The Orgy

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Vicki finds a surprise at an orgy.
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It was the end of an ordinary Thursday evening. Ordinary, that is, for me, at least in the past few months. Quite out of ordinary for me a year ago. I had just finished with a client in Sly's apartment. By the way, that apartment is so much nicer now than it was when I first saw it a year ago. Money will do that. Well, money and a hell of a lot of nagging on my part. I mean, a girl likes to have decent working conditions, after all.

Sorry, I'm rambling. I have a bad habit of doing that.

I sell sex. Well, to be honest, Sly and I both are involved in our two-person enterprise. Sly's my agent. Diamond in the rough, he is. He recruited me about a year ago by blackmailing me into 'servicing' some clients to pay off my debt. When to both our surprises it turned out that I, who had been raised as the classic WASP 'princess', was pretty good at the work and rather enjoyed it, we formed our remarkable partnership. Sly's a product of the mean streets. Rough and unpolished, but basically decent, at least where I'm concerned, which is all I need and want to know about him. He gets me clients and takes care of me, sometimes even protecting me. The knowledge that he's got my back gives me the confidence I need to take on strange men, sometimes under odd circumstances. It lets me indulge in this rather adventurous lifestyle at night while still keeping a day job working for a law firm.

Anyway, as I was saying, it had been a fairly ordinary Thursday evening, at least by our standards. The guy had been kind of cute. Young, and charmingly nervous. First off, he couldn't handle having Sly in the same room, watching. I generally prefer having him there in case anything goes pear shaped, but this guy seemed so innocuous, I nodded to Sly, and after a meaningful look, he went out for a beer or something. Risky, and he would probably have something to say later, but I'm learning to trust my instincts about men.

The guy, as I said, was very nervous. I had to take the lead and kind of walk him through it. Still, once I got his clothes off and played with his cock, though, he got into it, and it didn't take long before he had me on the couch and was pumping away at me. He sucked my breasts and squeezed them while he did it, which I really liked. He had a nice cock, too. Just about the right size for me. When he came, it was pretty spectacular. Lots of moaning and shouting (not all of it by him).

I really enjoyed the ear-to-ear smile on his face when we were done. I'm good at my work, but it's still nice to know I'm appreciated.

A little after he left, as I was putting my street clothes on, Sly came back. Sure enough, he was not happy.

"God damn it," he said. "I don't like you takin' risks like that. You could've gotten hurt, maybe wound up dead or somethin'. "

"Sly, I was just trusting my instincts and your pre-screening. He seemed okay. Besides, he'd never have gotten the job done with you here."

"Instincts my ass," he said. "You still don't know shit about the world, Princess. From here on out you trust my instincts, you hear? Look, even I can make a mistake."

"Yes pappa," I said contritely. Actually, he was right, and I knew it. It's a dangerous world out there. No point in arguing. I cherish my independence, but I recognize my limits.

"I won't do it again."

"Okay, then," he said, rather mollified. "Anyway, it wasn't a total waste. I met a guy who knows a guy and I got a job lined up while I was out."

I don't know how Sly finds clients for me, and I probably don't want to know. His world is so different from mine. But I do trust his instincts.

"Amazing. What have you got?"

Sly looked directly in my eye. "Guy is hiring professionals for an orgy."

I searched his face for some clue.

"I must be losing it," I said. "You know, I could have sworn you said an orgy. And professionals, plural."

By now Sly was grinning. He loved playing the wise man of the world to my naiveté.

"Makes no sense," I said. "Who hires professionals for an orgy? I thought they were supposed to be spontaneous."

"This guy does. He's a lobbyist. Apparently, there are going to be some high-powered city officials and movers and shakers there, and he wants to make sure that they're not disappointed. So, he's hiring a bunch of professionals, both sexes, to ensure success."

"Holy shit.

"Wait, you said both sexes. So, some of the pols are women?"

"Princess, you think you're the only woman that likes getting laid by strangers?"

"No, I guess not. 'Course, I'm not sure I like the idea of getting laid by a lot of strangers, and seriatim, to boot."

Sly looked blank.

"One after the other. Anyway, let's have the details. How much is he offering?"

Sly told me. Pretty good. Okay, better than good, it was worth it. Who knew, I might even learn something from the other professionals.

"Okay. I'm in. Set it up."

"Princess, you somehow always manage to surprise me."

The orgy was set for the following Saturday night. I gotta say, it still sounds weird to talk about a scheduled orgy. Yeah, I know, I led a sheltered life.

