, I will do the same. I want to know you, inside and out, Gwen Harrison."

A small smile forms on her lips, "All right, Adrian Olsen."

He brings her hand to his lips and kisses the back of it, "Good. Now, let's go up stairs so I can finally fuck that ass of yours. It's been a long time coming."

Eve lets out a laugh, "You'll have to be gentle, it has been quite a while since I've had anal."

He gets a sly grin on his face before getting out of the car and opening her door, "Did you happen to bring any toys with you?"

She gets a sheepish look on her face; going to the trunk, she waits for Octavian to unlock it. She pulls out an overnight bag and a tool kit that she packed for her particular use. Octavian gets a devilish smile and carries the bags for her, leading her towards the elevator.

"So," Eve says, still reluctant about their boundaries, "the client's husband? He wants to update the terms of the contract. To include him joining us."

Octavian smirks, "Why wouldn't he? You're gorgeous."

She blushes, "It is definitely new territory for me," she admits, "I haven't had a regular piece in years, and now I'm scheduled for once a week, plus whatever fun we manage to have."

"Daily?" He grins, holding his hand out for her to get into the elevator.

She steps in, waiting while he pushes the button for the seventeenth floor. She stares at it for a moment, realizing that the seventeenth floor is familiar. As is the elevator. And the building. "I thought you lived in the Equestrian Condos?" She asks, glancing sideways at him.

"You should pull background checks more often, Eve. I moved here six months ago," he says as the door closes and the elevator begins to rise.

She is about to respond when the elevator stops; the doors open, framing a tall, slender man with his brown hair shaved closely on the sides, the long top flopped over to the right. He is dressed in slim jeans, a grey button up shirt under his black jacket, a messenger bag casually draped over his shoulder. He finishes sending a text on his phone before looking up to step in the elevator but he freezes when he sees Eve.

"Hello Lucas," Octavian says.

Lucas tears his eyes from Eve, "Hello Adrian." He steps into the elevator. As the doors close again, he glances over at Eve.

Octavian senses his curiosity and doesn't want to be rude, "Oh, Gwen Harrison, this is Lucas Deburke. He's my neighbor."

"You don't say," Eve replies, extending her hand out to Lucas.

He gives her a tight smile, shaking her hand briefly, "It is nice to meet you, Gwen."

"She's not an escort," Octavian says preemptively.

Eve raises her eyebrows, glancing at him, "Seriously?"

He shrugs, "Well if this afternoon was any indication, apparently that is the first thought that comes to mind when I introduce you."

She purses her lips, turning away, "Probably because they aren't used to seeing you with a woman and assumed you were gay."

Lucas laughs slightly. When they turn to him, he shrugs his shoulders, "Honestly, I mean...I kind of wondered."

"Brutal," Octavian says, "and coming from the mouth of a librarian."

"Rare books curator," Lucas replies. "I just help at the desk when they are short handed. Say, you got a box today; the delivery guy didn't want to have to come back and asked if I could sign for it, so it's in my apartment."

He nods, "All right, we'll grab it before we go home."

The elevator door opens up; Lucas walks out first, followed by Octavian and Eve. He makes his way down the hall, stopping at his front door. He unlocks it, standing inside to invite them in. Eve tries to keep a smirk off her face as she enters, shutting the door behind herself.

Lucas walks down the front hall and into the living room; he picks up the box and hands it to Octavian.

"Thanks, Lucas," Octavian says. He turns to leave but sees Eve standing in the middle of the hallway. Her legs are shoulder width apart, her arms crossed over her chest with a slender brow raised; Octavian looks at her curiously. Lucas, unable to resist any longer, drops down to his knees, hands on his thighs. Seeing him prostrated puts a big grin on her face. When Octavian glances back towards the man and sees him on the ground, he turns to Eve, "Seriously, Eve? You have to fucking be kidding me."

Slowly, she walks to them, stopping in front of Lucas. She bends over and runs her hand across his cheek, leaning in to press her lips to his, "I do love seeing you like this, my pet. But why don't you just have a seat with us?"

Lucas glances up, a sly smile on his face, "Yes, Mistress."

Octavian flops down on the couch, watching Lucas as he rises and sits beside him. Eve perches herself on the edge of the chair across the rug.

"Huh," Octavian says, "I mean, I'm pretty good at seeing something coming but I definitely didn't peg you for a sub, Lucas."

Lucas glances at him, then to Eve.

"Lucas, my dear, this is Master Octavian. He will be there tomorrow."

"Oh, wow," Lucas says, eyeing Octavian. "Okay, so I really did think you were gay."

"I'm not the one in skinny jeans," Octavian quips, "and I'm straight. Well, mostly. I don't like labels."

Eve grins, watching the two interact.

"Right," Lucas replies, "well, hopefully I won't be a sub for long."

"Lucas is going to debut tomorrow," she says to Octavian. "It should be very interesting, he's got quite a pain threshold."

Octavian looks her over, "All right. Do you have any more clients in this building?"

She raises a brow, "In fairness, Lucas was my client before you moved here."

"Are you two...? I guess I didn't realize that you were seeing someone, Mistress," Lucas shifts uncomfortably on his own couch.

