The Other Emma


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"Mmm, now that would have helped too," Emma 2 approved. "Seeing you two side by side like that....that sure would have finished me. Or started me, if I came earlier."

"Well, we'll never know now," my Emma muttered. "So, I suppose we call it a day?"

"I got enough for the month, thanks," Emma S answered. So that seemed to be it, then.

I glanced at my Emma leaving the bed, but I didn't look over to see her or the other one. They'd probably both be getting dressed right now, anyway. Side by side....

"Wait," I was inspired to say. "Don't move yet. Not for your clothes. Just....stand together for a minute." I asked this before I even knew what else I wanted. But if this was it, I had to see this just once.

That would require lifting my head and sitting up at some point. I chose to do it then, spinning around in time to see a naked Emma Stone and Emma Watson, side by side. They looked confused, but they were doing what I asked anyway. As if they hadn't been doing that enough today.

These two were both so....generous to do so. For lack of a better, cleaner word. And the similarities didn't end there.

Looking at them both like this, they could have been twins. Save for the hair color and the different chests. Other than that, they were each dream girls in their own right, and so much more.

They were both among the most open, fun, sane and talented actresses of their age. They were both so approachable for anything, whether it was just to talk, hang out, or other more private things. And all their inner beauty was complimented so....perfectly by the outer.

Both had the loveliest faces imaginable, with big, expressive eyes that could hypnotize you into doing anything. Both had smiles that could light up a room and make you hard in a matter of seconds -- which you could say about both their faces as a whole.

Both had bodies that weren't voluptuous or stick thin, but had deceptively luscious curves below the waist -- forging two mouth watering, heart shaped behinds and two long, seductive pairs of legs. And they both had such warm, sultry voices that could make you melt into complete goo, in and out of the bedroom.

Even if I hadn't done what I did today -- and wasn't doing what I'd done with Emma for three months -- I would still probably fall to my knees in front of these special women. Whether they were naked or not. But being naked did help too.

Well, why couldn't I do it now? And do a few more things while I still could? "You got your last mental images in?" Emma Stone interrupted.

"Not yet," I exclaimed, quickly getting on my feet. "I know you guys just came....but let me try this one last thing. Just stand still, please."

Neither of them moved, so I felt safe to make my move. As I imagined, I went down on my knees while these two visions stood over me. I marveled at their figures side by side and up close, but I'd need to do more to keep them here.

My girlfriend Emma needed my focus first. Therefore, I put my face on her crotch and kissed her thigh, not going to her recovering pussy yet. All I did was kiss her thighs and upper legs, while putting my right hand on her taut backside.

As for my left, it carefully settled on Emma S's upper right leg. It carefully went up to her thigh, teasing it with my fingers as my tongue went closer to Emma W's pussy. It licked beside her lips while my left forefinger brushed the other Emma's lips, though I still took my time with both.

Upping the ante, my left hand reached over to Emma Stone's left hip, getting a hold on her ass just like I was holding my Emma's. As I squeezed them both, I gently kissed my Emma's pussy lips, in case they were still sensitive. She groaned a little, but I interpreted them as good groans.

I still kissed on and around her pussy carefully, kneading both women's hips and ass as best I could. Finally, my tongue plunged inside of Emma, teasing her for a few seconds, before I left her hanging to get to the other Emma.

I shifted my body to the left, facing Emma Stone and her crotch. My left hand went back on her pussy, tracing on it carefully as my lips kissed her right thigh. My right hand left Emma Watson's ass and traced her own pussy, though I knew she was ready enough for me to finger it.

As for Stone, I just put my tongue in for now. It burrowed into her while my left hand went up and down her leg. My right hand just went up Watson, or at least my forefinger did.

I got myself to look up at the Emmas, as they began to look overcome. Seeing them both enjoy themselves like this, even after I'd worn them out already, gave me an ego boost and a warm feeling inside. They only increased as I took a deeper lick on Emma S and curled my finger in Emma W.

Changing tactics, I moved back over to my Emma and focused on just her. Both my hands went on her legs and caressed them, while my tongue and face rubbed between them. Yet I left there to kiss down Emma's left leg, all while massaging both of them.

Emma got particularly loud when I caressed the back of her legs, like usual. But I left her hanging there as I went back to Emma 2, giving her my full attention. I worked on her legs and kissed them up and down as well, yet kept my hands there when my mouth attacked her center.

