The Nuclear Family Pt. 02

Story Info
Robbie contends with his former family.
17.1k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/27/2022
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[:::: Authors Note :::]

Welcome to Part 2 of "The Nuclear Family". If you have yet to read part 1, I recommend you do before jumping in here. This will be the shortest of the four parts, so if you're not into long stories, You may want to stop here 😊.

In the feedback from part one, a number of readers noted that this story has similarities to a couple of other stories. The initial inspiration for this tale did indeed come from one of these stories, specifically, 'The Middle Child', by GTO_Racer was the direct inspiration that made me want to write this story. If you're looking for a good tale that will run your emotions, check it out!

The other story, which is a fantastic tale all on its own, is 'Betrayed' by soul71. I did not realise until comments on part 1 that a couple of the scenes are similar to the story I am telling here. Indeed, I did not even realise that my character's names overlapped with his. In that, I had an OMG moment, I must have been unconsciously channelling my inner soul71 as I did not understand until it was pointed out in the comments from part 1; I was emulating this fantastic story. So I have to give credit to soul71 for also inspiring me.

Thank you to both GTO_Racer and soul71!

I also want to thank my fantastic editing team, miket0422, Larry & Wayne, for helping me edit this series; I've learnt a lot about writing over the past several months and having a group of editors who help you bring your stories to life is one of them. I recently went back to the beginning, reading 'Forced Perspective', the first story I published and self-edited. While I loved the story, I enjoyed seeing how much I have learnt since taking the plunge into writing.

So, back to our family story, in the first part, we learnt that Robbie's wife and family had betrayed him; he's a trained martial artist and an excellent operations manager. We have learnt that his soon-to-be ex-wife, Georgia, has a little half-sister, Amy, who has a massive crush on him but is also very mysterious. After a confrontation with his family, Robbie agrees to 'run away' with Amy to get away from his family.

I hope you enjoy part II of The Nuclear Family.

[:::: End of Part 1 ::::]

"I haven't TAKEN him yet," Amy replied, smirking. "But rest assured, he will forget you ever existed when I do."

I found myself smiling at Amy's comment. Suddenly, Amy looked a whole lot more attractive to me. She was claiming a spot in my life. She caught my glance, checking her out.

Here was a woman who had a crush on me for years. She honoured that I was with someone else. But now I was free; she wanted to woo me to become hers. It felt like Amy was willing to fight for me against the world if needed. Amy laughed, seeing the look on Georgia's face, then the look on mine. Amy walked around her restrained sister, entering the interview room without saying another word. She slid me my phone, wallet and my jacket.

"Common rocket legs, you are released, no charges, though you're taking care of Brad Jr's medical costs. He's in the hospital with a mild concussion, bruised ribs and a sprained neck."

"Worth it," I smirked.

I grabbed my phone from Amy, Georgia still watching, now seething silently, I hugged Amy, but she surprised all of us as she reached up, pulling my lips to hers in a soul-scorching kiss that had me wondering, Georgia who?

Georgia had to be restrained again by the smiling officer watching everything unfold. On the way out, we passed my mother, waiting for Georgia. I said nothing as I walked by her. I didn't even glance at her, even though I knew she was there. It spoke volumes to her.

We quickly got out of the station and caught an uber back to Darren and Toni's. I wanted another kiss, but she laughed and told me later, that it was just for her sister's benefit. "Besides, when I make you my man the right way, you'll never want another woman again!"

[:::: Part 2 ::::]

For just a few minutes, I stood contemplating the small cluster of boxes in front of me. I didn't have much in my room to box up, but what I had needed to be packed. It had been a little less than a week since my commitment to run away with Amy, my ex-wife's younger half-sister.

Regardless of how this played out, I was determined to stop moping around and put my life back on track. I still didn't know what I was going to do for work. I had not had a job since I quit the family business, Total Build. The few fights Darren got me earnt me a little money, but nothing that I could make an honest living off. Talking with Amy, she told me not to worry about money or work, we would figure something out together.

