The Nudist Camp During Lockdown


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We logged on and hardly recognized the bedroom she was filming from, whatever they'd done with the lights it looked amazing. Ann was sat in a large swivel chair I'd carried in earlier, smiling as big as ever. "Do you think we should have another small glass of wine while we watch?" Muriel asked, Suzi looking at her as if it was a silly question; I went to the kitchen and opened a new bottle.

I could hear them both giggling and wondered what I was missing, corking the bottle in my haste to get back. "What have I missed?"

"Nothing too exciting, just Ann undoing a button and squeezing her tits through her shirt." Muriel said.

"That's enough for Dave to start wanking."

"You don't give me any credit, I'd want to see at least two buttons undone."

She'd only been on ten minutes but already had over forty viewers, as if they were waiting for her to come on. "I think I'll start the cooking, call me when it heats up." With that Muriel left and went to the kitchen, leaving the two of us alone for the first time that day.

"How you doing, it's been a strange day."

"I'm doing ok, excited and nervous at the same time, I can't believe we've agreed to film ourselves naked."

I was about to point out that plenty of people had cameras when she posed as Lady Godiva but before I could Suzi leant in and gave me a gorgeous, sumptuous kiss, only interrupted by Muriel shouting. "I seem to be low on potatoes, do you have any over at yours."

"I think we do, I'll go and have a look." Suzi kissed me again and said, "See you soon lover boy, don't get too excited by Ann's cam." Before standing and leaving.

After a few minutes Muriel returned saying she couldn't do anymore till Suzi came back. Ann was up to eighty viewers and began removing her shirt, her boobs pushed up in an undersized bra, "I love her tits." Muriel said almost lecherously. I was smiling at this when Ann's face suddenly turned away from the camera, a surprised looked replaced by an even bigger smile.

I almost choked on my wine. A naked Suzi was kissing Ann, before breaking the embrace and waving at the camera. She turned and bent at the waist, her hands coming behind her and pulling her cheeks apart, the camera somehow automatically zooming in. She straightened and blew a kiss before walking off camera as calmly as she'd walked on. Ann looked speechless, managing "That's the ghost of Lady Godiva who haunts these cabins." Before bursting into a fit of giggles.

By the silly grin on Muriel's face I could tell she wasn't as surprised as me, "What? You didn't really think I was out of potatoes did you?"

"Suzi came up with that idea when you were getting the wine, she texted BJ to make sure he left the doors unlocked." I just smiled, I loved these women.

Suzi came bursting through the door, breathless and naked apart from the sneakers on her feet, her body glowing. I stood up and she almost jumped into my arms, kissing and hugging me hungrily, "It was cold and I decided to run back, it felt so wonderful that I did another short lap of the camp as well. How did I look?"

"Incredible, stunning." Said Muriel.

I couldn't help myself, I rubbed my dick and said in my deepest, dumbest voice "I'd like to fuck that." Muriel looked on confused as we laughed at our silly in-joke.

I cuddled Suzi again and with her back to Muriel I pulled her ass cheeks apart "What do you think Muriel, should she have done it like this." I adjusted my hands and pulled from another angle, "Or like this?"

Muriel giggled, "Stop that David or I'll never get the supper cooked."

As you can imagine, the cam show and Suzi's surprise appearance was the main subject of conversation as we ate, Ann saying she loved it and so did the audience. BJ said it was all recorded and we could watch it back if we wanted, We all laughed as Suzi went bright red and said no thank you.

BJ quickly set up the site and we came up with a name "Naked Me' not very inventive but to the point. He said we should shoot a few photos and videos the next and we'd be up and running. He said that if we planned on putting up daily updates and chatting and answering patrons questions we should charge at least a month and more for the interactive elements. We said we'd decide by the next day when the site went live.

What with the long, exciting day and the wine I think we were all exhausted and a little emotional as we kissed each other goodnight. I thought me and Suzi might chat some more but we quickly fell asleep.

We awoke groggily to a knocking on our cabin, Suzi kicking me out of bed to answer the door. A vibrant and naked Muriel greeted me, video camera in hand. Filming my bleary eyed face she started talking, 'This is David and he lives here with his fiancée Suzi' She scanned down my naked body, my dick twitching when the camera reached it, 'As you can see, he's pleased to see me.' She stopped filming and entered the cabin, whispering she said, "Get Suzi out of bed but don't tell her I have the camera."

