The Odd Tale of Nightingale Synge Ch. 02


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"I am not so sure about the messing about with my rectum."

"I will be gentle and use a generous amount of lubricant and I will help you relax. We do need to try. However, if you cannot do it and wish me to stop you only need say so."

"Alright, I'll let you try." He did not want to admit that the idea actual titillated him.

Now just ask a few questions. You must answer candidly Gregory."

"Oh,, well, yes of course," he said.

"Tell me then, do you masturbate?"

"I daresay I haven't had a good wank since I went into the trenches. Must be three years now." Nightingale wrote in her notebook.

"Have you fondled yourself or done any self examination to discern any vestigial sensitivity in your penis?"

"A bit of that, fondling as you say, yes." More notes.

"What did you find?"

"Not much doing, I regret to say. But I've found a bit of a tickle in the Sergeant Major's helmet." It was out his mouth before he could restrain himself. Had he put his foot in it? Was she offended by this bit of ribald other ranks humor that had floated up into the officer's mess from the barracks?

"The Sergeant Major's helmet? " A smile crept onto Nightingale's face. "Is that your pet name for your penis then Captain Wilson; "Sergeant Major?"

Gregory, much relieved, grinned as well. Her reaction emboldened him. "Yes, that's right, nurse. The Sergeant Major is a very important gent he is; much more so than some silly subaltern. He's a proper soldier, is the Sergeant Major. When he's on parade he stands at rigid attention. He loves spit and polish. He takes whatever he's faced with, Nurse, and he stays at it until the job is finished and the poor sod is quite spent. But give him a respite and he'll be up and do his duty again. So it is a particularly sad thing to see him so diminished. But he's still the Sergeant Major."

Gregory's explanation made Nightingale laugh. "Captain, such bawdy humor is unseemly in an officer," she teased. "But, in the interests of our goal I'll overlook your impertinence. May I call it, I mean him, Sergeant Major also?

He grinned again, "We shall be pleased if you do; the Sergeant Major and I. Maybe he will be more responsive for you than he's been for me." It will not be for lack of effort on my part, Nightingale thought. There was that warm feeling once more in her crotch.

Later in her notes Nightingale recorded this little vignette and noted that throughout the balance of her relationship with Gregory, his penis was known between them as the Sergeant Major. This bit of risqué chatter had permitted them to relax somewhat. If the Captain was shy with women she thought that barrier to a one-to-one relationship with her, at least, had been topped. She considered that essential if she was to be effective.

"Another question Captain, do you still enjoy the company of women?"

"Yes, I do very much. I find your company quite enjoyable. So that's an example, isn't it?"

"Yes, of course. " More warmth in her groin. "Do you get satisfaction from looking at us? Well I don't mean me in a personal sense. But I mean us as women in general?"

"I do like to look at women." He flushed a bit as he went on. "When I say that I do include you Nurse. You're a lovely lady." It was Nightingale's turn to look down, knowing that the color rose in her chest and neck. She busied herself making notes.

"There is one other question I must ask, "Have you had intimate relations with a woman?"

Gregory was not surprised by the question; it could be expected in the context that brought them together. But he found it difficult to admit aloud that he was still a virgin.

"No Nurse," he flushed and said quietly. "It's not been for lack of wanting to but it seems opportunity has regretfully been crowded out of as I came of age and all that has happened to me."

The room was quiet. The revelation of his virginity stimulated her. Nightingale felt an urge to admit her own virginity but she pushed the thought away and busied herself with her clinical notes.

"You will bring a special gift to the woman with whom you first make love Captain. There's no shame in being a virgin. You must not let anxiety become your mindset to fester within. It will interfere with success in our endeavor. She tried to resist, but failed to suppress the titillating thought that she would like to be the first to welcome his lovely penis within her where no man had yet penetrated to bring it to orgasm.

"Now draw water in the tub," she said crisply. "Make it hot as you feel you can bear then sit down so that your genitals are completely immersed. Wash the Sergeant Major and your scrotum thoroughly. Draw the foreskin back and clean round the shoulder of the corona. And give your anus a good scrub with plenty of soap. Stay in the tub for 20 minutes and keep the water hot. You'll be taking hot baths frequently; at least twice a day. The heat will relax your muscles and promote circulation in your groin. Whilst you do that I will make some preparations ."