I'd had enough of just going back and forth, and I'm sure they did too. So I reached over to Emma W and fingered her anew, right as I fingered Emma S too. I fucked them both with vigor and licked Emma S up too, then turned to do it to Emma W.

However, their pussies and asses weren't the only things I could play with from here. For starters, I kept licking and fucking my Emma while pulling my finger from the other one -- only to reach up for her chest. To make sure Emma Stone wasn't slighted by all my attention on Emma Watson's breasts, I spent a good while massaging her tits and nipples this time.

When that had run its course, I went to lick and fuck Emma S, then reached up with my right hand to massage Emma W's tits. I had more to work with, so I could be more experimental. After bouncing and stroking them enough, I went back down to stroke my Emma's pussy, gathering enough juices to wipe on her breasts.

They were getting loud and passionate enough to get somewhat close. Before they got closer, I needed a different view. "Stay there," I told them again.

They were annoyed I wasn't touching them, but I had a plan to make up for it. Since they stayed perfectly still, I could go behind them, kneel down and get a front row view of their succulent backsides. Now I could see myself touching them and pushing up their sweet flesh, though I had other goals in mind.

I ducked below my Emma's ass, sticking my tongue out to tease the bottom of her pussy. In the meantime, my right hand reached around her and fingered her again, attacking her from both sides. This made Emma arch herself back, rubbing her rear on me and fueling my tongue and finger further.

Unlike in our other acts, the Emmas weren't speaking any words, dirty or not. They knew how much I loved hearing their voices like that, but maybe there were no words for this. Maybe I fucked it out of them. Or maybe they just wanted to shut up and enjoy this. I know I did.

I enjoyed it enough to grasp my Emma's behind, lick her faster and harder and peck her cheeks when I was done. I settled for just licking Emma S's pussy and holding her cheeks when it was her turn, though. Nevertheless, I savored it all thoroughly.

"Oh God....get over here right fucking now," Emma Watson ordered. I probably had to go back there to finish them anyway. Yet when I got up and went to stand in front of them, they wouldn't stand still.

The two just walked over to me, making me back up to the bed. They had their sinfully gorgeous smiles on, strutting just seductively enough to wipe out my rational thought. It did come back when I bumped into the bed and had to sit down.

Emma W stayed on her feet, putting her hand on the back of my head and guiding me back to her pussy. I dove in and went back to work -- until I felt something on my cock.

Emma S was on her knees and sucking me off, with tongue work to more than rival mine. However, my Emma kept my head on her crotch, urging me to keep my tongue going as well. I tried to peek at the other Emma, but the sensations on my cock told me what was happening anyway.

For that reason and others, I ate out my Emma with extra passion. After enough moans from both of us, she took her hand off me after all. Still, I kept my finger on her and pushed it inside, concentrating enough to fuck her even as I saw Emma 2 suck me.

Emma S tickled my balls and put her tongue right above them, sliding up as slowly as possible. When she took my head in her mouth, I groaned and pushed both my cock and finger up -- fucking Emma S's mouth and Emma W's pussy at once.

My mistress Emma bobbled her head on me, then popped off and got on her feet. She went to my left as girlfriend Emma slid over, going on her knees to suck me off next. Knowing what my part was now, I buried my face into mistress Emma's center, suckling extra hard after her hard work.

From the corner of my eye, I saw my girlfriend get on all fours while blowing me. Getting an idea -- or maybe getting her idea -- I came off Emma Stone, reached over with my right hand and held Emma Watson's backside. My forefinger was barely able to reach over and finger her, pumping her as she pumped me with her mouth.

Meanwhile, Emma Stone just went a step or two forward -- enough for me to turn my head and lick her too.

Emma Watson was sucking me while I finger fucked her and ate out Emma Stone all at once. Let that sink in. You might do better than I did.

As my Emma brought her mouth down deeper and backed her ass up, and the other Emma grinded herself on my face, I didn't know who would give out first. I was barely convinced any of us could give out a third and final time.

"Oh, that's enough. Move over," other Emma said to one of us. Once she backed away and got on her knees, I figured she meant my Emma. Soon enough, Watson moved to the right and I had to reinsert my finger into her -- just as Stone inserted my cock into her mouth.

She was on all fours too, so maybe, just maybe, I could reach over to work on her too. I was bending down already just to reach my girlfriend Emma's pussy, so I only needed to stretch out my left arm. Of course, doing this while Emma Stone was blowing me was a test of endurance.

