The Nude Beach

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High school graduate's dream trip to California.
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California! The promised land! That's how it looked to me as a young girl growing up in St. Charles, Minnesota. Always sunny and warm. We used to always watch the Rose Parade on New Year's Day and every year it would feature these gorgeous flowered floats and beautiful young people in shorts and bathing suits.

Meanwhile, it was snowing like a big dog in Minnesota. No flowers. No shorts and the only bathing suits were worn by those insane people who jumped in a lake on January first to prove some point. Like..."Look how crazy I am!"

My big sister, Louise, was a star student and ended up getting a scholarship to UCLA in the early 70's. She met and married Matt who was a total hunk! I flew out there for the wedding along with my Mom and Dad and it was just as beautiful as I'd always pictured it. They got married at the Beverly Hills Hotel in the fall and we got to cruise all the usual tourist haunts. Grauman's Chinese theater, the Hollywood sign, Disneyland!

The trip was over all too soon and I was back in Minnesota just in time for it to get freezing ass cold for six months. Get me out of here!

I was no brain child and getting a scholarship to college was out of the question for me. I struggled along after I got out of high school, California was always part of my thought process. How can I get out there and enjoy that glamourous life, not to mention the weather.

My Mom knew I was bored with life in the small town of St. Charles and felt bad for me. We had a heart to heart one morning after I'd returned home late from a Friday night date. By now, at 20, I'd had a few boyfriends and was no longer a virgin. My current beau worked at a brewery and we used to joke about him guzzling up the profits right from the tap!

Mom didn't exactly approve of him but knew well enough not to try and stop us from dating.

So she asked me that morning what I wanted out of life. "Where do you want to be in 5 years Linda?" She asked me.

"Anywhere but here." I said before I had a chance to think. I didn't mean to insult her and Dad. After all, St. Charles was their home. But the words were out and she certainly had heard them.

The following week Mom and Louise cooked up this plan to send me out to California for New Years Week! I was going to get to go to the Rose Parade! Me! Live! In person! Was I excited? Oh my god! Yes!

Mom and Dad were planning to send me out on the bus but Matt and Louise were having none of that. Matt was doing quite well in the blossoming real estate business in Los Angeles and they flew me out the day after Christmas. My sister is a nurse and had to work that day so Matt picked me up at the airport.

"Hiya Punkin!" He greeted me when I made it into the airport. he gave me a big hug and helped me with my suitcase.

"Louise sure is lucky." I remember thinking. Matt was such an attractive guy! He was tall and tan and had that wavy brown hair like President Kennedy. Great flashing smile. I know he liked me too. When we first were introduced he went to a lot of trouble to spend time talking with me. He never failed to give me a nice...lingering hug whenever we met. Yes, my sister was lucky to have a great husband like Matt.

Matt drove us to the latest house he and Louise were living in. I say "Latest" because, apparently, they moved about once a year. Matt would find these older homes and fix them up in his spare time. Then he'd put them on the market and make a pile of money on the sale. They were doing real well financially. Even had an "Extra" VW beetle that they let me drive while I was there.

The Rose Parade was just as magical as it appeared on TV when I finally got to see it in person. The three of us went down to Pasadena on New Year's eve and spent the night on the Colorado Blvd. with all the other early arrivals. We partied all night long and were really primed when the parade finally started. California was so cool! The people were really friendly and we had a great time. I couldn't imagine being outside all night like that in St. Charles. No Way!

It was so warm that year that I actually went to the beach...In January! Can you imagine? Matt told me to drive through Topanga Canyon all the way to the coast and there was a nice beach right where the canyon reached the sea. I went there three days in a row and it seemed to get warmer and warmer each time.

My return flight to Minnesota was scheduled for January 9th and so we planned a beach day on the Saturday before as a sort of "Farewell to Linda" picnic. At the last second, my sister got called in to work. It happens when you work in the medical field. I assumed the picnic was off but Matt insisted the two of us could still go. "Louise doesn't mind." He told me. "After all, You're sisters!"

