The One for Me Ch. 04-06


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I decided to address Ross' mother first. "Mrs. Thompson, I want you to know that I love your son. I am not a member of your church, nor do I have a desire to join, but I will dedicate the rest of my life to making that man happy. He means the world to me and one thing this scare has taught me is that life is too short to live in fear. I love him, whether you can truly accept me or not, I don't care anymore. I will not give him up."

Evelyn was speechless, but Barbara touched her shoulder and said. "Evelyn, do you really want your son to choose?"

Evelyn paused and was pensive for a moment, then she smiled. "Welcome to the family dear. Don't worry about anything because everything will work out."

"Thank you, Momma, for raising me." Anna now addressed her own mother. "But, I needed hugs Momma. I needed to know I mattered to you and Daddy. I thought you hated me because I wasn't yours and I understand a little better now, but Momma, you were the only Momma I had and I am here now.

I cried for you and begged you not to leave me. Yet you went away every time. I could not do that to my child and I don't understand how you did it.

You were selfish Momma and you made Daddy chose. I always lost. But I love you and I forgive you, but know this you will not hurt my child in this way. If you want to be a part of our lives, you are welcomed, but we will not be a project or your pet people anymore. Do you understand what I am saying, Momma?"

Momma just hugged me. She cried and hugged me.

Ross came back in with the nurse so she could finish discharging me. We told Momma and Mrs. Thompson they could head on home, but Momma didn't want to leave my side.

I was discharged and Ross was driving me home. Neither one of us spoke at first, then suddenly, "We need a house." Ross declared.

I laughed. I laughed so hard and he joined in. We needed that moment.

"Ross, what type of house do you want? I asked as I held his hand. I moved his hand to my lips and kissed his knuckles.

"Hmmm, one big enough for us and several more kids." He said smiling. "We're having a baby, Anna. Wow!"

He pulled up to my building and everyone was waiting on us, my parents, his parents, even the Smith's.

Ross helped me out of the car and into my apartment. Mom had me to sit down and the women fussed over me. I felt guilty, because I felt as if I broke Mrs. Smith's trust. I looked at her and blurted out two words.

"I'm sorry."

Mrs. Smith hugged me, "Anna, do you love him?" she asked.

I smiled, "More than I ever thought possible, but I don't want to ruin his life."

Mrs. Thompson spoke up then, "How have you ruined it. Sweetheart, being pregnant has not ruined his life."

Mrs. Smith said to me, "The sin was in the sex, not the child. Never, feel guilty about this little girl or boy. Besides, that young man loves you so much. Things will work out fine.

Momma looked at me with tears in her eyes. Then being true to herself, she left the room. See, I learned that Momma doesn't handle emotional situations well. "Annalise, I'm going to make some soup and toast for you. You need to eat."

I talked with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Thompson a while longer, but I really wondered what Momma was thinking.

Momma came back in with soup crackers, and milk for me to drink. She sat and made sure I ate. She listened as the other two ladies talked and slowly stroked my hair.

Finally when the other two women finished Momma spoke, "Annalise, you don't have to do or agree to anything you don't want to alright. I know that they mean well, but this is your decision and Ross.

I felt at peace because Momma was there. I knew it would be alright now. I sat with the three older women and we just talked.

Chapter 6


Bishop Robert Thompson looked at his son. He was proud of his son. He knew this was hard on Ross. Ross hated to disappoint them, but he never really did. He helped them to realize they were human.

He acknowledged his responsibilities toward this girl, and even went out of his way to protect her.

"Dad, I know I sinned, but I can't regret my child. I love Anna dad. I've loved her for since I met her. I knew I wanted to marry her the first time I saw her." Ross explained to his father.

"You know the church frowns on premarital sex son. If you feel that way about this girl, why not marry her first." Robert asked his son.

Ross looked around and chuckled, "Um, Dad, I wasn't thinking with my big head at the time."

"Dad, I plan to marry her if she'll have me." Ross told his father. "But I don't know if she will. I won't pressure her Dad, as much as I want to. If she becomes my wife, it will be her choice."

Robert patted his son on his back. "You know your mother will demand a wedding, son. On that note I too think you should go on and marry the girl. But, I understand you two may need a little time. However, son, you should want your child to have your name.

