The OF Girl Ch. 041-050


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"That wasn't a no," he said.

You slowly clenched a fist and then let it go, knowing it wasn't worth it.

"Whatever, dude," Eric sighed. "One fucking exciting thing happens in this place, and you won't share. This is such a dud of a summer."

"Oh, is that right?" Mr Garrisson asked from the doorway.

"Uh, sir! I was just- I meant- Ah-" Eric stammered.

"It's almost work time, where are the other two?" Garrison asked, levelling a stare at the three of you.

"Sabrina, Gemma and I were in extra early this morning, so I told them I'd cover a bit of a longer lunch, sir," you said. "They shouldn't be much longer. Was there something you needed?"

Garrisson grimaced, eyeing the three of you. "Fine. John, come with me. You other two, keep working. We need those Anderson files fully documented by end of day."

"Yes, sir," you all said, and you quickly stood to follow the senior lawyer.

"What can I help you with, sir?" you asked.

"I need a distraction," Garrisson said. "One of the girls would have worked a lot better, but you'll have to do."

For more than a moment you had a stray, disturbing thought that Garrisson was about to try and get sexual favours out of you. There's no way... right? If you were him, you wouldn't do it, but you could understand the desire to get a little something from the pretty female interns. But... surely not anyone....

Garrisson led you into his office and shut the door.

You gulped.

"Sit," he ordered, pointing at the chair in front of his desk. You followed his direction and he stood right next to you, his crotch just under your sightline.

Oh, God, it's happening, you panicked internally. What do I do? What do I do?

"We've got a big deposition happening in about an hour, John," he said. "And we know we've got this guy dead to rights, but he's a fucking brick wall. Fucking anal retentive prick." Garrisson moved around to the back of his desk and opened a drawer, rummaging around.

Oh, thank God this isn't happening, you thought, breathing in and out quickly.

"We need to put him on the back foot. Get him distracted. Annoyed. Here," he handed you a heavy, metal pen. "Click it."

You held it up and clicked the end. Click-click.

"Alright, that'll work. Come to the main conference room three minutes after 1:30 pm. Exactly three minutes. Bring a notepad and that pen. When you come in, mumble an apology. Just something weak. Then you're going to sit behind me and Barbara and pretend to take notes, but you're going to click that pen a lot. Not constantly, or rhythmically. Just randomly and frequently. At some point, I'll signal you and you can interrupt to get a drink of water from the table. That's it, that's all you have to do. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," you nodded. The assignment was definitely weird, but you followed the logic. If this guy was as exacting and straight-laced as Garrisson said, everything you did was going to annoy the shit out of him.

"Good," he nodded. "Now get out of here."

"Yes, sir," you nodded and left.

Back in the intern conference room Eric and Andy immediately wanted to know what was going on, and you told them Garrisson wanted you to annoy someone in a deposition.

"Are you kidding me?" Eric said. "I can be annoying. Why do you get all the special assignments? Did you blow Garrisson or something?"

"No, I didn't blow Garrisson," you said. "Have you considered maybe I'm just lucky?"

"Yeah, lucky as fuck," he grumbled. "Special assignments, special treatment from the girls. You got a horseshoe stuck up your ass or something?"

"Naw, I jerked off with a rabbit's foot in my hand," you said. "Makes all the difference."

"Really?" Andy asked.

"No," you said. "Dude, you really need to lay off the weed."

"Well, at least I don't jerk off with rabbits," he said.

You were saved from answering by your phone pinging.

Sabrina: Come down to the lobby.

You checked the time - it was still only 12:40, so you had time.

"I'm hitting the head," you said.

"We just had lunch," Eric said. "Do you do any actual work around here?"

"Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time," you said.

Andy, of course, laughed at the ancient meme. Eric just rolled his eyes and grumbled.

You headed out to the elevators, wondering what Sabrina and Gemma had in store.

Chapter 45

The lobby was empty when you exited the elevator.

"Hey, Becks," you said. "I got called down by-"

"Sabrina and Gemma," Becks finished for you. She was looking at you with a concerned expression and leaned forward resting her chin on her fists. "Look, I don't know what's going on with you three, but I'm only going to put up with so much of this - coffees or not. Got it?"

"I don't know what's going on yet," you said. "But I understand."

"Alright, good," she nodded. "They are around the corner and down the hall on the right. Third door, it's unmarked. Don't-" she sighed. "I don't want to assume anything. Just try and stay quiet."