Speaking of Amy, our relationship blossomed quickly making me feel a little surreal. We weren't officially dating. However, we both felt like we were a couple. Having known Amy for years, our relationship was less about introducing each other to ourselves and more about building communication and deepening our friendship. I suspected that, just like me, Amy knew it would only be a short time before we became official.

It was a busy period; if I wasn't training or hanging out with Darren, Toni and Amy, I was arranging everything to move. Truthfully, once I figured out packing or what was in storage from my breakup with Georgia, Amy arranged the logistics through contacts that I never knew she had. Amy sorted movers, finances, and as a bonus, legal work to complete my divorce. When I asked her about it, she smiled telling me it was selfish, because she was helping me 'run away with her'.

Amy worked unusual hours during the day as well as a couple of evenings. While Amy wouldn't tell me what she did for a living, she admitted her odd working hours were due to international conference calls. Most of the time, Amy worked from a hotel room here on the Gold Coast. When she wasn't working, we went on dates or just hung out.

When we could, Amy and I went out for lunch or dinner. I loved that Amy could be found by my side if she wasn't working or sleeping. She watched me training with Darren and even saw one of my Saturday afternoon fights with another Gold Coast local. The fight was a draw. However, from how Amy spoke about me to the crowd afterwards, you would have thought I KO'd the guy in the first round.

I wanted to repeat the kiss we shared in front of Georgia at the police station quite a few times in those first few weeks. I know it was mutual because we both had to pull ourselves back from going further quite a few times. We talked about it, deciding we were going to take it slowly. We both knew our relationship was going to happen, but we both wanted to get me away from the influence of my family first.

The day before the move, Amy had me move everything I had with me at Darren and Toni's. This also included all the rest of my stuff already in storage, into a large pre-arranged storage shed. Her movers would then pick up everything bringing the combined boxes and furniture to her place in a few weeks. All I needed to keep out were the essentials. That ended up being a few sets of clothes, a new laptop and my training gear.

The evening before the move found Amy and I hanging out at Darren and Toni's. The four of us had a great evening over Thai food. Over dinner, the four of us spoke about everything and nothing as two couples who had been friends for years did. Amy constantly held my hand, giving me suggestive glances. Over a couple of bottles of wine, we played a few games. Who knew that some indie game called 'Throw Throw Burrito' could be so much fun?

When we wound down, I was surprised when Amy didn't leave as she usually would but followed me into the guest room I had been living in, climbing under the sheets, after having skilfully taken off her jeans and bra without showing me anything. I know I raised my eyebrows, she giggled, then it was her turn to watch as I changed into a pair of boxers, sliding into the bed beside her, opening my arms to her.

She snuggled in beside me, her head on my shoulder, her hand slowly rubbing my left pec. "It's okay, Robbie. Even though I want to, I'm not going to steal your virtue tonight," Amy purred in a sultry voice. "But you're running away with me tomorrow, and if I have my way, you will never sleep away from me ever again."

She then moulded her entire body to my side, and I could feel her thighs pressed against mine. I also felt the heat from the other side of her panties pressed hard against my hip. My manhood was suddenly hard as she wrapped her arms around me, kissing me with unrestrained desire for the second time in all the years we had known each other.

As I closed my eyes, I felt the softness of her lips against mine; the pressure she placed against me told me of her want but also her passion. When I felt her tongue probe slightly against my lips, I pulled her in tighter, not caring that she was being poked by the man downstairs. I felt the pressure of her chest against mine.

From that point, if I had any doubts about Amy and myself in a relationship, they were washed away. As we made out, I had to resist every urge to reach under her top and rub what I am sure were magnificent mammaries. Instead, I let my hands wander her back, rubbing up and down her sides. Once or twice, I brushed the side of her breast as she moaned quietly.

Later, Amy sighed contently, "Thank you for not going straight in for the kill Robbie; I know you wanted to. Hell, if I'm being honest, I wanted you to! But that you held back makes me feel special."

I kissed her again quickly, "I'm using everything I can not to ravish you right now. But you're right; to me, you are very special, and I know we will get there."

