The Oil Rig


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Tammy hung back happy now that Tom was home. She finally had some hope now that there was a possibility that their marriage might make it. And she knew she shouldn't be angry about him being intimate with another woman, but she was almost sick thinking about him kissing and having intercourse with someone else. It hit her hard about what he must be feeling.

They both thanked Betty for watching Timmy and assured her that Tom was OK. Timmy finally went to sleep in his Daddy's arms who carried him to bed. When he returned to the lounge Tammy was sipping on a glass of Pino Noir. "Want a beer?" She asked.

"No, I had enough beer recently. I want to hear everything about what happen on the rig. Every detail."

"Tom, it will only hurt you and make it worse."

"I'll pack some clothes and go to Chet's." He started to stand but she grabbed his wrist."

"OK stop, I'll tell you everything. But before I start, I want to tell you that I love you very much and what I did had nothing to do with you. I won't lie, the sex with Mark was good but not close to how I feel when I'm with you. It was like another place in time and I was someone else. Please don't say anything until I'm finished. I'm going to have a rough time doing this." She picked up her wine glass and gulped down the half a glass left.

"As you know we worked lone hours getting our yield of oil up. It was 10 straight days, mostly double time. All we did was work and sleep. The day before the copter arrived, we left our shift and went to our cabins to sleep and pack for the early flight the next morning."

"So, when did you invite Mark to your cabin?"

She held her right hand out at him. "Please let me finish."

"I collapsed on my bed and was out immediately. I slept for some hours when someone knocked on my door. It was Mark and he was holding a bottle of wine and two glasses. Since he has been such a close friend, I didn't care if he saw me in just a long tee shirt and panties. I grabbed a clean tee, sweatpants and took a quick shower. I realize now that he was planning on getting me shit faced and have sex.

"Wanted to fuck you."

She held back her reply.

"We had a few drinks, a lot more than I remember, when I spilled some on my shirt. On my breast. He leaned down and licked the stain along with my covered nipple. At this time, I wasn't me anymore."

"How convenient it wasn't YOU that fucked Mark. You were someone else."

"I'm not making excuses. Please honey you wanted to hear what happened and I'm trying to tell you what happened. I'm ashamed, embarrassed, and disappointed in myself. Do you want me to go on?"

He finished his wine and sat back, "yes."

She took a deep breath. "How detailed do you want it?"


"He uh, lifted my shirt and started touching and sucking on my breasts and nipples. You know how that drives me nuts. And that's when I joined in, we kissed and then I... I gave him oral."

"You sucked his cock," he stated. He already knew that Mark's dick was smaller than his.


"No but I bet he was. Did you swallow?"

"No, I pulled my mouth off and climbed on him cowgirl. And we fucked until we both climaxed." She hung her head in her hands in shame."

"How many times Tammy? Did he fuck your ass too?"

She could barely talk now after telling the man she loved details of how she sucked and fucked his best friend. "No and no more times... it hit me what I had done and ran into the bathroom to throw up.

He didn't want to leave so I threatened to yell rape and he took off. I haven't seen him since we left the airport. The bastard told Mary that I seduced him."

"You talked to Mary? I'll bet she wasn't too friendly."

"I wouldn't be either if it was you having sex with her. Wait, is she the one who gave you the hickey?"

"I'll pretend you didn't ask that question."

"Who gave you the hickey? I guess you got even with me, right?"

"Don't turn this around on me. I fell asleep next to the river. Any damn insect could have bit me. Would you have ever told me? If I didn't see your sex marks, I guess you would have kept fucking him. Have there been others? Is Timmy my son?"

"I've never had sex with anyone else but you, and you must know that Timmy is a mini-you. I was going to tell you because it was killing me what I did. Oh God Honey what are we going to do? Timmy needs both of his parents. I'll never drink booze again. I'll go to counseling anything."

Timmy was the main reason he was here. The first thing he needed to do was find out somehow if Lizzy was real or a dream. "Right now, I need to get some sleep. I'm going to the spare bedroom."

"But...let me show you how much I love you."

"I don't want to touch you. Things are really messed up and I need to sleep on it."

She watched him shuffle up the stairs and heard the spare bedroom door close. She had never seen him so deflated before and it was her tryst with Mark that did it. She didn't have anyone to talk to because Mary had always been there. Still, she was sure it was a hickey and not a bug bite on his neck. Him having sex with another woman just might save her marriage.

An hour later she walked by his door and heard him talking on the phone.

"I don't know what I'm going to do. Chet. I must find that woman and see if she is real or a wet dream. Sure, if you have some time off, I'll take you to the spot where I got drunk by the river. How about tomorrow morning I pick you up around 10AM? Great. Good night."