Gregory removed his clothing as instructed and without compunction. He had spent so many months in hospital with nursing sisters bathing him, helping him excrete and urinate, washing his body including his genitalia and anus, poking and prodding, sticking tubes in his private parts, massaging his limbs, his torso, his feet, his thighs, his bum; so much that, despite his shyness socially with the opposite sex, getting naked in front of a matron in white garb had ceased to embarrass him. Moreover he knew the Sergeant Major would not humiliate him by semaphoring arousal, because he hung there useless. If anything, he thought, I'm approaching a point where I am now more embarrassed that he won't react. He did wish that Nurse Synge had offered to wash his privates.

That thought came to him not incidentally because while he waited for the tub to fill he turned to look through the door into the bedroom. What he saw with admiration was Nightingale's broad bottom as she bent to place and smooth a rubberized pad on Gregory's bed. Wouldn't it be quite pleasant, he mused, if in the course of the therapy there would be a time when she would present herself as now but naked so that he could firmly ensconce Sergeant Major and his satchel in the soft and warm crevasse that lay between those two grand hemispheres of prominent flesh?

When he had dried himself he returned to the bed room. The Sergeant Major was rather red from his near scalding.

"Lie down on your stomach now on the pad. Good. Now turn your head and face away. In a moment I am going to put my hands on your shoulders, then I shall move them about slowly while you become used to my touch. I shan't be massaging; just passing my hands about lightly. I'll just be a moment. I want to warm my hands before I touch you."

He heard the soft swish of clothing being adjusted behind him. Had he not been made to turn his face away he would have seen that she had struggle out of her substantial girdle and he might have caught sight of the damp spot that had spread in the crotch of her underpants.

"What's that I hear, Nurse? Are you taking off your clothing?"

She answered from the bathroom while running hot water over her hands and washing them thoroughly.

"No Captain. Don't be impertinent. If you must know I took off my girdle . It would restrict me when I move about the bed to examine you.

He was titillated with the knowledge that she had removed an undergarment there in his bedroom. He longed to see the garment, to hold it and smell her smell upon it. But he could not bring himself to vocalize his desire.

She reentered the bedroom. The sight of him lying naked on the bed took her breath away. It was unexpected, this reaction, and surprised Nightingale. It was one thing to look upon a patient, more often than not an overweight middle aged or elderly man, in the clinical setting of an examination room but, she had not realized how different, indeed how stimulating, it was in this moment to look on the sinewy figure of the Adonis stretched out before her in the intimacy of his private chamber.

He is gorgeous she thought. He is more muscular than I would have imagined after so long a convalescence. No adipose flesh to be seen, only sinew and muscle and a very fetching bum. Broad shoulders and back sweeping down to a narrow waist. Very lovely skin too, even though disfigured by the surgical and wound scars on his calves and thighs. Yet she found even these disfigurements endearing.

Feasting on the lovely sight of Gregory naked, Nightingale's libido ambushed her propriety. Her moral and professional selves battled to keep her burgeoning arousal in check. Should she simply accept her feelings and take full pleasure in pleasuring him.? By a sheer act of will she resolved to ignore how her strong libido thrust itself aggressively forward . Yes in hospital she did enjoy fondling the occasional patient but it was always with an intact veneer of clinical detachment. But here with Gregory, despite here resolve, her nipples responded, thickening and growing hard so that, had Gregory been able to look just then, he would have seen the two delightful bulges push up in the bodice of her dress. Her groin too warmed and her fulsome pussy seeped more coital fluid further enlarging the redolent wet bloom in her knickers. A part of her brain beyond control of moral or ethical foot stamping, insisted on priming her anxious sex .

She sat on the bed, hitching up her long skirt so as to draw up one leg and, despite herself, allowed her stocking clad knee touch his side. She leaned forward and put her hands on his shoulders. Her right breast pushed against his back as she bent to reach.

For the next five minutes or so she simply let her hands rest on him and moved them down his back, skipped his buttocks and ran them down to his ankles.

"Oh Nurse I can't tell you how very warm and pleasant your hands feel. I was ever so often poked and prodded in hospital but never caressed as nicely as you are doing."

Nightingale slowly moved her hands until her palms were on the firm cheeks of his arse.

