The (not so) Wicked Witch of the East

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Travelling to the exotic east, I meet a Goddess.
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This is a work of fiction. It's also my entry into the 'Halloween 2022' competition. Please feel free to vote early and often.

Some of the dialogue appears to imply mother/son incestuous sex. But the word 'Mumma' in context means 'Mother God to us all'.

The song quoted is Al Stewart's 'Year of the Cat'.

Year of the Cat lyrics © Carlin America Inc, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group, Warner Chappell Music, Incs

All characters are at least eighteen years of age. In fact, some are ageless as they exist outside of time.


' On a morning from a Bogart movie, In a country where they turn back time ...'

I love Thailand. I'm sure if you ever go there, you'll love it, too. Pattaya City is my favourite. It does resemble a city in a Bogart movie to me. Maybe one in Casablanca or even The African Queen. The city has a stunning combination of new world office towers, hotels, old world temples, and Buddhist ruins. It mixes jungle settings with concrete and tar seal.

Around every corner, a new vista greets you. It might be an American businessman driving a brand spanking new BMW I7. But it could equally be a local riding a buffalo or an elephant. It may be a new office tower going up, or an abandoned temple reeking of age and neglect.

The women are gorgeous, the ladyboys divine, and the men happy, intelligent and (often) willing to share.

The best sex I've ever had, I've had in Pattaya City.

If you stay away from the street prostitutes and pick up the bar girls, you will have your pick of six to eight stunningly beautiful women. At least a third of them will be as beautiful as the rest but will have 'extra' in their panties.

For an amount equal to a little more than a day's pay for an Australian, you can hire one of these girls to stay with you for the week you're there. She'll cook, clean your unit and look after everything for you, including shopping for the food she'll prepare. Plus, when you want, she'll fuck you in every way you can imagine and then some.

If you can afford it and let your first girl choose who, you can have two or even three of these lovelies stay with you. They may get it on together and with you, or they may let you fuck one and then the other consecutively, but you'll be able to fuck them both, and they won't mind as long as you wear appropriate protection.

You should definitely wear protection.

Oh, by the way, the best sex I've had is being fucked in the ass by a Thai Ladyboy as I fucked her 'sister'. I doubt they were siblings, but it was a fun fantasy.

'You go strolling through the crowd like Peter Lorre, Contemplating a crime ... '

The markets in Pattaya City are an eye-opener, and the things they sell there are unbelievable. From 'ancient artefacts' made earlier that same morning to honeyed locusts and battered spiders. There are 'hand woven' carpets made on the steam looms that run 24/7 and plenty of 'genuine copy' brand name clothing, electronics and sportswear.

There's food galore, from the most delicious meat skewers you've ever tasted to fabulous satays.

Don't ask too closely about the meat in these dishes because you may not like the answers.

Don't worry about the 'Thai belly' you'll inevitably get. If you let it run its course, the diarrhoea only lasts a day or two before your system adapts. Do not drink or cook in anything other than bottled water if you want to avoid getting Hepatitis C, though.

For the same reason, don't eat anything that hasn't been cooked to at least well-done and pass on any salad you haven't bought from a five-star restaurant or hotel chain.

Oh, the crime I was contemplating was purchasing some Thai weed. I don't usually indulge in drugs, but my house girl asked me to buy her some.

I don't look like Peter Lorre.

'She comes out of the sun in a silk dress running, Like a watercolour in the rain ... '

My wander through the markets on the day I'm describing occurred in the early morning. Getting to the markets not long after they've opened means fewer crowds and the sellers are often keen to make their first sale, so prices can be even better than usual.

Because of the early morning light in my eyes, I didn't see the woman until I almost walked over top of her. As I spun to the side, trying to avoid her, I accidentally knocked her with my hip. I'm a big guy, standing over six feet tall (183 cm) and easily weighing 275 lbs (125 kg). My accidental hip knock flung the hapless woman across the aisle and into a market stall.

The woman was tall for a Thai girl at around 5-ft. 7-in. (170 cm). However, she looked like she weighed a tiny 121 lbs (55 kg). I guessed this woman's measurements at 33-24-35. Her breasts were a tiny but well-proportioned 32B. With her green eyes and white-on-white corneas under her dark brown hair, this woman was enough to make any man's heart pound with desire.

Apologising profusely, I took this woman's hands in mine and pulled her to her feet. Her multi-coloured backless sundress clung to her slim body sexily. I caught a tantalising glimpse of her upper thigh as I pulled her to her feet.

