The Nude Day Assignment


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There were about 40 of us in class, roughly half boys and half girls; so you can imagine the conversational buzz that started immediately. Mary Ann and Jack Kessler stood right in front of Monica and I. Monica asked, "Jack are you gonna' do this?"

Jack blushed and looked down before saying, "I don't see what choice I have, I need a degree and besides it's just my mom and me at home. It won't be the first time she's seen me naked, but I don't know about her. I sure hope she'll work me on this -- I guess she will." He turned and asked Mary Ann, "How about you?"

Mary Ann furrowed her brows then said, "Well I'll tell you this; my Dad will have a shit fit and the idea of my brothers and him and my mom watching me walk around naked for a day ... sweet jeez! And I have classes on Wednesday, so that means I'll have to be naked here too, aaah shit." Mary Ann looked really conflicted but also a little excited.

I looked Mary Ann over carefully; she was about 5'5" with a slender build and nice looking hips, as much as you could see of them. Mary Ann was always fully dressed. She wore some sort of sweater year round and simple clothes buttoned up. I can't remember the last time I saw her in slacks or jeans. She has pale white skin, most likely her English-German background; and she has really pretty dark copper red hair. Depending on the light her hair can seem brown but once the sun hits it you can see the deep coppery red. Pretty nice looking girl and always clean as a pin.

Just then, Monica leaned against my shoulder, "Whata' you think stud, we both have classes Wednesday, wanta' wave your big dick around campus with me?" I could hear the laughter in her voice.

Just then a voice called out, "Hey Coach, do our families have to be naked too?"

Coach Helen turned to the crowd and said, "It would be best for the experiment, but it has to be their choice, completely voluntary."

I turned to Monica, "OK so here's the deal, if I have to be around your big beautiful ass and those juicy tits and get no sex, would you be kind enough to sprinkle ice water on my dick!"

She laughed out loud, "Well maybe we can a convenient stairwell ... ya' think?"

I began to wonder how I was going to talk with mom about all this ... and as we walked, I began to wonder how mom would look naked.


It was just after 3 in the afternoon and Leah had finished the laundry, vacuumed the house, dusted and generally put the house in good order -- it was clean and shiny.

It was a big house, a large eat-in kitchen, four bedrooms, 2 large bathrooms, laundry room, storage room, a large living room with substantial river stone fireplace and a small reading room just off the living room with a nifty bay window seat facing east. Add the covered front porch that ran all across the front and the large covered back porch -- it was much bigger than you might expect to find in the back country.

Our father told us that Grandfather Alastair and Grandmother Marisol wanted a large family, so he built a big comfortable home -- 2 to the room there was room for 6 children and them. He bought the 56 acres in the winter of 1950; most folks didn't want to live this far out in the sticks so the land was a very good buy at $ 135 per acre. He put $ 1,000 and change down, financing the remaining $ 6,500 for 10 years.

He and grandmother worked at every job they could find up in Sacramento and, with a little luck, he was able to pay off the mortgage in 4 years. They owned it free and clear, except for the tax man. Grandfather was a big tall man, standing over 6'5" weighing nearly 275 pounds, mostly muscle. He had sandy reddish blond hair, a big bushy mustache and hands the size of hams people said. He was born and raised in Port Logan, a small village in the parish of Kirkmaiden in the Rhins of Galloway in Wigtownshire, Scotland. Kind of takes your breath away doesn't it.

If you look on a good map, tracing your finger down the coast from Glasgow to Irvine and Girvan ... just keep going and further down the coast on a little peninsula, if you look real close, you find Port Logan. It's across from the town of Bangor in Northern Ireland. Leah and I found his birth certificate in a small rosewood box, from that we found the town and that's all we know about his home. Dad said he never spoke of it.

All we know for certain is that when he was 16 he enlisted in the Highland Guard that would have been 1934. Our best guess is that he wanted to be gone from home in the worst way. I want to write the headquarters of the Guard one day and see if I can find out where he was stationed. Dad told us that he talked about North Africa and Italy a little sometimes. From what Dad said there was little affection in his voice when he mentioned his 14 years in service. Sometime around 1948 he immigrated to the States and we believe he landed in New York and worked his way across country to California -- He loved it here and never wanted to leave.