Evelyn has often pushed hard where you are concerned, but she loves you. I know she angers you, but you need to talk to your mother, son. She loves you."

I looked away from my Dad for a moment. "Dad, I hear what you are saying, but most of the time, it doesn't feel like she loves me."

Dad patted my shoulder to reassure me and we drove back to Anna's apartment. When we arrived, Anna was surrounded and being pampered.

She was tired and her parents decided to stay with her for a few days to care for her. Mr. and Mrs. Smith went home with Mr. Smith telling Anna to not worry about her job take as long as she needed.

Mom and Dad were ready to leave and against my wishes, I left with them. Anna needed rest and I would come back and visit later.

When we reached my apartment, Mom could no longer hold her words.

"Ross, I like Anna. She is a nice and respectful girl. But I cannot sit here and pretend that this situation is fine. It is not." Mom started her lecture.

I didn't want to listen to this now. "Momma, please. I'm tired and don't want to hear this right now." I said dejectedly, knowing it was pointless to even try. Momma was going to tell me her thoughts regardless of how I was feeling.

"You must marry this girl. It is the right thing to do son. You claim to love each other so it shouldn't be a problem."

"I'm not going to tell you how I feel about you getting the girl pregnant. I know you're young and when you're young sometimes you don't think." Momma sighed. "I wanted to blame her, you know. I wanted to say she tricked and seduced you. Led my innocent baby astray, but talking with her tonight stopped those thoughts.

Son, she loves you. She's a good woman. I just wish..." Momma looked at me and paused. "Make this right Ross. Give my Grandbaby his or her right name."

"Momma, I'd marry her in a New York minute if she agrees. I love her Momma." I said as I hugged my mother and for the first time in my life, I felt like she really understood.

My Dad offered to buy dinner, but I was tired so I begged off. As soon as they left, I called Anna to wish her a goodnight. Besides. I needed to hear her voice.


After everyone else had gone, Momma asked if I wanted to go to bed. She had changed the linen earlier.

I told Mom I was fine and just wanted to talk with them. They told me about the places they'd visited. Momma had developed cures for several diseases. Daddy had helped many people in poorer countries start their own businesses. I was impressed and proud of them.

I yawned and in no time at all, Daddy had me tucked in and he and Mom were camping out in the living room.

Late at night, I awoke. I heard movement outside on the patio. Climbing out of bed, I went to investigate. Daddy was talking quietly to himself. He seemed to be worried, so I gave him a big hug like I used to when I was little.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" I asked. The sight of my parents being upset made me pause. Dad turned and embraced me and told me he was just relieved I was alright.

"Annalise, I have wronged you as a father. It was my job to protect you, to keep you safe, but I failed. I am so sorry, love. Please allow us, your mother and me, to be a part of your new family. I know I have no right to ask, but I beg forgiveness for your mother and myself." Nelson pleaded.

Anger, I looked at my Dad and became angry. "I needed you and you weren't there. I cried for the two of you and you were with other people you liked better than me. I grew up alone with no one. I love you daddy and I will forgive you, but I won't allow you and Momma to hurt my child. Just like I told Momma earlier at the hospital, Daddy, if you want to be a part of our lives, you are welcomed, but we will not be a project or your pet people anymore. Understand, Daddy?"

Daddy embraced me grateful that I was willing to allow them back into my life.

We talked a little longer, before Daddy made me go to bed. He said I needed rest and he would make sure I rested.

Brenda lay silently sobbing as she witnessed the interaction between her husband and daughter.


The next morning, I left my apartment an hour early because I needed to see Anna She had an appointment with Dr. Gee and I was determined to be there. After that visit with her doctor, I had to go to work. But first, I needed to see her to make sure my family was fine.

I arrived at Anna's apartment a little after six. Her mother opened the door and Anna was sitting with her father eating breakfast. I rushed over to her. She met me and we embraced in front of her parents.

"Hey, baby" I whispered, "Is everything OK this morning? Have you taken you meds?" Unconsciously, I gently rubbed her stomach. I felt the need to have some contact with my child.

"I am fine. Yes, Daddy made sure I took my vitamins and iron, hence breakfast at six. I thought you were going to the doctor's with me today?" Anna asked.