She reached up and stroked my cheek. "I know baby," Amy cooed, using the term of endearment for the very first time. "I appreciate it. Soon, very soon. I will be all yours. But for tonight, would you be content just to hold me?"

I nodded as she turned over, pressing her back against me as we fell asleep, my hand lightly caressing her soft thigh.

When I woke up, Amy and I were still spooned together, my morning wood teasing us both with the promise of things to come. I also found I had reached around during the night and was holding one of her breasts; though my hand was outside Amy's shirt, I could feel rather large nipples pressing into my hand. It felt amazing, the perfect way to wake up.

Coming more awake, I removed my hand, Amy sighing at the movement. "That was nice, Robbie. I'd like to wake up with you holding me like that daily." Her voice was sleepy but with a note of happiness that I could also feel deep within myself for the first time in months.

I leaned in, pushing her dark hair away from her neck, kissing her while taking a deep breath of her scent. If I compared her to Georgia, Amy certainly had a similar smell, but then again, Amy's scent was very different. If I tried to explain it, Georgia always had a very sweet smell like a honeycomb, whereas Amy smelt more earthen, more like that scent you get after a big rainstorm.

After spending a few minutes gently kissing, we reluctantly got up and got ready, knowing today would include our first long drive together. We had breakfast with Darren and Toni, fruit and yogurt, Darren making me promise to keep training towards a big fight he had booked for me while we ate. Amy told him she would make sure I kept to the training regime as we cleaned up, getting ready to leave. I put the last couple of bags containing my belongings into my beat-up old Toyota Camry; we said our goodbyes and hit the road.

For the next few hours, we drove. As my car was a little older, we didn't have luxuries like Bluetooth or Spotify, so we put on a local rock station, keeping the volume low as we cruised, enjoying an easy conversation. We talked about the various landmarks and highway construction that we passed. We talked about religion and politics. Our conversation was engaging, and I was again impressed at how intelligent Amy was when she picked up references I made in conversation. Amy's hand often brushed my leg as we spoke. For more than the first time, I felt our relationship would work out.

In terms of distance, previously I lived on the Gold Coast, a little over an hour south of Brisbane, the closest capital city. As we drove north, Amy let me know that she lived about an hour and a half north of that same capital city, most of it highway driving, putting us up in a region called the Sunshine Coast.

Once we were about an hour past Brisbane, Amy began getting nervous. She started fidgeting, stealing glances at me, then back out the window. I noticed but didn't say anything, letting myself go a little quieter the further we travelled, giving her space to think through whatever was making her nervous. While I was honestly falling hard for Amy, her behaviour was perplexing after our last month together. I thought she wanted me to come with her. The way she acted was not excitement, but nerves with a sense of dread like she had a big nasty secret that I wouldn't like. I held my council and suspicions, knowing sooner or later I would know what was going on.

Once we pulled off the highway, Amy directed me to a service station with a little diner so I could refill my car. When I went to pay, Amy followed with a bag she was holding carefully. I paid for the fuel; then she motioned me to follow her, both of us sitting at the most private table in the little eatery.

"Robbie," she began reaching out to hold my arm, "I hope you know how much it means that you're doing this. The last few months of spending time with you have been straight out of my greatest fantasies."

"I sense a but?" I said, not quite sure where this was going.

She bit her lip and nodded, unzipping her bag and pulling out a folder with some documents.

"There is a but, though, it's not what you think. But..." She laughed dryly. "I need you to trust me because what I am about to tell you is protected in several ways. Neither my parents nor either of my sisters knows what I am going to tell you today."

I gave her a quizzative look as she handed over the folder and asked me to read through the documents inside. While I started reading, Amy excused herself to go and get us a couple of drinks. She returned a few minutes later with coke for me and lemonade for herself.

The documents were a series of legal disclaimers and privacy statements letting me know that Amy was letting me into something that I was in quite a bit of legal trouble if I said the wrong thing to the wrong people. The wrong people included my family. The documents were similar to the legal disclaimers I had to sign for insurance for Total Build each year.