I was waking up a bit and thought it might be a bit of fun. I walked back into the bedroom to find Suzi dozing but barely covered by the duvet, it took all my willpower not to ignore Muriel and climb back into bed. I woke her gently, "Muriel's in the living room."

"Well tell her to come in here."

"She already sat down, she seems upset by something."

This was sneaky but I knew the effect it would have, Suzi wakening more and after looking at me strangely, climbing out of bed and going to Muriel.

'And this is the gorgeous Suzi, the girl with the sexiest bed head in the world.'

It took Suzi a moment to realize what was going on and that she was being filmed. I was stood behind her but could see her raise her arm and her finger, "Fucking bitch." She said, although not too angrily. She turned back into the bedroom and looked down at my semi hard-on, saying, "And you can put that fucking thing away as well." Before diving back onto the bed and pulling the duvet up around her.

Muriel was smiling and still filming, laughing as she said, 'So another glorious day in naked central begins.'

Muriel put the camera down and said to get back into bed and she'd bring coffee in. "I'm up now, why don't I film you making coffee."

Muriel was a star, talking to the camera the whole time, bestowing the virtues of a naked lifestyle and giving silly if quaint little bits of advice, 'Be very careful when boiling a kettle, especially you more voluptuous ladies, as ones nips can easily get scolded.'

She seemed completely comfortable being naked in front of the camera and moved with an elegance and grace, her whole demeanor exuding confidence and positivity.

She picked up the two coffees and motioned for me to follow her into the bedroom. Suzi sat up and automatically pulled the duvet up around herself, Muriel bending and giving a lovely view of her ass as she placed the coffees on the nightstand. She turned to the camera and said that she was going to leave us to enjoy our coffee in peace and that she was going to come back later and interview us. She took the camera from me and filmed my naked butt climbing back into bed.

She turned the camera off and sat on the edge of the bed, "Sorry about the rude awakening, couldn't resist it."

"Cow." Suzi looked at the clock and saw it was 09.30, way later than we'd normally get up "What time have you been up since?"

Muriel smiled, "BJ knocked me up at 7." You could always rely on Muriel to use a double entendre if she could. "Said he had an appointment at 9 and did I want him to set a few cameras up in my place so we could get the site going. I said yes and he put one in my bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room."

"But your toilet is also in your bathroom." I said.

Muriel's eyes widened as a silly grin crossed her face, "I know, exciting isn't it. You can hear me go but not actually see anything, other than if I stand to wipe. I did pee in the shower before I came out, just to see the quality and you can even see the pee bouncing up as it splashes."

"Enough information. And did this go out on our site?"

"It did but no one's watching as we don't have any members yet. All the live stuff is stored so we can access it later and put it up if we want for anyone who's missed it. BJ said he'd been thinking about it and that we should have two sections to the site, a sort of VIP area where they can see daily live streams and another area where people can chat and see video's and pictures we post. £25 for the VIP and £10 for the standard."

"What contents up now?"

"The intro video that is free and a video of me getting out of bed and stretching. I climbed back in once the camera was up and pretended to be just getting up. I also wrote a quick blog explaining about us and the site."

"You've been busy." Suzi said, smiling as she took a sip of her coffee "Don't you mind having the cameras in your house?"

Muriel hesitated and even looked a little sheepish, "If I'm honest it's like all my wildest fantasies come true, being naked and exposed with god knows who watching me. I've been like a cat on heat since BJ woke me up."

I hadn't had a pee since I woke and that combined with listening to Muriel had me almost painfully hard. I looked at Suzi who had a look on her face that I knew well, a plan, often a dangerous or sexy one, was forming in her head.

Dave you get up and take the camera, Muriel you lie down and spread your legs, show the world how turned on you are. You could see Muriel wanted to, "I don't think we're meant to be that type of fans site."

"As you said yourself, we don't have any fans yet." Suzi literally jumped out of bed, her bouncing boobs and jiggling ass adding to the sexuality in the room. "Dave you turn the camera on and I'll get our laptop.

