The Office Team-Building Day Ch. 13


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Sylvia brushed past me and walked to the buffet, pouring herself a glass of champagne. She took a long sip, facing away from me, then topped up her glass again. She paused, looking out the window, then turned around.

"Please, come in."

I walked into the room tentatively, my hands in my pockets, palms sweating.

"Nice room," I said, looking about.

Sylvia did not reply, but walked into the living area and motioned to a large leather armchair. I sat and waited. She remained standing by the gas fireplace on the wall. She set her glass on the mantlepiece and folded her hands in front of her.

"Before you say anything, please let me explain something. I assume you came here to tell me you have seen or heard of my husband being unfaithful. Perhaps you mean to blackmail me, or seek some favour, or perhaps even to simply warn or inform me of his indiscretions. I tell you now that you will gain nothing from this. You have nothing that will give you any advantage over me, and no information that I am not already aware of, and any attempt to threaten or extort me will be met with your swift dismissal from this company, not to mention criminal proceedings, if necessary. I'm telling you this to save you any embarrassment and unpleasantness. I'm already displeased enough that you had the audacity to bring this up at a social function, but I shall now give you the opportunity to leave and this whole matter will be forgotten. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

"Very well."

Neither of us moved. A few awkward moments passed. Sylvia crossed her arms and frowned.

"Aren't you going to leave?" she asked, finally.

"Well, no. I'm not here to threaten you or upset you... but I do have some information you may not be aware of. It affects me, my colleagues, and the company. Yes, it does concern your husband, which makes it a very delicate matter, but I think you'll understand why I chose to bring it to you," I said, and fished into my pocket. "Perhaps you should watch this."

I handed the usb stick out to her. She eyed me suspiciously, then approached, taking the usb and looking at it.

"There's a video on there. You can watch it at your leisure, but I'd like to explain-"

"-We'll watch it now," said Sylvia, going to a wall panel that had controls for the room's large television mounted above the fireplace.

She plugged in the usb and retrieved the remote control. She turned on the tv and we waited.


"-Sssh!" she hissed.

We both watched the video in silence. We watched Gary harass and threaten Courtney. We watched Carmen enter just in time to stop Gary from assaulting Courtney. The video stopped after Gary left my office. Sylvia continued to stare at the blank screen. I waited for her to respond, but she made no sound, and remained motionless.

"Sylvia, I'm sorry you had to see this. But you can understand my concern. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to speak to you directly," I said quietly, still waiting for her to react.

"Does anyone else know of this?" she asked coldly, still staring at the blank screen.


Sylvia took her glass from the mantlepiece and drank, emptying the contents. She sighed heavily and turned to walk back to the buffet.

"Again, I'm sorry. But I can't let him do this. Courtney is my friend. And god knows how many other women he's done this to."

Sylvia poured herself another glass of champagne. She sipped from the glass then returned to the lounge area. She stood in front of my chair, looking at me challengingly. I thought I could see the glint of tears in her eyes, although I couldn't tell if they were from sorrow, anger, embarrassment, or frustration.

"How did you get this video? Whose office is this?" she said.

"It's... it's mine. I set up a hidden camera in my office because I was worried about... well, exactly what you saw. I didn't feel right putting a camera in Courtney's office, so I got her to work in my office, knowing Gary would likely drop by."

I didn't know if she believed it, but it didn't seem to be the most important fact at the time.

"That's why I didn't go to HR. How the hell would I explain a hidden camera in my office?" I offered.

Sylvia scrutinised me, then sighed and turned her head, closing her eyes. She stepped to the couch nearby and sat down heavily, putting her glass on the coffee table and her head in her hands.

"Jesus fucking Christ," she cursed.

I thought it best to remain quiet.

"I know he sleeps around, that's no secret. But this... this is different."

Another long silence followed.

"I'm sorry, Sylvia. I know this must be hard," I offered.

She lifted her head and looked at me for a few moments, then sighed.

"Well, it's not good news, that's for certain, but I'm glad you brought it to my attention. I'll deal with it. You won't have to worry about him bothering anyone in your office, I promise you. This is not the only copy, I'm assuming?"

I was about to respond, but evidently her question was rhetorical, as she waved her hand dismissively.