When I got her to her feet, she surprised me by standing on tip-toes and kissing my cheek. I swear she then leaned closer and sniffed my scent.

Taking my hand in hers, the woman smiled before tugging me after her as she walked off.

"You can buy me coffee to make up for it, Mr Murray. For now, you may call me Khun Mae. Later, I might let you call me by my real name."

It didn't occur to me until it was way too late to wonder how she knew my name. When it did occur to me that she shouldn't have known it, I also realised that I hadn't missed seeing Khun Mae because of the sun. It was that she wasn't there one moment and was the next.

With my cock hardening, I followed the lithe Khun Mae through the crowds, admiring her trim body the whole way.

Trailing after Khun Mae, I totally forgot about Amanda, this year's live-in girl.

Oh, the silk dress running like a watercolour in the rain clung to Khun Mae's svelte figure like a glove. She was apparently braless, and I doubted she had panties on.

'Don't bother asking for explanations, She'll just tell you that she came, In the year of the cat'

I kept asking Khun Mae where we were going as we made numerous sharp turns and switchbacks, following a path apparent only to her.

But all she would say was, "Thāng nī̂. Thāng nī̂ (This way. This way.)."

Finally, ducking into a darkened alleyway, Khun Mae led me to 'The Old Colonial Teahouse'.

"You prefer tea, yes, yes? This place has the best tea. Old English breakfast tea is your favourite, yes?"

This warning sign also blew past my head without me noticing.

"Yes, tea is better. More antioxidants than coffee, and I only need a little honey to sweeten."

Khun Mae handed me a small pot, saying, "Yes, honey. Here is honey. You make for me, too."

I poured two cups and dropped a little honey in each, "Milk?" I asked.

"Same, same as you. Not same, different."

Internally shrugging, I splashed a little milk into each cup and then handed one to Khun Mae.

Sipping appreciatively, Khun Mae openly studied me. Equally as intrigued with her, I stared back.

"You come here often, Mr Murray. I have seen you here before. You're one of the better ones. You choose your girls carefully and have good taste. After, all your girls say you treat them well.

This year, I'm going to be your girl. But you stay with me. See, see?

I don't stay with you."

Smiling, I said, "And if I'm happy with the girl I already have?"

Khun Mae dismissed my mild protestations, "I have already paid your girl out and sent her home. I settled your bill at the hotel and explained you wouldn't be coming back, so they could throw out your clothes and stuff."

"That was very forward of you," I said a little heatedly. "I like those clothes."

"It is of no, never mind. We will buy some more for when we want to go out, but mostly you will stay with me, and we will be naked. So, why need clothes?"

"You seem very sure of yourself."

"Of course I am. You watched little other than my ass on our walk to here, yes? You only shifted your eyes to stare at a western woman's moo cow udders as she waddled by in her bikini."

The woman I had given a brief glance to would not have been twenty. She was tall and slender for a European woman. Her breasts would barely have been a 'C' cup.

Khun Mae touched her tiny, noticeable breasts and flat stomach and then patted her pubic bone.

"What I have for you here, it is much better, yes?"

"Yes," I acknowledged.

"Good. It is settled, then. Drink, drink. We shall get something to cook, then go to my place, and I will make you breakfast. After, maybe, we screw."

Khun Mae returned to studying me intently as we sipped our tea.

Once the pot was empty, she said, "Come, come. We walk to my tem ... place, now."

Yet another warning sign whizzed by unnoticed.

Oh, this happened in 2012—the year of the Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac. I was a mere 30 years old.

'She doesn't give you time for questions, As she locks up your arm in hers.'

Walking briskly, almost dragging me after her, stopping only to make a few small food purchases, Khun Mae led me back through the markets towards her place. The surprising thing was that every one of the vendors she chose items from bowed and if my Thai serves me correctly, said, "Gift for you, Khun Mae. Gift for you, Mistress."

If I wasn't lost before, I was totally disorientated now. I couldn't even tell you which way my hotel was. Not that it mattered, given I wasn't staying there anymore.

I still studied Khun Mae's ass as she led me on. She was right on one count. It was way firmer and more deliciously rounded than Amanda's. Not that Amanda's was bad. Just not as good as Khun Mae's.

Either no 'moo cow uddered' western women passed us as we walked, or I was so engrossed with Khun Mae's ass I didn't notice them.

