The Park

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Shane forces his fantasy on Scarlett.
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For a few months after they got back together, Shane had talked about wanting Scarlett to indulge him in his fantasies for sex in more risky places. Scarlett really didn't feel comfortable with any of his new ideas and told him so, apologetically. Eventually Shane stopped asking and instead joked about it frequently, trying to gauge her reaction.

Often Shane referred to Scarlett as having no foresight, of not thinking about the consequences of her actions and of doing things she may regret. She reminded him of this, especially when he talked about being turned on by having sex in public. Scarlett expressed serious reluctance and concerns, even if she were to agree she worried about them getting caught - would they be arrested? Would they have a criminal record? Would they be put on the sex offender's register? She would be kicked out of her house, her family and friends would disown her, she wouldn't be able to get a job. All round, she reiterated to Shane that she didn't want to do it and she thought it was a bad idea.

Shane had already attempted to coerce Scarlett into engaging in sex acts in public, the first time was on the train and then another time in the cinema. Both times, Scarlett had refused although the second time Shane had persisted in touching Scarlett and himself. Scarlett was taken aback at the lengths Shane had gone to but ultimately reiterated the reasons for her refusal.

It was a late Summer evening, the sun had set and the heat and humidity in Shane's room was almost unbearable. It was made worse by the fact that Scarlett and Shane spent the past hour making out on his bed. The windows were open and the door was ajar, which Scarlett thought was the reason Shane hadn't wanted to have sex. Though it wasn't like him, he had no shame when it came to fucking. He stopped kissing her "Do you want to go out for a walk? Get some fresh air?" Shane whispered, looking in her eyes.

"Now??" asked Scarlett, surprised. "I'm actually dripping wet and you're pitching a tent there!" she said, nodding down to Shane's cock, rock hard in his jeans.

"It's way too humid in here, I think we need a bit of air, babe." Shane replied and moved to get up.

Scarlett was puzzled and really frustrated but agreed because she was so hot, her dress was clinging to her and her legs were sticky with perspiration. They put on their shoes and left the house. Shane held Scarlett's hand and entwined their fingers, leading the walk round the block and into the park nearby but he didn't really say anything to her. There was only a slight breeze but Scarlett was glad to feel it against her skin, through her hair and around her legs and feet. As they walked through the park Scarlett heard the sound of the breeze through the leaves on the trees and told Shane how she loved it. He stopped and kissed her passionately, running his hands through her hair before reaching down and lifting her dress up and rubbing his cock against her pussy through their clothes. "Shane! Don't do that!" Scarlett protested, pushing her dress down and standing back from him. "What are you doing?" she asked, looking round.

"Just enjoying you in that dress, Scarl." Shane said, reaching for her hand. "Let's sit down for a bit." he said, leading her to a bench. They sat down on the bench and Scarlett sat back, leaned her head back and looked at the sky. The breeze was a relief and she breathed in deeply, sighing. They sat for a while and encountered a couple of people walking their dogs. It got dark and Scarlett could hardly see anything.

"Oh my god, it's so dark. It's kind of creepy. I'm glad I'm not here on my own, I can hardly see a thing!" she remarked.

"C'mere, give me your hand." Shane said. Scarlett reached out and Shane grabbed her hand. Then she felt him wrap her hand around his cock and start stroking.

Scarlett was horrified. "SHANE!" she yelled and tried to pull away from him but he held his arm around her waist, pulling her into his body.

"SHHHH!" he hissed. "Stop shouting, you'll draw attention!" he whispered.

"You've got your cock out?! There could be kids around, you moron!" she hissed at him.

"It's nearly midnight, there are no kids about. Calm down for fuck sake!" he said sharply.

"Put it away NOW!" Scarlett said firmly, letting go and managing to move away from him on the bench.

"Alright, calm down." Shane said, tucking his cock back into his jeans. "It's dark, no one can see us, there's no one even here!"

Scarlett sighed and tried to look at his face but all she could see was a slight reflection of the street lights on the main road against the top of the lenses of his glasses.

"C'mon babe, just kiss me then." Shane said, reaching for Scarlett and wrapping his arm around her to pull her to him. He stroked her hair and her face, lifting it up and kissing her softly on the lips. Scarlett submitted and he kissed her passionately before pulling her into his lap. Scarlett felt his cock hard against her thigh as they kissed. "Pull your dress up a bit and slide your pants over so I can fuck you, Scarl" Shane whispered.

Scarlett recoiled. "No Shane!" she said as she pushed against his chest and stood up. He stood up quickly, sweeping her up in his arms and pulling her onto the grass, under a tree sheltered from the path. "What are you doing?" Scarlett gasped, struggling in his grasp. He stood with his back against the tree trunk, pulled her back against his chest, quickly bent her forward, roughly pulled her pants down and pushed his cock inside her with a deep groan. "Aaow Shane. Stop it!" Scarlett cried out, as he thrust into her. She prized his hand off her, pulled away from him and turned round to face him. She stood away from him, trying to see his face. She pulled her pants up and adjusted her dress. She heard him panting and realised he was wanking as he watched her. She felt sick and the anger rose in her chest. She looked around to see if she could see anyone in the park but there was just darkness and the sound of traffic on the main road outside. She tried to make out where the grass she was standing on ended and the path began when she heard Shane groaning.

