The Old Bailey

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Kate Beckinsale's past returns just when she needs it.
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"Oh God, do we really have to go through another bloody day of this crap? I thought being an international movie star meant you had people to do this for you?" Kate Beckinsale stubbed out a cigarette as she smiled at Tracy Barnem, her personal assistant. Tracy's bright, wide smile brought an answering one to Kate's face as she leafed through some more resumes.

"This next one is worth the wait though. I had to stop myself from short-listing him as soon as he walked through the doors." Kate grinned at her as she stood up and stretched. Her last bodyguard had just moved on after being caught drink driving on the job. Kate had shrugged and forgotten about it, but her husband Len had been adamant that they get a new, more professional bodyguard.

As Len's star began to rise, having signed on to direct the newest Die Hard, so too had his worries. He'd been away for months now, on re-shoots and post-production, and Kate had moved past missing him and onto resenting his absence. She moved to the window and watched as Tracy's daughter Teagan played with Lily, her own girl.

"I suppose that it's best for Lily's sake if no other. So who is this new one?" Tracy pulled a resume' to the top of the pile and began to read off of it.

"An Irishman. He's fluent in Russian and capable in French. Spent two years in Russia as personal bodyguard to General Vassili Karkov, who apparently wanted to become president. There were nine attempts on his life, all failed. Sounds promising." Kate chuckled.

"Makes me sound boring. What else does it say?" Tracy ran her finger down the page, skimming through the details. Kate smiled as her friend bit her tongue gently as she concentrated.

"Oh, this is interesting. He was recruited from the Moscow Warrior's Championships after making the semi-finals. They're like our UFC, right?" Kate shrugged as she sat back down. "He's 28, and went to school... oh. Educated at Oxford University. Wow." Kate smiled again.

"It's not that great. Trust me. Why did he apply?" Tracy shrugged.

"It's not as exciting as protecting ruthless generals, but... actually on the other hand..." Kate laughed richly and slapped her friend on the arm.

"As if! What's his name?" Before Tracy could answer, Kate's phone rang, and she leapt up to grab it. It was her husband, Len.

"Hiya babe, just checking in. We're on the way to the studio, might be there for a while. Any luck with the bodyguards?" Kate bit her tongue as he called her babe. She hated that. She loved her husband dearly, but some things just wouldn't ever slide right. Like American slang.

"It's slow going. Most of them just want their picture taken with a movie star, and the others just want to bash people up and have nothing to do with Lily. I didn't think that she was that terrifying." Kate got up and moved over to the window, looking down into the backyard. Len chuckled into the phone, and Kate heard the door open and close behind her.

"I've got to go, Len, we're in the middle of interviews. When are you going to be home?" There was silence on the other end of the line, and then he cleared his throat.

"Oh, not next week but the week after. Call me, yeah? Love you, bye." He hung up as Kate took a breath to argue, then flipped the phone closed. She loved her husband, but she was a grown woman, not some young tart that could just be fobbed off. Truth be told, she was getting rather sick of it.

"Well, look at this. The old Bailey's still the same. Always on the phone, always chatting away." Kate whirled at the faded Irish accent and her eyes widened in shock as she began to laugh.

"Adam? You son of a bitch, how are you?" She laughed again as she moved to hug the tall Irishman, and he gave her a quick squeeze and held her at arm's length.

"I'm good. Changed a bit. Been through a bit, you know how it is. You still look like shit. Gangly and too skinny." Tracy stared, open-mouthed as he glanced down. Kate laughed richly again.

"My god, what's it been, like thirteen, fourteen years?" Adam smiled as he ran his hand over his close shorn hair and nodded, then shrugged. Kate glanced down at Tracy, who was eyeing them amusedly with one eyebrow raised. "Where are my manners? Tracy Barnem, Adam Connors."

Tracy chuckled good-naturedly and held out a hand as they sat down. "I know, Kate, I interviewed him, remember?" Kate grinned as she turned back to Adam. "So you two know each other, huh?"

"Yeah, we went to Ox U at the same time. We were in the same Applied Languages course. I guess you stuck with it, and moved to Russia, huh?" Adam's grin faded a bit and he unconsciously rubbed his knuckles.

"Yeah. It didn't turn out quite the way I thought, but then they don't, most of the time. I guess I don't need to ask you what you've been doing. How's Lily? I heard about you and some Len guy from Michel." Kate shrugged.

