The Oracle Pt. 02


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David was glad to do what she wanted to do, and never pressed her for more. Maybe that was the boundless confidence of a guy who knew he'd get it eventually. So for the next couple of weeks, they had a lot of hand jobs, a lot of oral sex, but never crossing the line into intercourse. Until, that is, Maria got her period.

The cramps were a pain as always, but she was also giddy with anticipation. She texted David, "Clear your calendar for the weekend".

He texted back immediately, "Calendar? I don't even know 'er!"

He came over on Friday night. She had a place picked out for dinner, but when he kissed her, she changed her mind. That could wait. Anything else in the world could wait. She always found his touch electrifying, but tonight, knowing what it was building up to, she could hardly breathe.

She didn't waste time, undressing him, pulling him onto her bed. She let her body come to rest against his, pulling him tight to her, in a way she hadn't dared to before, lest some eager part of him press naturally into some vulnerable part of her. But tonight, that was exactly what she wanted to happen. He was rigid by the time they were pushing their bodies against each other, and she could feel him growing slicker with her juices. He was touching her all over, well-versed with the terrain of her curves.

And then, as they reached that magical alignment of their bodies' constellations, the head of his cock glanced at the opening of her vagina. And to her frustration, he stopped short.

"Is it safe?" he asked.

"As safe as it ever is for me," she said. Even if he was carrying any infection, she wasn't sure it'd be a dealbreaker now. But she knew the thrust of his question, and she couldn't give him any absolute assurances. She wasn't even completely sure herself.

"I'm on my period right now," she explained.

He rolled her onto her back, his erection lining up with her again as he leaned down to kiss her. No hangups about menstrual blood here, she guessed. Then he pushed into her, a little at a time. She'd had his fingers inside of her plenty of times already, but somehow knowing it was his cock inside of her now, every bit of her he touched felt newly discovered. Maria was no virgin--heck she'd already gotten pregnant once before--but it had been long enough that the sensation of a penis probing her depths was entirely new again.

The shudders started before he even bottomed out inside her. And then he left it there, the two of them fully conjoined, letting his hands tease more pleasure out of her. She was so sensitive, she could practically feel his every pulse inside her. She wished this moment could stretch out to eternity, but she also felt an urge to push against him, to ascend the next peak in the unending mountain range of her arousal. So when he started to move slightly in time, it felt right. It felt needed.

They had gotten each other off enough times already that she had a sense of how much he could take before he blew, and what his tells at the last minute were. Maria could tell David wasn't going to last long. But likewise he could tell her climax was already in sight, and he was pursuing it single-mindedly.

Maria knew, intellectually, that it was safe to let him cum inside her just now. Let him? No, that wasn't right. She wanted it to happen. She'd make him cum inside her, if she had anything to say about it. She started to tense her vaginal muscles in time with his rocking motions, squeezing down on him as he moved inside her.

But even knowing it was safe, when she could tell it was impending, she found herself nervous. What if she was wrong somehow? Sure, these seemed like the safest circumstances for this to happen, but was it ever completely safe? Should she be doing this under any circumstances at all? Part of her brain was freaking out, and another part was drunk on the excitement of it. Not too drunk to care--that she'd be more comfortable with--out of her mind horny at the thought that, if somehow improbably it wasn't safe, then this might be the moment it happens.

She felt him swell up inside of her. She'd felt this last-second warning sign in her hands and in her mouth before, but this was her first time feeling it deep in her vagina. That unreasonable corner of her mind, where doubts still lingered, was torn between pushing him off, scrambling away, doing anything to put a stop to this, and on the other hand, welcoming it, relishing in it. In that decisive moment, she let that instinct take hold of her, digging her fingers into his back, pulling his thighs close with her heels, squeezing down on his swelling erection.