"That's fine, I suppose. But I'd like to make an agreement with you: this stays between us. Is that clear?" she said sternly.

"Of course, Sylvia. I won't breathe a word of it to anyone."

"And why should I trust you?"

"I can only tell you that I am a man of my word. I'm sorry I can't offer you more than that, but I assure you, it will be enough. Besides, you have a significant advantage over me if it came down to your word versus mine. You're Mrs. Voynov... I'm just a guy that works for you," I said, smiling warmly.

After a pause, she smiled back.

"Indeed," she said confidently as she picked up her glass and drank more champagne. "Well, I think that's enough unpleasantness for one evening," she said, standing.

I quickly stood up and buttoned my suit jacket.

"Thank you for speaking to me about this. And for the pleasant conversation at the bar. You're an amazing woman, Syliva, I hope we can talk again soon," I said, preparing to leave.

Sylvia raised her eyebrows. "Leaving so soon?"

"Erm... I, uh... was there something else?" I stammered.

"You're not going to let me drink this bottle of champagne all by myself, are you? Besides, I only booked this hotel room so we could talk. I'd like to use it a little while longer. Unless of course you have somewhere you have to be."

"No, I don't. Um... sure, yeah. I'd be happy to stay and chat," I replied, delighted that Sylvia still wanted me around after giving her such bad news.

"Are you sure your wife or girlfriend wouldn't mind?" she asked pointedly.

"I'm sure she would... if I had one."


Sylvia turned and walked to the buffet.

"Please, take your jacket off. Make yourself comfortable," she said over her shoulder.

I took my suit jacket off and draped it over the back of the chair. I took my cufflinks out and rolled up my sleeves, then walked over to the window.

"What a view," I said, whistling.

I also noticed a jacuzzi tub at the far right side of the room, beyond the bed. I became excited at the prospect of a romantic dip with Sylvia, but pushed it out of my mind, not wanting to get my hopes up.

The city lights sparkled below us. Sylvia turned and handed my a glass of champagne.

"Cheers again. To good company, this time," she said, winking.

We clinked glasses and drank.

"Here you are telling me to relax-you've still got your jacket on," I pointed out.

"So I do. Here," she responded, handing me her glass to hold as she unbuttoned her jacket and slid it off, pulling her shoulders back.

Her breasts pressed firmly against her shirt as she stuck her chest out towards me. I could see her small nipples poking through her blouse. She watched me admire her bust as she folded her jacket and placed it on the back of a nearby chair. She retrieved her glass and walked (hips swaying again) to the lounge area and seated herself on the couch, picking up a nearby remote control. She pushed a button and a flame sprang to life in the gas fireplace. With the push of another button, soft music began to play from the integrated speakers in the wall. She kicked off her high heels and curled her legs up next to her.

I took my seat in the large armchair next to the couch and stared at the fire for a moment before looking back at Sylvia. She was removing pins from her bun and placing them on the table next to her. Her breasts rose when she put her arms up, pressing firmly against the fabric of her blouse. Her breasts looked medium-sized, and appeared round and perky, but it may have been the push-up bra she was wearing. I admired the way her pencil skirt hugged her narrow waist, and accentuated the womanly curve of her hips. Her legs were lean and toned, and she wore sheer black stockings.

Finally, she shook her hair loose, her long, light golden locks tumbling about her face and shoulders.

"Mmmmm, much better," she intoned softly, then said, "Is something the matter?"

I realised too late that I had been staring at her, mouth slightly agape, stunned by her beauty. I felt my face become hot and looked away quickly, clearing my throat.

"Ah, no... no, I'm fine thanks," then noticing her amused smile, said, "It's just... If you don't mind my saying, Sylvia, you are breathtakingly gorgeous. I'm sorry if I was rude... "

"Oh nonsense. I'm quite flattered, actually," she replied, her smile widening to reveal her perfect, even teeth between her full ruby red lips.

We sat in silence for a few moments, looking into the flames and sipping our champagne. It was not uncomfortable or awkward in the least, and I felt my attraction to Sylvia growing. She was confident, dignified, poised, but had the sense of putting others at ease in her presence without even uttering a word. As I had experienced before, she could also assert her authority or become intimidating in much the same fashion.

Presently, Silvia looked over at me, pausing before speaking.

