The Old Slave


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With three final massive thrusts up his primal guttural groan ignited my own, and we both burst forth simultaneously out of ourselves and into each other, expending every last flash of furious fire that we possessed. And when it was ended, I collapsed forward fully on top of him and simply whispered into his ear...

"Yes" I purred. "You'll do."


Our wedding was large and grand. He made every effort to spoil me with its extravagance. I more than suspected that many, if not most, people thought that this extremely well-liked and respected Titan of the business world had finally acquired a trophy wife. In reality, it was I who was obtaining a trophy husband, a powerful, much admired man, who, in every real and imagined way, was my slave. And what warmed my heart even more that night, was when several old hands at the company confided in me that they had never seen him as happy as he had been for the previous five years. It pleased me to my core that he too had found such joy in his servitude.

I also then felt comfortable finally transferring back to the main company headquarters. I had earned my spurs, and independently proven my worth, and the company, while now giant, was still at its root a family owned and operated affair. And I was now family. And it wasn't long before it was made known that I was the heir apparent to eventually run the whole show, when the time came. I made it clear to my husband though, that this would be well into the future, as I would need him to teach and mentor me in all the aspects and nuances which that position demanded.

Our private life at home didn't change all that much, although, if possible, he doted on and catered to me even more. And his ever ready and compliant cock now joined his wondrous lips, tongue, and fingers as another precious instrument to be utilized for my sublime pleasure. After a time, to my great surprise, it became a mainstay. I had never before been much turned on by intercourse. It implied, I thought, an equality with me that I did not believe warranted. But Roland, as with all else, always made it all about me, and brought me to truly want to share the ultimate passion with him as well. He became quite proficient in maintaining control until I was at the final verge, before I might offer him his own release. In the beginning, I granted this infrequently, as blue balls seemed to make him even warmer lying next to me later in the night. But over time I found that having his squeals of ecstasy join mine at the peak made my own even more exhilarating.

We also invariably had great fun along the way, with many of a variety of toys and other accoutrements. At least it always was for me. I'm not sure that he enjoyed them all, but I do believe that he always very much appreciated that I did. It was never meant to hurt. That was never my intention. It was to arouse, excite, stimulate, and of course, entertain. But, just as important, for him to further demonstrate his ongoing devotion. Sacrifices and surrenders of himself to ardently augment his adoration, and make it all, for both of us, ever more sublime. And it was, always. But also, for us both, to my great wonder, it had become so very much more.

As he turned 65, Roland felt it was an appropriate time to retire, and completely hand over the reins of the company to me. But I convinced him, ordered him actually, to stay on in an advisory capacity. It just made my new responsibilities easier and more comfortable knowing that he was around. Others might have thought that he continued to hover and run things from above, but we both knew he was ever, deliciously, beneath.

By the time he was 70, however, he no longer believed that he was serving any useful purpose there, and that it was time to let me soar on my own. I might have disagreed with the former thought, but I was ready. And it wasn't as if I didn't have him at my beck and call, available at home, at any time whenever I needed to pick his brains. Which I did. Often. I used every tool that I needed to succeed, in all ways, and he was by far and away the best and most important one in my box. Which I relished and greatly cherished, while he also continued to also so splendidly service all of my other needs.

The commute from the city had become annoying and wearing, and quite honestly, I no longer had the energy or the desire to continue to actively partake in the scene there, other than in specific weekend entertainment forays which I still enjoyed with my husband. We moved fully into his much larger home in the country, and with a far greater array of upkeep duties required there, it was more than enough to keep him busy in his new position as a full service house slave.

It was a delight to come from work each night to a meticulously maintained home, and have a delicious dinner awaiting me. He had taken it upon himself to become, frankly, a gourmet level cook. His daily neck and shoulder rubs would help ease out the tensions of my long, often stressed filled days. And his foot massages, while I read reports which I would frequently have to bring home, made those tedious tasks far more palatable. And it was only the rare night indeed, when I would neglect to have him provide the far more pleasurable activities that he was always available and ready to offer. I would have my moments, of course, when I would be irritated and out of sorts, and it was a joy to have him always be there to bear the brunt of my displeasure, even as he was never the cause. And his gentle patience, and humor, ever seemed to be able to coax me back into contentment.