"Oh, yeah, she's wonderful, of course. Loves Len, spends a lot of time with Michel. I thought it would be hard, especially with Underworld and everything, but ah well. Had to settle down some time. We can't all be off gallivanting across the frozen north! That sounds so exciting. Tell me about the fighting thing!"

Adam glanced down at his knuckles again. "Well, there's not much to tell. You cleaned up your act, I didn't, you moved on and up, and I didn't. I went to Russia to experience the real thing, and... and some things are too real to be realised, I guess."

Kate reached across and tilted his head to the side. Running along his jaw was a thick scar, long and clean, as though from a knife. He didn't say anything more, and she didn't press him. "So you're here wanting to be a bodyguard now, huh? Well you've certainly got the qualifications for it." Adam smiled as Tracy giggled and put a hand over her mouth.

"Thanks. Still get the Old Bailey's permission before I bust heads, huh?" Kate laughed.

"God, nobody's called me that since University." She shrugged. "Well, I'm convinced that we're about to hire the right man for the job." Adam frowned and narrowed his eyes at her, but the ghost of a smile still played on the edges of his lips.

"I'm not getting preferential treatment because we used to be friends, am I?" Kate snorted.

"No, of course not. That wouldn't be equal opportunity. You're getting preferential treatment because you're perfect for the job, and because we're still friends. I'm a movie star now, Connors, I can do anything I damned well please." Adam laughed as they all stood up.

"The way I remember it, you always used to anyway." She gave him a blistering smile and winked. Adam shook Tracy's hand and Kate grabbed his shoulder.

"Look, um, why don't you stay for dinner? You can meet Lily, and we can catch up after she's gone to bed." Adam didn't answer for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"I'd like that. That'd be great. I have a few errands to run, picking up some gear and that. What time does Lily have to be in bed? I can be back by 6?" Kate nodded.

"That will be fine. See you then." She shut the door behind him and Tracy gave her a direct look. Kate frowned at her. "What?"

"You know what, Kate. "Lead us not into temptation..."?" Kate snorted and lit a cigarette.

"Oh, please. We're just friends. I haven't seen him in years. What could possibly happen?" Tracy laughed.

"Oh, honey, you'd fuck his brains out and he'd return the favour tenfold, that's what would happen." Kate laughed and shook her head as she took a drag of her cigarette.

"He's gay, Trace." Tracy shook her head slowly.

"Not for you he's not, sweetie. You didn't see his face when you hugged him. You own that man's soul." Kate laughed again, this time forcing it.

"A bit melodramatic, wouldn't you say? Look, we're friends. If you're that worried about it, why don't you stay with us?" Tracy thought about that.

"No. Because as much as I'd hate to see anything happen between you, it's none of my business if you have sex with an anonymous man. Only problem with that equation is that he's not anonymous." Kate's mouth fell open and she coughed as Tracy got up and left. Kate turned and took a sip of water, then stared out the window for a while.

That night, when Adam arrived, Kate was dressed casually, and trying to calm her nerves. Lily was playing on the lounge floor, ignoring her fretting mother with practised ease. The doorbell rang, and Kate took several deep breaths as she heard the maid greeting Adam on her way out.

Kate's hair was loose around her face, and her thick jumper covered just about everything. Her jeans were worn and comfortable, and had her daughter's trademark crayon marks on them, rendering them as firm favourites in Kate's book. Adam walked around the corner and Kate felt her heart jump for a moment.

He was wearing new black jeans and a white undershirt, with a simple black silk shirt over the top. There was something dangerous and comforting about him, an edge that he hadn't had when they were in university together, but still the familiarity of the known.

She blinked and sat forwards, feeling self-conscious upon seeing him again. "Lily, sweetie, there's someone I'd like you to meet. This is Adam, an old friend of Mommy's. Say hello." Lily stopped her serious doll work and stood up at attention.

Adam gravely shook her hand and introduced himself, while Lily replied with her full name and told him that it pleased her to meet him. She held onto his hand as she stared at his face. "Is that make-up?" Adam smiled at the film-star's daughter and shook his head.

"No, I'm afraid it's not." Lily glanced furtively at her mother, then tugged him down closer. Adam knelt on the ground and Kate frowned as she watched them.

"It sure looks like make-up. Uncle Patty does lots of make-up, but different from Teagan. Teagan likes make-up that makes you look pretty, but Uncle Patty makes you look like anything. He made me into a troll once. That was really fun." Adam glanced at Kate.