Grandmother Marisol was very different. She was barely 5'3" in her barefeet and never weighed over 120 pounds. Her eyes were light grey and her hair a deep dark brown with just a hint of curl. She was from Guayaquil, a small town in Baja, Mexico. When she was 10 her father moved his family to the US seeking opportunity and to get away from the life of a small fisherman. They migrated easily into the States and found work picking crops in 1942. Several years later in the spring of 1950 when she was just 18 she saw the tall Scotsman loading boxes of tomatoes onto a farm truck.

Her father had received many offers for her hand marriage and she had gotten many more for sex, but she had rejected them all. Her father and mother appreciated the income she generated for the family working in the fields so they did not encourage her. After he moved out of her sight, she looked for tall handsome man all that day without success. Later that evening she saw him near the wagons they used to return to the camp. When she approached the wagon he turned toward her and gave her a bright smile, his blue eyes flashing.

He reached out and swept her up into the wagon, in so doing his hand slipped under her loose skirt and landed on her muscular bare bottom; he placed her gently in the wagon. She never wore undergarments; they were expensive, uncomfortable and unnecessary for women working the field. To his hand her warm, tight bottom was amazing.

She flashed him a bright smile and seated herself next to her mother as the wagon left the field. All the next day she looked for him with no success. Just before bed 2 days later she heard a strange voice speaking heavily accented English, it was a man looking for a girl, a little girl who worked in the fields, a pretty little brown girl with grey eyes, he was talking to a friend who translated into Spanish. He was looking for her.

Her mother looked up from the cooking fire and asked, "Mija, why is that man looking for you?"

"I don't know mama, let me find out ..."

"Be careful mija, you never know what these boillo's might do," her mama said.

"Yes mama, I will be careful," she said and walked toward the two men.

As she approached the big man broke into a smile, "Hello Senorita, my name is Alastair," and he held out his hand. Marisol stopped just short of his finger tips, twisted her head up to look into his eyes and said, "Hello." Her English was very good, although she spoke only in Spanish in the camp she always paid very close attention when the supervisors and bosses in the field talked amongst themselves. Over the last 8 years she'd learned pretty good conversational English and spoke with other workers who spoke a little themselves; she liked learning.

"Oh, you speak English, that's great," he said in his funny sounding English.

Marisol understood almost all he said despite his difficult accent, she stood for a moment and said, "What do you want with me?"

"Well," he paused and then, "I hoped you'd consider going for a walk with me ... please."

She was amused by his nervousness but she wanted know more about him. Three days later he asked her father for her hand in marriage. She'd told her mother this would happen and that she wanted to marry him as well. Her mother could see her daughter was smitten and prepared her husband for the request. After much consideration her father agreed.

The marriage was 5 days later on a Sunday; the family had a little fiesta with all of the camp workers. Each of the families brought a modest gift, often simply food for the fiesta. They drank and danced until the sun rose Monday morning. Without sleep all of the workers left for the fields except Al and Marisol. He had a small tent at the edge of the camp and they gathered her meager belongings and moved.

They were both nervous, Marisol because she was a virgin and the women had told her many things, often contradictory -- she was confused but eager. Her mother told her to follow her heart and do her best to please her husband. Abuela Consuela asked her to visit after their night together and give her a detailed description of his manhood; she was very curious about the big white man.

It was not that she hadn't seen a penis before; like all migrant girls when not working in the fields she was a babysitter. She'd changed many diapers and seen many a penis at both ends of life. Still her abuela's curiosity had her a little nervous as well. She made up the pallet bed on the floor of the tent as he secured the outside and then undressed, slipping naked under the covers on their pallet.

When he came into the tent he was carrying his clothes, he'd taken a quick sponge bath to freshen himself for his bride; the sight of the big man naked caused her breath to catch in her throat. His man meat hung thick and swollen under a cloud of red pubic hair and rested on large heavy balls. He saw her eyes widen as he dropped to all fours slowly crawling to the pallet.

Throwing back the covers his eyes slowly feasted on her small body. At 5'3" and just over 100 pounds she was a slight figure but her breasts were full and her hips round; he leaned in and kissed her soft lips, she took his face in her hands holding his lips tightly to hers. Their tongues met tentatively at first and then with natural hunger. His hands moved down to her breasts softly touching and stroking her steely hard nipples. Her hands dropped to his belly and together they sought out his throbbing penis.