When his semen shot into her, she was squeezing down on him so hard, that she could feel the force of it pressing into her, and then the spreading warmth as it seeped into every corner of her, seeking out a fertile egg that wasn't there. It pushed Maria over the edge of climax and into free-fall. If a scream came out of her mouth, she wasn't conscious of it. She was concentrated entirely on where the two of them were interlocked. Something inside her contracted and bucked. David grunted in her ear as his cock spasmed inside her again, jetting more of his seed deep inside her. She could feel it hit some sensitive part of herself, sending her into an aftershock, gasping for air, contracting around him again, making him grunt and ejaculate once more.

By the time both their orgasms had run their course, and David started to soften inside of her, Maria's mind started to clear. Instead of post-coital dread, her conscious mind reassured her that there was no cause for worry, no reason to imagine that this act would lead to conception.

They eventually got up to have a belated meal, only to return to her bed after. It was late by the time they passed out in her bed. By then there was too much of his semen to stay inside her.

When she started to wake again, she felt his erection pressing against the side of her thigh. And for once, she didn't have to restrain herself from making use of it. He roused from his slumber as she straddled his lap and guided him into her again, still slippery from the night before. They made love unhurriedly, but nothing could prevent the inevitable end, when he held her hips to his lap, pressing the tip of his cock as deep up into her as it would go, nudging against something tender as he let loose in her again. Maria lost control of herself, shaking as their fluids mixed again, as their genitals did that exquisite dance of theirs together.

Afterward, Maria started to wonder if she should worry about how hard she came every time she felt him ejaculate inside her. Was her body telling her something she didn't know? Would she ever be able to give up this feeling? How would they go back to being safe after this? But she knew they had the weekend at least.

They spent the entire weekend together, in a constant haze of libido, letting it even stretch into Monday morning. Even then, David tried to convince her to skip class, and she was tempted, but she knew she was already far behind on classwork as it was. Plus, there would be a point at which it wouldn't be safe to go on like this, and it made Maria anxious that she didn't know exactly when that would be.

"Sorry, the weekend's over. I wish it weren't as much as you do," she told him. "We can do this again in a month."

It was easier said than done. Now his every touch was an invitation to go there again. Whenever she took him in her mouth, she remembered the feeling of him entering her down below. Even when he ate her out and brought her to orgasm, she remembered that breathless, mindless state of bliss they had achieved together. They orgasm at nearly the same time, but they couldn't share an orgasm the same way as they had before, when his eruption into her would set her off, when her orgasmic contractions would make him cum again.

David was careful not to complain, but she heard the sigh every time they would get too close, too worked up, and have to pull apart. She was keeping him satisfied, but even so she noticed his eyes wandering from hers more, when they were walking to class together or eating at the dining hall.

Her vision showed them having unprotected sex sooner or later, but that didn't mean he'd be with her forever no matter what. If she lost him, if she tested his patience, she thought she'd lose him, no matter how much he assured her otherwise.

One night, they were making out in his bed, and she felt his erection against her inner thigh. She liked the feeling of it there, firm and warm against her, a sign of his desire for her. She pulled him close hungrily, her juices flowing, and he turned his hips to face her.

Now his erection nestled into her slit, sitting comfortably between her labia, sliding against her clit with her own lubrication. The tip of it wasn't even poking into her yet, but Maria knew it wouldn't take much to inch across that line. Even now, he might be leaking precum down to where it could mix with her own fluids.

"David, we can't," she gasped. "I could get pregnant."

"Sorry," he said with a smirk. "Right."

It took her out of the moment. "Why do you do that? It's not like you don't know."

"Because I know it turns you on," he said.

She shook her head slightly. What was he talking about?

"Come on. This isn't news. Every time you start even thinking about the risk, you end up cumming so much harder."

He slid his hand down between them, and damn it, now her thoughts were swirling around the risk of pregnancy just now, and around this accusation that she was actually turned on by the risk. And damn it, she hated that she could actually feel it happening to her, now that he pointed it out.

"I don't want to get pregnant," she said, trying to convince herself as much as him. "You don't want that either."

If it had changed, she wanted to goad him into saying it.