"Aw fuck I'm gonna cum, c'mere babe and swallow it." he groaned.

"You're unbelievable!" Scarlett scolded and trembled, shocked at how low he had stooped. She heard him gasp and she turned on her heel and stumbled onto the path and back the way they had walked through the park, getting stones stuck in her sandals as she rushed as fast as she could back to Shane's house. She heard Shane panting as he finished and he called after her but she followed the path and kept walking towards the street lights, still trembling.

Shane caught up with her at the end of the street and pulled her by the elbow "Scarlett! Wait up!" he said, out of breath. "Let me hold your hand." She pulled away from him and folded her arms across her chest, walking quickly up to the front door. She had to wait for Shane to open the door, her throat burned and her eyes welled up with tears. He stroked his hand across her back as he searched his pockets for his key. Scarlett pulled away again and turned her back to lean against the hedge. "What's wrong babe?" Shane asked as he put his key in the lock.

"What's wrong?!" Scarlett hissed, pushing past him into the house and running up to the bathroom. She washed her hands and face, pulled off her clothes, shook the stones out of her sandals and got into the shower, quickly washing herself as she fought back tears. She dried off and ran up to Shane's room wrapped in her towel. She threw her clothes and towel on the floor and pulled on her pyjamas, not looking at Shane. He was sitting in the chair by the window staring at her and raised his eyebrows as if asking her a question. "I told you I didn't want to do anything like that. I TOLD YOU. Multiple times, Shane. Yet again, you've gone ahead and done something when I told you I didn't want it. I asked you to stop." Scarlett said quietly, her voice wobbling as she swallowed back tears, still not looking at him.

"There was no one around, babe. It was fine. You were just being paranoid!" Shane said, exasperated.

"That's not what I meant. I didn't want to do that because it makes me really uncomfortable. In fact it makes me feel sick. The implications of getting caught far outweigh any bullshit reasons you might come up with as to why it's exciting. It might turn you on but it's not OK with me." Scarlett said, her voice shaking as she finally looked at him.

"Oh come on Scarlett, you're such a goody two shoes! If anything, there's only weirdos and perverts in the park at that time of night." Shane laughed.

"Case in point..." Scarlett said sourly, gesturing her hand at him.

Shane tutted and shifted in the chair. "It's not my fault you're so fucking prudish. Just trying to broaden your horizons, darlin'." Shane said, snidely.

"Don't patronise me!" Scarlett glared at him. "You know you shouldn't have done that and you're trying to cover up your embarrassment." Scarlett said sharply, still trembling.

"I don't understand what you're making a big deal about!" Shane said, frustrated, throwing his arms out towards her.

Scarlett balked at him. "YOU PRETTY MUCH SEXUALLY ASSAULTED ME, YOU EXPOSED YOURSELF AND WANKED IN THE PARK!" Scarlett shouted angrily, tears escaping down her face. She held her arms across her body, trying to stop herself trembling.

"KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!" Shane said sternly, standing up and walking towards her. "That's not what happened!" he said through gritted teeth, leaning down to her face and staring at her.

Scarlett backed against the radiator. "Oh now you want me to be quiet? I mean, that is what happened, Shane. You mislead me. You took me to the park because you wanted to fuck me there and you knew I didn't want to do that but you tried anyway." Scarlett said, her eyes bloodshot and wide with fury. She shook with anger and fear and another tear trickled down her face.

Shane clenched his fists and growled in frustration before lifting a pillow from the bed and turning round, throwing it at the wall. "I have asked you about that. A lot. I thought if I showed you it was OK, then you'd realise it would be fun. Like a secret we could share and it'd be hot." he said, firmly, matter-of-factly as he stared at his hands and turned back round to face her.

Scarlett stood up straight and waved her arms in a shrug position. "I don't understand why you can't respect when I say I don't want to do something, it's not OK to force it on me. There are other things we do that I'm not 100% in to but I know you like it so I'm happy to do it but that doesn't seem to be enough for you anymore. And you can't do the same for me even when I ask you." She sniffed, sobbed and wiped the tears from her face with her forearm.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Shane growled, doubtingly.

"Sometimes I just want to be held and kissed, and touch you without it having to end in sex. It's times like that when I don't cum and then you get pissed off." Scarlett said quietly, looking down. Shane sighed loudly and rolled his eyes. "And you won't touch me if I've got my period. Apart from the times when you wanted to get off and you got me drunk so you could fuck me in the ass! I'm not contagious or anything, it's only a bit of blood!" Scarlett said, exasperated. "You won't even discuss it, you just look at me like I'm infectious!"