"I will see if she is real as well," Tammy whispered as she walked to the master bedroom.


Tammy heard him in the kitchen around 8:30AM the next morning and found his cell phone charging on a dresser in the spare room. She made sure his "Find my phone" App was active and tested it that it worked on her phone.

"Good morning honey. I asked Betty if she could watch Timmy so we could talk some more today. She said he loves her chocolate chip cookies and will be fine. So, we have time to talk some more."

"I've got something to do today with Chet. But plan for dinner later. Nothing fancy, maybe just a pizza." I'll call you when I'm heading home. Right now, I need a shower."

Tammy waited until he was in the shower and stripped before quietly entering the bathroom and shower door. He jumped when he heard her gasp.

"Oh my God!"

"Fuck Tammy what are you..."

He stopped when her eyes stared at his backside. "What?" He twisted around and saw the red scratch lines on his white buttocks. "What the hell?"

"You bastard. You did go out and have a revenge fuck and gave me hell when you returned. I guess that's it then. I didn't plan on fucking Mark, but you did with whom? A hooker?" She twisted around and hurried out. Timmy was now up and was watching TV when she went downstairs.

"Shit she must be real," Tom sighed. "But I was drunk and angry. She was young beautiful, and I was someone else. Damn I'm not any better than she is. We were both seduced." He hurried to finish, dry off, shave, and get dressed. When he made it downstairs Timmy and she were gone. He tried to call her, but he heard her phone buzz on the counter next to him.

On the drive to the river Chet was quiet as he listened to his brother's story. "A hickey and red scratch marks on your ass huh? Well, I've had wet dreams before but never with anything like that. Are we getting close to this beach?

"Yeah, but I can't remember where the dirt road turn off is. Let's stop at a small store where I bought some beer. An old lady there let me dump my story and told me to not make any decisions until I calm down. She gave me the directions to this isolated beach on the river. "Stop, there is the store."

"This is a store?" Chet whispered following his bro close behind. He heard a bell ring when the door open and saw an old grey-haired lady stand up from behind a counter. A small old 12-inch tv was on with an old rabbit ears antenna taped to the wall behind her.

"Hi Ma'am," Tom smiled. "Remember me?"

"I'm old but not senile. How are you doing Tom and who is this handsome man behind you?"

Chet stepped forward and held out his hand. Her tiny, wrinkled fingers fell into his palm. He felt some tingling and let her go. "Wow! What was that?"

She smiled. "Must be static electricity. What can I do for you boys?"

"A six pack of cold beer and some answers."

She chuckled. "She visited you, didn't she?" She walked slowly to the refrigerator and took out a cold six pack."


Tammy waited about twenty-minutes and turned on her 'Find my Phone' app. She saw Tom's car heading north across the river. "A Cajun whore, huh?" She frowned. Those folks were one group you never want to mess with. She had left Timmy with her neighbor Betty and wanted to see this whore that Tom had fucked.

She was driving fast to catch him when she saw a young woman wearing a white dress walking out of the woods onto the road. She slammed on her brakes and managed to stop a few feet from hitting her. She thought the woman would be terrified, but she was smiling.

Tammy's heart was beating fast as she opened the door and stepped out. "What the hell was that?"

"I had to stop you because Tom is at my granny's store."

"You are her. Aren't you? You seduced my husband. I should have ran over you."

"I should say I'm sorry, but I did it for you. He was ready to walk away from your marriage, so I turned it around. You saw the hickey and the scratches I assume."

"But how did you know? Did he tell you what I did?"

"No, I was in the back of the store and overheard him tell my Granny everything. I knew where she told him to go and walked out there to meet him."

"To fuck him," Tammy glared.

"Yes, it's what we do."


"The Burdock women, since the days of the pirates. We do what we can to help couples stay married. In this case having sex with your husband was the best choice."

"This is fucking weirder than hell. Do you have a husband? Where is your mom and dad?

"No dad that I know of. My mom was away on a trip, and I had to take her place this time. We have a small home close to the store and beach where I met Tom."

It hit Tammy all at once, "Tom got you pregnant. It's how you Burdock women keep going. What if Tom doesn't make you pregnant?"

"Oh, he did. We have this inner negative charge that gets those tiny positive swimmers going fast and hard. In this case I saved your marriage and set up our next generation."

"And if you have a boy?"

"I won't. Burdock women only..."

Tammy interrupted, "I know, only have girls. I need you to come with me to tell Tom this crazy story. I guess I should be pissed but it looks like this might save my marriage."

"Actually, my mom is at the store right now with that cute other man that came with Tom."

"Oh shit don't tell me. She's going to...."