So Matt and I loaded up the VW, his designated "Beach Buggy" and got ready to head out for Malibu. Matt gave me one of Louise's bikinis to wear but I was sure it wouldn't fit. My sister has your stereotypical "Hourglass" figure. Big boobs, tight waist and generous hips. I got stuck with small tits, just a gentle swell really and big nipples. I've always been self conscious about my chest and to wear a bathing suit that showed off how little I have "Upstairs" would be embarrassing.

I politely declined Matt's invitation and instead I just wore bermuda shorts and a tank top. With my little tits I never wear a bra. I knew that Matt could easily look down my shirt dressed as I was but, after all, why would he bother?

Instead of driving through Topanga, which I thought was a pretty neat route to the ocean, Matt took me to Las Virgines Road: Malibu Canyon! It was gorgeous! We went rambling through the hills and then into a long tunnel. When we came out the whole canyon was laid out before us. There was actually some water down below and Matt stopped at a turnout where we could really appreciate the view. With the sun shining and the Pacific as a backdrop, it was quite a sight!

Matt was very attentive to me and the conversation was flowing both ways. He briefly put his arm around me as we took in the view but it was in a friendly kind of way. And, after all, we were friends.

When we got to Pacific Coast Highway Matt took some time to drive me past some star's homes that he knew of, being in the real estate business. This was exciting for a country girl like me, to see where all these rich and famous people lived. We continued north until we reached this place called Zuma beach. Instead of turning in and paying to park at the toll booth, Matt made a left and we drove slowly down an unpaved road.

"What's down here?" I asked. "Free Zuma" he replied. "It's for cheapskates like me who don't want to pay the buck fifty to park!"

We got our towels and the cooler and headed out onto the sand. Well, it only took a few moments for me to realize this was no regular beach. We walked by one blanket where two women were sunbathing topless! I couldn't help but look back as we passed them and when I returned my gaze forward I saw two guys with boogie boards walking towards the surf...completely naked! This was a nude beach!

I think I said something like "My goodness!" To which Matt replied "I should have warned you Linda. Louise and I come here all the time. You don't have to take your clothes off if you don't want to. I just like it cause it's a hang loose place and you can drink a beer without everybody getting all upset about it."

"Oh....gosh, well, I...No problem Matt. This looks great!" Of course I was shocked but this was California and everything was different here. We laid down our blanket and Matt snapped on the transistor radio and we settled in to enjoy the day. I eventually came to realize that it really was a "Hang Loose" beach and nobody cared if you wore a bathing suit or not. I felt like such a hick! Here I was, making judgments about these people just because they chose not to wear clothes. How "Minnesota" of me!

I still couldn't believe I was sitting on a beach in the month of January. California truly was different. The Bee Gee's "Night Fever" came on the radio and I started to get into the mood to enjoy this day out here with my sister's husband. He'd opened a can of beer and was holding it in a towel to disguise the fact.

"He's California through and through." I realized. No wonder my sister loved him. Good looking, easy going, fun to be with. Where were the groovy guys like him back home? There weren't any!

So I slowly got used to the nudity I saw all around me and ate one of the sandwiches we'd brought along. I also drank one of those cold beers which really loosened me up!

Matt looked over his shades at me and asked if I was ready for a dip. Of course, not having a swim suit, I declined. "Suit yourself!" He responded. Matt then proceeded to stand up and pulled his tee shirt over his head. Then, before I had a chance to react, he dropped his cutoffs and underwear and stepped out of them. My brother-in-law now stood before me completely nude!

I quickly turned back into "Silly Linda from St. Charles" and turned my head to avoid a face on confrontation with Matt's dangling penis. He paid no attention to me and simply headed out to the surf, his firm and tanned buns jiggling slightly as he walked away.

Well I wasn't expecting that! I had so much to adjust to here in California! I wasn't a virgin and had been in sexual relationships with boys but quite honestly, I'd always had sex rather in the back seat of a car or at someone's house while I was baby sitting and hadn't really seen a grown man's penis up close. Like that! I was getting an education, that's for sure!

I watched as Matt entered the water and quickly dove head first into an approaching wave. He came up shaking the water from his hair and swam out to meet the next set heading in.

He's so cute! I found myself thinking. I wondered if my sister took off all her clothes when they came here. She would have been the star of the show on this beach that's for sure. I began to toy with the idea of disrobing. Just for a minute. If I had a body like Louise I would have done it proudly. But I was still really shy and inhibited and so I just sat there on the towel watching and thinking.