Suddenly we broke through the crowds into an older, more settled part of Pattaya City. It seemed like someone had shut a door; that was how quickly the hawkers' sounds and the crowd's babble disappeared.

Turning back to me, Khun Mae linked her left hand through my right, then wrapped her right hand around my muscular bicep.

"Closer, John. I can call you, John, yes? John is good, John is better than Mister, yes, yes? You may call me Cêāmæ̀ (sowmay-ay). John, we are closer to my pala ... place, okay?"

This time, I did hear the warning in that name. I vaguely recalled Cêāmæ̀ loosely translates as Goddess. Khun Mae's eyes held mine with the intensity a domestic cat has when she wants you to stop what you were doing and feed her and my fears melted in her bright green eyes.

Oh, I didn't notice the almost slip between saying palace instead of place. And I didn't ask another question until it was way too late.

'And you follow 'till your sense of which direction, Completely disappears ... '

I was so lost I wondered if we were even still in Thailand. I've been coming to this city every year for ten years, and I'm sure I've never been to this part before. It didn't look like any other part of Pattaya City I've visited before. If we weren't in another place, maybe we were in another time—a time way before now.

Khun Mae turned her green eyes back on mine, "Shh, thī̀rạk k̄hxng c̄hạn (my darling one). You are with me. You are safe from all others."

My apprehension changed to a thankfulness that my Goddess was looking out for me.

Shaking myself out of that bullshit, I asked, "Where are we, Cêāmæ̀? I don't recognise any of this place."

"We are near my place of wor ... my place, John. That's all you need to know."

Now I had temporarily shrugged off the cloud of enchantment that Khun Mae had spun around me; I heard the slip.

"You were about to say 'place of worship'. So there are people who worship you? Who worships you? Why do they worship you?"

Khun Mae stood on her tip-toes and kissed my surprised mouth, "You talk too much, John, see, see? You need to talk less and trust more, okay?"

I was about to protest again when Khun Mae placed her hand behind my head, raised onto her toes, pressed her pudenda against my groin and kissed me with unbridled passion. My cock flashed from soft to fully erect instantly.

I was suddenly hotter and hornier than I ever recall being.

Khun Mae raised and lowered herself on and off her toes as she kissed me. Her pudenda rubbed delightfully along the underside of my turgid pole.

"Phūd h̄ı̂ n̂xy lng cheụ̄̀xcı h̄ı̂ māk k̄hụ̂n, thī̀rạk k̄hxng c̄hạn (Talk less, trust more, my darling one).

Khun Mae's left hand found my ass, and she squeezed her pudenda tighter against my cock as she rubbed herself up and down it.

"This feels good, yes? Think how good it will feel when I let you enter me, yes, yes? Much better than this, so, shh, no more talking."

Stupefied with lust, I meekly followed behind Khun Mae's dragging hand.

Oh, I had no earthly idea where or when I was.

'By the blue tiled walls near the market stalls, There's a hidden door she leads you to ... '

Khun Mae led me into a square. By the rubble strewn around and the dust piled up, hardly anyone had come this way for years. We left dusty footprints as we walked towards a vine-covered wall at the other end.

"What's this?" I facetiously asked. "A hidden door in a secret wall?"

Chuckling, Khun Mae said, "Yes, yes! How did you know?"

She touched her beautiful hands to the vines, and they parted. Then, running her hands over the exposed blue tiles in a complex series of swoops and swirls, she created a round portal in the wall.

Pressing in the middle of the portal caused it to swing open. With a flourish, Khun Mae indicated I should enter.

"Your wall and door, John. As you requested."

"Pretty obvious where we've walked from and too, don't you think?" I asked, pointing at our footprints.

"Oh, the wind here quickly erases all signs of passage. Step inside with me and watch."

Later, I learned that this was the final test. Cêāmæ̀ couldn't force anyone through the door into her temple; they had to enter willingly. I'm not sure there's a straight man on the planet that wouldn't follow her in, though.

Stepping through the door, I turned in time to watch a small dust devil sweep across the square erasing all signs we'd walked through it.

The portal didn't swing closed as I'd expected. Instead, it shrank in size until it was only a pinprick before disappearing completely.

"When it is time for you to leave, stand here and say 'I wish to leave, Cêāmæ̀ Khun Mae', and the door will open. Remember, once you leave, unless I will it, you can never return."

It was almost pitch black where we were—only a tiny amount of light leaked into the area from somewhere above. Khun Mae's eyes glowed like a cat's in the dark.