"Oh here we go, poor Scarlett, such a martyr!" Shane mocked. "And you've never said you didn't want it in the ass!" he growled.

"I did the first time. But since then no, I haven't because you won't take no for an answer. It's that or listen to you complaining all night about how unfair it is on you. It's the lesser of 2 evils, three strokes and you're done. So even though I'm tired and sore and just want a bit of comfort if I've got my period, it's all about you, isn't it!" Scarlett seethed, staring at him.

Shane raged "You bitch!"

"No, Shane. I'm not a bitch. I'm being honest. I can't go on just accepting and ignoring it all." Scarlett said. "You can be really kind and caring and loving, I love being with you. I think our sex life is pretty good...or it was." Scarlett tentatively stepped towards him. She sobbed.

"But sometimes, it's like you are possessed, you become some sort of animal and you're rough and careless. If I tell you to stop or say no to something, it doesn't seem to matter, you carry on with this wild look in your eyes." Scarlett said, quietly as she stepped back and perched awkwardly on the radiator, looking at him. "You know your temper and strength frightens me at times." she looked down at her feet. "We could've stayed in tonight and had sex here, like we've done a million times. We were both gagging for it. What's wrong with doing that?" she asked, her voice wobbling as she felt herself getting angry again. "Now it's just getting more sinister, you fuck me like you hate me or something..." she trailed off.

Shane said nothing but grumbled with frustration. He stood up and threw the duvet back and then took off his clothes, throwing them into the corner with great force and knocking over a glass. He got into bed and lay rigidly still, the rage coursing through him. "Get in to bed." he demanded. Scarlett looked up but hesitated, staying planted against the radiator and took a deep breath. "I'm not going to touch you Scarlett, just get into bed!" Shane said firmly. Scarlett turned off the light, got into bed and lay down awkwardly. She hadn't realised but she was still trembling and she started to feel her breath catch in her throat. She tried to slow her breath down but the anxiety overwhelmed her. She got up and quickly went downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She couldn't stop shaking and beads of sweat ran down the back of her neck. The humidity was bad enough without her body rebelling against her too. She ran the cold tap and filled up a pint glass, gulping and choking on the water. She opened the back door and leaned out into the garden, gasping for fresh air. She needed to leave, immediately. She had to go home, to her own house and her own bed and her cat. She left her glass half empty in the sink, closed the back door and ran back upstairs. She gathered her belongings, putting her dress on over her pyjamas. Shane sat up with the commotion "Scarlett, what are you doing?" he asked, agitated.

"I have to go." she said, still gasping for breath and fighting back tears.

"Are you alright? Do you need me to come with you?" asked Shane, getting out of bed and pulling his jeans on him.

"No, I just have to go. I need to go home now." Scarlett said, pulling on her sandals and lifting her bag as Shane approached her and grasped her shoulders just when she was about to go out the bedroom door.

"Scarlett?" Shane said, concerned. He held her tightly in his arms. "It's Ok. Calm down, babe. Breathe, just breathe."

"Let go, let me go!" Scarlett cried, struggling in his grasp. "Let me leave Shane, I want to go home. PLEASE I need to go home." she begged, crying and gasping shallow breaths. "LET GO OF ME, LET GO!" she shrieked. Shane released his grasp and Scarlett ran down the three fights of stairs to the front door. Shane ran after her and caught her hand as she got onto the garden path, standing on the stones in his bare feet.

"Scarlett, wait. Don't go home like this. Please, babe." Shane pleaded. Scarlett stood on the path sobbing and shaking her head, quickly she pulled away from Shane's hand, rushed to get into her car and locked the door. Shane stepped out onto the pavement and looked at her through the car window. "Come back inside and we can talk. You can't drive home like this, Scarlett!" Shane pleaded, trying the car door. "Scarlett, open the door!" he shrugged his arms.

Scarlet wound the window down a bit. "I can't Shane, I can't talk. I need to go home." she cried, clutching her chest and trying to steady her breathing. She started the engine and revved the car.

"Don't go like this, babe." Shane looked upset. "Phone me when you get home then. Please Scarl. Be careful."

Scarlett pulled away from the kerb, the wheels spinning on the tarmac, and sped off down the road. She didn't phone him when she got home, she tried to put it out of her mind, to make excuses for what had happened, to rationalise it.

They never spoke about it again. She tried to move on with their relationship but it was getting more and more difficult. Things had really changed now and there was no going back to how it had been before the night in the park. Scarlett had still been determined to make it work, to make the last 2 years not have been a waste of time but the longer they continued, the more time they were wasting. Scarlett knew she was being stubborn by letting it go on and on but she couldn't convince herself otherwise until now.

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merrySMmerrySMover 2 years ago

2nd story with asshole bf Shane. Not erotic, not sexy.

Paiger123Paiger123almost 3 years ago

I think he needs to be arrested. While her rationalizing his repeated assaults is normal behavior for a woman who stays in an abusive relationship, it would be nice to see a**holes get their due, even if it’s only fiction….

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