Finally, I managed to get my right forefinger into Emma S, right as my left wiggled around in Emma W. By then, holding onto both their pussies was all I could do to keep myself from blowing. Even that was barely enough as both Emmas took turns sucking me.

Since I was bending down, I was right up close to their faces as they took my cock in. Yet when those two goddesses looked up at me, with their eyes twinkling and their tongues going up each side of my shaft, I had to lie down before I blew all over them -- and probably all over myself in the crossfire.

Of course, I had to remove myself from their pussies, so this didn't completely work out. "Okay, hold on, hold on. I'll get right back to you...." I promised as I caught my breath and mind.

"Nah. We're gonna have to do this the old fashioned way," I heard Emma S say. She went on to show me the old fashioned way by straddling me all over again.

Emma Stone sat on my cock and laid down on my stomach, slowly pumping her hips up and down. I lazily put my hands on her waist, trying to help her along. Still, it wouldn't take too long for either of us -- and then that would really be it.

It likely explained why Emma leaned down and kissed me extra slow. When she finished, I saw another twinkle in her eyes -- one she certainly didn't have last night or earlier today.

This did it for her. I did it for her. If that got her through the next few weeks, it would make me feel pretty special.

Through all my old fantasies with her, I didn't imagine something like that. But I wouldn't stop imagining and remembering this for a long, long time. Even after she didn't need to anymore.

In these last seconds when she needed it, I brought my hands back to her face and hair. She tightened around me, while I tried to help her finish without finishing myself. In spite of the frantic movements below, our lips moved together slowly -- like she caught me and my Emma doing at the end last night.

Like in the end last night, an Emma came hard on a hard, erect body part of mine. Yet somehow, I didn't come in this Emma's wet, hot, tight cavern myself.

After several moments, Emma lifted her hips off me, freeing my engorged, wet body part. She tried to sooth my throbbing with another slow kiss, and it helped as much as possible.

Knowing this was the end for us, I rubbed her face, stroked her hair and teased her lips with as many romantic tricks as I could think of. Considering my position, thinking of just a few was quite an accomplishment. Either way, Emma looked happy about it as we broke off.

I got two seconds to fully take in Emma's dazzling eyes and perfect smile once more. Then my attention was divided between that and the hot, wet pressure on my cock. The pressure coming from my Emma's mouth.

Emma Watson began suckling me below, right in front of other Emma's dripping pussy. But she was already licking other Emma's juices off my cock, so it probably wasn't a big deal. Nevertheless, Emma Stone knew it was her time to go.

Two more kisses satisfied her before she rolled off me. I wanted to watch her walk off and sway away -- yet one movement of my Emma's tongue on my underside canceled that out. And just like that, I looked down and was fully captivated by my Emma again.

Yet even watching her suck me and taste other Emma's remains wasn't enough. Not after all this.

After enjoying her mouth for a few more precious seconds, I pulled out of it and took her hand. Soon she was up in the bed with me, only to go on her back as I got myself on top. Before long, I was back inside her and ready to finish us both.

It wouldn't take much at all, meaning I didn't have to go overboard. Yet I wanted to.

My last, best idea to do that was to hold onto Emma's tits as I fucked her. Emma just chuckled and smirked, bucking her hips back and going up to peck me. After that, our heads stayed where they were as our mouths groaned and let out the occasional "Yeah...."

"Cum for me...." Emma groaned as we got closer.

"All for you...." I assured before gritting my teeth.

With a few more tit squeezes and hip gyrations, I gave it all to her. She was rather generous herself, as it turned out.

I rested my head on Emma's neck, keeping my palms on her tits as the rest of our bodies ran out of energy. After all we shared and spent, there was nothing left to give. Even if the other Emma still had energy to move around -- and kick us out of what was still her room -- we weren't moving for some time.

We could brush aside any remaining speed bumps right now. Emma could ignore her upcoming world tour of lies for a few more hours. I could ignore any disappointment that the Emmas didn't go at each other.

Right at this second, all there was was me and my Emma. My only Emma from now on. And I wasn't leaving her for any more Emmas or fantasies. Especially when mine seemed so inadequate all of a sudden.

Hell, getting away from Emma right now would be impossible for several hours. Or however long the other Emma would let us sleep naked on her bed. Either way.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Very cute and romantic.

Very strong and well written story involving Emma Stone and Emma Watson. Thanks for writing this. The ending was perfect. It really reflected the depth of their feelings.

I wouldn't have minded learning more about Emma Watson's boyfriend and more about how they got together and more of her feelings for him.

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