She returned from the living room, the lap top open and typing with one hand, her eyes widening and a smile forming on her lips, then giving me a dirty look before giggling, "You're meant to be filming Muriel not me." She placed the computer on the bed where she'd lain, her lovely boobs filling the screen in HD. "Dave get out of bed and film Muriel."

I did as I was told, my dick sticking out almost obscenely as I tried to keep the camera trained on Muriel. "It's one of the things male naturists most worry about, getting an embarrassing erection, I was thinking I should do a tutorial for the site on how to get rid of them." As she said this she took a playful swipe at my dick, and chatted her teeth almost Anthony Hopkins style.

"You're such a tart, now lie down and show the world how much you like being filmed."

Muriel lay down and put her head on my pillow, the lap top showing the live stream beside her. I was at the foot of the bed and let the camera slowly pan up her body, her hands gently caressing her tummy and breasts.

"Pinch your nipples." Muriel did as Suzie ordered, a small groan escaping her lips. "Pinch them harder, twist them, pull them to the ceiling, show the world what a bitch on heat will do."

Muriel did it, her eyes closing, her breath shortening and her muscles tensing as she worked herself up.

"Finger yourself, that's it, pull your cunt apart for the world to see. Put three fingers in, rub your clit." There was a gleam of sweat all over Muriel, the sweat and the tension in her muscles making her look incredible as her orgasm built.

"Open your eyes, look at Dave's big cock, where do you want it, in your mouth, in your pussy, up your ass." A stream of yes, yes, yes's escaped Muriel's lips as she arched off the bed, almost panting for breath as she collapsed back down.

I stopped filming and looked to Suzi, her own face red and her hand between her legs. As if reading my mind she said "Don't you fucking dare." I smiled and put the camera down, instead moving to Muriel and gently kissing her forehead before covering her with the duvet.

"I think we all need a cold shower, and no not at yours in front of the camera." Suzi said this as she looked at the lap top, giggling and sayings 'oops.'

"Before Dave started filming I noticed that we already had three VIP members." Suzi stopped but carried on before Muriel could say anything "Well two really, one of them was Ann so we can't really count her. Anyway they were all watching."

Muriel blushed like I'd never seen her "oh my god."

"Ann said it's the hottest thing she's ever seen and that you're a goddess." "oops, a jksmythe says it's disgusting, they thought this was a naturist site and not a porno site, they are cancelling their subscription and telling other naturists not to bother and a daisychained gives you the thumbs up and sends a kiss."

Muriel looked upset and angry, "Sorry, I just thought it would be a bit of fun, I didn't mean to upset you or anyone else." I knew Muriel couldn't be angry at Suzi for too long. She moved to her and they both held each other lovingly. I was proud of myself too; I didn't even get a boner watching them.

"It's as much my fault as yours. Don't worry about Smythe, I think he use to come here with his wife in the old days, she was a lovely, open woman but he was always a bit repressed. I'll email him later and apologize, explain that we didn't realize anyone had signed up and I'll offer him three months free membership, that should do it."

Muriel took to the fansite like a duck to water, happily being filmed naked from the moment she got up till she went to bed. She soon built up a large following and she would spend hours online chatting to people from all over the world, even polishing up her schoolgirl French and German. Myself and Suzi would make daily naked appearances, either busying ourselves around the campsite or popping in for a cup of tea, but it was very much Muriel's show.

We tried to keep ourselves busy but there wasn't much to do. BJ was working, I pottered about and Suzi and Ann became close, spending a lot of time nattering and giggling together. "You should see some the things people say to Ann on her website, some are hilarious and some are a bit disturbing." Suzi said to me out of the blue, one evening as we sat bored, watching TV.

"Such as?"

"All sorts, we have great fun coming up with replies."

It wasn't much of an answer but I could sense there was more. "Dave I'm bored, Ann keeps asking me if I'll appear on her cam again." I raised an eyebrow as if to say 'and?'

"And she's asked me if I want to do a girl/girl video with her to put up on her site."

I was torn, this was the girl I loved, talking about making a porno. A bit of my brain said I should be against it but another bit, the bit between my legs, thought it was a great idea.

"And how do you feel about it?" I asked.

"I really want to do it, but not if it will upset you."

I tried to sound reasonable and not too excited. "I've always encouraged you to be yourself, if you've thought about it and it's what you want to do, then you should do it. I'll love and support you whatever you do."

