The Olive Grove Starlet


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In the far more comfortable surroundings of her boudoir, all paid for by Tony, Rose too brought herself to an orgasm using the trusty candle Tony had also bought for her. Normally the man she was with in these moments had no face, it was just a feeling of power and drove above her. Tonight, he had Danny's features.

Both imagined that their encounter in Danny's Model T would be the first of many, given their plan for communicating. It didn't exactly turn out that way. While people accepted Rose's whim of wanting to walk to and from the Olive Grove, Tony insisted that she be accompanied by Franny, the big, taciturn bodyguard, as much for everyone else's security as for Rose's. "I don't want to have to kill anyone who takes it into their heads to accost you sugar," he half joked by way of explanation. Rose simpered and agreed with the plan but was inwardly seething. As so often, when affection withers (it had never been love on her part she persuaded herself), it was replaced by contempt, even hatred. Rose found every excuse to take exception to Tony and his actions but she took care to hide the fact. Her only comfort was that the level of acting necessary to shield this from Tony and others proved to her that she had the talent to make it big out West or back East.

Rose was nothing if not resourceful, however, and she developed a technique of passing notes to Danny through the open window of the Model T as she passed, always making sure that she was walking on the outside of the sidewalk, despite Franny's protests that, in the normal course of events, he should have been on that side to shield her from the traffic. Rose wrote the notes on her lilac-scented note paper in her big, loopy hand. Mostly they were brief reports of titbits that she had overheard. This went on for nearly three weeks. Increasingly, however, she began to add little flirting messages as well to the end, about how he had looked at the club or asking if he liked a particular song, or piece of clothing or jewellery that she had worn. Why she did this, she wasn't sure. Frustration perhaps, the desire to ensnare Danny, simply because she was an incorrigible flirt whose natural instincts had been stifled by Tony's jealousy? Rose didn't know and Danny didn't care. He came to enjoy her flirtatious addenda as much as the information she provided about Tony. Sometimes, if she was feeling particularly pissed with Tony, she would add insulting information about him - that he dyed his hair, that he wore lifts in his shoes to make himself taller and, most damningly, that he tended to cum prematurely. It was spiteful, she knew, to impart this information, but she didn't care.

Danny was careful not to act too quickly on any of the information that she imparted about Tony's business activities in order not to throw any suspicion upon Rose and her new routine. This was probably unnecessary, he knew, but he wanted to be ultra-cautious, at least that's what he told himself, though deep down he suspected that he just didn't want to put Rose in the slightest danger.

After three weeks, he made his first move against Tony, arresting two minor associates taking a delivery of stolen machine parts. Tony was furious when he found out. He wanted to ban Danny from the Olive Grove but was talked out of it so as not to give Danny the satisfaction of knowing he was rattled. Rose had said nothing during the exchange that had taken place at Tony's table in the aftermath of one her sets. That evening, though, she wrote a note as usual and slipped it through the open window as usual on her way home.

Danny waited for her to disappear out of sight, admiring the view as ever, before opening the note. It read. "Important news, must see you. Come up fire escape to 12th floor, will let you in. Tony so pissed off he couldn't get it up tonight. x"


Having read the message, Danny knew that he must have got to Tony. He smiled at the thought of the Boss not being able to satisfy that exquisite woman and the blow to his pride it would be that, even with such inducement, he couldn't rise to the occasion. With a knowing smile, he acknowledged that that wasn't a problem for him in Rose's presence. Indeed, he only needed to smell the notepaper to find himself stiffening. He knew he needed to be able to see clearly and dispassionately if he were to be able to bring Tony to book but he wasn't really sure that was possible any longer. Rose had got to him in a big way, with her charm, her flirty notes and the way she looked at him when she sang. He knew she could turn that charm on anyone when she was on the stage but he was sure that she put a little extra feeling in when she was singing at him. Sure, he thought ruefully, I bet the other guys Tony offed for looking too closely at Rose thought the same.