"I imagine you are quite popular with women, no? Particularly with the women in your department, as I've heard through Carmen."

I stiffened and tried not to appear surprised.

"Oh? And what might you have heard?" I asked cautiously, trying to be casual.

"Never you mind. The reason I ask is because you are a young, successful, attractive man, yet you don't have a partner."

The made this statement as if it were a question. I shrugged.

"I'm happy with my life at the moment. I suppose I could say I haven't met the right woman, and any other cliched excuse, but the truth is I'm not really looking."

"No? I think you're looking. But not for a relationship. I think you're looking for... experiences. Is that perhaps why you came to me?" she said, not betraying any discernible emotion.

"I'm not sure what you mean-"

"-of course you know what I mean. I can see the way you look at me. Just a moment ago you made a point of mentioning how attractive you find me. You're telling me these things don't serve a purpose?"

I was shocked at her direct approach.

"No! I came to you because of my friend... "

"Friend... " echoed Sylvia, grinning faintly.

"Yes, my friend," I repeated, undeterred.

"I'm not sure what you've heard, but my no matter what else they happen to be, my friends are very dear to me and I will help them when I can. That's why I came to you. And it was at great professional risk that I did so. You may question my motives all you like, and I can't say I blame you, but I am an honest man. I had no ulterior motives for coming to you."

"Are you having sex with this colleague?" she said without missing a beat, pointing at the blank tv screen, indicating the video of Courtney.

"I'm honest, Sylvia, but I'm not stupid. Whether I have a sexual relationship with Courtney or not is not the issue. I'm doing this for her, not for me," I said, meeting Sylvia's steady gaze.

She smiled and tossed her hair, then took another sip of her champagne. I could see the faint red marks on the edge of the glass from her lipstick. She was toying with me, and enjoying it. It was frustrating, and I felt helpless to avoid it. I took a deep breath to calm myself down, then deliberately placed my champagne glass on the table and stood, picking my suit jacket up off the back of the chair.

"Look, I came here to try to resolve this matter with Courtney, and I feel like that has been taken care of. Thank you for helping me, Mrs. Voynov, and if there's anything I can do in return just let me know."

I turned to go.

"Sit down. Don't be so melodramatic," she said.

"I'm sorry, I just don't like having my motives questioned. I'm helping Courtney because she's a friend. I'm complimenting you because I find you very attractive. It's a simple as that-nothing more, nothing less. I don't like playing games, and if it takes me leaving to prove that to you, then so be it," I replied, gesturing towards the door.

Sylvia appraised me silently for a moment, then nodded once. "Very well. I believe you. Now please, sit down and have a drink with me."

I put my jacket back on the chair and dropped back into my seat, picking up my glass and taking a large mouthful. Sylvia just stared at me with her enigmatic smile, and sparkling blue eyes.

"I like you. And I can see why Carmen likes you. I'm glad to have you working for us," she said simply.

I smiled weakly.

She continued, "and I can see that you're clever enough to know that we could have had this conversation in any number of places aside from an expensive hotel room, sipping champagne in front of the fire... "

She patted the couch cushion next to her, and said, "Sit here, darling."

I hesitated for a moment, then stood and sat beside her, putting my arm behind her on the back of the soft leather couch. She put her hand on the back of my head and leaned in, kissing me firmly and deeply on the mouth. Our tongues danced in each others' mouths and I felt her hand grip a fistful of my hair. I put my hand on her leg as we made out, the minutes passing, my cock stirring in my trousers.

Finally, we broke apart, both flushed and breathing hard. Her breasts rose and fell dramatically under her blouse. She looked at me with fire in her eyes, then her expression softened and she laughed softly.

"You've got... " she said, wiping her lipstick from my face with her thumb.

"Well, you've certainly passed that test," she added, looking at me approvingly. "Take off your shoes."

I quickly obeyed, removing my shoes, and when I sat back up, I noticed that Sylvia had un-tucked and unbuttoned her blouse. Her medium-sized, pale, soft breasts pouted out of the lacy black cups of her bra invitingly. Her chest was lightly flushed, and her eyes were hungry. Her fingers stroked my cheek, then moved down my neck to my shirt, setting to work on the top few buttons. I pulled my tie roughly and tossed it onto the floor. Sylvia's nimble fingers unbuttoned my shirt and she pushed it open, running her hand over my chest and abs.