Our life alone together was like a dream. Other than his always instant and enthusiastic obedience, we had no specific rules or protocols. I did not have him prancing around naked, except on those occasions when it might amuse me. There were no edicts of him never speaking unless spoken to, or always having his eyes cast down, or being bowed before me. I greatly valued his thoughts and opinions, and his strength, freely offered and given, although naturally only with the utmost deference. Other than for pleasure, he did not spend an inordinate amount of time on his knees. I fully wanted a companion as well as a slave, and he was always every bit the best of both.

But time and age do slowly exact their price and payment. By his mid-70s, Roland could no longer stay on his knees for any length of time, and had increasing difficulty getting up off the floor where, as a reward, he would often spend uncounted time lying prostrate worshiping my toes while I watched TV or read a book. I made the necessary allowances, such as having him sit at the end of the couch as I lay back as I relaxed, with my feet on his lap for him to massage, cuddle, and kiss. And his nightly worship and adoration of my body now took place exclusively on our bed. And to his ongoing chagrin, but at my insistence, I began to take on a share, growing over time, of the household chores. He implored me that this wasn't how it should be, but in this, as in all else, my word was law.

What became far more distressing though, was that as he reached 80, he could no longer get hard. Medicine helped for a time, but not for long. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I missed this aspect of him, and he was devastated that he could no longer offer it up to me. But he made every effort to try to more than make it up to me with his lips, tongue and fingers. And with these, as always, he never failed.

At work I had taken a recent business school graduate, Michael, under my wing as an assistant. He was highly intelligent, hard-working, and his can-do, and want-to-do attitude marked him as an invaluable up and comer. He began to make my life at work almost as easy and as pleasurable as my slave made it for me at home.

As heartfelt as Roland's adoration and devotion had always been, it was his heart that finally gave way. A series of small heart attacks in his early 80s was followed by a massive one when he was 85. He survived, but essentially had a bed to chair existence after that. I made sure to obtain and provide the best possible home and healthcare, but it soon became heartbreakingly evident that he was close to the end. When he had come home after his most recent hospitalization, we both understood and came to accept that it was his last one. As a lay next to him on the bed, he was silent for long time until...

"I'm so sorry, Anise."

I had dispensed with the 'Miss' years before. At our ages, it seemed silly, and we were married in any case. I much preferred a simple, loving 'Anise' most of the time, although I did enjoy his occasional use of 'Ma'am' at appropriate moments.

"What can you possibly be sorry about, Roland?"

He was always Roland in public, and usually in private now as well, although he clearly appreciated those times at home when I would still call him 'my slave'.

"I haven't been able to perform my duties for you for so long now. I haven't been what I'm supposed to be, what I want and need to be for you."

"You've always been all that I've wanted you to be, Roland. You are everything to me."

I hesitated a very long moment, but I wanted... needed... I had to know.

"Have you enjoyed being my slave, Roland? Everything that you've had to do? Everything I've made you do?"

He took so long to respond that I started to fear.

"Every. Single. Moment" he finally, quietly, emphatically avowed. "You have given me a life of which I had only dreamed, but yearned for. And that it was such a joy for you as well, made it an even greater joy for me. And that it then became so much more. That you came to love me, everything about me, all facets of me, and allowed me to love and adore you with my whole heart and soul... And I do... Truly... For all eternity"

I was overwhelmed.

He remained silent then for several more moments.

"I do have a request though, if that is permitted."

How, after all of this, could I ever refuse anything to this unbelievably wondrous man.

"Whatever you want, my Love."

He smiled at that, then took a deep breath. "Promise me that when I'm gone, you'll find someone to fully see to your care." He gave me a second to digest that. "I do think that young Michael would be an excellent candidate"

I was utterly taken aback. "Roland, you can't be serious. How can you even believe that I would ever think about anything like that, with anyone else but you. Especially now." I was at a loss, but for only a moment. And as much for me as for him, to divert such ridiculous attention away, I tried to point out. "And by the way, if you haven't noticed, I'm 60 years old, and he's only 30."

"Age has no meaning for a Goddess."

He paused, as if he had just stated an eternal truth. "And I've seen how he looks at you, how he acts around you. And I believe I can recognize a kindred spirit when I see one. He is like me in so many ways"

"My Love, you're one-of-a-kind"

"And soon I'll no longer be here."

That certainly brought me up cold.

"Please, Ma'am. It will be the greatest comfort to me to know that you won't be unattended. Please, promise me, Anise"

A swirl of emotions cascaded and roiled through me. How could I ever refuse any request from this unique, special man. My man. Always and forever, MY MAN. Especially now. I sighed. What else could I do. But, as always, it would have to be at my own time and place, and completely under my control.