Now even more confused than before, you thanked Becks and followed her directions. You hadn't ever actually explored the ground level of the office building - you'd been in the basement to fetch files from the big storage room the Firm had down there, but it turned out several other smaller businesses had offices, or remote offices, on the first floor. You'd already known that Becks wasn't actually an employee of the firm, but rather the building - the firm just supplemented her salary for some higher quality service and more duties than simple directions for visitors and organizing maintenance.

The third door on the right was beige, inset from the faux-marble decor of the hallway. Unsure of what you were walking in on, you hesitated and then knocked.

Sabrina opened the door quickly, and looked startled at the expression on your face. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know?" you said. "You tell me."

"What? No, there's nothing wrong," she said and took your hand, pulling you into the room.

It was a small space, maybe only as large as one of the Associate offices upstairs, and had a simple office desk with a laptop stand and desktop screen, but no laptop plugged into it, along with a standard office landline phone. There weren't any decorations on the desk or walls, and you realized this must be some sort of private meeting room for the other businesses down here.

Gemma was sitting on the edge of the desk, and she smiled when you walked in. "John, take a seat."

"Alright," you said, raising an eyebrow as you sat down in one of the two chairs in front of the desk. "What's going on?"

"Gemma and I had a good talk," Sabrina said. "Did everything go alright upstairs?"

"Yeah, I covered for you with Garrisson," you said. "He came looking for either of you to do a special assignment, so he ended up giving it to me."

"What?" Gemma asked, surprised. "Shit!"

That led to you explaining the weird assignment, and Gemma and Sabrina both frustrated with themselves that they'd missed out on helping Garrisson and making a better impression with him.

"Can we get back on to why I'm down here?" you finally asked.

"Yes, right," Sabrina said. "So, as I said, we had a good talk."

"We clarified some things between us, and decided on some rules," Gemma said.

You nodded. "Alright, that makes sense. Are you planning on filling me in on these rules?"

Gemma smirked. "Rule number one - Sabrina is a friend with benefits, I am maybe a girlfriend if things keep working out well."

You nodded.

"Rule number two," Sabrina continued. "If you and Gemma have a date planned, one of you tells me. And we don't have any sexual contact that day. Gemma wants all of you on those days."

"Done," you said, nodding again.

"Rule number three," Gemma said. "We're all getting STD tested just in case, and none of us are going to be with anyone else unless we have a group discussion and come to an agreement first."

"Wasn't planning on it, and OK," you agreed.

Sabrina smirked, her eyes gleaming. "Rule number four - you, John, can't talk about what you and I do to anyone. No posting on social media, not even a mention to Eric or Andy upstairs, or your friends in college."

"They grilled me all lunch about our date," you said. "I managed not to crack then, so I'm sure I can follow that."

"Good. Rule number five, and it's the last one for now," Gemma said. "Whenever you're helping Sabrina with her OnlyFans, you need to figure out a way to disguise yourself. Maybe a mask, or blurring your face, and distorting your voice. I'm surprisingly fine with you getting sexual with her on camera, but not with people being able to find out I'm sharing you."

That one you hesitated on, though not because you didn't agree. "I... hadn't actually thought that far ahead," you admitted. Then you looked at Sabrina. "We'll need to go back and distort my voice on that restaurant video."

"Already did it," Sabrina nodded.

"OK, so you're good with all of that?" Gemma asked.

"Absolutely," you agreed.

"Good. Then, I know you two had plans after work today, so I'm sorry but you're going to delay whatever else you were going to do. I booked us all appointments at a local clinic for the STD tests. Results are supposed to come back within 24 hours, so you'll need to wait until then for anything more," Gemma said. "But, Sabrina gave me some more details about yesterday, and she let me watch the videos you've already recorded. So I think you deserve a reward for being a good... Daddy." She grinned.

"Oh, God," you groaned. "Please don't start with that, too."

They both laughed, and Sabrina looked to Gemma for some sort of a signal, and Gemma nodded.

Chapter 46

"Alright, baby," Sabrina said. "Time for your reward." She smiled and went down on her knees in front of you, and started unbuckling your belt.

"Wait, here?" you asked. "Is this a good idea?"

"Are you saying you don't want a blowjob right now?" Sabrina asked, your belt was undone and her hand already reaching into your pants.

"I just want to see it," Gemma said. "You have time, don't worry."