"That's very good Gregory. You have lovely skin and a nice firm bum too."

She gave it a pat and said, "Now roll over and let me have a look at the Sergeant Major."

Gregory rolled onto his back and the flaccid Sergeant Major lolled on his thigh. He displayed a luxurious thatch of brunet public hair.

Nightingale took the soft tube of flesh in her hand. It was a lovely penis. The feel and warmth of it provoked further secretion and heat in her own groin. But she could detect no hint of tumescence in it.

"How very lovely. Your Sergeant Major is quite a handsome fellow. Can you not feel my hand gripping him?"

"I do feel your hand Nurse. It is most delightful. You may hold me so at your leisure if you want." He had opened his legs inviting her to indulge him.

"Perhaps a bit more fondling later." She withdrew her hand reluctantly. "I have to focus on some further baseline exam." She reached in her satchel and took out some bristles.

I am going to just touch these on different areas of your penis, the Sergeant Major. You must tell me when you feel them and how intense it is. "

In this way she examined his forlorn appendage touching about with bristles of various thickness and stiffness. All the while she made notes, drawing a diagram of Gregory's penis and labeling it with the results of her exam.

She had him spread his legs wide and pull his knees up so that his feet were flat on the bed. Then she examined his scrotum in a similar fashion but began by stroking it lightly with the tips of her fingers.

This produced a sigh of delight from Gregory.

"That is a positive sign," she said in a voice thickened by the arousal she continued trying to contain.

"I'm just going to draw the Sergeant Major's foreskin back, like that." She was leaning on her right elbow with her fingers near his anus. She held the head of his penis in her left hand.

"Now I am going to touch your anus with a finger tip while I squeeze the Sergeant Major's helmet." As she did so his anus contracted. Those nerves seem to be intact she reflected.

Gregory gasped with excitement when she touched his anus, with a bare index finger. "You gave me a bit of a start but it was quite nice with your finger touching me just there."

"That's very good," she said. "I need to examine the Sergeant Major some more. There are spongy tubes of tissue in him that normally fill with blood when a gentlemen is stimulated and the musculature of the penis then restricts the blood from flowing out easily until after ejaculation. "

Once more she took hold of the loafing fellow and palpitated it about its girth and length. Meanwhile it became clear that Gregory was enthusiastic about the examination; measured by the grunts and sighs of pleasure that he began vocalizing.

Nightingale was rattled but persevered. She noted no scar tissue or foreign bodies in the Sergeant Major. She listened with a stethoscope to the blood flow and found it too sounding normal and a good pulse in the bargain.

She stood and said, "Now Gregory, you must come stand here before me and bend over the bed so that I may feel of your prostate gland.

Gregory silently did as she instructed. She put lubricant on her fingers and massaged it on his anus. He twitched and jerked a bit but settled down as the stimulus of his sphincter began to produce pleasant feeling.

Nightingale slipped a well lubricated finger into his anus producing a grunt. She found that she could reach the gland and set about massaging it with gentle rubbing.

Gregory moaned and began gyrating his hips in rhythm with her finger. She reached between his legs and massaged his remaining testicle very gently. Her hand was coated with lubricant. Then she slipped her hand out and around his waist and gripped the Sergeant Major. Although still quite soft there was a slight but detectable thickening. She drew his foreskin back to caress and rub the glans. This was not part of the exam protocol as she had earlier planned. Nightingale was aroused and, momentarily uncaring, realized she had not adequately foreseen the hot extent of raw lust that Gregory would provoke in her.

Despite the Sergeant Major's failure to stand tall when called to tally ho, Captain Wilson was quite enthusiastic about the direction the exam had taken. Whether this was part of it or not, it was fine therapy as far as he was concerned. He had never felt so much pleasure, erection or not, emanating from that part of his body where for so long there had been only pain.

In order to service Gregory with both hands Nightingale was now pressed against him with her cheek against his back and her breasts pushing against him.

"Please keep doing that," Gregory gasped, "Don't stop examining me for a bit yet. I need it. Ahhh, I love what you're doing. I didn't know I could feel like this. So good, oooohh that's it. Give the Sergeant Major a good wanking. My God that is so gooood."