He waited in the car for an hour, trying to control himself and his urges, until he figured that he'd waited long enough. He started the Ford and drove a couple of more blocks until he was just a block away from Rose's elegant apartment building. Making his way cautiously around the side he found the rickety metal fire escape and began to climb to the 12th floor, the Penthouse suite. Danny was glad that he was from New York and thus had a head for heights because it was a long way down had he been foolish enough to look.

He reached the top floor, breathing heavily, a sheen on sweat on his forehead despite the cold weather. He rapped gently on the door to the kitchen. She opened it and ushered him inside. Leading him through the perfectly clean galley kitchen, she took him into the large drawing room of her apartment. It wasn't exactly in the best of taste, a little on the garish side, and Danny wondered whether that was down to Tony or Rose. It was certainly comfortable, though, and Rose pointed him to an upholstered chaise and he took one end while she gracefully perched at the other end.

Danny took a moment now to take her in from the top of her blonde bob to the tips of her red-painted nails, visible in the open-toed slippers she was wearing. God, she was gorgeous. Still fully made up but in a cream rayon dressing gown imprinted with flowers, the hint of a peach satin slip lay beneath. The swell of her breast and the curve of her hips were both prominent in the way she sat.

"Can I get something for you to drink detective?" She asked in a low, husky voice. Danny shook his head. Try to keep things business like, he thought.

"No thanks Rose," he said. "So, what's the big news you have to impart in person?" He asked gruffly. She smiled and reached up to touch her hair before looking away.

"Oh, nothing that you don't already know detective. I just wanted some company that's all. Tony's so grumpy after you arrested his goons, he can't concentrate on anything more...well, intimate," she added after a pause. Danny was incredulous and not a little angry.

"You dragged me all the way up here for no reason? Rose," he said sternly, "this isn't a game." Rose's own temper flared.

"You don't need to tell me it's not a game detective. I'm the one taking all the risks every day, while you just sit in your damned car each night and let the information literally fall into your lap."

Danny shrugged. "I guess when you put it like that," he said with a smile at the end. Rose returned it with a smile of her own.

"That's better. You'll have to forgive me detective," she went on. "I'm used to getting my own way and having my whims indulged." He tried to look disapproving but, just at that moment, Rose shifted in her seat and her dressing gown fell open a little more and Danny's eyes were drawn straight to her cleavage. She smirked. "Sorry," and made to cover up. Danny reached out fast as lightning and put a hand over hers.

"No, don't!" He said a little more forcefully than he intended. Rose smiled again, her crystal blue eyes shining in the dim lighting that Danny noticed for the first time. He cleared his throat. "I think I'll have that drink now, whisky please." She stood up and made her way over to the drinks cabinet. She poured him a whisky and a whisky soda for herself and was about to turn and offer it to Danny when she felt his presence behind her. She turned and looked up at him. He was big was the first thing she thought. Tall and broad, a girl could feel safe in those strong arms but he'd know how to take care of a woman in more than one way. His suit didn't quite fit, being a little loose, suggesting that he'd lost weight since he no longer had access to his wife's cooking. He had a weather-beaten face, from years of walking the beat in all temperatures. He had a two-day stubble and she couldn't help but reach up and draw a finger along the line of his strong jaw. She'd always liked some growth there rather than the clean shaven. Danny breathed in her strong perfume, the scent matching her name and, for a moment, closed his eyes and the only sound he could hear was the scratch of her nail along his jaw.

She reached up on tiptoe and put her arms around his powerful neck and up into his chestnut brown hair. She pulled his head down for a kiss. "Enough small talk eh, detective?" Their lips touched for the second time and the touch was electric. Danny's hands went to her waist, squeezing the responsive flesh there while his tongue slid out and over hers. Rose needed no encouragement to open her mouth and her tongue flickered out to search for his. She found it and goaded it until it responded in kind and the two were kissing urgently. "You've been wanting to do that for a while haven't you detective?" She asked softly as she broke off the kiss for a moment. Danny nodded helplessly. "I thought as much and you know what?" She asked softly. "I've been wanting to do it too. I've been itching to find out whether there's a real man in there." She kissed him again and chuckled. "I don't think I'm going to be disappointed."