"Maybe not," he said. "But if gets you off, we can work with that."

She knew she shouldn't be quickly approaching her climax, that it would prove him right if she did, and so she tried to hold out, but his thumb brushed against her clit just right, and she couldn't contain it any longer. She let out a ragged yell, her hips bucking against his touch.

Afterwards, Maria felt betrayed, in a way she couldn't entirely explain. He hadn't gotten off, but she didn't care anymore. Not after what he'd done to her. After what he'd made her do. She gathered her clothes in a rush.

He waited until the next day to text her, but by the time she woke up, he was spamming her. David was worried about where this left them, and Maria regretted freaking out on him the night before. He hadn't really done anything to her. Just held a mirror up to a part of herself that she didn't know was there. It was a mess that she didn't know how to sort out. But she didn't want to end things with him over it, and he deserved to understand.

They met under a tree on the campus lawn. Fortunately they were alone, no one close enough to hear.

"Sorry about last night," she said.

"I should be the one to apologize," he said. "I thought..."

"You know I'm not on birth control and I can't use condoms," she said, cutting him short. "What I haven't ever told you is that I've been pregnant before..."

She told him about what happened with Toby, in her senior year of high school. Not about her visions, of course.

"So yeah, that's why I'm so paranoid about it now."

It wasn't the whole story--he couldn't know about her visions of caring for a newborn--but it might be enough for him to understand.

"Well, for what it's worth, my precum has never gotten anyone pregnant before."

"Out of how many women?" Maria asked. He started counting them off on his fingers, and Maria worried it was going to be a while. "Okay, forget that. But now I'm wondering how you can be so sure you don't have any little David's running around out there that you don't even know about."

"Oh I'd know," he said. "I'm friends with all my exes."

His words kept bouncing around in his head. It seemed like David had been with lots of women, and never knocked anyone up before. Maybe it really would be safe with him. Or safe enough, as long he'd pull out in time. It was a line she knew she'd cross sooner or later, and the idea of it was driving her mad.

The next time they were together, he nudged himself gently into her slit again. This time she knew what he meant by it, just helping her get turned on.

"But I could get pregnant," she said, but this time with a coy tone.

"Don't worry, I'll pull out in time," he said, edging himself into her.

She felt herself being pressed open to accommodate him. It was hard to think straight, feeling him inside her again, and at a time when they definitely could not surrender to their desires.

"You better," she said. "Seriously."

Inch by inch, he slipped deeper into her, maybe waiting for her to tap out. When all of him was inside all of her, her insides fluttered with delight and illicit excitement. He pulled back ever so slightly and pressed them together again. The tip of his cock pressed on something inside her, letting her know he was right where he belonged. He bit his lip in concentration, and she could feel the tension in his arms, and in the firmness of his erection. It twitched slightly inside her; she knew those weren't the twitches of orgasm, but something not far off. Being inside her raw seemed to be affecting him just as much as it affected her.

Would he pull out in time? Maria wondered if she had already made the biggest mistake of her life. With every nerve in her body, she tried to sense how his orgasm was building, to know when they'd have to pull apart before it would be too late. So it only took a few more subtle movements before her orgasm overtook her. Maria tried to stifle her cry, as if that would temper how the tension unleashed throughout her body. She didn't want to push him over the edge, but she also didn't want to feel him withdraw while her vagina was greedily squeezing down on him.

He rode it out, and then to her surprise, he withdrew from her. His erection was just as engorged as before, and now slick with her cum.

"You didn't finish, did you?" she asked.

"Not remotely," he said, running his fingers through her hair. "We don't need to go right to the edge."

Still glowing from her own climax, she was glad to take him in her mouth, and bob on him until she tasted his salty seed on the back of her tongue.

Once they had crossed that line, there was no going back. Taking him inside her unprotected became part of their repertoire. Though he always pulled out well before the last second, which made Maria feel better about it. It made her wonder why she had seemed worried about it in her vision. That wasn't the David she knew.