"Yes, I am, but I have to go to work afterward." Ross explained.

"Son, would you like something to eat, or at least a cup of coffee?" Nelson offered and I ate breakfast with her parents.

Anna left the room to shower a dress leaving me alone with them. I had dreamed of getting a chance alone with these two, but now it wasn't as urgent for me as it has once been.

Her mother spoke to me first, "Ross, we know you love our daughter. You probably hate us for the way she was raised. I will offer no excuses to you, because you heard all I had to say on last night. However, please just give us a chance and allow us to be a part of your lives."

"Mrs. Rainer, Mr. Rainer, I mean no disrespect, but I won't let you hurt them. She means everything to me and I will not have her or our child hurt. Anna is willing to try and have a relationship with the two of you and I can respect that, but if you hurt her in anyway, I will do everything I can to make sure you never come near us again." Ross explained to them.

Nelson's heart swelled with pride for this young man that was willing to do whatever it took to take care of his family. "We understand, son."

Anna came out of her room dressed and ready to go. She looked at the three of us pensively, because the air in the room was thick with tension. She hugged both of her parents and then we left and headed over to Dr. Gee's clinic for our initial visit.

Two hours later we were sitting in the exam room waiting on Dr. Gee. Anna had undressed and put on a gown in preparation for her examination.

Dr. Gee came in measured her stomach, gave her a pelvic exam, and listened to our baby's heart. The sound of the little rapid beat amazed me.

She then ordered an ultrasound and lab work. I remembered seeing our child for the first time. The technician took measurements and told us the doctor would share the findings shortly.

They did blood work in the lab. Then finally we were waiting for the results. Dr. Gee's nurse called us to her office. She shared the results with us and gave us our instructions.

We were fourteen weeks pregnant with a little boy. We would have a son. I know it may seem old-fashioned, but in that instance I wanted him to have my name. Dr. Gee told Anna that she could return to work if she wanted in a couple of days, just no heavy lifting.

We walked to the car in a daze. In a little over five months we'd be parents. I opened Anna's door and helped her in the car. We needed to talk.

"Anna, I am sorry." I said to her, because in the end I knew we should have stop. "I should have stopped, but I didn't. Now, we have another person to take care of. Anna, I love you and I love this child. I promise. I will do everything within my power to take care of you. But Anna, I must ask. Will you marry me and let me be a true father to my son and a true husband to you?"

She froze. She opened her mouth and then closed it. She opened her mouth again and closed it again. She seemed to be searching for words.

It felt as if my stomach was about to drop out of my body as I waited for the critical answer to my question


I'm almost five months pregnant with a little boy. I was having a little boy with the man of my dreams.

He asked me to marry him. I was speechless, and terrified. I wanted to scream yes, but I didn't want this to just be an obligation.

"Ross, you don't have to do this. We don't have to get married. We can raise our child, but you don't have to commit your life to-" I tried to explain.

"Do you love me? Anna, do you love me?" Ross asked.

My eyes flew to his and I could not lie to him I had to tell him the truth. "Ross I have loved you since the first time you spoke to me over a year ago. But you are not at fault for this pregnancy. I was insecure and I wanted to be with you.

My friends were coming to visit and they are members of your church. They were the type of girls I knew that your family would approve of, and I thought I might lose you to them so that night I needed to be with you.

You asked me to stop and I insisted. I kept insisting until you made love to me. I pressured you so please know that I caused this not you."

"Then marry me Anna. If you love me like you claim, let me give our child my name. Be my wife, Anna?" he pleaded.

"Yes, Ross. I will marry you. I just hope you don't regret this, because I'll never let you go." I declared then I hugged him. We embraced for a moment and then headed back to my apartment to talk to our parents.

Ross called his parents and asked them to meet us at my apartment. Because mine were already be there.

We called Mrs. Smith and asked her to join us. We would call Mr. Smith at his office and tell him our decision over the phone.

We walked into our apartment and all of the older adults were waiting. Mrs. Smith called and got Mr. Smith on speakerphone.

Ross stood, cleared his throat and announced that we were getting married. Everyone cheered.

I had to share my news also, so I told them I was almost five months pregnant and in a little over four months they would have a new grandson soon.