My cab delivered me to a midtown brownstone. I didn't know whether one arrives on time or sophisticatedly late for an orgy. My very upscale family never taught me that one. I wasn't too far off, though, because there were several limos and taxis discharging passengers when I got there.

How do you dress for an orgy? Togas? Bikinis? I opted for a skirt and blouse over a sheer bra and a very brief thong. I chose a tight short skirt and sexed up the outfit with dark stockings and three-inch heels. I figured I was supposed to look sexy. My guess was that clothing wouldn't matter too much, since presumably it wouldn't be staying on all that long. Turned out I needn't have worried; there were all kinds of outfits, from tuxes on some of the men and gowns on some women to gym shorts and business casual. So much for orgy dress code.

Two very beefy guys at the door were checking IDs against a guest list. Figures. You wouldn't want strangers crashing an orgy, now, would you?

I was nervous and excited at the same time. My very first orgy! Who knew how this was going to develop.

Well, I certainly wasn't too early. Things were going pretty well already. I could hear the loud, thumping music from the bottom of the stairs. Pounding rhythm, pretty much centered on the human heartbeat. Lots of laughter, an occasional scream of pleasure. Not a lot of talking. I got to the top of the stairs and found an anteroom peopled by two bronzed half-naked amazons guarding the door to the orgy room. At their direction I took off my clothes and put them in a basket. They gave me an ankle bracelet with a numbered tag, kind of like you get at a swimming pool. So much for worrying about what to wear.

When I was naked, one of the amazons looked me over rather hungrily and said, "Nice body. If you're not in a hurry I'd love to do you."

"Thanks," I said. "I'd like that, but maybe another time." I figured I was getting paid to entertain the paying customers, not to indulge myself. I rather appreciated the look of disappointment on her face.

The other amazon opened the door and the noise just washed over me. The music pounded in my ears, and strobe lights flashed multiple colors in synchrony with the music. I looked into a large room that seemed filled with naked flesh. Arms and legs intertwined, bodies on top of bodies. There must have been fifty or so in that room, all having a wonderful time. There was no way to tell the professionals from the others. Quite a few people were gathered around a fountain in the middle of the room. I could tell from their expressions that it wasn't water.

I had barely stepped into the room when I was grabbed from the side and pulled over. The next thing I knew multiple hands were caressing my body. I instinctively resisted, but there were too many hands. I began to get a little frightened. There were so many hands. But then some of them cupped my breasts, and others stroked my thighs and fumbled at my pussy. It started to feel good. In the midst of all this someone held a drink up to my lips and I took a gulp.

Whatever it was, it was damned effective. My fear evaporated, and I just leaned back on the warm pulsing flesh behind me and let the hands do with me whatever they wanted. Oh God, it felt good. Fingers at my pussy, probing me. Hands cupping and squeezing my breasts, pinching my nipples. Mouths kissing me in intimate places. All around me I could feel flesh. Some was soft and warm, some hard. Breasts, pricks, wet pussies, tongues, hands all blended into a whirlpool of aroused flesh pressing against me. It was frightening. It was exciting. It was erotic as hell.

One minute I was kissing somebody's breasts, and the next minute somebody was kissing mine. A large cock penetrated my vagina, but before I could react it was gone. Another lovely cock appeared in front of my face and I put my mouth over it for a moment and then it too was gone, leaving just a taste of aroused male on my tongue. Somebody else grabbed my head with both hands and shoved my face into her wet pussy. I probed her with my tongue and heard her groan. Then she was gone. The music pounded in my ears. I felt dizzy, lightheaded, and as amorous as I'd ever felt before. All those beautiful pricks! All those sweet, sweet pussies! I couldn't get enough of them.

Time passed, delightfully.

Somehow, I was on my back on one of the conveniently located armless and backless couches. My eyes were closed. I knew there was a man on top of me. He penetrated me. It felt so good. He started pumping me. I matched him with my pelvis. I wanted him so badly. I wanted his sperm shooting into me. Hell, I needed it! I heard him groaning and panting. He was getting close to his climax. I grabbed his ass and pulled him deep into me while I used my perineal muscles to massage his cock. I was going to squeeze him for all he was worth. It was going to feel wonderful when he came.

I opened my eyes, then. Oh my God, it was one of the younger partners from the law firm where I worked! Just then he opened his eyes too, and I saw the light of recognition.