"Where are we, Cêāmæ̀? Who are you? What's happening here?"

"H̄ụ cêātạw lĕk rū̂ tæ̀ pheīyng ẁā khuṇ plxdp̣hạy thī̀ nī̀ (Shh, little one. Know only that you are safe here)."

Switching back to English, she said, "Some light, please."

I guessed she must have had some servants because lamps across the area came on.

Looking around, I saw we were in the main worshipping area of a large temple. A statue of a voluptuous deity with large child-bearing hips dominated the raised platform at the front.

Confused, I said, "I didn't think the Thais had many female Gods. I definitely don't remember any looking like a female God of fertility.

Oh, I've gone looking for that square and door many, many times since leaving Khun Mae. But, unfortunately, I couldn't even find the area it was in.

'These days, she says, I feel my life Just like a river running through, The year of the cat ... '

Khun Mae sniffed disparagingly, "I predate the Gods these pagans pray to now. My time here was so long ago they've even forgotten all memory of me.

Some have called us witches, some have called us imps or devils, some have called us deities, and others have worshipped us as Gods. I am all of these, and I am none of them. I am me, a being from outside of time, yet I live through time.

Do you know what happens to a God nobody believes in anymore, John? They die, they die! Fortunately, I don't need many followers; in fact, one who truly worships me is enough. Will you worship me, John? Will you kneel at my feet and pray to me? Will you make love to me and give me life?"

If only I'd known what that last sentence actually meant. If I had, I would have run screaming from the room.

Oh, then again, I have gone looking for my Goddess many times since leaving.

'While she looks at you so cooly, And her eyes shine like the moon in the sea ... '

Khun Mae stood silently watching me.

'Could this be real,' I wondered. 'Could this woman be a God? Are there Gods? I thought they were mostly figments created to scare the unruly masses into behaving as their rulers wished them to.'

What followed was, 'What if she is a God? A God that wants me to follow her. A God hinting she needs me to make love to her so she can exist. How cool would it be making love to a God?'

Khun Mae watched coolly, her eyes shining in the semi-light as I processed what she said. But, in the end, there really was no question. I slowly sank to my knees before her.

"Cêāmæ̀, please let this lowly man worship at your feet. My life is yours. Do with it as you please."

Breathing eagerly, Khun Mae said, "Yes, yes! And your soul, John. Will you give me your soul to nourish and keep?"

"Everything I have, everything I am, everything I will ever be, I give to you, Cêāmæ̀ Khun Mae."

"Yes, yes!" Khun Mae exalted. "We may gather others with your strength, dĕk n̂xy (little one). Do you mind sharing your Goddess with others if I promise to share the others with you?"

"I am yours to command, Cêāmæ."

But, I couldn't help that prick of jealousy that another male might share my Goddess's charms.

Showing she had at least some deific powers, Khun Mae laughed before saying, "It's okay, dĕk n̂xy. We will gather only other women and ladyboys for as long as you are mine."

I smiled as Khun Mae clapped her hands in delight.

"I'm going to change into my natural form, dĕk n̂xy. Do not be frightened, okay?"

Khun Mae began to shimmer in front of me. However, it wasn't a sudden transformation from one to the other. Instead, it seemed that Khun Mae melted from one form into another. The process took only a few seconds, but I could see it happening.

When she completed her transformation, a beautiful clouded leopard crouched before me.

Khun Mae spoke, but not out loud; what she said appeared as an awareness in my mind. I knew what she thought because Khun Mae wanted me to know.

"That feels better, dĕk n̂xy," she purred. "I haven't been able to change back for months as I had few believers and, therefore, little strength."

My Goddess stretched luxuriously before sitting and cleaning herself with her tongue and paws from her head to the tip of her tail.

When she completed her ablutions, she suddenly shouted, "Catch!"

Like she was slithering in on her prey, Khun Mae slid quickly over the floor before taking three quick leaps and jumping into my surprised arms.

Clouded leopards can't purr, but Khun Mae is a God; she decided she wanted to purr, so purr she did.

Purring and licking my face whilst holding my head between her paws, Khun Mae said, "My bedroom is behind that gross statue. Take me to bed and make love to me, thī̀rạk k̄hxng c̄hạn (my darling one)."

My rampant erection was back in a moment. I wasn't sure about the practicalities of making love to a cat, but Khun Mae was back in human form before we reached the bed.