Danny was rock hard, things had moved so much faster than he had anticipated but he couldn't but admit that the turn they had taken was one he had thought about a great deal over the last month. He allowed his hands to roam over the contours of her body, barely concealed beneath the thin material of her garments. She slid a smooth, creamy thigh between his legs and felt her press against the hardness of his arousal. She looked up at him from beneath her long eyelashes, darkened and defined by her mascara. "It that for me detective?" She teased.

"You know it is Rose," Danny managed to reply in what was almost a growl. She reached down for it and it twitched inside his pants as its mistress's touch. Though she'd never touched it before, Danny knew that it had belonged to her, responded to her look, her voice, her presence and to nothing else since that first night in his car. Rose was pleasantly surprised by its size and shape. Yes, she could certainly work with that, she thought. She just prayed he wouldn't shoot off the moment she touched it with her hand or with her lips, as happened sometimes with Tony.

She drew her hand across the front of his brown pants until she found the zipper. She looked up at him teasingly, almost daring him to stop her. They both knew there was no chance of that. She caught his lower lip between her teeth and tugged the zip down. Danny held his breath as he waited for her small, manicured hand to find his cock. When she closed her hand around it, he couldn't help but contrast its softness with the worn palm and fingers of his wife, who'd worked hard in the house and garden with her hands to make a happy home for them both. Rose wasn't that sort of a woman, not the kind you settled down with, but they both knew the score, right? And my God, it felt good to have a woman's hand on him again, especially a hand as soft and as skilled as this.

Rose slowly teased his cock out of his pants so she could get a better look at it. It was all she could have hoped for. Smooth, save for a couple of veins, it was long and nicely heavy in her hand. It felt hot to the touch and she could sense the life blood flowing through it, it was vital in her hand, very much alive and eager. She ran a finger over the purple head, smearing pre-cum over the glans. A shiver of pleasure ran through Danny and he cupped her ass in his hand, its succulent flesh yielding delightfully to his touch. She stroked him with ease and a practiced skill as they kept kissing and he continued to roam across her lower back, ass and thighs with his firm, large hand. She listened to his body, finding out just how he liked to be touched. Each man was different, she had learned that from a young age and what pleased one might not please another. Danny liked to be scratched along the underside she soon discovered and to have his balls cupped and balls played with.

The poor detective wasn't sure how long he'd last with her expert ministrations and the head of steam he'd built up for her over the last few weeks. With a monumental effort, he removed her hand and taking her slim wrist in his grip all but dragged her to the chaise, tearing the dressing gown off her in the process, leaving it strewn on the floor like a casualty on a battlefield. She yelled with pleasure, this was what she wanted, a man to take charge of the situation and of her. At his direction she leant over the chaise, knees on the upholstery, palms on the back as he positioned himself behind her. He flipped the hem of her slip up over her back and pulled down the big satin panties that covered her sex. He stood back for a moment to admire God's handiwork - the shapely ass cheeks, pale as the moon, the creamy full thighs and the pouting pink lips peeping out from behind a dusting of gossamer-thin, blonde hair. Her pussy lips were wet with the evidence of her excitement and Danny knew that, as big a tease as she was, she was hot for him too. This gave him confidence as he plunged into her.

Rose gave a cry of satisfaction as he filled her, God how he filled her. Her pussy muscles gripped this intruder, delighted to have a real cock to play with at last and she squeezed him and milked him as he reached forward to grab her full, firm breast in one hand, the other clamped on her hip, controlling his thrusts. As much as she tried, Rose soon knew that she wasn't in charge of this and that she was in the hands of a man who both knew what he wanted and what he was doing. It felt so full, so deep and Rose exalted in it, losing herself in the moment and having to but the velvet upholstery to stop herself from crying out too loudly. Even then her pleasure was obvious.