You gulped, and Sabrina was looking up at you with her big eyes, and you nodded for her to continue. She grinned happily and fished your quickly firming cock out of the front hole of your briefs, pulling it out into the open.

"Fuck, you were right," Gemma said. "It does look better in person."

"Hold on, it gets a little bigger," Sabrina said, and licked her palm and fingers before starting to jerk you lightly. "There we go, baby," she crooned softly, that little satisfied smirk on her lips as she flicked her eyes from your to your cock and back. "That's it, get fucking hard for me. Show Gemma how big you get, so that she's fucking salivating for it. Show her what she's going to be getting on Friday, yeah?"

"Fuck," Gemma breathed out, licking her bottom lip just a little as she watch Sabrina give you a handjob right in front of her.

"There," Sabrina said, happy with her work as she let go of your cock at full hardness. "What do you think?"

"We're lucky girls, I guess," Gemma said.

Sabrina chuckled. "Yes, and he's a lucky boy," she said, and then she tilted your cock forward and slid her lips over your head, starting to blow you. Once again, Sabrina did everything she could to keep her eyes on yours, watching you as she worked her magic lips and tongue along your shaft.

"Oh, fuck," you groaned. "Sabrina, you're so- God, that's good."

"Is she a professional cock sucker?" Gemma asked quietly.

You shook your head. "No, because that would imply she sucks anyone's cock but mine. Sabrina's mouth is mine."

Sabrina hummed on your cock, and you could see that little smirk even with her lips spread around you.

"What about the rest of her? That tight little body, those little tits and bum. Her cunt she's shown you and the rest of the internet like a little slut?"

"They'll be mine as well," you grunted. "Other people can look, but they'll never touch while I'm in the picture. Right Sabrina?"

Sabrina licked her way off your cock, then slowly pumped it in her fist as she answered. "Not never. I might eventually want to film a threesome, bring some other sexy OnlyFans girl in to suck and finger me while you fill her cunt like the stud cock you are."

"Fuck, that's hot," Gemma said, and when you looked over at her you realized your buxom blonde not-quite-girlfriend had undone the front of her pants and had a hand down the font, playing with herself.

"You like that idea?" you asked. "The whole internet getting to watch some slut get sandwiched between me and Sabrina?"

Gemma nodded, her tongue stuck out between her firmly pressed lips and as she watched Sabrina take your entire cock into her mouth and throat.

"Fuuuuck," you groaned, closing your eyes for a moment, then opening them. "Gemma, let me have a taste."

"What?" she asked.

"Your fingers. I want to taste you," you said. "Actually, I want to lick you until you cum all over my face, but we can't, so I want a taste."

Gemma stood from her perch on the desk edge and stepped forward, her pants falling down her thighs a bit and revealing the sexy white lace panties she had on underneath with a dark spot on the gusset. She pulled her fingers from her panties and held them out, letting you lean forward and take them into your mouth. "Mmm," you groaned, tasting her. She was that lovely tart, semi-salty, a semi-sweet flavour that was indescribably a turn-on. "I can't wait for more."

She groaned and put her hand down her underwear again. "Fuck, I can't wait for you to get more," she said.

You turned back to Sabrina and reached out, running your fingers through the hair on the side of her head. "I don't want to mess up your hair," you said. "But God do I want to grab you and just fuck your mouth."

"Another time," she said, coming off of your cock for a moment to say it. "Maybe after I've been a little fucking cocktease, so you really go at it?"

"You're a brat," I laughed.

"And proud of it," she said, then dove back down onto your cock.

"Fuuuuck, yes you bratty blowjob queen," you groaned.

She hummed happily.

"Gemma," you said, turning back to the blonde. "If you step closer and pull those aside, I'd be happy to-"

"Mmm-mm," she shook her head. "You'd get me all over your face, and we won't have time for you to wash it off. Fuck I want to feel your tongue, though."

"Fine," you said. "Then at least kiss me."

"While you're getting a blowjob from another girl, and I'm fingering myself to it?" Gemma asked.

You reached over and pulled her by her waist, and she bent and kissed you. That was when Sabrina used her teeth - not hard or painful, just grazing you for a moment, changing up the sensations, and you sniffed in a big breath as Gemma's tongue slid between your lips.

All at once, you felt the rush of your orgasm go from Building to Max Pressure, and you imagined some dial in your head pushing into the red zone.

"Fuck, I'm going to come," you groaned into Gemma's lips.