Nightingale was now thoroughly aroused herself. She was able to rub the Sergeant Major vigorously and he did rouse ever so slightly. Excitedly she felt then, amidst fondling and rubbing, a trickle of predecessor fluid, leaking from the Sergeant Major. "Gregory, I think the Sergeant Major is going to ejaculate. Let him have his way. He's leaking and wants to spew doesn't he? Come for me Gregory. Let it come in my warm hand. Do it for Nurse Nightingale. It will feel so wonderful." She was breathless from the vigorous combination of prostate massage and genital rubbing.

"Ah, yes. Oh, yes. I think, I know, I'm going to, I am, here it IS! He thrust and thrust his hips, fucking her hand as she gripped the Sergeant Major while he squirted several generous pulses of hot semen into her hand. It flowed between her fingers. Some dripped to the bed, some to the floor and some coated his pubic hair.

Nightingale's libido had taken over her own body leaving her moral sense and her professionalism , for the moment, in a cranial dustbin. Her pussy was on fire. She shuddered and had a fillip of orgasm, excited to climax by Gregory's response. After a brief post-orgasmic stasis she withdrew and made him turn and lie back. She went to the bathroom, rinsed her hands and brought a damp facecloth back with which she wiped away the semen on the Sergeant Major, Gregory's scrotum and in his pubic hair.

Then, quite without forethought, (she was completely consternated) she did something that she had never done before. Nightingale leaned over and pulled the foreskin down on the Sergeant Major then licked and kissed the glans; then took it quickly into her mouth.

Gregory groaned with delight. Her face at his groin was quite pleasing to see; his flaccid cock ensconced in her warm mouth; her tongue now conducting a lingual examination.

Oh, dear sweet Jesus, she thought, I've completely lost my grip. I must be mad. But even as she chastised herself another part of her brain was deciding that come what may she would have the Sergeant Major at stiff attention and that she would be the first one to enjoy the fullness of Captain Wilson's restored virility.

Her strong libido now dominated her intellect, her judgment and her moral sense as she happily licked, kissed and sucked the Sergeant Major. She thought it quite remarkable but found she took greedy pleasure in having the Sergeant Major in her mouth. The feel of his cock in her mouth communicated urgently with her drooling pussy. Had he been able to get it up she would have flung herself on him and jammed his cock deep into herself.

But faint voices of conscience and professional demeanor came to her from the mental dungeon where they were temporarily ensconced by her powerful libido. She left off sucking him. "Gregory," she said, "I feel quite chagrined that I have lost control of myself in this way. Will you overlook my weakness?"

"Dear Nightingale," Gregory said, "I relish the lusty woman you've shown yourself to be. What you did and were just doing give me much needed encouragement. I didn't think I could have an orgasm or that the Sergeant Major could or would feel so good although he cannot stand tall. I hope we will do this frequently. When you rubbed him so vigorously your hand felt wonderful. But I must say that your lips, mouth and tongue are heavenly. I should be most grateful if you would continue that therapy. "

"Dearest Lord," she prayed in her mind, "Is it really possible to do your Divine will yet take such pleasure in so doing? Yet I find I cannot hold back. I put my trust in You."

Even as she gave over her trust to the Almighty, she returned her mouth to the Sergeant Major. There followed an extended session of lingual and manual therapy; slurping, licking, kissing,, rubbing and digital anal penetration in the nature of an erotic coup-de-grace. Gregory thrilled to watch her eager effort while he slowly built to another orgasm. He rested his hand on her head, loving the feel of her soft hair. The mask of wanton lust that suffused Nightingale's face took him aback. At the same time what he saw communicated itself directly to the keenness of the feeling spreading through him. After some time, Gregory gasped an announcement of his impending climax whereupon Nightingale took his discharge in her mouth. Her pussy responded with an undulating wave of pleasure that rolled through her; nice and very nice but not the blissful transport she needed; that she knew was out there waiting for her. She was surprised but happy to realize she did not mind; more than that, she welcomed his cum in her mouth. As Gregory gradually ceased thrusting, groaning and writhing about Nightingale's pussy communicated an urgent need for relief.

"Oh my Gregory, I've quite lost control of myself. Now I need to masturbate and have an orgasm very badly. I can't wait. I'll just step into the bathroom for a bit and take care of myself."