I opened another can of beer and it started to taste good there in the hot winter sun. Matt came out of the surf and joined me on the towel. "Water's a bit cold until you get used to it." He commented. He put his sunglasses back on and laid back to dry off in the sun. I noticed a young woman about my age walking towards the water line whose breasts were no bigger than mine. She was talking with a couple of boys who didn't appear to be paying any attention to her body. It was like a natural thing to them I came to understand.

All of these folks were just out to enjoy the sunny winter day here in California and nobody cared what anyone else looked like...dressed or not.

So the idea came back into my head. I could do this. Nobody would know or care. Matt and Louise were obviously very familiar and comfortable with this public display of nudity so why shouldn't I be?

The Stone's "Miss You" came on the radio and I started to feel kind of sexy. The idea of taking off my clothes right out in the open began to edge closer and closer to making sense. "This is what it's all about." I told myself. "This is California!"

Matt got up and headed back down to the ocean, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I found myself gathering courage for what I now knew I was going to do. All I had to do was stand up and...and...

If I thought anymore I wouldn't be able to go through with it so I just stood up and reached for my tank top and began to pull it off. I could feel the eyes of every stranger on the beach as I bared my firm but very small breasts for the first time. The sun was hot but a cool breeze hit my sensitive nipples and they quickly began to enlarge. I have very pale skin and I thought briefly about putting on some Coppertone but I decided to get on with stripping before I lot my nerve. I dropped my bermuda shorts leaving me dressed in only my little white panties.

Just as I was about to take off my panties, I looked around behind me, I don't know, to see if anyone was looking I guess, and I noticed that some people were looking! Apparently if you sit on a nude beach for an hour or so fully dressed, it's more interesting when you take your clothes off. I grabbed the waistband of my panties and pulled them down a few inches, and panicked!

It's one thing to show your tits on a public beach but, to me, it's quite another to let a bunch of men you don't know see your pussy. I didn't want to look like a fool in front of these people who were all used to nudity, so I walked towards the waves in my panties.

Matt saw me approaching from the surf and he called out to me "There you go Linda! Dive in fast and you'll get used to it right away!"

Well, I found out another little known fact about California right then: It's sunny and warm on the sand but it's winter in the water! It was absolutely freezing! Get used to it indeed! Why not get used to bonking your head into a wall! I did my best to move steadily into the water but it was shocking. I had my arms wrapped around my boobs to try and keep warm but it was hopeless!

Matt was calling for me to dive into an approaching wave insisting "It'll be fine!" Fool that I am, I did just that, hitting the wave halfway up and freezing myself into next week! I came up coughing out in the surf and then Matt was right there with me. He encircled me with his arms and it was at least a little warmer.

"Good for you!" He gushed. I was shivering from the cold and he hugged me real tight in response. I felt my nipples, now very firm and completely erect poking my brother-in-law in his bare chest. It was an erotic moment to be sure even though I was so cold I was totally distracted. Yes, I did sort of "Get used to it" but I never stopped thinking about how soon I could get out of the water. Matt's hands roamed down to my panties . Then he was cupping my ass cheeks below the water as he gently guided me along out there. We were tightly pressed together and I could feel his penis touching my leg. He wasn't hard. No one could have been in that cold water! But it was putting some thoughts into my head, feeling Matt's cock against my thigh.

I finally told Matt I'd had enough and, hand in hand, we made our way back to the sand. I saw a number of eyes watching us as we walked to our towel and I looked down to see my wet panties were now almost completely transparent! My red pubic hairs were clearly visible right through the thin fabric of my panties. I must have been quite a sight! My pink nipples all stiff and my pussy hair showing through my panties as Matt led me to our stuff.

I gratefully laid face down on the warm towel and Oh! It felt good! I'd done it! I'd taken off, well, most of my clothes and gone in the ocean in California! I was, kind of proud of myself! No one back in St. Charles would ever believe this!

The warm sand quickly managed to thaw out my hardened nipples and I separated my legs a bit to allow the sun's warm rays to shine on me. I knew Matt was getting an eye full of my firm young ass with only my flimsy little panties covering it.