"Uncle Patty?"

"Patrick Tatopolous. He's kind of become extended family now that... well, now, I mean." Adam nodded and reached into his back pocket.

"Well, Miss Lily, I bought you something. Something that used to be your mum's a long time ago." He held his hand out to Lily, who opened his fingers to find nothing. She stared at his bare palm, then giggled when he stared at it in shock too.

Adam narrowed his eyes and frowned at the side of her head, then reached up with his other hand and touched her ear. "Is it in here then?" Lily rolled her eyes.

"That's so old, Mr Connors. It's in your hand already." Adam glanced down at his other hand and shook his head.

"Nope, they're both empty, see?" He opened up both hands to show her, and she stared at him. He winked at her and pointed a finger to her chest. There was a small blue sapphire set into a golden cross hanging from her neck. Lily squealed in excitement and threw her little arms around his neck.

Adam stumbled down onto his rear from his precarious kneel and Lily ran to show her mother. Kate stared at the necklace and then at Adam. He shrugged and smiled to himself as she tried to cover her surprise. Lily ran off up to her room, and Kate stood up. Adam looked wistfully after the fleeing ecstatic young girl.

"I always wanted kids. I guess it's just strange because I've never thought I'd be a good enough father." Kate moved over to him and held a hand out, helping him up.

"Would you like a glass of wine, or something?" Adam shook his head.

"Juice or cordial or something would be fine. I don't drink." Kate laughed, and turned back towards the kitchen, then stopped.

"You're serious?" He nodded. "I can't believe it. You used to be the undisputed king of the drunken dorms. What happened?" Adam gave a sad smile.

"I lost two of the most important parts of my life to both of my most famous vices, so I quit. It just happened." Kate shook her head as she poured herself a glass of wine.

"What's that mean? You didn't turn religious on me, did you?" He laughed, and shook his head, but the laugh didn't reach his eyes.

"No, but all the fun got taken out of it. Mum died while I was in Brazil, cancer. I quit smoking. Cigars and all, cold turkey. Then about two years ago, just after I got into Russia, Dad died, too. Liver failure. So there were the vices gone. Now I just concentrate on getting the pulp beaten out of me. Or at the very least making sure that others don't suffer it."

Kate stared at him as he toyed with his shirt. "It seems as though you HAVE grown up a lot. I almost can't believe it. It's so strange. I'm a stand-up mother and you're a mature responsible citizen. What's next?" Adam smiled as he sat down.

"I don't know. I've been offered a bit of firm work in China, if I didn't get this. I can't say I wouldn't like it. But I just couldn't shake the feeling that maybe it was time to see you again. Call by and say hello." The chef came in then to tell them that dinner was ready.

Kate opened her mouth to say something, but then Lily rushed back in and collided with him. He hoisted her onto his hip and made a face at her, making her giggle again. They moved into the dining area. Adam told stories and jokes, and Kate filled in with anecdotes about movie life, and meeting all sorts of people.

Afterwards, Lily gave Adam a hug and went up to bed. Kate gave Adam a glass of sparkling apple juice and poured herself another glass of red wine. The kitchen quieted down and they moved into the lounge to sit. Adam ran a hand over his hair and sighed, and Kate leant back and stretched her arm over her head, settling in to the cushions as Adam got up and began to pace.

"We were so close, Adam, I hated you when you left. I want you to know that. I felt like you abandoned me." He stopped moving as she spoke quietly. Adam ran his hand over his face, his fingertips running over the scar.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you, Kath. God. Kathryn Bailey Beckinsale. It's almost like you're someone from my past, and now its like I never left. It's still weird watching you on screens and remembering those shocking pyjamas you used to wear." Kate smiled momentarily.

"Why did you leave?" Adam stared at her for a long moment.

"I was so in love with you that it hurt to breathe. I was going to end up drinking myself to death over you, or worse, and you didn't want me. So I left. I lost, and I couldn't take it anymore." Kate stared at him, then got up and tried to find her voice.

"Oh. That's... But you're... well I mean, it's just that..." Adam waited patiently.

"What?" She shook her head and wrapped her arms around herself, then looked up at him through her warm brown hair.

"Adam, I... I always thought you were gay. I mean, all through college, you never had a single girlfriend, or even a date, or anything, I mean, you just..." Adam smiled as her voice faded off, and he rolled his shoulders.