Her breathing quickened as she held his thick cock in both hands, she love the heat and hardness and the wetness that oozed from the tip. She wanted to taste his meaty cock as her mama had instructed her because mamacita said, "Your mouth and your bottom will give him great pleasure. Be sure to suck him first so that he will finish more quickly ..."

Later she would wonder why a woman would want her man to finish quickly, she wanted it never to end, but perhaps she was simply different. On this night she would not suck her man because as she nervously rubbed his cock he pulled away from their kiss, looked deeply into her eyes and then lifted her up into the air. As he lifted her, he rolled over onto his back while keeping her in the air above him. She felt his amazing strength and had no fear.

Once on his back, he settled her on his face, her pussy snuggly met his mouth and he began to lick and suck her bottom. For her it was an unheard of experience -- she'd never before thought such a thing could or would happen to her. At first it tickled and she was unsure of her reactions but then a deep warmth began far down inside her when his tongue pushed its way inside and soon she thought there could be nothing better in the world.

Suddenly as his hands engulfed her bottom holding her tightly to his mouth, there was an explosion of heat and goose bumps rushed over her body, she felt her rectum spasm and her pussy clench -- she realized she was pushing her pussy hard down on his face, rutting against his mouth as stars floated in her eyes -- it was wonderful, nothing could be better!

She felt herself falling forward, but she did not fall, he lifted her weak body up in the air again and without a word he held her over his towering cock slab and slowly eased her onto his cockhead. A stab of fear struck her, his meat was too big, much too big, it would never fit inside of her -- she would die.

But, she did not die. He was very gentle. As he began to enter her he shushed her softly, never using words just soothing quiet sounds. She felt his cockhead pop inside and the incredible fullness, yet he did not rush, he simply allowed her body weight to help her sink down on his mighty shaft. About 7 inches in he felt the tight muscular mouth of her cervix and knew there could be not more on this night and then he began to lift her and down, thrusting into her with increasing speed.

Marisol felt as though nothing she'd ever been told about this was true. Yes, it hurt at first, it hurt a lot; but then it was wonderful. She loved the feeling of him between her legs, she loved being held by this powerful man, she loved what he had done with his wonderful mouth and when the explosion struck her again, this time much more powerfully -- she felt like she was dying in bliss and it was truly wonderful.

When she began to shake and quiver during her orgasm it triggered his ejaculation. His cum was powerful and he too felt as though he could be dying in the very best way. After a moment he began to lift her off his still swollen member but, she fell forward onto his chest and began to kiss his nipples and neck saying, "Do not leave me, never take your sword from my body, aaah, you are wonderful."

Even when he began to shrink she pushed down on him and they slept with his softening cock still embedded inside her. When the sun came up he awoke only to find his beautiful bride astride his body with his cock in her hands as she licked and sucked the big head. She turned her head and looked up at him saying, "Good morning my love."

He laughed and pulled her little round bottom up to his face and began to suck her pussy, licking from her clit back and up to her little brown butt hole as she tried to stuff his big cockhead into her happy mouth. They were together for 52 years.

When I was old enough to talk, I called him Poppa. I remember him as being very tall with lots of shiny white hair and a big bushy moustache. My grandmother or Abuela as she preferred to be called was small but mighty when she spoke. They would often sit together in the big swing on the back porch. She would be snuggled up against his side and he would have his right arm securely around her -- we all should be so lucky.

Poppa died in the fall of 2002, according to the birth certificate, he would have been 82 years old. He and Dad were loading some downed timber and he simply closed his eyes and sat down. Dad rushed him to the County Clinic but the doctor explained that he most likely had a heart attack. He told Dad that he'd mail the Death Certificate to the County Office and a couple of copies to us.

Dad brought him home where Mom and Abuela washed his body and dressed him in clean clothes while Dad and I when into the workshop and built a simple coffin out of fresh pine boards. Abuela brought out a colorful Indian blanket that he liked and we lined the coffin with it. A little later we carried the coffin into the house and set it on two saw horses, putting him in it. Mom telephoned a few friends and later that evening a great many people came to the house to say goodbye.

First thing the next morning Dad and I went up to a far pasture where a huge boulder rests against a green hillside. Poppa liked to go up there with Abuela and pick-nick from time to time. It's a pretty place with lots of sunshine. So there we dug the grave, deep and wide. A few hours later we took him up there in a small 2 wheel farm cart and buried him, Mom read a few passages from her bible and Abuela said a blessing in Spanish -- all in all, it was nice. Afterwards Abuela when to her room and stayed there for a full 5 days.