"I promise, my slave"

"Thank you, Ma'am." He smiled. "I just have one last thing to ask"

I laughed. "You're really pushing your luck here, slaveboy." I sighed, more dramatically this time. "Alright then. What is it?"

"Please let me taste you one more time"

I sat up, alarmed.

"Roland, I don't think that's a good idea"

"It isn't" he conceded. "It's the very best idea. Please, Ma'am, grant me the joy of bringing you pleasure once more."

I knew we shouldn't. But I knew even more that I wanted, needed it as much as he. It had been too long. I lifted myself up off the bed, and deliberately making sure that I was in his full view, I slowly shed my clothes, item by item. I had never grown tired of the unwavering adoration in his rapt gaze. I crept back onto the bed, and with great care straddled over his chest with my knees, as I gazed down upon the length of my most precious possession. I gingerly eased myself back onto my ever eager throne, and was greeted by a bouquet of butterfly kisses on the already dewy petals of my open flower. I instantly knew that I was back where I ever wanted to be, after my necessary and prolonged self imposed denial, doing what I so loved to do, with the one I so dearly loved. I reached forward and took his long dormant manhood into my hand, and was surprised by a twitch. I gently started to caress it and was rewarded with several more, as his tongue beneath me urged me on with further encouragement. I leaned down to more closely inspect, and there was no doubt. It was making every effort to harden.

I had never before in my life offered oral to anyone. That delight was only meant for me to receive in ardent worship from others. But I now pressed my lips to entice his tip. I could feel as much as hear his agonizing groan muffled in my mound. His tongue began to lavish in earnest, and I extended my own out to envelop his entire head. His mouth moved back and forth between my two lower holy orifices, venerating them both over and over as I took the fullness of his shaft fully within my own above.

He now fervently concentrated on my priceless jewel, sending wave after wave of passion penetrating through, as I began to suck and swirl and slurp around my now miraculously fully risen man. We climbed to heights we hadn't in so very long, as I began to buck wildly on his face, while bobbing furiously up and down with my own on his member. And when he thrust two fingers within me, finding my glorious G one more time, we both careened over the peak in a cataclysm for all time.

I gushed more than I had in forever, and he drank in every drop, savoring its sustenance as if for his soul. And it was. The nectar of his Goddess. Nature could not be completely overcome, however, and he did not produce much of his own. But he did so with such unbridled ecstasy, which seemed without end, that I knew without any doubt I had never been offered, or tasted, anything so precious and sweet. When we were finally done and recovered, I turned around and brought my lips and tongue up to deliriously dance with his own. And we shared our essences together, and renewed our covenant with each other.

Into eternity.

"Thank you, my Love" we both whispered as one, as I snuggled myself to his side to keep him warm for the remainder of the night.


Roland Anderson, my benefactor, my mentor, my student, my slave, my husband... My Love... passed on late in the afternoon of the following day as I sat by his bedside. I mourned him deeply. I would mourn him for the rest of my days. But I would not live my life in mourning. When the time was right, and my grief finally eased, I would keep my promise to him. Perhaps truly with young Michael. Truth be told, it had probably been my long unused subdar that had led me to entice him into my orbit. Not with this intention, though. Still... but it would take quite some time to even partially heal from my immeasurable loss. It would take a good long while. And if this Michael was unable to wait, then he would never be worth my while.

But my slave had usually been right about such things. My husband had usually been right about almost everything. Always to my benefit. And the one most important thing about which the Love of my life had always, certainly, been most right about, and to which he had dedicated himself, and how we had rapturously lived our lives together for the full and total benefit of us both...

A Goddess must always be Attended...

And, as I have so joyously come to know... must also Attend...

In every conceivable and most exquisite way.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I’ve read stories on Literotica for years and never commented because until now I had not found a story that moved me as much as this one. How can one story stir my loins and move me to tears in a few paragraphs?! This is truly a work of art. Please write more stories like this. You have such a unique perspective and talent.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Reading this story, as a submissive woman, really captured the internal desire a true submissive has to serve his/her Master/Mistress. Your story also demonstrates the balance that is needed in a D/s relationship in the real world. Lovely. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Unusual premise.

But every sexual encounter is rushed. Lacks needed details.

It's as if mentioning an act is all that is necessary.


Three stars.

RoissyAngelRoissyAngel9 months ago

It is a lovely story. Quite sweet actually. Well written. I personally would have preferred more whips, bondage and protocol Femdom costume.

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