Mr. Smith was so overjoyed, he told Ross to take the rest of the day off the get the necessary things done for you to get married.

My Dad and Ross's Dad decided I needed to sit down because their grandson needed to relax.

Mom and Ross's Mom wanted to talk to me about details for our wedding. We decided to keep it all and intimate with just family

Two weeks later, we were married. Our wedding was the sweetest event ever. Only family attended and Rev. Thompson officiated.

The night of our wedding was very special. We stayed in the honeymoon suite at the Hampton. Even though we had sex in the past, this was our first time together as man and wife. I was nervous, as was Ross.

We entered the honeymoon suite and I was awed by its beauty.

The decorations were flawless. I looked at my new husband, and in that instance the room paled in comparison to him.


My wife, my beautiful wife is standing before me. She is admiring this room, but I am stunned by her beauty. I bow to her for she is giving me a life, the life that is growing within her womb, my son.

Tonight will be for her. I will love her tonight, worship her. Never will she doubt what she means to me.

She turns and looks at me, and all I can think is Thank you God for creating her for me. Thank you.

I had arranged earlier to have a special CD set up for us tonight. Taking the remote from the entertainment center, I turned on the stereo.

The smooth sounds of Luther filled the room. I turned to face my wife, "Dance with me?"

Anna placed her hand in mine as we sway to the words and melody.

Love has truly, been good to me.

Not even one sad day or minute have we had since you've come my way

I hope, you know, I'll gladly go anywhere you lead me.

It's so amazing to be loved. I'll follow you to the moon and the stars above.

I held her close listening to the true words of the song and the singer crooned describing the amazement that he felt for his woman. The song perfectly described how I feel about Anna.

I held her close and as the song ended I kissed her gently.

She pushed away and asked me to give her a minute and went into the bathroom. I was excited, nervous, and happy.

While she was in the bathroom, I quickly undressed and sat on the bed waiting for her to come out.

A few minutes later, Anna came out. She was wearing a small white night gown the cling to her curves. The slight round bump at her abdomen reminded me that she was carrying our child.

She walked over to me and I stood. I lifted her and placed her in the center of the bed.

I kissed her soundly and maneuvered my way slowly down her body. Her breast were delicious chocolate mounds topped with deep chocolate nipples. As I nursed on one breast, I gently massaged the other.

"Please, Ross, please," Anna moaned and I slowly removed her top and panties. Once she was completely naked in front of me I was awed by her beauty.

Finally, I could worship her body the way I wish I had done months ago.

I slid my eyes from her perfect face to her bountiful; breast. My eyes rested on her baby bump and I could not resist, so I kissed her stomach.

Slowly I moved down the bed until I saw the glistening evidence of her arousal at the apex of her thighs.

Gently, I spread her legs apart and kneeled between them. I looked up and was awed by the beauty that was simply Anna. She stared back at me, her eyes wild and ignited by her passion.

I pressed my face into her glorious hair to inhale her true feminine fragrance. She quivered in anticipation. Slowly I began to lick her. I licked her slit from her clit to her anus. Anna screamed and within second she came on my face. I greedily drank of her nectar.

I wanted to feel that again. I licked her some more, then I notice her clit had come out of its hiding place. I latched on to it. Anna convulsed as I nursed her clit. Her clit was amazing; it became even more engorged, sticking out from inside her resembling a small cock.

I decided to do what I like to have done and began to bob my head up and down on her clit, giving her a blowjob. I lost count of how many times she came.

"Stop, she panted, "Please stop."

I moved back up to the top of the bed and held her for a moment as her.

She rubs my chest and I wanted more. "Baby, hold me. I need you to stroke me." She moves her hand to my member who stood up as hard as steel. She grasped me and I moaned.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." She said snatching back her hand.

"Baby, no. You didn't hurt me." I explained. "Please don't stop."

She began to stroke me again as she held me tightly. To my surprise, Anna repositioned her body so that her face was right next to my crotch. She kissed my cockhead. I wasn't expecting her to kiss it and almost exploded on her face.

Next, she sucked the head of my cock into her mouth. "Watch your teeth." I told her, but the sensation of her mouth on me was almost way too much.