Danny had a sensation of bitter pride at taking Tony's woman but it was more than that. Like any good cop he had sensed a person's vulnerability and he knew that Rose was like a bird who'd been caged and was struggling to free herself. He could sense in this coupling with him that he was helping her loosen the chains just a little more. She was glorious in full flow, all blonde hair, tits and ass but not in a crude way, like some naughty postcard, but in a sensual way, like the nudes in the classical paintings his mother had taken him to see in Manhattan when he was a boy. He raked his nails down the curve of her back and this seemed to tip her over the edge, as he felt her spasm both inside and out. Her pussy closed like a vice around him and as she moaned and cried into the velvet, he gave a groan of his own and sent his seed deep into her pussy in four long spurts.

Neither had said a word and both breathed heavily as they returned to normal. She slipped him out of her and felt an overwhelming desire to hold him close to her, to keep that connection. She brushed it aside and smiled. "Well, I've no reason to write insulting notes about that performance detective. But you'd better go before anyone thinks to investigate the strange noises."

That was it then? Danny thought, used and thrust aside. He was about to say something harsh when she kissed him and helped to dress him, a gesture almost as intimate as the sex they'd just had. "That was lovely Danny," she said softly. "Tony's number two, Bobby Mancini is in charge of overseeing a hit tomorrow night. I don't know who or where but tail him and you'll get him." She kissed him again and ushered him out. Danny's grin was as wide as the Brooklyn Bridge as he made his way down the escape. She'd had something big to tell him all along, the horny wanton had just wanted to test out his skills first.


Danny didn't show at the Olive Grove the next night and Rose correctly guessed that he was staking out Bobby Mancini. Her suspicions were confirmed when one of the younger associates burst into the club towards the end of Rose's set and hurried up to Tony's usual table. This was a significant breach of mob etiquette. Tony might be genial and mix with the junior associates when he felt like it but, like an absolute monarch, it was always on his terms and one didn't speak unless spoken to. Rose knew, therefore, that something significant had happened and she was surprised to find herself holding her breath, hoping that Danny was ok. What was wrong with her? She even missed her cue, which was unheard of but fortunately hardly anyone noticed as she covered well and people were focused on the urgent conversation taking place in the corner booth.

Tony waited until Rose's set was finished but then left the Olive Grove hastily, his face as dark as a thunder cloud. As she came out of her dressing room, she heard the whispers that Bobby had been arrested for murder. Rose managed to look surprised and concerned but inside she was pleased, pleased but with a shiver of fear, knowing that she was responsible for what had happened and that Tony would never forgive if he found out. She determined to behave as normally as possible, this was her only and best chance of getting out alive. She showed enough concern to be seemly but not too much, for they all knew her to be selfish and self-possessed. Soon enough, therefore, with it being clear that Tony was not going to come to her, she found Franny and he took her home. There was no Model T on the way and Rose found that she missed her now familiar subterfuge of dropping off her scented note.

She didn't see Tony until the following night, a Friday. He had promised her a weekend away out of town and, as much as she didn't really want to go anymore, she had dutifully packed her bag and was ready to leave with him just after the show. Danny had shown up as usual but rather more cheerful than people there were used to seeing him. The manager had wanted to ban him, as everyone knew that he had been the arresting officer of Bobby Mancini, but Tony wasn't going to lose face by showing Danny or anyone that he was rattled. He was, though. This was the second thing to have gone wrong recently and he was worried that had a traitor. He needed more evidence before he could be sure but if he was right, whoever it was would pay a heavy price. Bobby had been with him since the beginning and losing him was a big personal blow. He still reckoned that he'd be able to fix the jury at Bobby's trial but he'd be without him for months. What was worse was that he was going to have to cancel on Rose. She'd been looking forward to the trip for weeks and was bound to lose her temper, which was the last thing he needed.

He decided that it was better, for him anyway, to wait until after he had taken his customary pound of flesh after her set. He came to her dressing room quickly and came inside he very soon afterwards. It was as she was cleaning up and changing that he told her that he wouldn't be able to go away with her. Rose wasn't terribly upset. Since her feelings for Tony had soured, she hadn't been looking forward to the trip very much. She knew, however, that he was expecting her to be disappointed so she decided not to let him down. "Why the hell not?" She asked coldly.