"Oh my... your body is even better than it looked in that snug shirt," she purred.

I pulled her to me and kissed her again, my hand running along her thigh. Her fingers had continued their journey downward and had found my zipper, undoing it quickly. I felt her tongue writhe against mine as she reached inside my trousers. Suddenly, she gasped and pulled back, her eyes wide. She looked down, where her hand had vanished through my fly.

"That's not... " she said, then quickly pulled her hand back, deciding to go straight to the source.

She stuffed her hand into my boxers and gripped my semi-erect shaft firmly, pulling it roughly out into the open. It sprung free from my trousers, waving in the air like a charmed snake. Sylvia's small hand gripped it at the base-her fingers not able to touch around my thick girth-and squeezed it gently as she stared in awe.

"My goodness... " she breathed, amazed.

"You are incredibly well-endowed, my darling," she said, recovering herself; although her eyes were still wide and staring at my exposed penis.

"So I've been told," I replied, removing my hand from her leg so she could have the best view of my cock.

She tipped my cock down toward my knees to examine its impressive length. Her pretty blue eyes studied it thoroughly as her other hand subconsciously reached to her chest, her fingertips brushing her pouting bust. She let my cock fall back against my stomach and gently fingered my balls, rolling them about, then traced her index up the underside of my cock to the frenulum.

"Well, you certainly put my husband to shame. In more ways than one," she mused, as her hand continued up my stomach and over my chest.

Sylvia slid her legs off the couch and stood up facing me, her hands on her hips, her shirt open, her lips slightly pursed.

"Stroke it for me," she said.

It was not a suggestion-it was an order. I sat up to take my shirt off, but she stopped me with her hand.

"No. Keep it on, but open. Your trousers too. Just stroke your cock and watch me."

I wrapped my hand around my dick and began stroking it slowly, admiring Sylvia's slender frame. She watched me for a moment, then slowly peeled her blouse from her shoulders, sticking her chest out to emphasise her breasts. She let the shirt fall to the floor and ran her hands up her sides sensuously. She turned around slowly and took hold of the zipper at the back of her skirt, pulling it down inch by inch. She was wearing a pair of lacy black g-string panties, and my cock throbbed and grew in my hand as I watched her hook her thumbs in the waist of the skirt and gradually slide it down over her hips, wiggling them from side to side as the material slid over her skin.

As the skirt slid down over her firm, toned buttocks, and along her thighs, she bent over, her ass cheeks spreading slightly, the thin strip of black material appearing, just covering her asshole. She bent lower, keeping her knees straight, and I could see the edges of her pale pussy lips, barely covered by the lacy material of her panties. The skirt continued its way down, exposing her stockings. My mouth gaped at her firm, slender legs as her skirt finally reached the floor.

She held her ankles, demonstrating her impressive flexibility, and turned her head to the side to look at me. I had a powerful urge to stand up, pull her panties out of her ass crack, stuff my cock into her hot pussy, and fuck her hard and fast until I blew my load deep inside her.

"Wow... " I said, stupidly.

I was struck dumb by her sexual allure, her perfectly toned legs and buttocks, the burning expression in her eyes. She stood up straight again, her butt cheeks closing over the string of her panties. Her blouse came down just above the bottom of her butt cheeks, which had soft curves underneath where they met her legs. She shrugged her blouse from her shoulders and let it fall to her elbows, looking over her shoulder to make sure I was still stroking my cock. She needn't have worried-I was already rock hard.

She put her arms down and let her blouse slide slowly down until her hands were holding it. She then turned around quickly and tossed it at me and it landed on my face, obscuring my view. I laughed and pulled it away. She was smiling widely at me, her hands on her hips again, her eyes scanning my body, glancing approvingly at my erect manhood. She was a vision in her lingerie, her lacy black bra and panties, her stockings. Her blonde hair fell around her, framing her pretty heart-shaped face. Her clear, blue eyes sparkled mischievously and her shoulders turned inward as she stared lasciviously at my erect member. Her desire was almost palpable, and my balls tingled as I watched her devour me with her gaze.

Sylvia stepped forward and bent down, putting her hands on my knees and looking into my eyes.

"I hope you're as good at fucking as you are at your job."