Even so, she worried she was becoming one of those "cautionary tale" girls who played with fire too many times even though they knew better. A girl who had to have dick to get off. She was letting things escalate and didn't know if they could de-escalate them anymore, and if they escalated any further...well, maybe that wouldn't have to happen for quite a while.

"I signed up for a summer job on campus," David said one night, after they made love. "If you want, we could share an apartment--"

Maria hadn't really considered what would happen to them at the end of the semester. But as soon as he started to say it, she knew it was a bad idea. They had already gone too far as it was. If they were living together all summer with more time on their hands, Maria had a pretty good idea where that would lead. It'd be a miracle if she could start the fall semester without a bun in the oven.

"I can't," she said. "My mom needs help running the business during the busy season."

"No problem," he said. "Just an idea."

She knew this was right for her, but she also knew how David's attention wandered. How many exes he was still on good terms with. The jealousy gripped her hard, expectedly. She was used to keeping things light and casual, and hadn't meant for this to become something serious.

And yet, the thought crossed her mind, if she did get pregnant with his baby, maybe that wouldn't be so bad. They'd have something permanent between them. He was such a lovely specimen; his child would be adorable. She tried to banish the thought before it could take hold.

When she finally got her period again, it was a weight off her chest, despite all David's assurances. It started on a Wendesday, and David came inside her twice that night and one more in the morning. In class, he'd catch her eye and give her a smirk, as if she needed a reminder of their hot, gooey secret still swimming between her legs. Maria blushed, wondering if she'd given herself away somehow, maybe by the way she walked. Then she realized that girls on the pill might be walking around with vaginas full of semen all the time, and she'd never been able to tell.

That night she went straight back to bed with him, and wouldn't stop until he had no more to give. They only needed to get through two days of classes before they had the weekend to themselves. But Maria could hardly concentrate on anything else.

That weekend they rutted against each other again and again. Maria didn't often get off first, but she always came when she felt David ejaculating inside her. And yet, by Sunday she started to feel like there was some element missing that used to be there. She hated herself for it, but she realized there just wasn't the same tension. The same risk.

David was on top of her, and she could see the tension building in him quickly.

"I'm...about to cum...You'll pull out, right?" she asked, short of breath.

"I told you I would," he said. He always did catch on quickly.

But would he do as he said? Or would he do as she wanted? She needed to feel him cum inside her again, but damn it, this pregnancy risk talk was getting to her head. She was foggy with the confusion of it, her desires warring with her intentions, even on this pretend battlefield. For her, it ratcheted up the intensity of their union fast. Every nerve ending was a live wire, trying to sense how David would play out the scene.

And then she lost control, letting her voice cry out, her hands digging into his buttocks, everything inside her spasming around him.

"Oh god," he said, in a tone that could only portend one thing.

She felt him swell up inside her, and knew it was too late for him to pull out. Not that he'd ever intended to. She felt his seed rush into her. In their shared fiction, he was betraying her and claiming her in one act. Her thighs shook as she clutched him tight; she could feel the vibrations all the way up in her breasts. Her vaginal muscles rode the wave of his tide and crashed back onto his shore, receding only to lap at him again. And he felt it, delivering more and more. She thought she'd about drained him dry already, but the intensity of that moment drew upon his deepest reserves to satisfy her need.

"You needed that, huh," he said, stroking her hair.

She didn't realize until afterward that she had muddied the waters between them, maybe permanently. He knew now that she got off on him not pulling out when he ought to. How could she ever remind him to do the right thing, without it sounding like an invitation to do the wrong one? Did she even know right and wrong anymore herself?

She also realized, belatedly, that she had fulfilled her vision. She hadn't really meant to. But it meant they were in uncharted territory. She hadn't been shown how it would play out between them from here on.

When Monday morning rolled around again, Maria realized they had to stop again. They might have a full week of safety, but what she read online hadn't been consistent about that. Monday night, they were together again. David's dorm room smelled of unwashed sheets; both theirs did.