She stood up, working her pussy harder behind her underwear, looking down at you. "Yes," she hissed softly. "Do it. Come right in her mouth, make her drink it all down. God, I want to- Friday. Friday we'll do exactly this." She was almost telling herself that rather than you.

"Unless you want to come all over my face," Sabrina offered, jerking you quickly, your cock head pointed right under her chin. "It'll take me forever to get cleaned up to go back upstairs, but you can if you want. I'll even take a picture and send it to you, and post a little tease on my page with your cum all over my lips, letting my followers know that you've marked them as yours."

"Fuck," you grunted. "Fuuuck."

Chapter 47

"Mouth," you groaned. "In your mouth."

"Your mouth," Sabrina whispered with a naughty smirk. "That's what you said, right? My mouth belongs to you, my lips? That's fffffucking hot." She extended the F, maximizing the sensuality.

"Now," you grunted and shifted your hips forward.

Sabrina took you between her lips again and started jerking you at the base of your cock, milking you as you erupted inside her mouth.

"Uuuungh," you groaned, feeling the waves of pleasure zap through you.

"Mmmmm," Sabrina moaned as her mouth filled, like she was taking the first bite of a delicious meal at the more expensive dining experience.

"Huh," Gemma gasped. "Huh. Huh." She was frigging herself hard now, her lace underwear not revealing anything other than the movement of her hand at her pussy, but that was enough.

"Fucking take it all," you said, and Sabrina did. She slid her full mouth down farther, slurping and swallowing your dick, sucking the last remnant of cum out of you, then slid off leaving your cock shiny and clean.

"Aaah," she said, opening her mouth and showing you and Gemma her mouth was absolutely full of cum.

"You fucking slut," Gemma sighed, half-giggling as her own orgasm slowly tickled to a stop.

Sabrina fumbled for her phone and opened it up, handing it to you. "Pic'ure," she said around her mouthful.

You quickly scanned through a couple of filters, but were taking too long and Gemma took the phone from you. "This one," she said, showing you, and then took a picture of Sabrina on her knees, looking up into the camera with a mouth full of your cum.

"That's fucking hot, but not on brand," you said. "Hold on, let me." You lined up a new shot, this time only including Sabrina's mouth, chin and a shot down at her clothed chest. Then, for shits, you stood up and rested the top of your softening cock on her bottom lip and took another. "There, that's her brand."

"MMmmah," Sabrina said after she gulped down the mouthful of cum. "Sorry, Gemma. Wasn't sure if you wanted some of that or not."

"I'm finding out I'm this level of kinky, I don't know if I'm snowball a load kinky yet," Gemma said.

You went to move away and tuck your cock away, but Sabrina stopped you. "I got it," she said, and carefully took you back in her slim fingers and tucked your dick back into your briefs, then zipped you up and started buckling your belt.

"Full service package, huh?" you asked.

"For a load like that? Absolutely," she said. "Least I can do considering that picture will probably be downloaded a couple thousand times by the end of the day."

"That's weird to think about," Gemma said. She'd leaned back against the desk again, but hadn't fixed her own pants.

"Alright," you said, handing back Sabrina's phone. "I've got about half an hour still, but we should get upstairs."

"Wait," Gemma said. "There's one last thing. Rule Six."

"I thought you said there were five rules?" you asked.

"That's because we agreed on this whole encounter happening before Rule Six went into effect," Sabrina said. "From now on, no more sexual stuff in the office. No sitting in laps, no groping, not even kissing, or pecks on the cheek. We shouldn't have done that when we left for lunch, I'm sure that spurred on Andy and Eric."

"You're not wrong," you agreed. "Alright. As soon as we leave this room, nothing that we wouldn't do in front of the Partners happens in this building."

"Good," Gemma nodded.

"Agreed," Sabrina said.

For some reason, you doubted their sincerity.

"OK," you said. "Gemma?"

"You two go ahead. I'm going to, ah, take a moment and change my panties," she said. "I don't feel like sitting in that conference room reeking of horny pussy."

"Too fair," Sabrina said. "I'd probably need to do that too, if I were wearing any."

"You skank," Gemma laughed.

"Says the girl with her pants around her knees," Sabrina giggled back.

"Alright you two," you said. Then you stepped forward and kissed Gemma, pulling her softer, fuller body to yours and feeling her bust press against your chest. Then you left her and went to Sabrina, cupping her face in both of yours and kissing her firmly, but with no tongue. "Thank you for making my fucking day, by the way."