"Linda, do you know what they're doing over there to the college, well do ya?" It was Hortencia Ortega, Monica's mother. Her voice was loud and strident.

"Hortencia, is that you?" she asked.

"Yes, who else would call you at work?"

Linda Campbell, mother to David and Leah, was aggravated because she was busy and wanted to get out of the office early this Saturday. "Alright Tencia, what is the problem?"

"So you don't know then; alright, I'm gonna' tell you. They've lost their ever lovin' minds over to the college. Monica brought home an assignment to be naked on campus and at home all day next Wednesday. Can you just imagine, naked!!"

"Come on Tencia, it's a joke," Linda said with a smile in her voice.

"Joke my ass Linda! I'm holding the paperwork in my hands right damn now!" Her voice was strident.

"Calm down, take a breath, have you talked to Monica about it?"

"Yes, and she's pretty upset about it too ... and it includes writing a research paper about her experiences with her family buck NAKED!"

"OK, OK, I get it; but I'm up to my ass in work ... can I call you later this evening and talk about it then?" she asked.

"I guess, by the way this applies to Davey as well. How are you and Leah going to deal with him strutting around naked, I just wonder ..."

Linda sighed, "I promise I'll call you right after supper ..." with that Hortencia hung up.

It was just after 4 pm so Linda decided to tidy up and leave, she wanted to talk to David and see if there was any truth at all in this. After stopping at the Crossroads Store to pick-up some macaroni, she headed home. She was going to throw a big macaroni casserole together and make a salad -- something bad and something good -- both would taste good.

She walked into her home just after 5 pm and it was really quiet. David's truck was gone so she knew he wasn't around but where was Leah? She put things away and went to her room to change, after putting on an old t-shirt and some soft cotton shorts she went down the hall and looked into Leah's room.

Leah had her wireless headphones on, a birthday gift, and was dancing naked with her eyes closed. She looked like she was enjoying the music -- Linda wasn't particularly shocked, she'd seen her daughter naked before, but she was concerned that David might have seen her. Her slim figure, soft breasts swaying with the music, 'She's really turned to a lovely young woman' Linda thought to herself.

She walked barefooted into the room and lightly tapped Leah on her shoulder. Her eyes snapped open and she jumped back startled. "Holy shit Mom, you really scared me!"

"Baby girl, I don't mind you dancing naked, but you might want to keep the door closed. David could see you, and you don't want that do you?"

"Hell Mom, David's already seen me naked today -- I was changing clothes in the laundry room and didn't see him. The turd just stood there and perved on me, and I really gave him what for ..."

Linda laughed at her indignation and said, "Closing doors is the best way to preserve your privacy little girl, you should remember that. I'm off to make dinner."

"Mom you might want to hold off on that if you want us to eat together; Davey called, he's over at the Shelton Place helping them hang two new bull gates. He probably won't get in until 7 or so."

Linda said, "Well we'll just wait, I'd like us to eat together ... you keep dancing dear!"

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Give your right-wing prattle a rest, Fuzzy.  This is a fictional story – a fantasy, just like stories in the Dolcett genre or alternative universes and timelines where there are orcs, elves, dragons, and God only knows what else.

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aabout 2 years ago

The story has started out clear and concise. It is being logically developed. As a romantic, I enjoyed the time and effort the author placed on developing the characters of the grandfather and grandmother. I like the sensitivity of their wedding night and their life together. Their sexual sensitivity to and for each other was remarkable. I hope the author makes the same in developing the other characters. Likewise, I hope plot and subplots are as well developed.

cors41214guycors41214guyover 3 years ago
I liked it

Seems like a good start to a fairly common theme, the family history details surprised me and drew me further in, will certainly be reading more of this.

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearover 3 years ago

You know...

I would normally say this is an unbelievable scenario you've suggested, but given the way the progressive movement is currently, the nut-jobs running the state of California lately, and the fact that the sicko liberals have twisted the higher educational system it is completely believable!!! Now I got nothing against nudity or consensual adult incest. so that's why I'm reading this tale. I'm just saying 15, 10, hell five years ago this story wouldn't fly. But now in 2020 I could totally see this as plausible.

northparkbinorthparkbiover 4 years ago

erebustitan is an imbecile. Story has potential.

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