Suzi kissed me, "You're such a darling." I was about to kiss her back, knowing it would lead to more, when her expression changed.

She swallowed as if her mouth had gone dry, her eyes slightly downcast, "And would it be ok if I do a boy/girl video also."

I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to sound like an idiot, but.

"Or if we can find the right people, a boy/boy/girl video. Or even a boy/boy/boy/girl video." Suzi couldn't hold it in any longer, she burst out laughing.

"You're such an idiot, your face was a picture. All that shit about I'll love and support you whatever you do. I know you just want to see us licking each others pussies."

"You're so predictable and that's why I love you so much. Ann doesn't want to make a video with me as it's not what she wants on her site. I told her she was boring. Anyway I came up with the video story just to wind you up. Ann says I'm wicked."

I couldn't help but smile and tried to remain predictable, "but you'll still do the cam show, won't you?" It was Suzi's turn to smile.

They had already arranged that Suzi would appear the next night and that if it went well she would make regular appearances, "Ann's tried to convince me to start my own cam and fans site, but I told her I was happy to appear on hers for the moment. Does it bother you, knowing I'm going to be filmed and that men and women will be getting off looking at me?"

I weighed up my answer, really trying to think honestly and clearly. "No. Anytime you do anything sexy my first reaction is one of jealously but I almost immediately get over it, knowing you're just letting your sexy, exhibitionist, wild side out, putting on a bit of a show. I'm actually very proud of you and everything you do. Even if you decided that you wanted to make videos with other men and women I think I'd get my head around it, knowing that you love me."

I was expecting a smartass answer but was glad when one didn't come, Suzi looking deep into my eyes, my soul, before kissing me and then smiling, her hand heading south and grabbing my dick through my trousers, "I don't want any dick but this one, but thank you for believing in me and loving me."

We talked some more and I can honestly say that we had never been closer or more in love, feelings reflected in the wonderful love making that followed.

The next morning was bright and dry, Suzi awakening full of nervous energy. "Come on sleepyhead we've a lot to do today, I want to go for a naked jog before breakfast and you're coming with me."

"Can I pee first?"

"If you must."

You could see our breath as we left the cabin, a fresh morning made for running, clothed running at least. I gave an exaggerated shiver, "We'll soon warm up." Said Suzi doing a few stretches, her smile and then her ass as she bent forward warmed every bit of me.

Muriel was naked on her porch, camera in hand, as we passed by. "Morning you two, lovely morning for bouncing boobs and swinging willies." We waved and smiled, our moods even brighter.

As we approached Ann's she was stood outside with BJ, both of them clapping and then wolf whistling as we passed. It dawned on me that Suzi had probably texted them all to say we were going for a run.

"I think we should do another circuit." Suzi said as we approached our cabin.

"Only if I can run behind you and ogle your ass." She effortless sped up.

As we came to Muriel's again, Suzi veered off, stopping in front of Muriel and gently running on the spot, Muriel's big smile visible behind the camera. "Time for a cool down I think Dave."

I was tempted to remain behind Suzi as she started to stretch but decided it might look better for the site if I stopped leering and stood beside her. We even turned side on and supported each other's balance as we stretched our quads. Muriel stopped filming and put the camera down. "That's enough for now, that last segment was particularly good, both David's dick and your nipples sticking out as you faced each other, sensual, erotic and perfectly natural, just how I want the site to be. Are you ready for some breakfast?"

I followed the two naked asses inside, Muriel had prepared a large frittata for the three of us, this was definitely all planned. As we ate Muriel asked Suzi about the plans for the cam show.

"We have a few ideas but nothing definite, it'll be a surprise for you this evening." We pressed her some more but she wasn't giving anything away. Muriel's phoned bleeped and she picked it up to read the message, a saucy smile forming on her lips as she read it, "It's from Ann for you." She said as she passed the phone to Suzi.

Suzi let out a little giggle and her eyes sparkled as she seemed to read the message a second time. She stood up and kissed Muriel, "Thank you for the lovely breakfast." She turned to me, "I won't see you all day, I hope you enjoy the show later." She bent and gave me a luscious, lingering kiss that would have made me weak kneed if I hadn't been sitting. She broke the kiss and straightened, her face a mix of lust, love and satisfaction.