"Well yeah that's what we do us..."

"Burdock women... Tammy finished. "What was your name again?"

"Elizabeth but everyone calls me Lizzy. Oh, by the way Tom really got off when I gave him a blow job while humming Dixie and scratching his ass."

She hugged the girl and got into her car to pick up her husband at the store. She watched as Lizzy got onto her bike hidden in the woods and started pedaling ahead. Her dress blew up and Tammy saw the Jolly Roger tattoo on her ass.


Tom was sitting on a wooden bench in front of the store drinking a beer. After the story the old lady told him about Burdock women, he needed a whiskey, but none was around. A blonde woman in her late thirties came in and before he knew it, touched Chet, and led him out the back. "Don't worry about him. She will take care of him, Granny grinned.

He was thinking about what he was going to tell his wife when she pulled her SUV in front of him. She lowered her window. "Hey cowboy need a ride home?"

"Wha... what are you doing here?"

"Taking you home away from this family of crazy women."

"How do you know about...?"

"Get in."

"But, what about Chet?"

Tammy laughed. "Leave your keys in the car. He probably won't be in any condition to drive until tomorrow morning."

He got in a buckled up. "I'm so sorry. I didn't plan it, but I cheated on you."

"I know," she smiled before pulling him in for a hot deep wet kiss. "Let's go home."

"I need whiskey."

"Me too."

As they turned the first curve Tom sat up and peered at a young blonde woman riding a bike towards them. "Wait! That's her!"

Tammy waved and Lizzy waved back.

"You know her?"

"What did the old lady tell you? Never mind, we can discuss this fucking mess when we get home."


Chet didn't know that his younger brother had left. A hot middle-aged woman walked from the back of the store and stood next to him. When he looked into her eyes he froze and was lost. "Err... hi I'm Chet."

"Annabelle," she purred reaching and taking his hand. As soon as their fingers touched, she turned and led him out the back.

"But.... "

"Shhh, let me show you a nice little beach along the river."

Twenty minutes later all Chet knew was immense pleasure looking down at Jolly Roger as he fucked her doggie style. After tremendous sex, he watched her walk to the water to clean up but noticed she didn't wash out his cum.


"Come on tell me how you met Lizzy?" He begged. "Did you two set me up?"

"Never met her or talked to her until today. All I'm going to say it that I cheated and so did you."

"Yes, but you planned... "

"I didn't.

Timmy was waiting for them when they pulled into their driveway. He noticed right away that his parents were holding hands as they walked towards the house. He ran across from Betty's house and separated their hands with his own.

"You know we have a lot of work to do right?" Tom said later that night as they crawled into their king-sized bed. "I hope we can do it."

She rolled over, opened her lips wide and took his semi-hard cock to the next level. His eyes closed until she started humming Dixie. He looked down. "Lizzy!?" She bit him.


Chet confessed when Casey saw the hickey and ass scratch marks. She was about to throw him out but ran upstairs instead. He was puzzled and sat for an hour before she came back.

"I'm so sorry babe. I was seduced and it will never happen again," he said softly

She moved over and sat on his lap. "I have a confession to make to you. One night when you went hunting with your dad, Tom's friend Mark stopped by, and things got out of hand. He was so smooth I didn't know what hit me until I was on my hands and knees, and he was inside of me. "So, I guess that makes us even."

Mark hung around town because of his kids but only saw them every other weekend. He was sad to lose his job and his best friend, but he couldn't control his predatory ways. He was also sad when his divorce was final with Mary, so he did what he did best. He met and seduced a middle-aged married woman. His mistake was he only knew her as Meadow and didn't know her dad was Anthony. This time he didn't have a friend carry him out of the Meadowlands swamp to safety. He's now sleeping with the fishes.

Tom and Tammy still had issues but managed to settle in enjoying their married life with their son. A few months later, on his birthday, Tammy was in bed wearing only a white dress on her hands and knees. When she heard him coming from the bathroom she said, "Lift up my dress cowboy."

He was smiling until he saw her tattoo. "Oh my God."

She giggled, "Don't be too excited it's not a permanent one."

Ending note: Yeah. I know she wasn't burned but Mark was. Also, remember that this story is fiction, so anything is possible... Thanks...SK742

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JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNice3 months ago

Too weird and unbelievable for me. The whole "I was drunk" has never been an acceptable excuse for infidelity, either in the real world, or any fictional one that makes sense. From a writing point of view, the main character started out acting one way, and totally turned around in his behavior. Consistency in a character is important.

Norseman123Norseman12311 months ago

Nice story 5*****

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayover 1 year ago

Live a new, fresh, LW plot!

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