While I read the fine print, Amy watched me sipping her drink. She had a concerned look on her face. When I finished reading them, Amy pulled a pen out of the bag and held it out to me. I looked at her.

"Do you trust me?" she asked nervously.

I took a moment to study the woman in front of me, a woman whom I had known since she was fifteen years old. Back then, she was as skinny as a rake and flat as a board. Today, she had curves that made heads turn, even dressed down as she did most of the time. With her pale skin, straight black hair and piercing blue eyes. I tried to look at her, not as my girlfriend, which I now thought of her as. But as someone I could end up doing business with. The woman before me was self-confident but nervous as she asked me to sign an agreement when she hadn't told me what it was protecting.

Amy didn't tell me about any of these documents before we left, but neither had she waited until we got to where we were going to spring it on me. I thought back to last night as she snuggled me in bed, our caresses escalating, even as my divorce from her sister was weeks away. Having read the documents, I could see nothing in the agreement that I had to be a slave, cut off a hand, or something insane. But I felt I could trust her even if I had to do that. I wanted to trust her...

I took the pen from her and started signing, then dating the required documents. Each time I signed and moved to the next page, the smile on Amy's face grew wider. When I finished, I gave Amy the folder with the signed documents. She put it back in her bag, and I could see Amy was visibly shaking. Amy then walked around the table, put down the bag, sat on my lap and kissed me deeply. Suddenly, she pulled back, looking me in the eyes, "I love you, Robbie Other; I hope you know that."

I laughed, "Amy, I just signed a couple of non-disclosure agreements. I'm not agreeing to marry you."

She affected mock hurt as she separated herself from me and sat back down on the other side of the table. She picked up her drink, bringing it to her lips with a smile. Those lips that I was kissing, the can of lemonade stopped just before she took a sip, and she looked at me from the side.

"Not yet," she smirked as she took a drink.

"Huh?" I said, distracted by her drinking.

"You haven't agreed to marry me... yet," she turned to me and smiled.

"Well," I laughed. "I suppose the day is still young."

We joked for a few minutes about nothing until an older couple who was a dozen feet away from us got up and left, leaving us alone in the food area.

"Robbie," Amy got serious watching them go. "Thank you for signing the documents. I know that was hard for you to do trusting me like that after what your family has put you through."

I nodded; the floor was hers.

"So, let's start at the beginning," Amy levelled at me. "I want you to understand why we are here and why these documents are important." She looked at me intently. I said nothing, again just nodding.

"If you recall, back when we first met, I was a bit of a nerd, right?" she asked me.

I guffawed, "Bit of a nerd, Amy, you were only fifteen, and you were a super nerd. I am assuming you still are. You could do things with computers back then that I have no idea what you were doing, and I am in no way technologically incompetent."

She laughed, reaching over and squeezing my hand.

"No baby, you're not. But yes, I was a nerd, still am." Amy told me proudly, beaming a big smile at me. "But one of the things I did back then was playing with crypto and crypto-currency when it was just straight up bitcoin mining and not worth much."

My eyes went wide as I saw the direction she was about to take, and she smiled at me.

"Yes," she nodded. "I had a lot of bitcoins when the price went through the roof. I was clever selling most of them at the right times..."

"So you're rich?" I asked, wondering about the financial situation of my new girlfriend.

"That's one way to put it," Amy told me quietly. "After cashing out a significant portion of my initial crypto, I didn't stay idle. I took my newfound wealth, researched, and founded an investment company I call ALRO. I put ninety per cent of what I earned into the company, and now I spend most of my time as a venture capitalist. I look at companies and start-ups that will return good money. I have a small staff. A half dozen staff live here on the coast, a handful in the United States, and a few in Europe.

"In the past year, we have been doing so well that we've gotten US investors giving us funds for syndication in our next projects." Amy smiled slyly at me. "You know how the yanks love a determined Aussie. I'm young, good-looking, female and can say g'day like they want, so ALRO turns a good profit."

"How much of a profit?" I asked, wondering if she would tell me.

Amy looked at me for a minute, then grinned. "After costs, ALRO turned a six-million-dollar USD net profit last year..."