"Oh God. S***n!!" he shouted. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I didn't know! Oh Christ, oh shit, it's too late! I'm gonna cum. I can't stop it!!" And he came in me. He gushed in me. He groaned and gasped. Both of us were helpless to stop him. He might have tried to pull out, but it was way too late for that to matter.

All my warm cocoon that had kept out reality evaporated. In an instant I was down from the high. Cold sober. I felt him throbbing and spurting into my vagina as he gasped and moaned above me. It should have felt good, but I could only think of what was going to happen next.

I know. I should have realized that sooner or later this might happen. But I'm a risk-taker by nature, and I was having too good a time in my alter identity. I should have been more careful. One on one with preselected clients was okay. In a big city the probability that a random client would be someone I worked with was almost zero. I shouldn't have agreed to a big party, though. I just got sloppy. Overconfident. Damn!!

Helpless to stop himself, he continued to ejaculate into me. I wanted to push him off, but the poor guy was already in enough trouble. I let him finish.

When he was drained, he raised himself up with his arms. His cock was still in me.

"Oh my God, S**n," he said. "I don't know what to say. I had no idea you'd be here." He was a wreck. I knew that I was going to have to be the adult here.

"I know," I said, my mouth close to his ear, trying to make myself heard over the cacophony and not yet yelling. "It's not your fault, Paul. Look, we've got to talk. But we'd both be able to think more clearly if you didn't have your cock buried in me."

"I- Oh. OH! Oh God, I'm sorry!"

He pulled out of me. His cock slid out easily, being much reduced in size and shrinking rapidly, while I was pretty well lubricated with his semen. The poor guy was really messed up. Guys' cocks are a lot like dogs' tails. Great indicators of moods.

"That's better, and Paul, please stop apologizing. We neither of us has done anything wrong."

"You're right," he said. "I'm s- okay. I'll stop. Jesus, what do we do now?"

"There's a 24-hour Starbucks a couple of blocks south of here. Give me a few minutes to get dressed and get a head start and meet me there. I don't think people here should see us leaving together."


Like I said, I was apparently the adult here. Paul was a nice guy, but I'm pretty sure his main qualification for the partnership was his being the son of one of the senior partners, rather than any outstanding acumen on his part. Now I had to think of how to get out of this mess and keep both my job and my secret.

Damn Sly and his ideas! Damn me for blindly following them.

The amazons were still there in the anteroom. I closed the door to the party room behind me. The diminished noise was a blessing.

"Leaving so early, Honey? Didn't you have a good time? I'd be happy to make it up to you. How about a threesome?"

"Thanks, but I'm just plain tired, and I gotta get up for work tomorrow. I'll just take my clothes."

One of them found my clothes. Both of them watched intently while I put them on. Another time I'd've been flattered by the hungry looks, but I had other things on my mind just then.

I was sipping at my usual latte when Paul came in. At that hour the Starbucks was deserted except for us and one other couple, probably closing out a date. Even the barista looked half asleep. Good place for a confidential meeting.

"God, I'm so embarrassed," Paul opened with. "I had no idea you'd be there. And anyway, I didn't recognize you until it was way too late."

Both of us had to smile at the meaning behind that statement.

I knew that the first thing I had to do was convince Paul that I was not one of the paid help. Next, I was going to have to fend him off. He'd had a taste, and I'd bet was going to want more, and I didn't need the complication in my life.

"Same for me," I said. "Look, Paul, I want you to know that I don't go in for that kind of thing. Please don't think I'm that kind of girl. A friend set me up, probably as a sick joke. She never told me what to expect. She just told me that it was a party, that's all. When I got there, somebody slipped me a drink, and everything got real confusing after that. Seeing you on top of me was what finally snapped me out of it.

"Please don't tell anyone at the office. I'd lose my job for sure."

"You have my word," he said. "Besides, I wouldn't speak of it anyway. My dad's pretty strait-laced. He'd never understand. So let's agree to keep it our secret."

So far, so good. Then he said what I had hoped he wouldn't but knew he would.

"But maybe I can see you sometime?"

"Paul," I said, mustering all the regret in my voice I could, "that's not a good idea. I could never forget what happened tonight. And Paul, I have to tell you, despite what you saw at the party, I prefer girls."


His face fell. I hated to do that to him, but there was too much on the line.

We parted as friends.

Sly and I were going to need to have a talk.

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MigbirdMigbird11 months ago

Hilarious and wonderfully erotic. You’ve created quite a character — sassy, attractive and great libido. Nice combination. Enjoy her stories.

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