"Those are probably full of sand." Matt said pointing to my underwear. "Maybe you should take off your panties."

I was thrilled that I'd had the guts to bare my breasts and all but I wasn't quite ready to take my panties off right in front of Matt. I would be lying there completely naked before him. I don't have the abundant growth of hair "Down There" that most women have. Just a sparse patch of curly red hair is all I have to cover my pussy. Why, my pink pussy lips would be showing and Matt would be able to see everything I have! Well, almost everything. Anyway, I said "I'm fine."

So I relaxed and enjoyed the afternoon, sunning my little tits and talking with Matt. We shared one more beer together and then decided maybe I'd better get out of the sun. To go back to Minnesota with a tan? That I wanted to do! To get sunburned and go home all peeling, no way.

We shook off as much sand as we could and climbed into the VW for the ride home. Matt put the Car's new album on the cassette deck and we sang along to "My Best friend's Girlfriend" as we rambled through the canyon. "What a life!" I thought. "What an incredible life!"

We stopped at a corn stand on the way home and got some freshly picked sweet corn, then Matt got some chicken wings to barbeque. I remember walking into the house and admiring the view from my sister's hillside home. What a life!

I went into the bathroom immediately to shower off all of the sand and salt I'd acquired on the beach and the water felt real good cascading over my naked body. I used my sister's shampoo to wash my hair and I was about midway through lathering up when I heard the bathroom door open.

"Hows the water in there?" Matt called to me.

"Well a hell of a lot warmer than down at Zuma!" I shot back. I assumed he was going to pee or something but suddenly, the shower curtain opened behind me and Matt stepped in.

I was busy rinsing the soap out of my mane of curly red hair when I felt Matt's hands reach around and begin to soap up my little tits! "Hey! Cut it out!" I joked. I playfully reached back behind me to grasp his penis. After all, he'd been nude in front of me on the beach most of the day. I'd let him see most of my fresh young body too. But then I realized it wasn't exactly the same thing. His cock was erect! Instead of that sweet dangling mushroomed tipped penis I'd seen earlier lying harmlessly against Matt's leg, my little hand touched a fully blown hard on!

"Go ahead, it feels good." He said quietly. The running water provided a kind of screen for what was taking place. I touched him again. He was soapy and my hand glided over the slippery surface of his cock. Then I felt the head poking into my butt cheeks. I reached down for the creme rinse and Matt's cock slid between my legs until the head emerged in front. His penis was rubbing against my pussy lips as he moved right up against me as he had in the ocean. I was trying to go on with this silly charade of rinsing my hair while my sister's husband was sliding his big hard cock between my legs! I finally turned to face him and his big brown eyes were burning into mine. We didn't have to speak now. We both knew where we were headed.

I looked up at him, unsure of what to do and Matt seized the opportunity and kissed me. We both wanted it and I had to accept the fact that I was going to do this and I didn't want to think any more about the consequences. So we kissed and got all in each other's mouth and I felt his hard on impatiently rubbing my belly.

"All clean?" He smiled. I nodded and he led me out of the shower. The bathroom was steamed up and Matt set me down on the toilet seat, his penis bobbing freely before me. He then reached down and began to nuzzle and then suck on my sensitive pink nipples. And that just drove me wild with desire! My pussy began to get excited and I was eagerly anticipating whatever Matt had planned for me. I reached out to fondle him while he excited my little tits, licking and caressing them as they achieved full erection.

"You have such great tits honey!" He complimented me. "I'm sorry they're so small! I offered. But I knew from the look on his face that he wasn't disappointed.

Matt then coaxed me to my feet and placed a clean towel on the toilet seat. He turned me around and got me on my knees on the "Throne" he'd prepared for me. I looked back at Matt and watched as he gently opened my buttocks. "Oh God, he's looking at my asshole!" I realized. I lowered my eyes in embarrassment at my complete exposure to my sister's husband. And he took his time looking! He then took my pussy lips in his fingers and slowly spread me open! Even with the shower continuing to fill the bathroom with warm steam, I could feel cool air as Matt opened my pussy. I wanted to be fucked right about then and I looked back at Matt, noting the transfixed expression on his face.