"We it a go," she says, "Octavian knows what I do for a living. I suppose it is just as well you meet him tonight because it would be quite a shock tomorrow otherwise."

Octavian glances over at Lucas for a moment, "So, what are you up to tonight, Lucas?"

He shrugs, "I didn't have anything particular in mind."

A wide grin crosses Octavian's face, "Good—perhaps you'd like some entertainment?"

Eve's eyes dart between the two of them; suddenly, she realizes what Octavian has in mind and is about to object when he raises a hand to stop her, motioning for Lucas to reply.

Lucas bites down on his bottom lip, "I would love some entertainment. But I must say that I have been forbidden to touch myself."

"That won't be a problem," Octavian says while rising. He slides his suit jacket off, carefully folding it over the arm of the couch, "You're just watching, nothing more." He extends his hand to Eve, meeting her eyes, a deviant twinkle in them.

She draws in a deep breath, glancing to Lucas once more; aside from her time last night with Kelly and Farah, no one has seen her submit to another dom during sex and she would hardly call her time with Kelly actual submission. That, combined with the idea of her own sub watching her be dominated starts the fire between her legs. Eve has crossed a few lines with Lucas already, ones that she has never even come near before. She asks herself what her reservations are with him watching her submit—is it because he's her client? Or because no one other than her dom has ever witnessed it? She knows Lucas's desire to top her and for him to witness what it would be like would be a powerful motivator for him, not to mention a learning opportunity as Octavian is a decent dominant.

Swallowing down her unease with the new situation, she slips her hands into Octavian's; he pulls her close to his chest, brushing his lips to hers, "I intend for you to submit to me fully, like a good little girl. I will fuck whatever part of you I wish and you will do exactly as I say, Eve. But, are you all right with Lucas watching? Because if you say no, we can go to my place and do this."

Her breathing is fast, her unease turning to a depraved excitement; when she looks at Lucas, she can see the yearning in his eyes. Turning her attention back to Octavian, she whispers out, "Yes, Master."

"Very good," he purrs, "now, take off your jewelry and your dress."

Eve drops her eyes down to the ground; her trembling hands remove her earrings, necklace and bracelet, dropping them into Octavian's waiting hands. She reaches behind her back and grasps the zipper to her dress, pulling it down before the fabric falls from her body into a crumpled pile on the floor. She steps out of it, bending in half with her knees together, so that she can provide them with a pleasant view of her ass while picking the dress up. Neatly she gathers it up and lays it over Octavian's suit jacket.

Returning to the middle of the room, she is dressed in a black body slip, the sheer fabric showing hints of her breasts above the matching underbust corset. As she didn't wear stockings today and her panties are still in Octavian's desk drawer, the only other thing she has on are her red heels.

Octavian steps behind her and begins to loosen the laces of her corset until he is able to reach around her torso to her front, where he unclasps the busk before discarding it to the chair. His hands trace a path on the outside of her thighs, up her hips and ribs as he pushes the slip free of her body and over her head, solely leaving her in just her heels. He walks around her so that they are face to face, "Kneel."

Gracefully, she drops to her knees; she tucks her hands behind her back, grasping near the opposite elbows before she looks expectantly up at him. He runs the back of his hand down her cheek, staring into her eyes before he unzips his pants and fishes out his cock. Eve maintains eye contact, opening her mouth in offering. Octavian rests the tip of his dick on her tongue before cupping her chin and holding her still while he slides the entire length down her throat.

She draws in a deep breath before her airway is cut off, her gag reflex having long ago been something she was taught to control with Paul. Octavian groans out when he withdraws, only to slowly thrust back in while he fucks her face. When his head drifts back, his eyes closed and his pace increases slightly, Eve uses the opportunity to steal a glance at Lucas.

Lucas sits on the couch, his palms resting on his thighs, the outline of his hard cock straining against his jeans clear as day. With lips parted slightly, his breathing is fast and he immediately locks onto Eve's gaze. She sees the haze in his eyes, the yearning and she knows at that moment, that she wants to know what Lucas's cock feels like inside of her. She decides that after he becomes a dom and their contract is ended, she will let him top her.

Octavian buries his cock all the way in, her lips pressed against the blonde fuzz of his groin. She returns her eyes to him, watching the curiosity in his as he wonders how long she can hold her breath before she taps out; of course, he doesn't realize, that she won't pull away from him. Paul taught her better than to spit out his cock—Eve won't struggle or fight back and will pass out with a dick down her throat as she has several times before.

Fortunately, Octavian has no desire to push her boundaries like her husband did and he withdraws his cock after a long while, allowing her to take a deep breath in. He glances over towards Lucas, the two men sharing a glance, exchanging in it the surprise of her full submission. Tucking his dick back into his pants, he clears his throat and walks away from her to grab the tool kit she packed.

Eve waits patiently on her knees, watching as Octavian removes each item and places them on the cushions of the couch next to Lucas. She chose carefully, packing lightly as she didn't expect them to spend the entire night with her sexually submitting to Octavian, simply bringing the items she wanted him to use on her: a spreader bar, leather cuffs for both wrists and ankles, a riding crop, some nipple clamps, a ball gag, plenty of lube and rubber gloves and a solitary black dildo that is roughly two thirds the size of Octavian's cock, as she suspected he'd want to fuck her ass.