"I just hung out with you." She nodded, and then something painful crossed her face as she realised how much she must have hurt him with all her rebellious screwing around. "It's okay, Kath, I mean, we weren't exactly good people back then."

Kate shook her head as she put her glass of wine down and bit her lip for a moment. "No. You were always good people, Adam. I'm sorry." He stared at her for a moment, then shrugged nonchalantly.

"I said it's alright, yeah? I mean, I grew up, and... and yeah. I moved on. Many times. Many many times." Kate could feel him withdrawing into himself, slamming up walls to force her out. It was all an act, but she didn't know what she felt. She was attracted to him, of course, but she was married. She loved her husband. If only he loved her like Adam had... did.

"Oh. Oh. Okay. What ... Why didn't you say anything?" Adam moved over to the window, looking out at the night sky. Kate looked down at her shaking hands and folded them in front of her. She waited, wanting him to say something, anything. "Why didn't you?"

He sighed and looked away from her. "I did, Kath. In every way except to come straight out and tell you. Even then... even then you were more beautiful than I could stand." His voice was quiet and his eyes were like stone.

"You know, I see you on magazine covers now, and I wonder why it took the world so long to see. I just didn't have the courage to come out and tell you how I felt. I guess that's why Michel and I got along so well." Kate blinked at that.

"What do you mean?" Adam took a breath and frowned.

"He had the courage to do something that I never could. I was more than ample pounds and less than confident when it came to girls, and terrified when it came to you. But he never held it against me when the two of you got together."

He smiled and shrugged, staring at his knuckles again. "And I respected and admired him for that. I never let the jealously get to me. I wanted you to be happy, and I thought that he could do that. I just knew that you'd never be attracted to me as I was then. So I set out to change the way I looked. And along the way, I changed the way I was, too. Maybe not for the better."

Kate stood up and moved over beside him. She brought her hands together and sighed as she remembered. "We were happy. At least for a bit. Now... now I don't know what happiness is meant to mean. I'm satisfied. No, I am, I'm happy with Len. It's just...sometimes I wish there was more. He loves me. That's enough sometimes."

Adam nodded and smiled softly. "And other times?" It hung there for a moment before he shook his head and stood up. "Fuck it, I'm sorry, Kath, I guess this wasn't like I thought it would be. Not exactly the professional rationale, but..." He sighed and shook his head slightly. "I should go."

Kate stared at him, still close to him, and much to her sorrow, still wanting him. Or more to the point freshly wanting him. He was the better man; he was here, he cared. Devils and angels whispered to her over and over again as her conscious battled with her desire. A sad smile moved over his face as she gave a half-hearted laugh.

"I thought you said you were over it. Me." There was again silence until he stirred from her side.

"I thought... I should go. I'm sorry, Kath. I'm... I'm sorry." He moved past her to the door, and Kate bit her lip as she felt something breaking inside of her, and whirled around.

"Adam wait!" He stopped at the door and turned around slowly as she ran to him and threw her arms around him. She held him down to her, kissing him fiercely, tasting and rubbing his tongue with hers and pressing her body against him.

She felt him respond, and then his arms were around her and he was kissing her back. There was a feral passion to his tongue and teeth as they fought for each other's tastes. Kate grabbed hold of his hand and led him upstairs to the bedroom. His mouth never left her, dragging over her shoulders and neck, then back onto her mouth when she turned around.

Adam pulled her up into his arms, cupping her cheeks and squeezing the muscles of her shapely ass. A dark hunger started to burn in her eyes, and she fumbled behind her for the doorknob. She squeezed him between her thighs, feeling his cock pressing against her.

Kate arched her hips into his crotch, and Adam groaned and stumbled, as he felt suddenly weak-kneed. Kate snarled lowly and twisted strangely, then the door gave way, and they plunged into the dark room. There was a sweet smelling berry candle near the window, its small flickering flame was the only light.

They fumbled with each other's clothes, shedding layers as they moved to the huge-looking canopy bed. They were naked and together again so fast that it was as if it was a dream. Adam's hands moved over Kate's body like they knew every inch of her, and had known for a lifetime.

Kate groaned as they moved across the sheets, feeling the heat of his body. Adam opened his mouth and ran it down her body, tasting, licking and suckling until her thighs parted easily before him. Her murmured moans didn't slow as he lowered his mouth until she gasped loudly as she felt his tongue slide up the side of her pussy.